Supreme Master Ching Hai on the Environment: Organic Farming Restores the Healthy Balance of the Planet - P5/5 A compilation of excerpts from Supreme Master Ching Hai's lectures    
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Hi, Master. (Hi.) I would like to ask: To help the planet out, will we eventually all have to be organic farmers, like planting and growing vegetables in our backyard? Is this the most sustainable method?

Yes, it is. It is the most sustainable method and I think everybody should try to do that. Even in your own backyard or in your balcony, wherever you can. And the one who has a garden, of course, do it in the garden, and the one who has a garden but doesn’t want to cultivate can lend it to somebody else and share the food. Because we have to learn to be self-sufficient from now on already. You never know what is going to happen to the planet, truly, because the people’s heart – it’s difficult to predict. If they change to a compassionate lifestyle, then the planet will survive for sure, and we will have better than what we have now, in time.

But if they don’t change, then I cannot tell you what happens. Even if the planet survives, it’s also a good idea to grow your own food. It’s more wholesome. It has your energy, and it will be very good for you, and you can control what you eat, and what kind of food that you have, wholesome or not, organic or not. And also, it’s very economy and it’s nice to watch your food growing by your own labor. It will be like living according to the Bible, “Earn your food by the sweat of your brow.” It will be very nice, and at least for some of us, that will be very helpful. It’s a very good idea, and you will know what kind of cultivation you have.

You can control; it will be less violent, even less bad karma (retribution) – less killing worms and things like that. Although we are practicing the vegan diet already, Master also mentioned in several cooking shows, “Gift of Love,” about karma-less eating. Can Master give us a few examples?

That’s my preferred food. For example, you can eat anything that is from the trees, without harming the trees. For example, all the fruits you can eat. “Fruit” doesn’t mean only sweet like orange, apple, but “fruit” also means like cucumber, lady fingers, zucchini, squash – those things are also fruit that grows from the tree and you can take it without harming the tree, without even taking the leaves from the tree. And fruit that is organic of course, organic fruits, that would be the best. And if you want to eat any plants or any herbs in this trend, you wait until they fall off the trees or wither, and then you can take them and use them. Then there’s no bad karma (retribution) and no harm to the trees. And you can have nuts, all kinds of nuts, from the trees. And there are also other things that you can eat, of course.

Hi, Master. Hi. Can you tell us more details about like what kind of food does Master eat and why?

Yes, I told you already, I eat the fruit-like food – nut stuff and fruits, cucumber and those things – which I don’t have to cut the plant, which I don’t have to break the leaves from the plant. Because they are also getting afraid when we do that, but if we take the fruit from them, they offer it free. They know the fruits are there for us.

If you cut the plant, before you cut, they already get very afraid and nervous and I don’t like to cause them this feeling. And if I eat it, then other people have to cut for me. So, for the sake of everybody… I used to cook all kinds of vegetables, and now I think is the time that people should know my preferred food. If they want to do the same, it’s up to them, but vegetarian’s already very good, the least harmful and the least bad karma (retribution), the least contributing to the global problem; and that’s what I eat.

Even rice or wheat, the plant is already withered and yellow and brown before they harvest, so the plant practically dies already before we get the rice or the wheat, so it’s okay. Fruit means also corn. What about root vegetables, like potatoes? You can eat them. I don’t eat them at the moment because I don’t plant it myself, so I don’t know what kinds of things they are doing to the root. But if you plant yourself, for example, then you plant them on the elevated earth bed. In Vietnam (Âu Lạc), I saw them do that. For example, if you want to plant some sweet potatoes, and you make the airy bed like that, high above the ground, so the soil is very airy and you plant them on the high elevated bed, row after row like that, and there will be no worms to hurt.

The reason I don’t want root is because sometime they dig it and they hurt the worms, and the worms are the diligent workers to till the soil, to make the soil arable, to make the soil cultivatable. And then, just because of that, they sacrifice for us and we accidentally kill them. It just hurts my heart. So, I prefer to avoid it often before even, but now I don’t eat that at all. It’s time that I stop. I have to show people what is preferable, what is the alternative. But if you cultivate it yourself, if I cultivate it myself, on the elevated ground like that, there will be no worms in it, because the worms only go where the soil is clogged, and they dig it to make the soil more airy.

