Supreme Master Ching Hai's Book Premiere: Love of Centuries,Mongolian Edition - P2/5 April 22, 2011 Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia    
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*Now ,I would like to invite our distinguished guest,Mr. O. Sundui,Director of the Mongolian National Center of Children Literature,to the stage.
*It's clear to us,our motherland Mongolia,we Mongolians are gathering here for Mother Earth,our mother,our home,as we are one part of humanity. I'm happy to be participating in this event as an artist,especially as a writer for children.
First of all,I have read the presentation yesterday and I have thought about what the solution can be to save the planet. So I would like to share with you my viewpoints. Many magazines and media write that global warming is caused by greenhouse emissions.
Actually,greenhouse emissions are the result of humans' unsustainable activities. Generally,humans don't carry out activities without any purpose or directions. It's their heart or mind that directs that activity. So,according to our understanding,efforts to save the planet and the desire for the world to continue for a long time,this is related to our heart.
Since ancient times,Mongolians have explained things according to yin and yang,whereby yin is heart,yang is mind. Nature conservation activities were managed by worship and through restraint. An example of the culture of restraint is that we were not allowed to drop red and white food into the water.
To protect the mountain areas,we named them as 『pure land,』and trees have spirits,so it was forbidden to touch those lands. Mongolians have always trained their children in this way and have guided them to protect nature. So,we,children's artists,are closely working with state organizations and NGOs in organizing different contests for children's art and in creating children's art.
This art creation is also related with nature conservation and I think Mongolian artists and children writers are also giving their contribution to love the planet and save the planet at this time. Eastern philosophy describes yin and yang. According to our opinion in the last 20years,Mongolians,as well as all humans perhaps,chased after wealth too much. When we hear that something has some profit,we run there,for example,to mining,gold,etc.
Today,now when we look back,we start realizing this and that we have reached the red line,and we think, 『Are we going to correct our direction or not?』Somehow we started to think about this. Therefore,we have had some good results,and the proof is today's event and Mongolian vegan people organizing these kinds of activities. It has started and I think it will extend even more. And since ancient times Mongolians have talked about 『white food』(bloodless food); the meaning of 『white』being pure-hearted - pure,white action is hidden in this meaning.
So,the modern meaning of white food,or vegetarian,is eating properly. And if you do some study and look at some ancient scriptures you will find that Mongolians were using different plant seeds to eat. About this topic,the honorable Mr. Tudev wrote a wonderful essay called 『Seed Eater.』So I think Mongolians were also vegan before and I believe we will be in the future.
So,at this moment we share from our hearts,if we eat properly,our hearts will be correct. That's right,pure hearts will save this world. So,I would like to say,『Let's unite with humankind with our diet and hearts.』Good luck to you all.
*Wonderful. You are right. Mongolians have a great tradition and culture in eating methods. We can't go without being proud of our national history and culture. Mongolians were glorious in many ways throughout history. Children's writers are very close with children,and move their inner compassion and expression and describe how children see the world.
I'm happy to know that those people who touch our future generation have the heart to save the world,and I'm confident that we can definitely save our planet. Thank you very much,Mr. Sundui. I wish you much good luck in your work!
Now,I would like to invite Mr.Bum-Ochir,Faculty Director of Anthropology,Social,Culture of the National University of Mongolia,to share with us his viewpoints on the presentation of 『Global Warming and Its Impact on the World and Mongolia,and the Solution.』
*Good evening to you all. Today is a wonderful day. I'm happy that I'm with many saints and spiritual people. One of my majors is anthropology. I would like to share some ideas about this presentation based on my profession. If you see global warming from another angle,we are eating and drinking up our world. Although humans are good,perfect beings,we have lost today our certain identity in some way.
Why we are losing it?It is because humanity have become greedy,grasping to take and eat all that is nearby. This is not just spoken today on this stage,it has been always been expressed in every generation's philosophy,philosophy of religion or philosophy of science,etc. Different fields have talked about it. It has also been talked about in anthropology. In other words,today we are consciously aware of this situation and have accepted it; and now it's time to fight it.
Are we living only for eating?Or eating for living?As mentioned before,the meal on your plate is related to our future generation,and it's becoming the basic root and main key to everything. Personally,I don't want to eat my child's future. I think you also don't want to eat your children's future. In another way,our conference is trying to say to you that our world might be finished through being eaten or drunk up in just 100years.
Today,personally,in some ways I'm afraid to have a baby. What will happen after I have a baby?What can I give it to survive?Maybe if not my child,then what will my grandchild eat to survive?What about water,if he wants to wash his face?How to make tea to drink?I hadn't been thinking about this consciously or deeply until recently.
