The Truth About Merits:How to Gain or Lose Them - P9/13 July 7, 2010 Los Angeles, CA, USA    
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Meditate. It will bring you to the Fifth Level, nothing else. (Yes, Master.) I told you, make no mistake that if you open a Loving Hut restaurant, if you work for Loving Hut, if you do charity, if you hand out SOS flyers, if you work for Supreme Master TV, if you pay for anything to help others, then you will go to a higher level – no, no, no! These are different merits, okay? Yes, Master. These are physical merits, and it's just a good job, and a good job that generates merit like any other good job. But we do it with the best intention to save people, to save the animals, to awaken compassion in all living beings, then that is the merit of it.

But not to go to the Fifth Level or any level at all because we open a Loving Hut restaurant. Of course, if we have this kind of merit, it helps our spiritual elevation. It helps. Because if we don’t have this kind of merit, our spiritual merit will be deducted even. Do you understand me? (Yes, Master.) Yes. So at least if we have this merit, like you have money to pay for television, then people don’t take it out of your bank account (Yes, Master.) or don’t confiscate your other household items. Like, some people can’t pay for mortgage, they come and take everything from your house, okay? (Yes, Master.) So, we earn merit “by the way.” I cannot tell you that opening a (vegan) restaurant doesn’t earn merit, but we don’t open a (vegan) restaurant because of earning merit. We open it because we want to help the world. Please, be clear about this conception, because that’s the only purpose we should work with in anything at all: to help others and to re-awaken their good nature, and by the way reminding us of our good-nature Self as well. Understand this? (Yes, Master.)

And of course, this kind of thing will generate merit, that’s all. Okay? Not because we want it, not because we go do it so that we have merit. If you go do something in order to have merit, then I say to you, “Please don’t do it.” It is too… below dignity. Understand now? (Yes, Master.) Okay. Master, I have more questions. Yes, please, go ahead. How many Loving Huts should we open to save the planet, the whole planet? How many? How many Loving Huts? Every street should have one, how about that? Well, it’s not fast enough. It’s not fast enough and it’s not enough. No matter how many – still not enough. But at least we are inspiring some more. Do you understand me? (Yes, Master.) Yes. And we make the atmosphere of the planet more benevolent with a good energy, and we hope it will spread more to save the planet. (Yes, Master.) We open Loving Hut hoping that everybody else will open, and that’s how it will save the planet, not just us, okay? (Yes, Master. Thank you, Master.) All right. You’re welcome.

Master, I have a question: How about the Loving Hut Express, is it as helpful as a Loving Hut restaurant to save the planet? Yes, everything helps, honey, everything helps. And please don’t compare. Do what you can. (Okay.) Do what you can. You see, remember the story in the Bible, two pennies and a lot of money. (Yes, Master.) Yes, okay. Thank you. (Everything helps.)

Another question: Does opening a Loving Hut in a country result in the country earning merits, too? Yes, sure, sure. So how about the country that doesn’t have Loving Hut yet? We should go and open ASAP? Yes, if you can, of course. Everywhere, anywhere you can. Okay. Thank you.

Hi, Master. (Hi.) Master, I was wondering if you can clarify the different types of merits? You mentioned that there is a physical merit and also a spiritual merit. Spiritual merit is when you help someone to awaken spiritually, okay? Then, you earn spiritual merit. (Yes.) But the line is not so black and white, okay?

It’s like kind of blurred. For example, if you go out, spread the Light and Sound teaching and if somebody benefits from that, then you have some spiritual merit. And when you meditate, you have spiritual merit, understand? (Yes, I understand.) And when you go out you help somebody to a meal when he’s hungry, then that is physical merit, for example.

But the line is not always so definite. For example, you open a Loving Hut restaurant, it is like a physical merit. But if somebody goes into the Loving Hut restaurant and then watches Supreme Master Television there and then inquires about the Light and Sound method and then goes and gets initiation and enlightenment and saves his own soul and his seven, nine generations, then you also earn spiritual merit by the way. (I see, Master.) You see what I mean? (Yes, I understand.)

And the Supreme Master Television, we air many different things, but if because through Supreme Master Television, they listen to some lecture from some wise person, or Words of Wisdom, for example, and became initiated and save themselves, save their many generations, and also many other friends and relatives and acquaintances, etc., then you also earn spiritual merit, by the way, through Supreme Master Television shows, (Yes, I understand, Master.) or through working in there, okay? (Yes.) Master, how much merit do we need to keep Master here longer? You want to keep me here longer? Yes. Thank you. Thank you.

There are some limits to my work, because the humans have to awaken, have to change. Master, we’re very grateful that you’re still here with us. Not only relying on one person or one group because that’s not the way Heavens work, okay? No matter how we want to save the world, the world must also save themselves, yes? (Yes.) Just like we can open a Loving Hut restaurant, but the client must come in and eat, (Yes, Master.) and benefit his own health and soul and spiritual practice, etc., etc. We can’t force them. So we can only do so much only. For example, we open a Loving Hut restaurant, but we cannot force people to go there, yes? (Yes, Master.)

We can, maybe, advertise far and wide or something, but there’s a limit we can do within the law as well. Similarly, there is spiritual law for any Master who works in this world and all the Masters – no matter how great, how small – all have to abide by the law of Heaven, mandate of Heaven. We can work – I mean, more or less, like flexible here and there – but we cannot transgress everything. Cannot. Okay? (Yes, Master.)

Is there a way that we can earn more merits to help, I guess, make your journey here easier or help you stay here longer? Thank you, darling, thank you. You are doing your best already. I’m very touched and very grateful. You’re doing your best already. Thank you. And if I can stay or not, it’s not just by my intention, but it has to be by Heaven and with people’s intention. People in the world, they have to change, and then we can help even better. Yes? (Yes.) We can only do so much, and then people must change and then we can help further or not further. You see what I mean? Yes, I do.

Right now, I’m allowed to still be here but work in a little bit limited fashion. It’s okay. As long as I’m still here, right? Yes, Master. How much merit do we need to keep Master here? Well, that’s a lot, a lot, a lot, honey. That’s a lot. That, we cannot begin to even imagine (Yes.): more than to reach the Fifth Level. (Yes, but if the whole world changes, in their spiritual understanding, changes the concept and turns back to compassion, a loving, kind, merciful way, then any Master will stay longer, invited or not. (Yes.) Otherwise, no matter how many invitations the world writes, any Master could not stay. Look at Jesus, he couldn’t even stay long. Yes. We hope the world will change soon so you’ll be here with us. Yes.
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