The Extraordinary Love and Immeasurable Wisdom of a Living Master - P2/14 August 1, 2010 Los Angeles, California, USA    
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If we hate somebody, we are losing our goodness and spiritual, hard-earned, points. In Âu Lạc (Vietnam), we say, if you love somebody, it’s like you would send love to yourself; if you hate somebody, it’s like you’re giving them fertilizer or nourishment. So that person is growing and you’re losing. Yes. All right.

We hear that a lot in your teachings, as well as in the scriptures, about how whatever we send out to others, we receive it promptly. Yes. I guess it’s just really hard for me to understand that. Like, I think it’s true, but it’s so hard for me to grasp that, how is it that (Yes.) me sending, for example, negative feelings towards somebody, how that’s hurting me.

I find it difficult sometimes to love others and forgive others, and also difficult to love myself and forgive myself. Could you shed some light on why this is so and how I can improve? Or is the only way to just keep trying? Just recite the Holy Names – I told you – or go out; do something else, or read pleasant books or remember the good things, and then the next minute, you will calm down, you will forget it right away. Okay, Master.

Just have to change it. Okay? Just have to change the situation quick. For example, okay, now, I have done something wrong to you or something that you are not pleased because of my ego, because of not being capable, anything, and then because of that, it inconveniences you, makes your work delayed and makes your work a mess, and something like that, you’re angry with me, it’s difficult for you to forgive me right away – okay, just go out. The moment you get angry, you recite the Holy Names if you can. Yes, Master.

You put notes everywhere, in front of you, so whenever you get angry you can see that note, say “no!” or recite the Holy Names and walk out of that situation quick, or do something else to please you for a few seconds and then the next second you will forget that. You will find that your anger is gone; it’s not existing anymore. Yes, Master.

You have to change the situation quick, if you can. If you can, yes? Okay. We’ll try that, Master. Thank you so much. Because sometimes it’s difficult to recite the Holy Names or to even remember to recite the Holy Names. Just remember one thing: change. Change, okay? Change. One word – “change.” Change, okay, change the situation, change the subject, change the room, change the environment, change the event. Okay? Quickly,

you go grab a book or look at something pleasant, or tell somebody something pleasant or think of somebody that you love so much or something that’s very nice – somebody did something nice to you last time – something like that. Change quick, okay? Thank you, Master. Thank you so much, Master.

Try that, honey. Really, it works. You must change. Just remember one word: change. Okay? Yes, Master. Change. Because if we are sticking in that situation, then it just gets worse, yes? Gets worse. Yes, Master. Like, somebody mistakenly ignites the fire in your kitchen. Immediately, if you can, you grab a fire extinguisher and extinguish it, yes?

Or get a bucket of water. Get out, get a bucket of water And you if you cannot, then just get out. Save yourself, okay? Okay, Master. All right. I'm so sorry. It's not all your fault, okay? Yes, Master. It's not all your fault. It's just sometimes, even angry, sometimes comes from love. Do you understand me?

Yes, Master. Like, you like that person so much, but that person… “Why have so much ego?” Always contradicting you and doesn’t see the right things, and even though sees the right things, doesn’t do it., messes up the work, delaying the mission and all kind of things that could make you angry. You understand? Yes, Master. All right.

So, if you cannot forgive that person, at least forgive yourself. Yes, Master. Just remember one word: change. And then go out and then come back and try it again with that person, if you can. If not, ask somebody to try it for you, okay? Thank you so much, Master. All right.

For example, you tell one of your colleagues to do this and he or she doesn't really want to do it, or tries to delay or just tries to make trouble, and you are so angry at that moment, so you just walk out; calm yourself first, save yourself first. And if you cannot come back and talk to that person yourself, then ask somebody else to relay the message, okay? Yes, Master.

All right. Just as long as the work is done. I'm sorry, working is not easy. It's not like going to the supermarket, buying clothes, or watching movies. Yes, we feel that it’s such an occasion to grow actually. It's really an opportunity to grow faster. Yes, yes. That's correct. That's correct. But you must be courageous and patient.

Then you will have the reward manyfold later. Yes, Master. Thank you so much, Master. You’re welcome. I hope it works. I will try it. Hi, Master. I have a question about anger. I have heard that if somebody is angry with us, we also get bad karma (retribution). How does that work? No. It's not always “get bad karma (retribution)” from that person. No, no. No, it's not true.

