Victor Truviano: A Breatharian from Argentina - P2/3 (In Spanish)    
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This program discusses the possibility of breatharianism, or living without eating food, and is not a full instruction. For your safety, please do not attempt to cease eating without proper expert guidance. For your safety, please do not attempt to cease eating without proper expert guidance.

Today’s Between Master and Disciples – “Victor Truviano: A Breatharian from Argentina” – will be presented in Spanish with subtitles in Arabic, Aulacese (Vietnamese), Bulgarian, Chinese, Czech-Slovak, English, French, German, Hindi, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Malay, Mongolian, Persian, Polish, Portuguese, Punjabi, Russian, Spanish and Thai.

In scriptures, the human body is often referred to as the temple of God. Yet, it is quite an uncommon privilege for any soul to attain this sacred abode that houses the Divine, as it is truly a blessing to be reborn as a human being. On several occasions, Supreme Master Ching Hai has spoken about the rarity of this phenomenon:

To be reincarnated in the human world is hard. You have to have enough Human Quality. You have to have affinity with the parents and with the society, with the people around which you are born. Very difficult.

To be a human, you need some merit. You have done something good in the past in order to be able to pick a human birth.

As a living temple of God, the human body is fully equipped with miraculous wonders that can be awakened in those who are spiritually conscious and have complete faith in the Creator of all life.

Inedia, Latin for “fasting,” is the human ability to live without food. Since time immemorial, there have always been individuals who can sustain themselves on prana, or the vital life force. Through the grace of the Providence, inediates, people who follow a food-free lifestyle, can draw the energy from nature to nourish themselves:

They live on the chi from the ground, or from the forest, and from the sun and from the air. They make use of all that. Or they live on love, on faith alone.

These individuals are known as breatharians (pranarians or inediates), solarians, or waterians, and they come from all walks of life, from different cultures, and all corners of the world. Indeed, the possibilities and miracles in this life as our benevolent Creator has designed for us are endless; we only need to connect within to recognize our abounding largess as God’s children.

Supreme Master Ching Hai has lovingly recommended a weekly series on Supreme Master Television to introduce those individuals of the past and present who have chosen to live food-free on Earth. May their spiritual stories enthrall you; may hearts be opened, and horizons be expanded. We now invite you to join us for part 2 of our program, “Victor Truviano: A Breatharian from Argentina,” on Between Master and Disciples.

Victor Truviano has been food-free for three years and is a picture of perfect health. When he was five years old, Victor had the first transcendental experience that became an important part of his life. These inner communications became almost a daily occurrence, and subsequent events led to a dramatic change in his life. People from all over the world started to visit him, asking for the inner messages that he had received for them. Victor’s almost daily transcendental experiences have opened up a field of vision that transcends time and space.

From that moment, I have a different objectivity towards all situations, which is the same in every situation. Every situation has the same psychological importance and I really can see it, when something affects you, if it is good or bad, it is affecting you; it is the same. It is like I am in this state in which nothing affects me and I am in the state of no emotion. And when I am led back into my body or when we come back to the body, what I call the “feedback” of the cells is activated. And well, at this moment, I can really feel the "timelessness."

When a couple of friends from Brazil contacted him about a 21-day process to become a pranarian, Victor decided to listen to his intuitive self and try it out. And when I finished the process, or when the 21 days were technically over, I had no wish to eat anymore. I didn’t have any desire to eat anymore, so I don’t eat.

After the 21 days, the transition to become a breatharian was a gradual process for Victor. When I arrived here in Buenos Aires I was very skinny, very thin, my family was very concerned also, including my friends, or people at the Conservatory of Music, "What´s the matter? Are you ill?" And there I started to leave everything little by little. I left the Conservatory of Music for a year and went to Capilla del Monte with some friends and that is when the first different transmission happened, that these people came from different places asking for me.

But before that occurred, well, all that first year in Capilla, I was drinking liquids because after the 21 days, I simply didn´t have any desire to eat. So I didn´t eat because of that, but I was very willing to drink liquids. Thus, I had a lot of fruit juice, very concentrated – I mean, with a little water but always liquid – and I always carried my 5-liter bottle on my back, which was the only thing I could carry. And at that time I had already lost two kilograms.

When I was here I had two kilograms less and I was very thin, and while I was in Capilla I lost another kilogram when I was just taking liquids. Then after a while I began to feel all these liquids were very heavy, especially the natural juice ones, so I started to take clear soups and teas, herbal teas, and a lot of water too. After a while even the teas, the clear soups, began to seem very heavy to me, so the last two months I started to drink only water.

Please stay tuned to Supreme Master Television. Between Master and Disciples will return in just a moment.

Welcome back to Between Master and Disciples. Let’s continue with our feature on “Victor Truviano: A Breatharian from Argentina.”

