Heartfelt Messages from Farm Animals: German Telepathic Animal Communicator Andrea Frankrone - P1/2 (In German)    
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Today’s Animal World: Our Co-Inhabitants will be presented in German, with subtitles in Arabic, Aulacese (Vietnamese), Chinese, English, French, German, Indonesian, Japanese, Korean, Malay, Persian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish and Thai.

So, Foxi would like to simply and clearly convey to us... yes, again, that he’s doing very well, that he’s happy, that he’s, yes, glad that he can live here with us, and to have us as his friends. You’re my good friend, Foxi, right? You’re my very dear friend.

Welcome honored viewers to Animal World: Our Co-Inhabitants. Andrea Frankrone of Germany is a professional animal communicator who has been closely connected with animals all her life. She lives with her husband on a picturesque farm in Langenberg, Germany in happy harmony with a dog, and several cats, rabbits, guinea pigs, ponies, donkeys, sheep, goats, budgies, carp and goldfish, most of whom were rescued.

Ms. Frankrone holds seminars at her farm on how to communicate heart-to-heart with animals and participants enjoy interacting with the animal friends who roam freely on the spacious grounds. Her work has been featured a number of times in the German media. Now let's travel to Germany and meet the insightful Ms. Andrea Frankrone as she describes her early years as a telepathic animal communicator.

All my life I’ve had the ability to communicate with animals through thought, ever since I was a little child, really. However, I never had the courage to talk to anybody about this, because of the way I was brought up. My parents thought animals are dumb and unable to think. I think, if I had dared to tell them at home, "Guess what, Dad, I’ve just had a chat with Hasso (a dog companion), albeit only about the weather," I believe they‘d have given me a good scolding. And so it was sort of a secret between me and the animals for several decades.

Ms. Frankrone was working as a nurse in a hospital when a sudden turn of events required her to take a different path in life. Her animal companions were instrumental in helping her to become a professional telepathic animal communicator.

But then something happened: I had to give up my job – I used to be a nurse – because I got this illness in my eyes, this optic nerve atrophy. Well, and because of that I wasn’t able to carry on with my nursing job anymore. As a result of that and with the help of the animals, yes, they had given me a lot of support, and I decided, okay, now I very, very openly will admit it, and I will finally stand by it.

How did the animals help you at that time?

Simply through constant constructive reinforcement. In fact it had always been a great, great wish the animals had had, and me too, to be honest, that I should help animals as much as possible, and humans too, of course. Without the support of the animals it would have taken me a lot longer to take this road and to have the courage to openly admit to it and say, "Well, I just have this ability to communicate with animals through thought." And it wasn’t really that difficult for me because of all the immense encouragement I got from my animal friends, which I had at that time.

Through her inner conversations with dairy cows, Andrea Frankrone has learned of the enormous pain and suffering they endure, particularly of those who live on factory farms.

And my big, big plea to humankind is to please just stop and think about the way we treat the animals and what they have to endure because of us. Calves are born and the cow doesn’t even have a single hour to get acquainted with her child. They’re separated immediately. And all that is done for the benefit of us humans, so that we can get the maximum yield of milk from that cow. Is there really a justification for us humans exploiting the animals in such a way? It shouldn’t be allowed.

And I’m absolutely certain that humans, or at least many, many humans aren’t even aware of it, they simply don’t have a clue what really happens or how these products are actually made. And it would be so nice – there are completely different ways for us to satisfy our needs for drinking and eating. There is no need to exploit animals.

What in particular have the dairy cows told Ms. Frankrone regarding how they feel about their lives and their opinion of humanity?

I get a lot of profound sadness and a lot of utter despair. And the one thing that often surprises me is, and I’ve talked with a lot of animals like this, that they don’t bear a grudge against us humans and they don’t hate us for it. But there is this profound sadness.

Ms. Frankrone is also friends with a dairy cow who lives on a farm in her vicinity.

