The Truth About Merits: How to Gain or Lose Them - P11/13 July 7, 2010 Los Angeles, CA, USA    
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Sometimes during meditation I will find out something and do research something and so, if you want, I run it out for you. Okay. Here comes! Okay! Spiritual “dos and don’ts.”

Now, mistakes, for example, loss: go out shopping, lost 200 spiritual points; go to meat-eating restaurant, lost 300 spiritual points; eat stuffs with animal’s (products), minimum lost 700, maximum 1,000; eat from someone else cooking for you, lost 50 points even; when you cook for yourself, even then you lose 20 points. All this is deduction from your spiritual merit, okay, understand this? Yes, Master. Nothing in this world is free. So that’s why you ask me why you have to earn merit. We have to in order to cover ourselves, even. Yes? (Yes, Master.) When we cook for someone, we gain 40 points.

Okay, now, doctors: if you own a hospital, you gain 700,000 points per year; if you work there as a doctor, you gain 500,000 points; you work there as a nurse, you gain 300,000 points – that is regardless of vegetarian or not.

Pharmacy owner, gain 600,000 points per year; work in the pharmacy as a pharmacist, gain 300,000 points; work there as a helper, 100,000 points. Now, even astronauts: working as an astronaut, gain 200,000 points; working as a mechanic and a scientist for astronomy, in the astronaut business, you earn 100,000 points. Now, aeroplanes: own an aeroplane company, gain about 400,000 points to 700,000 points – just to own it; if you are a pilot, you gain 200,000 to 600,000 points per year. Now drivers, drive a car: if you drive a car for somebody, or taxi maybe, or private for money, you earn 200,000 to 400,000 points. My God, isn’t that good?

If you are a boat captain, for a 100-person boat, you earn 50,000 to 200,000; a garbage man, they earn 100,000 to 200,000 points per year – working as garbage men for money; now, building road, if you help to build road, one meter, you gain 1,000 to 5,000 points; if you build a bridge, one meter of bridge, 2,000 to 7,000 points. Now raising children: you raise one child of yourself, your own child, you gain 50,000 to 300,000 per year - but you spend a lot of money, sorry. If you raise one child, but adopted, you gain 70,000 to 600,000 points. We should adopt children, gain more merit. Yes. You see that? Double. Yes, Master.

Now, rescue animals or birds, you gain about 200,000 to 900,000 points per year. Now, if you rescue animals, providing medical costs and all that, but not raising, just rescue, you earn 50,000 to 800,000 points. Now, if you kill one person, adult, you lose 1 billion to 4 billion points. You kill one animal or one bird, you lose 800,000 to 3 million points – depends on the size and all that. One day, one time in our world, when killing animals will be also a crime, charged like killing humans, more or less. One time in our world, it will happen. Yes, Master.

Okay, now, sell intoxicants – like illegal drugs, like morphine, opium, cocaine – if you sell them, you lose 200 million to one billion per year, spiritual points. You hear me? Yes, Master. You asked me before, now hear this, see: you sell cigarettes, you will lose 100 million to half a billion points per year; you sell alcohol, you lose 200 million to one billion per year; now, selling meat, fish, eggs, you will lose 100 million to half a billion per year; if you’re selling people – like prostitution, slavery, for example – lose about 600,000 to 900 million per year. Gambling: if somebody owns a casino, you will lose 500,000 to one billion points per year; if work in casino, lose 50,000 to 500,000 points per year. If play one time for one hour for money in the casino, just playing, lose 30,000 to 100,000 points; play cards for fun even, for one hour, just for fun, no money, lose 10,000 to 30,000 points – one hour only.

Now, if you play lotto ticket, you know how much you gain, or how much you lose? How much, Master? How much? And how much you’d lose if you play chess for money or not money? Tell us, Master. How much, Master? Zero, both.

But don’t go and play chess and cards, okay? Now, if somebody owns a meat or fish restaurant, lose 500,000 to one billion points spiritual per year; if own an alcohol bar, like a pub or something with alcohol, lose 100,000 to 400,000 per year. Now, own a brothel, will lose 500,000 to half a billion per year; own a slaughterhouse, lose half a billion to six billion points a year. Own a meat animal farm, lose one billion to three billion per year; own or working on a fishing boat, lose half a billion to three billion per year. And work as fisherman, a worker for that, for money, lose 300 million to one billion per year.

My God, these people, they will never be able to go to Heaven. They keep having to reincarnate again and again because they keep losing so much spiritual merit that even if they have a lot in the store, they will lose them all, understand me? Yes, Master. Like, one person he has a lot, a lot, one billion or a few billion of merit from the past life doing good deeds or practicing meditation, and when he comes back here, for some reason, he unfortunately falls into fishing work or slaughtering-house work, then he loses everything, and in deficit. Then he will never be able to go to Heaven; he has to go back to human life, animal life, or hell. Yes, Master.

Now you know, now I also know, why many spiritual scriptures, they mention that if you kill animals, you go to hell. Yes, Master. Yes, you have that on “Words of Wisdom,” right? Yes. Or different scriptures of different religions also mention that. Now we know why – they’ve lost all spiritual merit, if they even have any to begin with.

Now, cut or destroy trees even – now we come to environment, the thing that you want to know – cut or destroy trees, one tree, one normal adult tree, lose 100,000 to 500,000 points. Cause pollution to water, either illness or death to people, one cubic meter of pollution caused, lose 100,000 to 400,000 points. Pollute air, one cubic meter only, if you pollute one cubic meter of air, you lose 100,000 to 400,000 points. The same like polluting one cubic meter of water. You see? You pollute the air either by cigar, cigarette or by car, it’s the same. We still lose spiritual merit, my God. Oh please walk or bicycle. Live in, okay? Yes, Master. Live inside, don’t go anywhere.

Now, if we drink even one carton/can of juice, like one liter, we lose 0.5 of spiritual point; and one liter more or less, squeezed by someone else who does it for you, you lost 0.7. Everything is counted. My God. I wouldn’t dare eat and drink anymore. Let’s go breatharian or waterian at least. Now, if we even just eat brown rice, sesame and soya sauce and fruit, we will lose one point per day. That’s very little. Let’s eat at least brown rice, sesame, soya sauce and fruit, one point per day only. Now, if you eat even one French baguette - you know what’s a French Baguette? Yes, Master. Eat one of that, you lose 0.3. You eat one peach, you lose 0.004; one banana, 0.004 – that’s very little; and one handful of cherries, you lose 0.002, for example. A bunch of grapes, you lose 0.001. Okay. Yes. Yes, Master. Okay.

If you cook for yourself, you have 20% or 40% automatic deduction from your spiritual merit when you meditate. My God! Without food or drink, it’s even deducted 10%. You hear that? Yes, Master. Because we live in this world. Yes? Now, concerning food, when we eat food, vegetarian food, it has 30% burden on the body and the mind. If we eat only fruit, then it’s about 10% burden only. Liquid fruit juice with 50% water, 50% juice, then it would burden the body and the mind only 5%, you see?

Blessed Helen Enselmini, a Catholic nun of the 13th century, lived food-free for almost two decades. Tune in to Supreme Master Television on Sunday, September 5, for our program, “Blessed Helen Enselmini and Elizabeth the Good: Breatharians through Noble Ideals,” on Between Master and Disciples.

Tune in to Supreme Master Television today for our program, “Blessed Helen Enselmini and Elizabeth the Good: Breatharians through Noble Ideals,” on Between Master and Disciples.
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