The Extraordinary Love and Immeasurable Wisdom of a Living Master - P3/14 August 1, 2010 Los Angeles, California, USA    
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Hallo, Master. Hallo! Today, on Supreme Master Television, there is a Fly-in News about how new information could help end the war in Afghanistan. So, Master, more generally, why does war happen? Is it sometimes destiny for war to happen? It is because they have made bad killing karma (retribution) with each other in a former life.

Yes. So it is kind of avenging karma (retribution), vengeance energy that draws them toward each other again and again. In the Buddha’s time, there were two small countries making war with each other, and the disciples came and begged the Buddha to stop the war, and Buddha said, “No, I can’t, because they will not listen.” And then one of his disciples who had magical power, he made some magical effect so that the two countries were put together into his begging bowl.

But then, when they opened it the next day, they saw they were fighting inside there, and he saw the begging bowl became all bloody inside anyway. You understand? (Yes.) Even in the small area, they fight. So the thing is, people’s consciousness has to be raised up, and when the energy of the world changes, then people will also change. And the concept about war and peace has to be ingrained in people’s understanding. We have to teach peace and morals and neighborly love to children when they are at a very young age already. Then maybe that will help, okay? Okay. Yes, Master.

Otherwise, the vengeance energy is very strong; people cannot help but draw toward each other and fight and kill, and from then it continues again and again. It’s like a devil's circle. And next life they come back, they do the same thing again, if not even more so. Okay, Master. So the cause of war is mainly the hatred between humans, or is it also due to the mass murder of animals? It is both. It’s both. The killing energy will also stay inside the atmosphere until the forgiving energy and the loving energy dissolve it.

So if we kill too many animals, we will also incur upon our atmosphere a lot of this kind of violent atmosphere. And when people pass through this kind of atmosphere by chance, they will become irritated, or they might even want to act violently or to harm somebody, hurt somebody, or kill somebody. And that’s adding to war, which already happened or going to happen. You see what I mean? It’s adding to the violent energy. Understand. Yes.

Also, this kind of killing energy will also make disaster, yes? Like we call it natural or man-made disaster; it is all because of violent energy from killing or harming or hurting or torturing living beings. Understand. Okay. Even hatred. Even hatred or violent thought also creates bad energy and in turn will pollute the atmosphere that we live in and create some other disaster or war or trouble. Thank you, Master. And for those people who cause war, what kind of retribution awaits them in the afterlife? They must pay for the suffering that is caused by war – multiple, multiple, multiple.

As the number of people killed, the suffering will multiply for them. It’s not a very good thing to wish upon yourself or anybody. We should never create war. We should never kill anyone because this suffering will come back to us manyfold. And then when we’re finished with all this payment in so-called hell, we return to become either animal or human, then we will meet our enemies again, and then the war begins again. Understand. Okay. Thank you very much, Master. You’re welcome.

Hallo, Master. (Hallo.) Hallo, I would like to ask a little further about war. (Yes.) So, the leaders who make war, are they always reacting to the negative energy around them or could it be like one person’s personal bad karma (retribution)? Okay, both. Both, but mostly reactive, okay? Because if it’s just one personal bad karma (retribution), then the war will not be big, but it’s also together with the collective bad karma (retribution). Then he becomes one with this collective group and then it becomes more violent and the negative energy, the killing energy, will become stronger when they’re grouped together Okay? (Yes, Master.)

You mentioned that the leaders have to pay for going to war, by suffering. But sometimes do their citizens have to pay, even if the war was against their will, for example, they might suffer a disease epidemic or a natural disaster? Yes, yes. The leader pays, but the people also have to pay because of collective bad karma (retribution), because of the connection. Anybody who was born into one country, that means they have connection with each other anyway. You see what I mean? So, whatever the leader does will affect the people. So not just the leaders. We are all connected, and we all become affected.

Yes, Master. (Right.) Master has said that killing is never right, but when it comes to war, people always justify the killing for various reasons. So, is war or killing ever justified, Master? No, no, no. (Okay.) It’s never justified because when we see somebody coming toward us and kill us and all that, and we think, “Oh, that person is bad,” but who knows, maybe in the past life we have been bad and killed that person or injured them. You see what I mean? Yes, Master.