So if the soil is airy, the worms know; they don’t go there. So, first you don’t hurt the worms if you dig the potatoes. Second, you could even just pull it up, you don’t even need to dig anything. Third, you can wait until the plant, like the sweet potato plants, already wither and die. There will be no more leaves, no more green leaves, nothing. It’s only the small stems left and the root underneath, then the plant has already died, then you can take the root. Then you don’t hurt the plant, you don’t hurt the worm, nothing. In that case you can eat the root. Also the same with other roots. Thank you, Master.

If you don’t want to kill just the worms, then we have many techniques, organic ahimsa farming. Like you can plant them in the water, then you don’t hurt the worms, or you can plant them on elevated soil beds like that, and you don’t hurt the worms. But I also don’t even cut the plant to eat, unless it’s already withered and the spirit of the plant’s already left. Then it’s okay in that case. Because you were asking me what kind of root, so there are many organic farming methods that at least you don’t hurt the worms. Thank you, Master. Thanks for asking.

Also, many of the roots are like that. If you can wait until the green leaves all wither and die, then you can take the root. Like carrots, you will not hurt the worm because you just take it from the root, it’s easy just to pull it up. You don’t need to dig or anything, so, accidentally, you won’t kill the worm, for example. But if you really want not to harm the plant, and not to make them afraid, then you wait until they wither and you still have the root under there and then you just pull the root up – no harm to the plant and no harm to the root. In that case, you can eat those. The root will not feel much, will not feel anything. When the plant dies, the root also doesn’t feel anything.

For example, if you like some herbs, and if the leaves, already by wind or by some natural cause, broke and fell on the ground, or are half-broken already, then you can take them and eat. In that case, there’s no himsa (violence) involved at all. The thing is, I don’t want to cause any nervousness or anxiety to any being, even to a plant, that’s why. That’s why I don’t want to eat vegetables anymore. We have enough, actually, even just fruit, even like tofu is from soya. Soya is like the fruit of the plant, can eat them. Beans, all kinds of things, they are the fruit of the plant.

Not just fruit like apples and oranges, but beans, all kinds of beans, they’re also fruit. The sesame nuts, they’re fruit, they grow from above the ground, from the trees, and in Âu Lạc (Vietnam) they cultivate, for example, peanuts in the sandy soil. There’s no soil and no worms at all ever live there.

So the peanuts, they thrive in a sandy area, and these you can wait until the peanut plants die, wither – mostly they go yellow and then brown, then they just dry up – and then you can pull the peanuts up without hurting anything at all. Even if you dig, there is nothing hurt at all. And you can plant, like cassava plants. They don’t need much water, and no worms nearby. That you can plant anywhere. You don’t even need soil to plant that. You can plant in the sand or some kind of very dry soil. There are many vegetables and plants we can plant without water or with very, very little water. It’s very suitable right now because we are short of water. Plant your own vegetables, then you have absolute control about how you harvest and what you harvest, and what you eat.

I pray that our world’s leaders will take swift actions to ban the destructive meat production and, instead, use subsidies for organic vegan farming which helps absorb emissions. Then we can have an immediate effect on climate change and have more time to develop and perfect our green technology to address CO2. I call upon the media to help as well.

And most important, individuals must turn to the planet-saving, organic vegan lifestyle, because the dangers are mounting and time is urgent. If every one of us would only switch now, we would ensure a future for our children and generations to come.

Now you can see, we have to prioritize our choices. Either the abundant, beautiful, peaceful planet, or sorrow, suffering, or worse: loss of all lives. And ALL these crimes of killing – from MEAT, ALCOHOL, DRUGS, TOBACCO – MUST AND WILL stop.

In their place, what will we have? Happy, longevity for animals and humans alike; limitless health and wellness; intelligence and creativity; and a shared love and joy as never before remembered. In short, we will have a newly, wondrously elevated humanity in all aspects.

Together, let's envision this future, our well deserved beautiful future, in which all lives are upheld and cherished as one and the same. Let’s be happy, because it seems that this day is already dawning. May Heaven bless us all. And God loves us. So for the sake of all that lives on this planet, let us make a wiser choice. For example, instead of meat, we be vegan. Instead of polluting the world, we go green. Instead of intoxicants, we will be merged in the blessing of God, through prayers, yoga, meditation, etc. And instead of planting drugs, we plant organic vegetables and fruits. I wish you all the best in the embracing love of Heaven. So be it. Thank you for doing your part. May you be blessed.
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