The Truth About Merits: How to Gain or Lose Them - P7/13 July 7 , 2010 Los Angeles, CA, USA    
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Whomever we give, no matter how high level we are or how low level the person, we must give, of course, always with love and joy and unconditional spirit. That’s the only way we should give, no matter what level you are. Okay? Okay. And we don’t care about merit, how much or not. Yes, Master. Yes.

When we give to someone, all our attention and love goes into that person to make that person more comfortable, happy – and that is the only merit we should think of, okay? Yes, Master.

I hope that next time when you give your dog that meal, please don’t think of merit too much. Make sure he has a good meal and good water and that’s all there is, and love. Okay?

Hi, Master. (Hi.) Thank you for talking to us today. My question is: Do non-disciple guests who appear on Supreme Master TV earn merit, too? Yes, they do. Is there a difference in merit earned by the kinds of topic they talk about? For example, there are guests who are not normally related to veg or climate change, for example, guests on Science & Spirituality or Golden Age Technology. There are also guests who talk about the urgent situation of climate change and livestock, animal cruelty and the importance of the vegan lifestyle. Do they earn different merit, Master?

Sure, they do. They do, but more or less, more or less. Thank you, Master. It also depends on their sincerity and also their already existing level of spiritual practice.

My next question: Regarding recipients of the Shining World Award from Master, do recipients receive some merit or protection by accepting the award?

Yes, they do. They do also. It’s the attitude and their heart and their humility and their sincerity – it all plays some part in it. It’s not just the award, okay? They have some merit, but it’s not like spiritual merit, unless they’re awakened of course by receiving it, they are pure enough to be awakened – their subconsciousness, their spiritual consciousness – and then they practice further or go get initiation into the Light and Sound. Then they will have more spiritual merit, okay?

But they, of course, they gain some merit and blessing by contacting with good saintly people, like, from you, from our group, and may be elevated somewhat. But they have to continue their spiritual practice with the Light and Sound. If they have, then they would benefit lastingly.

Yes. When I see on Supreme Master TV some of the recipients, they are very touched and they cry when they receive your award because they cannot believe it that their good deeds have been rewarded with such an honor, by you. Yes. Yes. This is just to encourage the world to be more virtuous and kind – not just for them but for everyone else who watches the show or who are influenced by this kind, benevolent vibration of the award and the awardees and the ceremony as well, okay? Yes, thank you, Master.

And if a potential recipient declines the award, do they lose merit, Master?

What do you want me to say? They will not lose any spiritual merit or anything. It’s just that they might have lost the chance to have the opportunity of being blessed, of being near a saintly group, saintly people. So they might not have a chance to be awakened spiritually or learn to know more about the spiritual elevation way, you see?

So, their loss is more than just the award. But it’s their choice. We don't want to say anything about it, okay? We just want to do good, okay? (Yes, Master.) We don't judge people, and we don't tell them bad or good, nothing, okay? We just do our part, and whatever their part, they do whatever they do. Yes, Master! The award is not spiritual merit, okay? The people who get the award, they gain spiritual merit by their own worth. The award is only encouragement, but of course they gain spiritual merit by contact with the good people, like you, for example, maybe elevate by meditation. So they will, of course, gain spiritual merit by your presence.

They would gain spiritual merit if what they do is unconditional. If they only want to help others in the world, any of the actions like that, will earn spiritual merit – even if they are not practicing the Quan Yin Method, even if they’re not meditating or anything like that. They do earn some spiritual merit.

And I have another question, Master. Celebrities and journalists have a great influence, do they gain a lot of benefits when they talk or write positive articles about Master, or Supreme Master TV, or Loving Hut, (Sure.) since they are able to affect more people?

Yes, yes. Sure, sure, sure. The more people are affected by their articles or their effort, the more merit they earn. Thank you, Master! (Yes.) And, like, for example there was an article by a Buddhist newspaper that did thorough research on the scope of Supreme Master TV, and he explained how our channel is the largest in the world, which covered over the entire planet.

It was amazing to read that, and we didn't even know ourselves until he pointed it out. So, for something like spreading this good news about our channel to the whole Buddhist community like that, how much merit would these public and media figures earn, Master?

Whatever he does, if he has good intention, and if the people benefit from it, then he will earn merit accordingly, okay? (Okay.) How much – I don't have a calculator, here. I never think too much in terms of merit for myself or anybody, so I don't know how much, okay? It's not like money that you can sit here and count one, two, three, four dollars. Okay?

But a lot, a lot. If he has good intention, and if people benefit from it, then he earns a lot of merit, according to how many people and how good the intention he has. It depends on how many that they’re saying, or their effort, affects. For example, 100 points for each person that has been benefited from that, from what they’re doing. Thank you, Master. (Welcome.)

Is it the same when we have famous singers or celebrities come and host for our TV? Do they earn enough merit to liberate in this lifetime?

I'm not sure if enough or not. It depends also on what else they do in life, okay? (Okay. Thank you, Master.) You’re welcome. Yes. I don't want to advertise. Of course, when people do good things or support a noble cause, then they always earn good merit. And depends on the nature of that noble cause, or how much sincerity they have, they will earn more, or they’ll earn less.

But I don't want to advertise for that, and then people will think we just do that so that other people come and work for us. It's not like that, okay? Yes. (Yes, yes, Master.) Yes, I think these celebrities or journalists or whoever good-hearted people who come to work for us because they respect us, because they enjoy working with us, because they identify themselves with the work that we're doing, so they want to do it, and they enjoy doing it themselves. And how much merit, of course they will have some. But that is not to say that if you do that, and then otherwise, you do all the bad things, then you can also cover up – it is not. It depends on the person, and the sincerity and how good, how pure that person is as well, okay? Yes, Master. Thank you so much.

Hallo, Master! How are you? I'm wide awake here! Earning a lot of merit right now! Thank you, Master! I hope that in the near future people will strive to do good and to serve one another, so that soon we can live in peace. I hope so, too, honey. I do.

Hallo, Master! (Hallo.) What is the purpose of Supreme Master TV to the universe? How much does it help to elevate the consciousness of the universe, and how many beings and planets benefit from it?

Yes, it will help a lot to elevate the consciousness of the world and the universe as well. How many beings and planets? That I cannot sit here and tell you. A lot, a lot, okay? (Yes, yes, Master.) We cannot count it so easily yet, and it still continues anyway, okay? But I can say there’s a lot, a lot, okay? Yes, thank you, Master. And the spiritual, Supreme Master TV benefits people only because we have “Words of Wisdom” and all that, and the presence of the saints. Everything else is just the entertainment for mental, physical, emotional benefit, and through that, maybe people would want to learn, to know more about spiritual elevation, then they will be benefited more, okay? All right, thank you. (Yes, Master.)
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