Anyway, even if it is justified, but then only in the material world, in the physical sense, you see? But killing always, always, always goes against the universal principle of love. Anything that destroys life goes against the principle of life and love, and life should be love and love is life. So if we do anything against that principle of the universal love, then it will never be right; it will bounce back to us like a boomerang. And because we don’t see the real family connection, so we make war and we create hatred and boundary and borders.

Otherwise, if we see the real family connection between all the people in this world or even in the universe, then we would never raise our hand to kill anyone. We could not. It’s just like, if you can see it clearly, you see everybody is connected with each other, even animals and trees and minerals connected to us. Just like if you can see well, if you are not a blind person, then you can see well that your hands belong to you, your feet belong to you. Would you ever take a knife on purpose and then cut one of your fingers or your hand, your feet? Yes or no?

No, Master. No! Okay. So, that is the reason: we are all connected like that in the big body of the universal spiritual existence. But because we do not see these real family connections, so, we can make war, we can harm others, we can kill other people; otherwise never, never. So, ignorance is the real enemy. We have to kill ignorance by being enlightened, by searching for enlightenment. We cannot kill anybody at all, or animals or anything, even for a justifiable reason, because it will harm us. Yes, Master. All right.

So, Master, if a country happens to be awakened and decides to forgive and just stop the fighting, won’t they be vulnerable? You mean other people will come and take their country? Yes, Master. Let them! Whose country? Whose country, anyway? Yes, Master. Let them. And we should never fear because we have God, okay? We have God. Yes, Master. So, even if one country is the only one out of all the countries who decides to maybe abolish their army and not go to war, and they’re vulnerable, but it’s what they should do, Master? Yes!

Look, how many countries abolished their army and weapons – are they all dead already? Are they all invaded? No. No, they are probably doing even better because they have the resources to use in more constructive ways. Yes, And look around you, look around your American countries, how many countries are at war with any country and are they vulnerable?

No, Master. They are in peace, okay? Yes, Master. And like Switzerland, they are not at war with anybody at all. Are they vulnerable? No, Master. Okay, now you know, all right? We have God.

It’s only when we forget God, then we think, “I must do this,” “We must do that,” “We must kill that person,” “We must defend for this group.” No. We just let God do things. Yes, Master. That would be wonderful. Yes, okay. You see, even the people who are making war against some other people, they’re also doing it out of this so-called love, physical love – maybe the love for their country or the love for their group, the love for their religion. They are just missing some point, that’s all. You see what I mean? Yes, Master. Yes.

For example, if they fight to protect Islam, they should know Islam or Christianity or Buddhism all belong to God. Let God decide, okay? Besides, whatever you believe is inside your heart; nobody can take it away anyway. Yes, Master.

If you believe in God, you don’t even need the church, you don’t even need the symbol of the church or any religion to believe in God. God knows. If God doesn’t know you belong to Islam or if God doesn’t know you worship Hirm through Christianity or through Buddhism, then Hes is not a God, is Hes? No, Master.

Yes. So what I mean is, for whatever reason, we should think in terms of a broader sense of universal brotherhood and not think in terms of our family, our country, our religions, or our group, or our continent even. It’s time. It’s time that people have to think in, at least in the world, in the whole world sense, not in terms of country and border and a tight little corner of the globe anymore, okay? (Yes, Master.)

We have to live in the universal law – that is the principle of love. We have to act, live, speak always in this principle, then nothing can go wrong at all because only love should be preached, should be upheld, should be worshipped, nothing else. No country, no religion, really, okay? (Yes, Master.)

What is the use of having the greatest religion in the world and conquer everybody and force everybody to believe in your faith and your religion, using violence to do it, or against the people’s willingness in the heart? You see what I mean? (Yes, Master.) Yes. Any religion should represent love, nothing else; and if that’s lacking, nothing really justifies anything, okay? (Yes, Master.) Right, love. Thank you.
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