VEGETARIAN ELITE Luminaries: Sharing Light through Music -P1/2    
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We are Luminaries, so are you. Here to spread that love.

Splendid viewers, welcome to this week’s Vegetarian Elite, as we meet the conscious hip-hop band, Luminaries.

One Love, One Blood, and One Heart
One People, One World, and One God
We gotta come together united for One Cause
Put your hands up in the air for peace!

Luminaries is a family of seven vibrant individuals: Amore One, Ben Jammin, Dreams, Eric Soul Livin, Free(w)ill, J Brave, and Konscious Krieger. They are all gifted artists, and they have all been united by their shared vision of an uplifted, peaceful world. Supreme Master Television visited the tranquil Luminaries Circle House in Woodland Hills, California, USA, where we were welcomed with opened arms for a nice chat with several of the band members. The gathering began with a prayer of gratitude.

I give thanks for this family, this circle, this community. And for this time where we are able to make a stand for what we believe in. Let us invoke the spirit into this moment, invoke it into all of our words, all of our thoughts, all of our actions, let us embody the spirit. Praise the Most High, and so it is. And so it is.

The Luminaries brings us a unique, empowering form of music blending rock, rap, funk, soul, and hip hop.

I think our music bridges a lot of genres. And all of us come from different cultural backgrounds, different upbringings, different musical influences. And I think that is really reflected in the music. We compile all of that together, and it all kind of gets put in the golden orb in the center and we stir it up. And I think we’ve really done our best to be authentic in what we put forth and allow each other to bring out their natural tendencies in the music, and it becomes unique and becomes luminous.

And the resulting music radiates a message of love and unity.

For me, our music is about peace, our music is about justice, our music is about freedom, and our music is about liberation. Liberation of the soul, our music, through our stories, it resonates with basic universal concepts of humanity. Our music is about self preservation, and our music is very positive, very uplifting, very empowering.

It’s a reminder to myself. It’s about love, it’s about love for oneself. It’s about love for all the people in the world, love for all life on this planet, including the living Mother Gaia. And I guess, ultimately, our music’s about connection.

In fact, it was through the common ideals of compassion and the yearning for enlightenment that brought the Luminaries together.

I met this guy, Javis, playing basketball, and I just felt the kinship with this guy. We were two people on a path, didn’t know where we were going, we were both young and trying to figure things out. different people. And we realized that together, musically as well, like we had something to say. And it’s funny because it wasn’t until I said yes to my spiritual path that I even got on the microphone to record.

I followed a blog posting on MySpace from a revolutionary hip-hop artist known as Immortal Technique who was talking about South Central Farm. South Central Farm is the nation’s largest urban community farm, 14 acres in South Central LA. We had 350 families growing their own food, a safe place for children to play. J Brave here had thrown an event about a month or two prior to me getting involved. We ran into each other at a hip-hop festival and we were both kind of doing positive conscious hip-hops, you know, hip-hop with a message.

It was working together for social services that led MCs J Brave, Freewill, and Amore One to create Luminaries in 2006. Since then, they have used their musical talents to bring inspiration to others.

“Music is my medicine. I’mma let it in, deep inside, feel the vibe, time to go within.” What people have said to me after shows is they feel moved, they feel touched and inspired. And I’ve seen that and heard that from a variety of different people, from young people to hip-hop heads, to surfers to older people in their late 40s and 50s.

And seems that when the message universally is expressed and they receive that by choice, it breaks all borderlines of genre, and it goes right to their heart. And to me it feels good to hear those things because I know that it’s affecting the people in a positive way. And I know that we’re not here to save anything; we’re here to serve it, serve the world. So, that’s it.

P is for the people
E is for the essence
A is for the answers that we get from God’s questions
C is for the conscious
E is for the Earth
So everybody gotta stand up and find they worth,
A world divided will often fall to disease and violence
Gotta get through the shame and the silence
so we can be united,
Only the righteous will overcome and become enlightened,
Living your life
Loving your self
So let the light in

One Love, One Blood, and One Heart
One People, One World, and One God
We gotta come together united for One Cause
Put your hands up in the air for peace!

One Love, One Blood, and One Heart
One People, One World, and One God
We gotta come together united for One Cause
Put your hands up in the air for peace!

Peace worldwide starts from inside
We gotta find a better way that we can be (Be!)
Peace worldwide starts from inside
Go ‘head and let your mind, body, soul be free (Free!)
Peace worldwide starts from inside
The answer and solution always starts with me (Me!)
Peace worldwide starts from inside
If you want to save the world,
Be the change you wanna see!

I gotta peace of mind I gotta piece of paper
About to make a perfect rhyme that the world’ll savor
Counting stars gazing past 2011 To 2012 infinity – 777
I hope we make it to Heaven on earth
To see our brethren Come back, resurrected Bob Marley the Legend
It’s One Love
And me and my people are all connected
For world peace
We gotta have a common collective

Martin taught us the lessons Of how we should be respected and
Gandhi truly embodied the non-violent perspective
Global community unity maybe you and me
Can sit down build upon love
’cause it’s what we need
Let’s get to farming and feeding the people starving
Across the whole planet What’s going on is alarming
Sustainable living We don’t need their provisions
We can grow it pick it and eat it
That’s the world I envision On a mission
to spread peace All around the world
Like Chase, paint a face Make a beautiful mural
Africa needs peace Europe and South America Asia and Australia
Do you believe in miracles?
’Cause it can happen if everybody would tap in
To all the love in their hearts
And everyone started laughing
Time for action No time to explain
It takes 6 billion willing people to change

Now imagine if the words of John Lennon would come alive
And every body in the world started to unite
Realize It ain’t far fetched –
we can do it
Come together for a cause, do it with the music
Use it, take time and pursue it
Dreams and aspirations are all up to you
’Cause everybody in the world wanna get free
And everybody in the world, wants peace!

