The Truth About Merits:How to Gain or Lose Them - P5/13 July 7 , 2010 Los Angeles, CA, USA    
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YOUR LANGUAGE: SHOW: Between Master and DisciplesTITLE: The Truth About Merits: How to Gain or Lose Them (12 episodes???)WEEKS: 202-207 – EPISODES: 1411-1412, 1418-1419, 1425-1426, 1432-1433, 1439-1440, 1446-1447AIRDATES: Monday-Tuesday ~ July 26-27, August 2-3, 9-10, 16-17, 23-24, 30-31, 2010 You are watching Between Master and Disciples“The Truth About Merits: How to Gain or Lose Them”Conference with Supreme Master Ching Hai and Supreme Master Television StaffLos Angeles, CA, USA – July 7, 2010 Q(m): Hi, Master! (SM: Hi!) Q(m): How can merit be used or spent? Is it like money to get things to enjoy? What are ways we are spending or losing our merits? Thank you, Master.

SM: You want to spend your merit? Wow, I’ll tell you how.

Any time you want to lose your merits, you go outside, have fun, or even go to a meat restaurant to eat something, or go anywhere or watch any nonsense movies or TV, then you’ll spend your merit very quickly. (Q(all): Wow!) You want that? Q(m): No! No, Master.

SM: Okay. But in many cases, even a little bit of fun now and then is all right, as long as you use SM: the protective measure that I have taught you (Q(all): Yes, Master.) at the time of initiation, the five ways to protect yourself all the time, 24 hours, yes? Q(all): Yes, Master.

SM: Even with that, sometimes the harm seeps in if we don't concentrate well enough and if we forget, then it's leaking in. That’s all. To earn merit is very difficult,. Like money, it's hard-earned, but to waste it is very, very easy.

If we do nonsensical things, if we do things that are harmful to others or not beneficial to us, and even to go out in the restaurant or go see a movies, you lose some – from 20 to a few thousand – spiritual points. Yes, it depends, yeah, okay? Wherever you go, just remember the protection. Q(all): Yes, Master. SM: All right.

Q(m): I have another question, Master. If doing noble good work is like an investment in merits, what are the best ways to multiply our investment the quickest? Thank you, Master.

SM: Multiply your merit? Q(m): Yes, Master. SM: Is that what you want? Multiply the merit by meditation is the best. Q(all): Yes, Master. SM: And earn also extra merit by doing good deeds, yeah, helping others as well in spare time. Anybody who supports even by feeling happy that somebody opened a restaurant, supporting mentally, spiritually, emotionally for some good job, also earns merit, okay? Q(m): Thank you, Master. SM: Welcome. [applause]

Q(f): Hi, Master. (SM: Hi.) Q(f): Master, how much merit do we need to earn in order not to transmigrate back into the cycle of life and birth? SM: We have to earn enough so that you jump over the Three Worlds – you know, the Astral, the Causal, and the Brahma world – because within these three worlds, we will be transmigrating again, again, and again.

If we are up to the Fourth, we are safer already. To the Fifth would be the best. How much merit? I have to begin with a big, big calculator.! Just do your meditation, okay? As much as you can, (Q(all): Yes, Master.) then the Master takes care of the rest, the Master power takes care of the rest. Q(all): Thank you, Master. SM: You’re welcome.

In order not to transmigrate, we have to go to the Fourth Level, okay, that's about 5 billion points of spiritual practice, okay? SM: Now, about 10 zillion points to the Fifth Level, 10 zillion. I don't know how to count that. All right? If you want to boil that down to mathematics, that's like that.

Q(f): Ten zillion points, that's a lot. (SM: It’s a lot.) Can you earn so much in one life? SM: Wow, Difficult. Maybe with the help of Master power and with the help of your past lives’ spiritual practice, maybe. Q(f): I see. SM: But if you go to the Fourth Level, you can continue from there, the Master power will help you to continue to the Fifth, yes? Q(f): Okay, Master. Q(m): Yes, Master.

SM: So, all you have to do is earn 5 billion points, to the border of the Fourth Level – that's up to the border of the Fourth Level. But don't worry, the merits can be multiplied; depends on your concentration and sincerity. Q(all): Yes, Master. SM: Otherwise one hour of meditation is only about 200,000 100,000 points, medium concentration. Q(f): And with the maximum concentration? SM: Well, maybe four or five hundred thousand. A disciple who goes into samadhi will gain 500,000 points, 500,000 points if a disciple of the Light and Sound goes into samadhi, deep in samadhi. For Master, it would be 5,000,000 points in samadhi. That’s how the Master gains spiritual merit quick in order to give to disciples. It’s like that, because athe Master meditates and gains some merit, spiritual merit points, as well, okay? And if we meditate but we don’t concentrate at all, then we have even that 40 points, even no concentration. If you sit in meditation, you try hard but you can’t concentrate, you still have 40 points. A medium concentration, then you have,… you know as I told you already before. And if you are in samadhi, you gain 500,000 points. And the higher the level of the practitioner, the more they gain. Yes, okay?

[NTE: Please add applause here.] Q(f): I have a question, like, if we go to a country and we spread your teaching and establish a center there, and the center starts to expand, expand, so lots of people learn to know you and to start practicing Quan Yin Method. So, does that mean the first person who initiated the center earns lots of merit, like multiplymultiplied (SM: Yes, sure, sure. Sure, sure.) because he started the new center and the country starts to know you and (SM: Yeah.) to know the Quan Yin Method. SM: Of course they do. Yes, the first person and the second and the third, they all earn merits, a lot. Q(f): Okay. Thank you, Master. SM: You’re welcome.

