Aulacese (Vietnamese) Film: The Eyes of Prince Kunala - P1/3 (In Aulacese)    
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Today’s Enlightening Entertainment will be presented in Aulacese (Vietnamese), with subtitles in Arabic, Chinese, English, French, German, Hungarian, Indonesian, Japanese, Korean, Malay, Persian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, and Thai.

Filmmaking was introduced to Âu Lạc (Vietnam) at the end of 1890s. It began to thrive in 1923 with the first movie co-produced by the French and the Aulacese based on the masterpiece “The Tale of Kiều” by literary great Nguyễn Du. Embracing the modern technology of our world's civilization and combining it with a diverse artistic foundation inherent in the country's traditions, Aulacese filmmaking nowadays continues to develop to enhance the nation's cultural landscape.

On Enlightening Entertainment, Supreme Master Television is pleased to introduce different forms of arts from Âu Lạc as well as from other countries in the world, in order to share the beauty and cultures of the peoples on our planet.

The film “The Eyes of Prince Kunala” recounts one of the previous lives of Shakyamuni Buddha during the reign of King Asoka. Prince Kunala was a loving and forgiving soul who wholly submitted to Heaven's will. Those virtues were the shining marks of an enlightened saint that touched the hearts of and garnered the praises and respect of Heaven and humans alike.

We now invite you to enjoy part 1 of the film “The Eyes of Prince Kunala,” screenplay written by Kim Thoa, directed by Xuân Cường, and produced by Diệu Giác Temple. It will be presented in three episodes,

with performances by Công Hậu as Crown Prince Kunala, Diễm Hương as Princess Consort Madhavi, Thái San as Prince Alan, Hồng Diễm as Princess Sabana, Nam Anh as King Asoka, Y Phụng as Second Queen Tishyaraksha, Nguyễn Đình Thơ as Prime Minister, Thạch Ngà as Bodyguard Rai, Công Thế as Kamathi, Huỳnh Phú as Vedas, Thương Tín as Masoud, Minh Thư as Devi, Quốc Thịnh as Deputy General, Hồ Kiểng as Royal Physician, Trung Nhân as Governor, Đức Hiền as Eunuch, Uyên Trinh as Attendant, Ngọc Đặng as Yogi, Minh Ngọc as Physician, and other artists.

Supreme Master Ching Hai sent gifts and her love to participating in the modern folk opera “A Thumbelina in the Bamboo Tube,” aired on Supreme Master Television. Last week, we’d shared their expressions of gratitude for her loving care. And now, we’re pleased to continue our interviews with artists and professionals contributing to the art of Aulacese modern folk opera.

Set designer Trường Quang:

Supreme Master Ching Hai saw the opera “A Thumbelina in the Bamboo Tube.” Master knows about me, Trường Quang, and gave me gifts. Thank you, Master, for remembering me. This gift is very valuable to me. If there is an opera or something I can do, I will try to help Master.

Traditional musician Lâm Nghĩa:

Amitabha Buddha be praised! Respectful greetings, Supreme Master Ching Hai. Today I’m very honored that Master thinks of me. I’m now 66 years old and have spent all my life to preserve the Aulacese modern folk opera because this art has imprinted deeply in the hearts and minds of the Aulacese. We can’t be without it. I also sincerely thank and wish Supreme Master Ching Hai longevity to help the devoted artists. I now wish to respectfully dedicate to Supreme Master Ching Hai a song entitled “Drum in the Night, Missing the Beloved” by musician Cao Văn Lầu.

Actor Đức Vinh in the role of General Commander:

Respected Master, I’m actor Đức Vinh. Today I’m honored to receive gifts from Supreme Master Ching Hai for my family. It’s so precious that Master thinks of the homeland, of us artists. On behalf of some artists in Âu Lạc (Vietnam), I’d like to thank Master greatly. I hope that from now on, I can listen to Master’s teachings and feel all of Master’s generosity and love for us artists. I wish Master abounding health. May Master have many disciples and the entire world supports Master.

Costume specialist Cố Đô:

First, I’d like to thank Master Ching Hai for the gifts. I contributed in the opera “A Thumbelina in the Bamboo Tube.” Master has seen and knows about it. I’m certain there will be an opportunity to meet Master. Thank you so much, Master. I’m ill right now, so I can’t talk to Master much.

Actress Bạch Lan in the role of Fairy:

I’m actress Bạch Lan. I respectfully greet Master. I’m very happy. Good affinity has brought me Master’s gifts. This is the happiest occasion in my life. I’ve heard about the books that Master wrote. I’ve seen Master’s pictures. Master is so beautiful! May good affinity lead me to meet Master to listen to Master’s teachings. This is probably my most treasured book. I respectfully wish Master great health, forever young and beautiful.

Actress Bình Tinh, representing the late actor Đức Lợi’s family, has shared as follows.

