VEGETARIAN ELITE Music on a Mission: Truth on Earth    
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Meet Serena, Kiley, and Tess. They are sisters aged 20, 18, and 16. Together, they make up the vegan band “Truth on Earth,” and dedicate their gifted abilities to their staunch activism and humanitarianism.

This is my bed with my two lovely sisters sitting on it casually.

Hi, we’re “Truth on Earth.” Be Veg, Go Green, Save the Planet.

Halo courageous viewers, and welcome to Vegetarian Elite! On today’s episode, we will get to know the charming members and family of “Truth on Earth.”

Gandhi, he’s one of our heroes, and he proved that peace could best be achieved through truth and non-violent protest. And that’s one of the reason we formed Truth on Earth, because we really want to make a huge difference in the world and bring more awareness to the problems and solutions to make it a better place for future generations.

And that’s why we give 70% of our profits to organizations supporting the causes we sing about.

What kind of issues do you guys sing about?

We sing about substance abuse, cyber bullying, factory farming, slaughterhouses, animal abuse, all this stuff, child abuse. Homelessness, depression, the environment.

By helping to raise awareness through their powerful lyrics, the band aspires to soon usher an era when everyone becomes part of the solutions.

We get inspired by knowing what is really happening and we feel that there’s no time to waste.

We’re putting it out there and saying what’s really the truth, so people can realize what’s really going on.

Jamming with a 70s-style rock influence, Truth on Earth offers a fresh, empowering avenue of music appreciated by a wide range of listeners. Their artistry reaches out to young and old alike, and has received responses from everyday people to environmentalists and celebrities such as Ed Begley, Jr. and Woody Harrelson.

We’ve actually had people email saying that after watching our “Factory Farm” music video, that they’ve gone vegetarian or vegan. That just means so much to us that we’re making that big of a difference of saving that many animals’ lives that the person is not eating animals anymore.

The girls are certainly doing their part in making the world a better place. What can other young people do to join in that path?

The really easy way to start helping change the world just simply by stop eating meat and dairy, because factory farming and slaughterhouses is the number one source of global warming and one of the huge reasons why our ozone layer is depleting and the ocean levels are rising.

It has a huge connection because all of the methane gas from the cows and animals. And all of the water and food and grain that we use on all the animals. You waste so much grain on feeding a few animals that we could have used on feeding all of the humans all over the world.

If we stopped all the gas powered and diesel powered motor vehicles in the world today, but we kept the factory farming industry intact, we’d still be overrun by the problem of greenhouse gas emissions, global warming, and possibly destroying our ozone layer for good just from factory farming! And it would probably only take about 10 or 15 more years. We really have one good shot at making a difference, and that’s to change the way people think about food. (Yeah.)

On our website, we actually have a “Take Action” page where it has a ton of really good tips (For every issue.) for every issue of what you can do to help.

We take a bite without any care
It’s not a right – even though we’re all here
The ice is melting – heat on the ground
Endangered Species – are lost and are found

Everyone! We’re – calling the nation!
Yes there’s still a chance – survival’s getting thin
Everyone! We’re – calling the nation!
We’re heading towards the ground –
unless we turn it around
Everyone! Line up with the nation!
You can’t man it – don’t want to take it for granted
Everyone! Come join the nation!
Spinning round and round –
only got one chance till the earth breaks down

Tess, Kiley, and Serena were born and raised as compassionate, eco-aware vegans. So what encouraged Mom and Dad to make that initial switch in their own lifestyles?

We both had terrible health problems in our late teens, and that was the inspiration to seek out other alternative options, which led us first to being partial vegetarian, then vegetarian, then vegan. It became more part of our spiritual life, because we began to realize where does your food come from, and that’s the eye-opener.

Although the girls have always been given a choice on their dietary choices, they always opted for the plant-based diet. Their mother shares a story of Kiley when she was just a toddler at a birthday party.

There was this big princess birthday cake. And we said, “Well, you know, there is dairy in there. We don’t eat dairy, but it’s your choice.” Even at 2 or 3 she was, and so we cut her a piece, and we put it in front of her, and she looked at it for about a half hour. And I remember she pushed it back and she said, “No I don’t want it.”

Indeed, the girls were brought up with a clear perspective of why they were vegan.

They’ve always taught us age appropriate things. We actually had pet chickens for a little bit, which of course, who can eat little baby chickens, they’re so adorable. And they also showed us videos of an actual slaughterhouse and that really opened our eyes even more. It’s just so disturbing how people can treat animals that way.

Seeing pictures of cows and pigs and chickens, being happy and explaining to us that that’s what a hamburger is, it’s a cow. That’s what a chicken wing is or a buffalo wing, it’s a chicken. And that’s what bacon is, it’s a little baby pig. The direct connection to it really made an impact, because little kids, if they have a choice, they don’t want to eat an animal.