According to studies by researchers,as well as Supreme Master Ching Hai's various books,and other scientific facts,it's really an urgent issue. It's already beyond the level of just one person talking on the stage. It's not just us,other great people who have received Nobel prizes,who are famous in many fields of sciences,have already said this.
I regret one thing: Why didn't I understand this until now?I think people should consider their children,for the future or for humankind - such great beings - to give them a chance to live 100years. So I would like to say: be more responsible for ourselves now!Like all of you,I am a Mongolian. I grew up eating meat,but I would like to say one thing: I love animals more than meat. It's also a Mongolian mindset.
What I learned today is,I think I learned to love animals more than meat. It's not only that we love animals. Really,it's loving ourselves. We are loving our children,we are loving our planet. If even one person can understand this and change their diet consciously,then that's my contribution; that's your contribution.
Maybe I cannot do anything,but I'd like to make my contribution by changing my meal that I eat today. At least. At the very least. Maybe we are not able to work like this great person (Supreme Master Ching Hai),sacrificing herself,her heart and mind,every minute for this,and writing poems and books,but I would like to change my food for this,I'd like to say that I'm fighting for this.
Inside I will be happy that I'm fighting for this and I'm loving animals,myself,our world,our future,our children,and I think I am able to do it for them. I know we can do it. We are conscious human beings. We are smart beings. In every era,we have been leaders through our wisdom and we've shown it,and I know we all have the capacity to understand it. We all have this. Supreme Master Ching Hai talked about it too. Thank you for your attention.
*Thank you very much,Mr. Bum-Ochir. If more uplifted leaders are like you and many of the top leaders or people who live amongst us,our future outlook will be brighter. Now,let us invite our next guest speaker. She is the wonderful lady who has supported our mission to halt global warming since our first meeting,and who has earnestly called on Mongolian people and youth to follow and choose a more enlightened path and to do good deeds. She is the head of the Department of Children and Youth Programming of Mongolian National Public Radio (MNPR),Ms. Ariunjargal J.
*Hallo everyone. So many touching feelings have been shared by many guest speakers; maybe my expression will seem so simple. Anyway,I feel so happy that I have changed my everyday life's direction to this place,to go from home to work regularly,and to be in such an amazing atmosphere by joining you all. I really am keen on Master Ching Hai's photo. Everyone looks at it… The cover photo of the book… I think everyone wants one; I believe that 1000%.
Because everyone wants to be satisfied,good looking,very happy,very beautiful in the heart,very optimistic,very nice. I don't know why but I feel happiness immediately upon seeing that photo. I have been working as a radio journalist for 11,12years. During that time I have met with youth. When you meet with young people,it's very nice,because they have great spirit in their hearts.
They wish to live with joy. Truly,they want to make life beautiful. I have confidence that I can do it. Why does this seem distant,and going in the wrong direction?Why not be vegan?Why don't we love animals who are just like us?Why do some live in hunger,get affected by natural disasters and die,leaving the world too soon?
Until now I have tried to find the reasons for all of these. What is the answer?I'm sure you are also thinking about it. About global warming,we have heard,many times,a lot of discussions. Even today,we have watched many short videos about it and heard people's viewpoints. We understand it,not that we don't. Let's fight this together. There are many young people who have the same questions as me and are looking for answers.
Let's unite and discuss together. If we all discuss together,we can get a correct,conclusive solution. Discussion is a very big part of the work. So,since we are concerned,let's get together,support each other's work. Let's support one another. What shall we do to be so nice like Supreme Master Ching Hai?What do we have to do to have this kind of situation?This is what I want to say to you. Thank you.
*Thank you very much Mrs. Ariungerel. Good luck with your work!I want to extend my wish to all of the guests that they will be fulfilled and that our Mother Earth will continue to exist wonderfully for many hundreds of years. So today's event on Earth Day is organized by The Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association in Mongolia,Vegan Youth Union,Vegan Children Union,and Loving Hut international vegan restaurants.
Therefore,I would like to say again and again. Thank you very much for coming today. I want to say your coming here is a big contribution to the stopping of global warming. And today's event is organized into two parts.
The first part is the participation of individuals,organizations,to stop global warming on Earth Day and to discuss and find the solutions together on urgent environmental issues. The second part is the book premiere of the newest book of poetry, 『The Love of Centuries,』of a world-renowned humanitarian,environmentalist,spiritual teacher for humankind to follow the path of enlightenment: our beloved guide Supreme Master Ching Hai.