I’m actress Bình Tinh. My respectful greetings to Supreme Master Ching Hai. I’m the late actor Đức Lợi’s daughter. My father performed as the King in the opera “A Thumbelina in the Bamboo Tube” that Master has seen. Today I received Master’s gifts. I’d like to accept these gifts for my younger siblings and myself to enjoy Master’s blessing, but above all it is for my dad’s soul to be at peace and liberated. I’ve heard a lot about Master’s eminence.

I’m very fortunate that today I’m able to speak to Master. I greatly appreciate Master’s love for my family in particular and for all the artists in general. I’m very touched by Master’s boundless love for everyone, not just us artists. I respectfully wish Master abounding health always and all fulfillment. I hope very much to meet Master one day.

Lighting specialist Trần Văn Lâm:

First, I thank Supreme Master Ching Hai. It’s invaluable that I receive your gifts on the lunar New Year occasion. Whatever I contributed to the opera was due to my love for this art. I also wish to offer my efforts so that people may enjoy a perfect opera. I wish Master a happy, healthy, and prosperous New Year.

My respectful greetings to Supreme Master Ching Hai. I’m actor Châu Thanh Hoàng. My Dharma name is Pháp Thiện at the Pháp Hoa Ashram of Ấn Quang Temple and Artists’ Temple. I thank Supreme Master Ching Hai for the gift. I’m sincerely thankful to Master and wish Supreme Master Ching Hai and Buddhists everywhere a healthy, peaceful and prosperous New Year. Amitabha Buddha.

I’d like to thank Supreme Master Ching Hai for sending me gifts and money. I wish Master good health always and longevity.

I’d like to thank Master Ching Hai for your compassion in helping artists, including myself. My respectful gratitude to Supreme Master Ching Hai. Đăng Khôi December 16, 2009

My name is Nguyễn Hồng Thái. I’m a musician who performed in “A Thumbelina in the Bamboo Tube.” I would like to thank Supreme Master Ching Hai. I’m very grateful to Master for giving me lunar New Year’s gifts. May Master have abundant health. Thank you, Master.

I’m musician Hồng Thái. You’re watching Supreme Master Television. Be Veg, Go Green, Save the Planet.

I’m artist Trường Quang. You’re watching Supreme Master Television. Be Veg, Go Green, Save the Planet. Be Veg, Go Green, Save the Planet.

I’m actor Đức Vinh. You’re watching Supreme Master Television. I’d like to recommend all friends worldwide to be veg, go green, and refrain from killing. Live in harmony and have love for the animals in this world who live around us. I’d like to suggest that you keep it like that, so that we humans can live with ease.

I’m actress Bạch Lan of Huỳnh Long Modern Folk Opera Company. Be Veg, Go Green, Save the Planet.

I’m actress Bình Tinh. I respectfully greet all the viewers currently watching Supreme Master Television, which broadcasts around the world. I wish that everyone Be Veg, Go Green, Save the Planet.

I’m Hoa Mỹ. My respectful greetings to viewers of Supreme Master Television, broadcasting worldwide. Please, Be Veg, Go Green, Save the Planet.

We sincerely thank all the artists and professionals who contributed to the opera “A Thumbelina in the Bamboo Tube,” broadcast on Supreme Master Television.

We wish you and your family peace and blessing in the love of Buddha and Heaven. May the precious modern folk opera genre keep developing to exalt noble values in the hearts of all people.

Thank you for watching today’s Enlightening Entertainment. Please stay tuned to Supreme Master Television. Coming up is Words of Wisdom. May wisdom and love be the guiding torch for all beings. Farewell for now, and we’ll see you next week.

Once upon a time in India, there was a kingdom, not very large but prosperous and rather populated. The king of this country was Asoka. To strengthen and expand his kingdom, he spent his youth fighting many battles. When he grew older and heard the Truth teachings, he became a kind-hearted and peace-loving person. King Asoka’s first queen was Queen Padmavati. Unfortunately, Queen Padmavati passed away early. That misfortune wasn’t just for King Asoka and the court alone, but for the entire nation. Everyone grieved the Queen’s death.

Greetings, Crown Prince Kunala.

How do you know I am the Crown Prince?

Your Highness, this humble subject is very old, so I know many things. Not only do I know you are the Crown Prince, I also know you miss the Queen, so you’ve disguised yourself to escape from the palace. I also know that the King is worried and has sent people looking for you. I also know that...

What else do you know?

I also know that you are doing a useless thing. Sitting under the tree shade to contemplate and forsaking worldly attachments is a happiness. But sitting under the tree to grieve a deceased mother then blame Earth and Heaven for not letting her live with you forever is useless.


Right. Because it does no good. The Queen already passed on. Countless people in this world died, are dying, and will die. Even you and I will die. If there’s birth, there’s death. Instead of grieving your mother, you should contemplate upon it. Reflect deeply about it.

Why did you snatch him from me? Don’t squeeze, or you’ll kill him!

He’s mine; you play with other things.

Alan, return it to your brother! I’ll give you something else. Alan!

Friends, let’s go play on the rocks.

Good idea, Your Highness.

Kamathi, Vedas, let’s play horse race; it’s more fun.

Good idea!

Farewell. See you tomorrow.

