A Whole New World: Tapping into Telepathy with Animal Communicator Mary Getten - P1/2    
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Welcome, good-natured viewers to another edition of Animal World: Our Co-Inhabitants. Today we feature the first of a two-part series on Mary Getten, a telepathic animal communicator from the state of Washington, USA.

Ms. Getten is the winner of the 2007 Nautilus Book Award for “Communicating with Orcas: The Whales’ Perspective.” As the title suggests, the book chronicles her inner conversations with Orcas and how these special beings view the world. The Nautilus Book Award is for works that “contribute significantly to our society's well-being and that embrace spiritual and ecological values such as compassion, sustainability, simplicity, and global peace.”

Recently Ms. Getten kindly took time from her busy schedule to share with us some of the messages she has received while communicating on a heart-to-heart level with both wild and domestic animals.

I am a professional telepathic animal communicator. I’ve spent the last 15 years talking to people’s animals around the world and I do most of my work on the phone. Telepathy is the universal language and so you don’t need to be with an animal; time and space really doesn’t matter. I’ve spent more than 25 years working with marine mammals and in my professional practice I spend most of my time talking to domestic animals.

How did Ms. Getten become involved in communicating with animals?

I loved animals as a child and I always wanted to work with animals. When I was in high school I used to read every National Geographic about Jane Goodall. But how I got involved with animal communication was when I was working at the Marine Mammal Center in Sausalito (USA). This was in the late 1980s. I met a teacher named Penelope Smith who is one of the founders of animal communication. And so I took a class from her because I thought if I could help at the Center talking to seals and sea lions where we didn’t know what was wrong with them, I would be a big asset.

After I was in the Bay Area, I moved up to the San Juan Islands in 1990, which is an area of Washington State and British Columbia where there is a resident population of close to 90 orcas. And it was leading whale watch trips and seeing these guys that really got me to start working with my telepathic communication skills, because I wanted to know about those whales – who they were and what they thought about and all the questions that researchers can’t answer by just observing them. I realized that this is a way we can do research without all the grants and the degrees is talking to them directly.

During that time I got to know a whale by the name of Granny and she is an Orca, and she was born, the scientists believe, in 1912. So she is a very ancient whale and I knew she would have a lot to say and so I spent more than a year interviewing Granny, her son Ruffles and many other whales in the community about who they were as beings, what their hopes and desires were, how they worked out leadership issues or social structure within the pod itself and I was able to publish this information in a book called, “Communicating with the Orcas: The Whales’ Perspective.”

I wanted to put this information out so that people could find out who these animals were because they are really kind, loving, non-judgmental beings and also to help people understand how to communicate with animals.

According to Ms. Getten, whales are highly spiritual beings and have told her many amazing things about our planet and how they are trying to help humanity.

Wild animals are connected to the Creator, that sense of oneness, of all there is. And I’ll go even further with that and I would say whales are totally in that place. I do see whales as being in more or less in an enlightened state of consciousness where they’re connected to everything and they operate from that place. They are totally non-judgmental.

I’ve had so many conversations with whales about what humans are doing to the planet. And they’ve said that, “It does no good for us to judge you. That’s not going to change it. All we can do is keep sending you love and hope you get it, and that you do not destroy the planet.”

So that’s one of the messages I’ve had from the whales, but they are in a high state of being. That’s why I’ve spent a lot of time around whales. I found that like when you sit with a human master, you can raise your consciousness just by being in that energy field. I find the same thing with the whales and dolphins. When you spend time with them, it helps to raise your consciousness.

We will pause now for some messages and when we return, we will learn from Mary Getten how we can get in contact with whales in our own home. Please stay tuned to Supreme Master Television.

Welcome back to Animal World: Our Co-Inhabitants where we are featuring an interview with a wonderful telepathic animal communicator from the United States, Ms. Mary Getten.

You mentioned at one point that the animals, the whales in particular, that they love us, or that they’re blessing us. What is that like? Do they love the entire Earth unconditionally, every type of species? Do they feel empathy for humans in particular?

They do. They feel a little pity for us sometimes because one of the things that they feel is we get so caught up in our creations, our physical things, our making money, our cars and stuff, things like that. They see us getting trapped into that kind of world and not connecting in with nature, which really is probably the biggest problem on the planet today, is that human disconnection from nature. And they see that because they’re in that flow of all life. They understand their place in it.

And so, they send us a lot of love to try and help us to get back because if you can understand your place in nature and your connection to everything, it’s hard to go around destroying it, because you’re just part of it. And so many people feel separate from the rest of the whole and nature. They don’t understand how it works anymore.

Sympathizing with the many issues humanity faces, the whales have revealed to Mary Getten a way for people to connect with the whales’ loving energy even if they are nowhere near these magnificent beings.

I’ve talked to the whales and dolphins about that, because I know a lot of people can’t get to the water. There are people living in the middle of Chicago (USA) or the middle of China and there is no way to get to the sea to interact with these animals. And they’ve assured me that it’s just as good to visit them on an energetic level, so telepathically. You can sit with a picture of a whale and connect in with it and see what it’s like to be in their whole.

It is a simple process. It is all about just getting quiet inside, opening your heart, communicating with the animal, mentally and then allowing their answers or information to flow in. So it is something that anyone can do and I’ve had many people report to me after reading the book that they were able to talk to Granny as well.

She loves to talk to people and there are many pictures of her in the book that you can sit and connect with and you can have your own experience of talking to a whale, and Granny being 98 years old, 99 I think coming up this year, she is really an exceptionally wise being. So I would encourage everyone to sit down, talk to animals, just allow their information to flow in.

Don’t restrict yourself to pets. There are billions of animals out there and experiment with every kind of animal, experiment with animals that fly, that live in the sky, talk to the animals that are living in the water. Try to talk to the animals that live in the ground, see if you can connect with all different facets of the animal kingdom because it really enriches your life and the lives of all the beings on this planet.

We asked Ms. Getten if the nature of the messages she receives varies depending on the species. For example, would the conversation be any different if one connected with a snail versus a canine companion?

I would say that large animals have more complex thought processes that are more similar to humans than say a snail. They operate on a little simpler level. They don’t have quite as many interactions and things that they need to deal with. And animals that live with people, like dogs and cats and horses, they tend to develop themselves even more highly towards our direction because they want to fit, in our world and understand us better.

Ms. Getten says that there is telepathic communication between members of the same species and provides an example of how birds use this gift from Heaven.

When you do see those big groupings, they are communicating verbally but they are also communicating telepathically. So they’re all connected up mentally and they know where they are going, and if something happens, like say where one of them needs to go down, they generally will all go together.

Have you ever seen those groupings of starlings, where you’ll get thousands and thousands? And I’ve watched them move around a town, and as this swarm moves you’ll see them popping out from here and there. It’s like they collect everybody before they go to bed. It’s a fascinating thing to watch. And you can see how they are communicating. They are calling out to everybody in their big family group to come out, it’s time now, we’re all going to wherever it is that they roost at night.

We sincerely thank Ms. Getten for sharing her wonderful knowledge regarding the animal kingdom, including how we can interact on a deep level with our animal friends.

For more details on Mary Getten, please visit

“Communicating with Orcas: The Whales’ Perspective” is available at the same website

Friendly viewers, please join us again tomorrow when we feature Part 2 of our program on telepathic animal communicator Ms. Mary Getten. It was a pleasure having your company today on Animal World: Our Co-Inhabitants. Up next is Enlightening Entertainment, after Noteworthy News. May the love of the Divine guide us all.
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