Of course, the negative feeling is uncomfortable, but you also have your protection. And if that person is angry with you and he has any merit, he is giving it to you for free. Okay, Master.

How about if they don't have any merit? Well, then, bad luck for you! Then you have to pray for that person so that he or she will get merit soon. “Merit,” not “married!” Merit. Okay, Master. Thank you so much.

I have another question. If we have non-initiated family members that are involved in the “four killers” business – meat, cigarettes, drugs, alcohol – and since we are related to them, we would be affected too. Is there anything we can do to protect ourselves, as spiritual practitioners, from the bad karma (retribution) of those businesses?

Okay, first, you try to be independent, like, you don't have to rely on them for a living, okay? Yes. Of course you try to tell them about all the bad things about it. If you cannot, you just print out all the harmful effects from the Supreme Master TV and then you give it to them, and maybe they’ll read it, maybe they’ll not. First, if you want to protect yourself, then you have to get out of that business. You have to be independent. You have to find another job to work on, okay? Yes, Master.

And then, there's not much you can help them, unless you have a lot of merit, and of course you can share it with them. Yes, Master. Or pray for them. For example like that. Then they will get merit. You give them all the information quietly, secretly, as if you forgot it at home when you visit them, and then, of course, you do the merit stuff and you can share with them. Meditate more and do good deeds and then they also will get benefit. And, of course, because you are practicing Quan Yin Method, and the higher you go, the better for them. Yes, okay? Yes, Master. Thank you, Master. You're welcome, love.

Hallo, Master. Hallo. How are you today? I'm fine, love. I'm fine. I have a question. In the previous conference, Master mentioned that a garbage man earns about 100,000 to 200,000 merit points per year. Does this also apply to all cleaning jobs, big or small? Yes, yes, yes, yes. That's good!

Yes, but cleaning small, then you have small merit. How about for an oil company? They provide the power for all kinds of transportation and also electricity, heat, etc., to all people, but at the same time, it is also a source of air, soil, and water pollution and also sea pollution, especially when we learned about how much damage it causes by the recent disaster in the Gulf of Mexico. So, is working for an oil company a meritorious job, Master, or is it more of a problem? Yes and no. Yes and no, okay?

Of course, they are providing a lot of comfort for humankind. Then they have merit for that, but also, at the same time, their merits have a deduction because of the side effects of oil pollution, etc. It goes both ways. So they give and they take. Yes, yes. They have more merit than deduction. It’s not their fault that we are addicted to oil and petrol. True, true, true. We all help create the bad karma (retribution), I guess. Yes. So we all share also their bad karma (retribution). That’s why their bad karma is less than their merit. Now you understand?

Yes, Master. Okay, right. (Thank you.) You’re welcome, love. Everything has to be logical. I’m not telling you, asking you, to have blind faith in what I say. Yes, it all makes sense, Master. Okay, love. Thank you. Well, it does to me. It does make sense to me.

It makes sense to me too, Master. Thank you very much, Master. Okay. Yes, hallo, Master. Hallo! Today, on Supreme Master Television, there is a Fly-in News about how new information could help end the war in Afghanistan. So, Master, more generally, why does war happen? Is it sometimes destiny for war to happen? It is because they have made bad killing karma (retribution) with each other in a former life.

Yes. So it is kind of avenging karma (retribution), avenging energy that draws them toward each other again and again. In the Buddha’s time, there were two small countries making war with each other, and the disciples came and begged the Buddha to stop the war, and Buddha said, “No, I can’t, because they will not listen.” And then one of his disciples who had magical power, he made some magical effect so that the two countries were put together into his begging bowl.

But then, when they opened it the next day, they saw they were fighting inside there, and he saw the begging bowl became all bloody inside anyway. You understand? (Yes.) Even in the small area, they fight. So the thing is, people’s consciousness has to be raised up, and when the energy of the world changes, then people will also change. And the concept about war and peace has to be ingrained in people’s understanding. We have to teach peace and morals and neighborly love to children when they are at a very young age already. Then maybe that will help, okay? Okay. Yes, Master.
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