And I know that they will be vegan for life, because they love our planet, they love every animal on the planet and the planet itself and their health and people, and the love just comes out and I know that will never change.

When we come back after this short message, we’ll continue our talk with the family of Truth on Earth, and how they are lending their vibrant voices to help uplift the world.

Just a few people can make a big difference, and if more people who want to make a big difference gather together, we can make even more big difference all over the planet. And since music is a universal language, we believe that’s a great way to spread our message.

Welcome back to Vegetarian Elite on Supreme Master Television as we chat with the three delightful members of Truth on Earth and their wonderful parents. As caring inhabitants of the world, the girls devote their music and efforts to making our planetary abode a better place. One of the main paths that their entire family embraces is veganism.

We’ve always had so much respect for animals, and they are just so amazing.

We would never crush a wasp that’s in our house. In fact, we put a little piece of paper, we say, "Come on here, we’ll take you outside." And, it will crawl on and you take it outside.

Friends have also been inspired by the family’s loving examples.

Their friends, oftentimes aren’t aware, don’t know, and once they become aware, oftentimes they really find it compelling to look at it as a change. When they find out about it, they feel like they’ve been outsmarted their whole life with bad information. (Yeah.)

And many times I’ve even talked to the parents and said, “Well, okay, if your daughter doesn’t want to eat meat, I’ll got to the grocery store with you or give you cooking lessons and show you what’s in our pantry and our refrigerator and our freezer.”

Once someone is enlightened as to where their food comes from and what the animals go through and how not being vegan destroys our environment, and then you’re a conscious person with a warm compassionate heart, you don’t want any part of that.

There’s a story ’bout a guy I know – He believed in everything he heard
Didn’t fact check the information just followed every single word.
Flip flop comin’ from the top blood baths
are everywhere you turn If you just re-apply yourself
then you might even start to learn Flip flop comin’ from the top –
Yeah the rumors everywhere we turn

The life-affirming plant-based diet is also the healthy way to go – for both humans and animals.

Somebody said to them, “Don’t you miss not eating cheese and so forth? And, they said, “No. Actually, if you look at the biochemistry of cheese, when you smell a dairy cheese, it has a kind of foul smell. And what that happens to be is, it’s called butyl, BUTYL. It’s taken from the stomach acid, bile of a cow. So it’s literally what would be regurgitated with vomit, and it’s what gives vomit its smell, but it’s also what gives cheese its smell.”

All of our animals are vegan. So, the dogs have been vegan their whole life and they’ve always been super healthy. Moses right here, he’s 9 years old, and we have a 15 year old, and an 8 year old too. And their health is just exceptional. And whenever we go to the vet, the vet will say, "Well, a Shepherd typically has these problems, but he doesn’t have any. He’s just, he’s great.”

Leading a life with gentler regard for all beings also fosters a peaceful ecosphere.

When people eat meat, all of the feelings of fear that the animals go through right before they are killed, there’s a chemical reaction that goes on in their body. And when people eat meat, they digest that chemical and it makes them feel those feelings, (and the karma.) (You’re getting the karma. Right.) and the karma from eating the animals. And I think people are more compassionate just by being vegan or vegetarian. So if more people were vegan then there would be more world peace.

Another important aspect is tranquility in the spiritual dimension of life.

Ever since we were very young, our parents always had us doing meditation. Having our spiritual practice really helps you to really respect all living creatures, and being connected with God.

Prayer and meditation helps a person evolve, clear out all the superfluous noise, get to a peaceful state. And at a peaceful state, you want others, all other living creatures to enjoy a peaceful experience and a peaceful state, and the only way to achieve that is to make sure you’re causing no harm.

Focus on being grateful.

For your blessings. Correct.

Grateful for all your blessings and everything – the people in your life and all of the animals and the plants and the Earth and everything.

Through the prayer and meditation and that connection with the One and All, you are out there trying to create goodness every day. When you wake up, you have a bounce in your step, and when you go to bed, you feel fantastic and at peace with what you’ve accomplished in your day in trying to make that difference. It’s the fulfilling life mission is driven by the Divine power.

True to their mission in life, the girls of Truth on Earth help make the transition to a better, harmonious, and saved world a fun and melodic journey.

Get Tess, Serena, Kiley on the line
We’re running plenty short on time
Better move along
Just to keep the Earth in motion
Rally up a better notion Gotta do it right

With love and admiration, we thank the Truth on Earth family for being radiant beacons of a Golden Age where all beings live in wholesome, contented co-existence. Caring viewers, please stay tuned to Supreme Master Television for Between Master and Disciples. May Heavenly music always caress your heart into serenity and bliss.

To learn more about Truth on Earth, please visit:
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