I would like to read a poem entitled 『The Love of Centuries,』which is also the title of Supreme Master Ching Hai's book. 『Tonight resting under the shining stars My thoughts are with the one from planets afar Space and time divide not our sacred love My heart withers,waiting from centuries long ago. Where are you in the vast transmigration?I've searched through millions of galaxies Feet weary in thousands of turbulent worlds,Know you not?』
When I first read this poem,I immediately felt her devotion,her generosity of heart,to humankind and all beings. There are many more wonderful poems in 『The Love of Centuries』- a collection of exquisite poems. I recommend you read this book. And now,I would like to thank and introduce our guests and delegates who came here for Supreme Master Ching Hai's outstanding and extraordinary artistic creation, 『The Love of Centuries,Mongolian Edition Book Premiere』on Earth Day.
Today we have representatives from state and non-governmental organizations: Urban and Rural Development Policy Advisor to the President of Mongolia,Mr. Erkhembayar Lombo; Senior Expert of the Law department of Cabinet Secretariat of the Government of Mongolia,Mr. Bolor-ErdeneDavaasuren; Expert of the Law Department of Cabinet Secretariat of the Government of Mongolia,Mrs. Bilguun Khuukhenbaatar - let's thank them!
Expert of Administration Department of Cabinet Secretariat of Government of Mongolia,Mrs. Oyun Narankhuu. Our next guests includes Advisor of Democratic Party of the Great State Khural,Mrs. Oyunsuvd Purevdorj; Advisor of the Member of Great State Hural,Mrs. Munkhmaa. Another distinguished guest who is joining today's event is Advisor of the Democratic Party of the State Great Khural,Mr. Erdene-Ochir; and the Member of Mongolian Parliament and Environment,Food,and Agricultural Standing Committee,
Mr. Bayarsaikhan Garidkhuu,who is coming to join us. I'm happy to inform you of this. It's my pleasure to introduce our next guest who requested to work with Vegan Youth Union's 2-month campaign called 『Be Veggie to Save the Planet,』now cooperating and also attending today's event,international journalist Mr. Dashzeveg. Also with us is director of ADMON printing company who made this wonderful book that it may be in your hands,while dedicating his heart and working diligently to help us a lot as a collaborator,Mr. Ganbold. We are pleased to express our gratitude and happiness for today's event,which takes place with uplifted,wise,and foremost leaders,and proceeds with warm hearts and applause,with love and grace to everyone. Now comes the most special,happiest moment because our most respected,beloved Supreme Master Ching Hai is connected with us,right now.
Hallo!Hallo!How are you?How are you?Hallo,how are you?
*Hallo,how are you,Master?
I'm good,I'm good.
*You are beautiful.
Thank you.
Thank you for inviting me.
*You're welcome,Master. Thank you for coming to this event,for joining us.
We are very happy to see you via videoconference.
Me too. Thank you,thank you.
*You look so beautiful and lovely,dear Master. First of all,we are more than grateful from our deepest hearts to Master for joining this beautiful celebration day. Much beloved Master,we are celebrating Supreme Master Ching Hai's outstanding and extraordinary art creation, 『The Love of Centuries,』Mongolian version,book premiere on Earth Day (Thank you.) and we happily welcome you,our enlightened Master,to this event of a lifetime memory and the greatest honor for us Mongolians. Master,happy book premiere,Love of Centuries!
Thank you!Thank you!Thank you.
*Dear Master,we are holding our celebration at this wonderful Loving Hut vegan restaurant,which serves Earth-saving vegan meals. We have over 100guests,including VIPs,representatives of over 50NGOs and media,to join our joyful celebration.
Impressive!Thank you!Thank you!Thank you,thank you.
*And with Master's blessing,we are now able to have The Love of Centuries in Mongolian language.
You are very efficient. God bless you!Thank you.
*Thank you,Master.
Thank you for inviting me. Thank you so much,and thanks all the media,the government officials,parliament members,and wonderful guests.
*Master,you're so beautiful,I must say.
Thank you.
*You look so lovely.
You too. I can see you,all of you.
*Thank you.
I'm glad that I have the honor to see all these beautiful people and important personages that visit your noble restaurant.
*In my opinion,she is the Supreme Master. Spontaneously,Master appeared on the screen and communicated live. I just felt unique and extraordinary impressions in my heart at this very special moment. And really,the Supreme Master Ching Hai is one of the rare enlightened persons in this world at the present time.
So,living in this time with this person,we should be grateful and happy. Now,the history of human beings has continued for a long time. It has taken many thousands of years. During this time,among the 3,4,5,6billion people,there were times or eras without any enlightened Saints. But today on this planet we have the Supreme Master who is teaching us and living in this time,and she especially just spoke with us,which was a miracle for me. I'm trying to be veg.
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