My friend the cow is actually a very close friend of mine. She’s so, so lucky not to be kept on one of these dairy farms. She leads a very, very free life, she can go inside or go outside as she pleases, but I’ve met a lot of cows who lead a very different kind of life.

After these messages, we’ll have more from our discussion with Ms. Frankrone about the inner lives of animals. Please stay tuned to Supreme Master Television.

Welcome back to Animal World: Our Co-Inhabitants. Our guest today is professional telepathic animal communicator Andrea Frankrone of Germany who teaches others how to converse inside with our animal friends and has a farm where many rescued animals reside. The farm is graced with two quiet ponds that provide homes for several carp and goldfish and a host of joyful green frogs. Ms. Frankrone particularly enjoys her inner conversations with the carp.

Carp are particularly nice to communicate with. Above all, carp radiate a very intense kind of calmness. Sometimes at lunchtime when I have 15 minutes to myself, I take the opportunity and sit beside the pond and just watch them and let their calmness wash over me and take it all in. I can ask them questions too, of course.

For example, during one of my seminars I might, for instance, ask the students to ask the carp to describe their environment to them. And the carp are quite capable of describing their surroundings to the students, without them having to jump into the pond to look for themselves, which they could do if they wanted to.

Many studies have shown that pigs are very intelligent and curious. From a pig’s perspective, what would their ideal life be like?

They, too, would like to roam freely and spend their time doing whatever they feel like doing, like resting when they’re tired, walking around for a change, and, of course, rooting with their snouts to their hearts’ content. It’s hardly possible to observe pigs in the natural environment nowadays.

How can someone who loves a pig learn to communicate with him or her?

Well, pigs are very special partners in animal communication because they have very refined ways. They can perceive humans very well. They’re very sensitive to our emotions as well as to our moods. That’s the experience I have with my own animals that live here on our farm, and very often during my seminars too, how much they’re trying to help us. Especially with pigs, it’s really, really simple. But of course we humans first have to have trust in it, and in ourselves, too, to be able to fully accept that this is the thought the animal is sending us.

Are animals aware of the current condition our planet, humankind and all living beings are in? What messages do they have for humankind at this time?

Animals see things very clearly; they are living in the moment. This moment, that’s what’s important. If I think more about it and just put it into words, from an animal’s point of view I would just say: That we should hold on to what we still have on our planet. And not through all these nuclear tests and things like that.

Actually, that’s not what the animals are saying. I carried on with my own thoughts. But, to be honest, I am actually more or less on the same level as animals. And starting from there, it is, how to say it, my interpretation of how I experience the animals - this enjoyment, this present moment is what matters.

Could animals help humans to foresee natural disasters?

Absolutely. I have no doubts about that at all. Because animals are very, very sensitive. I can see that already when I’m out and about with them. For example, when I’m out for a walk with Da Vinci - this is my dog friend, he sniffs here, he sniffs there, then he runs three meters ahead and sniffs around and comes back again.

Sometimes I have to admit that I end up saying to him: "Tell me, are we going for walk or are we 'staying for a walk'? Because all he does is sniffing, sniffing, sniffing about. But after all, if I were able to smell the way he can, I’m sure I’d be interested as well. In the case of earthquakes it’s cats, they are the absolute best sensor, they sense it naturally.

Or, apart from the area of earthquakes, or terrible natural disasters ... it also often happens that many animals especially dogs, are terrified of thunderstorms. Even when the thunderstorm is still very far away and we humans can’t hear anything yet, then maybe ... I do not hear any thunder ... But the dogs are already trying to hide, because they know a thunderstorm is coming. Clearly, animals have a much better sense of perception for these things than we do.

Andrea Frankrone has many more fascinating insights from animals to reveal to us including wise advice from the animals regarding human-animal relations. Please join us again tomorrow for the concluding part of our interview with this wonderful telepathic animal communicator from Germany.

For more details on Andrea Frankrone, please visit

Thank you for your company today on Animal World: Our Co-Inhabitants. Coming up next is Enlightening Entertainment after Noteworthy News, here on Supreme Master Television. May your days be filled with Heaven's grace.
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