One Love, One Blood, and One Heart
One People, One World, and One God
We gotta come together united for One Cause
Put your hands up in the air for peace!

One Love, One Blood, and One Heart
One People, One World, and One God
We gotta come together united for One Cause
Put your hands up in the air for peace!

Peace worldwide starts from inside
We gotta find a better way that we can be (Be!)
Peace worldwide starts from inside
Go ‘head and let your mind body soul be free (Free!)
Peace worldwide starts from inside
The answer and solution always starts with me (Me!)
Peace worldwide starts from inside
If you want to save the world,
Be the change you wanna see!

One Love, One Blood, and One Heart
One People, One World, and One God
We gotta come together united for One Cause
Put your hands up in the air for peace!

Vegetarian Elite will be back after this brief message. You are watching Supreme Master Television. Welcome back, cherished viewers, to our chat with the conscious hip-hop band, Luminaries.

What up y’all? Peace worldwide.

Everybody put your fingers up to the sky for world peace. Take those two fingers, right? Hold them up high. Put them up. You take those two fingers and put them together as one. Because apart we’re separate, but together we’re one.

Everything is one! And oneness is everything
Everything is, everything is one
Everything is one! And oneness is everything
Everything is, everything is,
everything is, everything is one

Luminaries is a free-spirited band of three MCs and four musicians. In sharing elevating messages, their songs connect with people from all walks of life. Indeed, music is one of the windows through which each of the Luminaries stays in touch with the Divine within.

I meditate for maybe 10 or 15 minutes every day, just to really get reconnected with who I am. Music is a huge thing for me as well, you know, practicing piano, guitar. I teach music to kids, that’s a really meditative thing and a really enriching thing for me that reminds me of my creative nature, the Divine power that allows us to create.

My spiritual practice I believe is actually my life. It’s every action, thought, deed that occurs throughout my day. I have certain habits that I develop to remind myself that I’m a spiritual being. Just meditating in the morning, taking that 20–30 minutes whatever, you know, 2 hours, 3 hours sometimes. Sometimes 5. Sometimes the whole day. Meditate, check in with yourself.

Every moment is precious and every breath is a gift
Every second’s a blessing in every lesson we live
It’s the essence of living when your eternally giving
Loving yourself more than anyone,
internally building Stop clinging and craving
Stop judging and blaming Start living in the present
cuz ya mind needs some taming
Go further and further into a deep meditation
These are the words for ya, healing helping ya soul’s elevation illumination!
Shine bright from inside Let it glow through ya pores
As you start to fly Like a firefly!
We fly and live life
What a beautiful existence under moonlit nights
So come on...

Time heals and reveals all things
Yet the moment is all we have
Surrender Nothing ever stays the same
Find GOD from inside and accept the change

In addition to music and meditation, Luminaries maintain their clarity and spirituality through kind and conscious decisions in their vegetarian diets, as well as leading intoxicant-free lifestyles.

I believe eating a vegetarian diet is another way to remind yourself to connect with your spirit and that we are full of life force.

Practicing raw food is a really grounding art for me. Eating salads and super foods is one of the most powerful healing tools I’ve been able to do, that I do every day. Really helps me to feel connected to the Earth.

And we don’t have to harm other creatures on our planet in order to connect in order to survive. There’s some human beings out there living on a grain of rice a day or very little, and it’s because they’re connected fully with their spirit. They know they can just channel that in.

On a separate occasion when we met with Daniel Konscious Krieger, he conveyed his heartfelt gratitude to Supreme Master Ching Hai for her loving reminder on why a vegan diet is the only one suitable for a dignified humanity.

I heard Supreme Master speak about her passion for why people should let go of a meat lifestyle and go to a vegan plant-based diet. It saves so many lives, and the way that she conveyed that message was just so direct and you really felt her heart coming out with that. And being a year long, 2 years actually I’ve been a vegan, and it was like an awakening for me that I realized how my diet affected the planet. Not only the planet, it started with the realizing how it affected my friends and family, my health. And it’s a really powerful message.

So, just gratitude for putting that message out so clearly, and those animals they need our help. It’s up to us to end this enslavement and turn it around and become herbivores once again that we were meant to be. So thank you for that message and it’s an honor.

Make sure you join us again next week as we continue our chat with the Luminaries. We’ll get a peek into what the guys are eating, learn more about their life-loving endeavors, and of course, hear more uplifting Luminaries music. And now, please stay with us for Between Master and Disciples, up next on Supreme Master Television. May laughter be the constant melody that dances in your heart.

Be inspired and uplifted with the Luminaries
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