Q(m): Hi, Master. (SM: Hi.) I have three questions. In a way, we are very lucky to be born at this time, especially with you here. And although the planet is in danger and people are in need of being awakened, you have saved us and we are able to accumulate more merits working with you in the mission. How about in times when a planet is in peace, planetary peace,? Is spiritual progress much slower and the accumulation of merits much slower? Because maybe they do not have a Supreme Master TV or Loving Huts to work?

SM: I would prefer that we don’t have to do Loving Hut and Supreme Master TV, so you all can meditate and enjoy.

Peaceful planet, peaceful time means that people have a lot of merit already in order to have such a peaceful time and peaceful country, okay? (Q(m): Yes, Master.) In that case, we don’t even need Supreme Master Television and don’t need Loving Hut. Probably they already have hundreds of thousands of Loving Huts, or don’t have Loving Hut, because everybody is vegan already or breatharian already. (Q(m): Yes, Master.)

The reason why we have the Supreme Master Television to begin with: is because it’s a planetary crisis and I can’t just stand there and watch, okay? So we have to put all our energy, finance and manpower into this, as well as Loving Hut. But make no mistake – meditation is the best merit you can earn. And this Supreme Master Television, Loving Hut, etc., are just jobs, yeah, and the best jobs you can have, that’s all there is, Okay, the best jobs that have the most merit for you. But other jobs can earn also, sometimes, equally as good merit, okay? Q(m): Yes, Master.

SM: No mistake: this is just a job. And we do it because we want to help others, we want to help to save the world and save the planet, not physically, but to awaken their compassion, their loving nature so that they can help themselves and save themselves. These are good jobs that we’re doing, but it’s not purposely to earn merit at all. (Q(m): Yes, Master.)

If you truly want to earn merit, the best way is meditation. But of course, not all of us can sit all day, 24 hours, and meditate. And we have to do something to contribute to this world, then we pick the best job we can, you see? Like working for the Supreme Master Television, opening a Loving Hut restaurant, or working for a Loving Hut restaurant, etc., etc., okay? (Q(m): Yes, Master.) Yes.

So the best is meditation with sincerity on the Light and Sound, and concentrate well., this will earn the highest merit always, especially with direct heavenly Light and Sound, like the way we do, the Quan Yin Method. Q(m): Okay, Master.

My next question is: Many people seem to be naturally led to do a certain kind of job in their lives. What kind of people would mostly do what kind of job? Do good people do good jobs and bad people do bad jobs?

SM: Oh, okay, okay. Not necessarily, love. Not necessarily. Sometimes good people have been, somehow, by some karmic connection with some bad situation or bad people, they’d also been tempted or been misled or entangled into doing kind of bad jobs. But in their heart, they always feel wrong, and then sooner or later, they will wake up and they will quit that job if they can. Yes.

And sometimes bad people do good jobs also, [SM laugh] because they have earned some kind of merit connection in their past lives that lead them into this good job in this lifetime in order to redeem themselves. (Q(m): Understand, Master.) Yes, Master.) Yes, many people are bad people and happen to land in a good job. I’m telling you the truth. There are even some in our group as well, okay? (Q(m): Understand, Master. Yes, Master.) All right.

Q(m): One final question, Master, from me: Do we earn more or less merits according to the number of people who benefit from our work? SM: Yes, yes. Yes, of course, that also. That helps. Yeah? Hm. Q(m): Thank you, Master. SM: You’re welcome, love.

When Supreme Master TV airs a program about the country, how does that help the country? SM: But the thing is that If some countries are so much down and so much in trouble and suffering, then of course I would like to remind the world that the people who live in that country are also human beings: they have culture, they have diversity, they have a spiritual mind and they have a good heart, they have music, they have poetry, they have romance, they have love just like everywhere else.

Join us on Supreme Master Television on Monday, August 16, for part 7 of the teleconference with Supreme Master Ching Hai titled “The Truth about Merits: How to Gain or Lose Them” on Between Master and Disciples. TODAY (Mon & Tues EP 1432 & 1433) Tune in to Supreme Master Television Today for the teleconference with Supreme Master Ching Hai titled “The Truth about Merits: How to Gain or Lose Them” on Between Master and Disciples.

How many vegan restaurants should be opened to save the whole planet? SM: Every street should have one. Well, it’s not fast enough, it’s not fast enough. And it’s not enough. No matter how many – still not enough. But at least we are inspiring some more. And we make the atmosphere of the planet more benevolent with a good energy, and we hope it will spread more to save the planet.

Join us on Supreme Master Television on Monday, August 23, for part 9 of the teleconference with Supreme Master Ching Hai titled “The Truth about Merits: How to Gain or Lose Them” on Between Master and Disciples. TODAY (Mon & Tues EP 1439 & 1440) Tune in to Supreme Master Television Today for the teleconference with Supreme Master Ching Hai titled “The Truth about Merits: How to Gain or Lose Them” on Between Master and Disciples.

WEEK 207 1446 & 1447 (MON & TUES) During the teleconference with Supreme Master Television staff, Supreme Master Ching Hai revealed the many different ways to earn or lose spiritual merits.

SM: Now, rescue animals or birds, you gain about 200,000 to 900,000 points per year. Now, if you rescue animals and providing medical costs and all that, but not raising, just rescue, you earn 50,000 to 800,000 points.

Join us on Supreme Master Television on Monday, August 30, for part 11 of the teleconference with Supreme Master Ching Hai titled “The Truth about Merits: How to Gain or Lose Them” on Between Master and Disciples.

TODAY (Mon & Tues EP 1446 & 1447) Tune in to Supreme Master Television Today for the teleconference with Supreme Master Ching Hai titled “The Truth about Merits: How to Gain or Lose Them” on Between Master and Disciples.
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