The Truth About Merits:How to Gain or Lose Them – P13/13 July 7, 2010 Los Angeles, CA, USA    
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Master, when you said that the Master suffers physically, is there a way for the disciples to help?(Yes.) Can we do something? No. Meditate.

Meditate and elevate yourself so that you can help others as well. That’s how you help. Yes, Master. Okay. Now... (Yes, Master.) That’s why in India, people worship Masters so much. Now I understand. You know? Before, I also did not understand. I understand “stagely,” just like you. Yes, Master. That’s why before, the people say, in India, they say, “If God and Master would come and stand in front of me, I would choose the Master. I would ignore God.”

Because the Master is the one who can help you, God cannot. It’s truly like that. If God wants to help us, Hes has to come down as a Master. Understand? Yes, Master. And he has to earn it and suffer with us in order to help us, because the law of the physical world, the pact with the maya, is like that. You cannot come down here as God and have the whole vast of merit and save everybody like a flick of your finger.

If it’s like that, then we need only one Master for all eternity, we don’t have to have Jesus, Buddha, Muhammad, Guru Nanak, Mahavira, etc., and we don’t need the Master to suffer this and that. (Understand.) I did not know that, either. Before, I thought the Master is invincible, now I know the Master must also earn like everybody else, and depends on how much you earn, how much you can give. Okay, you told me you have good story to tell me. Yes, Master.

Recently I went on a recording. It was the 25th anniversary of the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine. It was a red-carpet recording and there were quite a few crews there. And there was a lady who was on the red carpet and she was introducing the famous people to the crews as they would come through. And there was only one crew in front of us, and so the first person through was the president, Dr. Barnard, and he spoke to the first crew. He actually looked not sure if that crew was really interested in what he was saying. And then he finished with that crew and the lady went to him to introduce him to us, and as she started introducing us and saying, “Dr. Barnard, this is Supreme Master…” he immediately cut her off when he saw our mic flag, and his eyes lit up and he got all excited, and he was so happy that we were there, and so happy to be talking to us. I’m glad. I’m glad people like you. Everybody should like you.

Then there was quite a few other celebrities who came through and did the same, like Jane Velez-Mitchell, and she yells out at the top of her voice, “Supreme Master TV rocks!” And there was other people too, like John Salley, (So sweet.) and everyone there could see the reaction that we were getting and wondering why and what was so special about us. I wonder myself! I’m glad. I’m glad. Another story, Master. I went to a recording with Lisa Bloom at another studio here in Los Angeles, and she was doing an interview with Jane Velez-Mitchell on CNN.

So Lisa Bloom is quite a famous TV personality here, and she does a lot of work for CNN and Entertainment Tonight. And anyway, when I walked into the studio, I saw their production room and they had a big wall full of TVs, and there’s maybe 50 monitors on there, and all playing a different TV station, and one of them was Supreme Master TV. Good for them! Good for them. I was very surprised. I was very surprised to see it. I wasn’t expecting it. And I said to one of the technicians, I said, “Wow, you have Supreme Master TV! I work there.” And he said, “Wow, really! I really like your TV station!” And he said, “This lady is amazing, you know. She makes me feel so peaceful,” and he was referring to you, Master. Thank you!

Good for him. Isn’t that nice that somebody benefits? Yes, Master. Yes, so we are getting quite a good reputation around town now, Master, and a lot of people recognize us. I’m sure you have a good reputation.. I would be surprised if you don’t. We’re doing unconditionally and people will “smell” it, okay? Yes, Master. We have some good news. From France. It was two days ago. Four deputies from all parties united to request a meat-free day at the National Assembly – it’s like the Congress here or something like that. And they said that they want the meat-free day because politics should give the example and walk the talk, and it would be Right.) for health and against climate change. (Right.) And it’s amazing because they’re really from different parties, from different groups. Yes, yes. It seems like

it’s getting a foothold there somehow, now. (Yes.) Yes, many cities have a Meatless Monday at least. One day is not enough, of course, but at least it is reminding and maybe one day they buy it only for Monday, but then it spills over until Tuesday, Wednesday, and then maybe the whole week, and they’ll feel that “oh, vegetarian, not bad,” and will continue to have it the whole week and the whole month, etc. So maybe Meatless Monday is a small start, but it is a start and I hope it will spread all over the planet, that not just Meatless Monday but meatless every day. Yes, Master. Yes, Master. Zhora has a song for us, Master.

Hi, Master. (Hi.) This song, it’s a Sufi song. It’s about a bird. We call him, in Arabic, “bulbul.” This poem is talking about this bird. He used to have a bird who used to sing for him, but this bird was in a golden cage, and so he didn’t understand why the bird left the owner. And the owner asked him, “Why did you leave me like this?” He said, “Because you cannot buy my freedom with your money, with gold.” It’s like a parable. It means the soul needs freedom and doesn’t want to be in the body. It is a Sufi song. So it’s like this.

I had a nightingale (bulbul) In a cage of gold Nice, sweet, with a long tail He was always singing A fun melody I did not deprive him of food or water He flew and kept away from me For no reason He told me, "My freedom is not bought with gold."

Bravo! Bravo! Very nice. Very nice tune. Nice music. Thank you. Master, that’s the end of our program today. Thank you for spending time with us and enlightening us on the relationship between earthly work and spiritual merit. We truly appreciate that you have granted us this gathering so that we could learn from your infinite wisdom. (Thank you.)

And Master, your love and teaching is forever in our hearts, and we are very grateful to have this opportunity (Thank you.) to be part of your sacred mission. (Thank you.) I also learnt something by your questions. If you didn’t ask I would not have looked into all these things. It’s also interesting for me. Thank you. I have made one or two poems recently; but one day I’ll send it to you and you read it, okay? It’s about the animals, maybe you’ll like it. It’s too long to read and I don’t read very well. Okay? And it’s a very sad thing, so if I read I will cry too. All right, so we will see some other time.

Thank you for trusting me. Thank you for your devotion to the good cause. Thank you in the name of the world, not just you, but all the other working staff everywhere and the people who support it mentally, physically, emotionally. Thank you all. Yes, we’re very lucky to be disciples and under your protection and guidance, and also to be pampered by your love. We respectfully wish you forever health and beauty, and we look forward to again being with you. And please take care, Master.

We love you so much. Thank you all that you help with a good cause and thank you for trusting me in this and thank you for working together to save the soul of the people, and we’ll see each other some other time. Goodbye! Yes, Master. God bless you.

God loves you, Heaven protects you, and I love you. We love you, Master! Love you. Good night. Thank you. Good night!

How come physical activities like going out shopping or watching movies would cause us to lose our spiritual merit? The reason we lose spiritual merit is because when your attention is focused on the outside events or beauties, or something that’s attractive, you forget God at that time.

Tune in to Supreme Master Television Tuesday, September 7 for the teleconference with Supreme Master Ching Hai titled “The Extraordinary Love and Immeasurable Wisdom of a Living Master” on Between Master and Disciples.

Tune in to Supreme Master Television today for our program, “The Extraordinary Love and Immeasurable Wisdom of a Living Master,” on Between Master and Disciples.
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