After he had gone through the 21-day process to become food-free, Victor transitioned to a liquidarian stage where he drank only juices, teas, clear soups, and other liquids for almost a year. Even that gradually felt too heavy for his body so Victor naturally became a waterian, drinking only water. However, the waterian stage didn’t last for long.

When drinking only water I always remember that I felt that water is the most powerful thing which exists, and the heaviest, right? And it’s not the same when you mix it with a broth or a tea; when there is only water it is very dense, very powerful. When I was drinking water I felt as if a whole mountain was on my body, really.

That is when I felt the need to stop drinking any liquids, and it´s been three years now, on January 15, it has been three years since I stopped drinking liquids and four years since I gave up eating. That was how it happened to me, but I didn´t seek it, right? It all happened gradually, little by little.

Relying on the cosmic energy, or prana, to sustain his body instead of food is a joy for Victor. Since becoming a breatharian, Victory suddenly discovered he has so much time on his hands.

This is a very interesting topic for many viewers of the channel, your explanations and descriptions could be very important for them, could you describe what’s it like not to ingest any food?

Well, first, it is something very comfortable. it is a different kind of freedom. I don´t know, many times I can sit by the river on a rock for days, you don´t need anything, because I also feel that inside me the pattern of taking food wasn´t cut, it was the pattern of needing, right? It’s simple, up to that point. You don´t have to go to the restroom either – it’s a lot of things.

Moreover, you have so much time, because if you eat, you have to go to the supermarket to get your food, afterwards you have to cook it. First, you have to think about what you want to eat, then go buy it, then cook it, then eat it, then wash the dishes, afterwards go to the bathroom, and that’s the whole process, right? So that time which amounts to hours in a day – let’s not talk about weeks – in a day, I have them like you see me now sitting, and as a matter of fact, when I am sharing a process anywhere, I always feel this way – I´m very, very calm. So, it is a different kind of freedom.

How is it possible that a human being can live without the need for physical food? Victor shares his perspectives from his personal experiences. How do you think it is possible that, if you can explain, the human body could live without that need, or do you attribute it to something else or someone? To something? To the Thing, to God, to the universe, to the Whole.

When cellular feedback was activated… cellular feedback is when the cells regenerate by themselves, so they never ever rely on external things, right? And the same happens to my body because I am the state of my cells, so my body doesn´t rely on external things as well.

Many people say that my intestines will get stuck together, and when I decide to eat again it won’t be possible to, and so on – it is like fear of external things, right? They also say that the organs aren´t working and that´s not true, because if they are not working I couldn´t speak, I couldn´t move directly. So the organs are working but in a different way, and I think they do so in a more agile manner since they are not being hindered by the emotions associated with food.

I feel that there exists also this possibility of not hindering this energy, right? I am that energy, therefore everything can work in a different way. If one day I have to eat or take liquids, it will be perfect also – everything is ready for that. I always say that human beings have the possibility to eat also, right? Like, it is an option to eat among millions of other options, and, well, it’s just that the option we’re talking about today is one which is happening to me, the fact of not eating, but I also know that it is an option, right?

What are Victor’s perspectives of “the Thing,” “the Whole,” or “God” which he attributed his ability to live as a pranarian?

About God and the universe, the Whole, the Thing, the Divine Light, or Divinity – it doesn’t have unity, because if we are speaking about unity, we are speaking about a lot of numbers and that doesn´t exist in the universe either. Moreover, I feel that the appearance of the Whole, the universe, goes through each one of us – we are experiencing it every moment, between each inhalation and exhalation that we take. My vision about this is what is happening now, right? Because I am looking at your eyes now and it is everything that exists at this moment, and I can see God or the universe or the Whole through your eyes and I can be reflected in them. So that is what I feel about that. I think it´s the same – I´m focused and centered in myself all the time and I have many more possibilities of seeing humanity within me than observing outside.

What were some of the side effects that Victor encountered when he first transitioned to becoming food-free? How has his life changed for the better living as a breatharian? Join us again next Sunday for the conclusion of “Victor Truviano: A Breatharian from Argentina.”

Thank you, cherished viewers, for your company for today’s episode of Between Master and Disciples. Good People, Good Works is coming up next after Noteworthy News. Please stay tuned to Supreme Master Television. God bless, and farewell for now.

To contact Victor Truviano, please email:

Victor Truviano has been food-free for three years, and the benefits he received from living on prana is immense. I am no longer getting old: I lost my teeth and they grew a third time; previously, I used glasses and the optician told me I don´t need them anymore; I was becoming bald and my hair started to grow…

Tune in to Supreme Master Television on Sunday, August 15, for our program, “Victor Truviano: A Breatharian from Argentina,” on Between Master and Disciples.

Tune in to Supreme Master Television today for our program, “Victor Truviano: A Breatharian from Argentina,” on Between Master and Disciples.
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