Farewell. Don’t forget, Your Highness.

His Highness is back.


My prince!

Madhavi, I missed you so much. Did you wait very long for me?

It’s been two months already. But did you enjoy your trip?

Somewhat, thanks to Kamathi and Vedas.

What’s the matter, Your Highness? May I know what bothers you?

People still live in misery; it’s different from the luxurious life in the capital. Many elders and children still go begging for food.

I’ll spare his life, so the court knows that the poor farmers in Taxila aren’t against our honored King Asoka and the righteous Crown Prince Kunala, son of compassionate Queen Padmavati who was the god mother of Taxila’s farmers. Long live Kunala! Go back to the court and report everything you witnessed. It’s thanks to Crown Prince Kunala that your life is spared. Go away!

Kunala has come to visit you, Royal Father. It’s my erring for not being at your side when you fell ill.

I understand, Kunala. Be at ease!

Thank you, Royal Father.

All dismissed! I need to talk to the Crown Prince alone.

How do you feel, Royal Father? I’ll send people to find the best doctors, and I’ll go myself to look for precious medicine.

You’re a filial son. I just feel uneasy because every time I close my eyes, I see a vision of your mother. She blames me for favoring Second Queen Tishyaraksha and not caring for you wholeheartedly.

What you have done for me is as immense as the heavens and sea. I think that is more than enough.

Kunala, I’m really at ease to have you succeed the throne. You’re virtuous and talented. But at the same time, I’m worried.

What are you concerned about, Royal Father?

Your noble heart – that’s what I’m concerned about. When you were young, each time you sang, I felt light-hearted and all my worries dissipated. Sing for me with your wife playing the music, Kunala!

Yes, Royal Father.

As long as Kunala is still alive, the throne can’t go to my son Alan.

I’m not yet capable of ruling a nation. My brother Kunala is the worthy one.

Be quiet! Take a look at yourself! Are you not a gentleman? Just sit on the throne. You’ll know how to rule right away.

Second Queen is very right. Your Highness shouldn’t be too modest. How can the Crown Prince equal you in talent? When I married my daughter Sabana to you, I also hoped for this day.

In childhood, life wasn’t as I dreamt. Separated from Mother, I felt empty and lonely. Then I remember her sweet lullaby and her warm caress in my innocent days. How I long for gentle Mother ever since I was in the cradle! When I lost her, sweetness turned into bitterness. Years passed; I grew up with Father’s tender words.

Your Highness Sabana.

You startled me! What’s the matter?

I venture to say this. Please forgive me if it displeases you.

Go ahead.

You haven’t yet forgotten about Crown Prince Kunala?

How dare you say that! What’s Kunala to me? You must remember that I’m Prince Alan’s wife now.

That’s why this lowly person asked you to forgive me beforehand. Life experience allows this aged woman to see through your feelings. You still love the Crown Prince. His singing still haunts you as it did when you first heard him during a spring festival.

I don’t want anyone to remind me of that anymore. I hate Kunala.

That’s why I need to speak up so Your Highness can forget him once and for all. For the more hatred you harbor, the more withered your heart becomes. Prince Alan loves you very much. That is your happiness.

If you want to continue as my attendant, then be quiet! Otherwise...

Yes, Your Highness! I heard you clearly.

Close all the doors! I don’t want to hear anymore.

In childhood, life wasn’t as I dreamt. Separated from Mother, I felt empty and lonely. Then I remember her sweet lullaby and her warm caress in my innocent days. How I long for gentle Mother ever since I was in the cradle! When I lost her, sweetness turned into bitterness. Years passed; I grew up with Father’s tender words. Love is priceless; how can one repay deep kindness?

Lo, beloved country with vast mountains, rivers and seas! Lo, riverbank’s golden sand and birds singing at sunrise! My soul is mesmerized still by the soothing lullaby at twilight. In tears, I gaze at the horizon, longing for my homeland. Thinking of my parents, my heart pines for them. Suddenly, I understand that life is ephemeral. Alas! I blame no one. All yearning now is just a dream.

Why did you stop singing? Kunala, where are you?

I’m here, Royal Father.

It’s I who ordered the Crown Prince to stop.


Respectful greetings, Your Majesty.

Be at ease! Just report if you have an issue.

Thank you, Your Majesty.

I’ve just received an urgent report. Masoud is leading the farmers toward Taxila city.

Who is this Masoud that dares to go against me?

He’s a bandit notorious for killing people mercilessly. If it were not for his excellent martial art skills, my bodyguard wouldn’t be able to come back alive.

Your Majesty, it’s truly so. He declared arrogantly that he fears nobody except one.


That’s our Crown Prince, Your Majesty.

Kunala? Of course! Who can surpass Kunala in this entire kingdom?

Royal Father, when Mother was still living, I went with her to Taxila to pacify people and met Masoud. He’s an industrious farmer and a very admirable knight.

But how do you explain the fact that more farmers are neglecting the court’s rice fields to escape with him to the forest and build a base for rebellion?

Is that true?

It’s indeed so, Royal Father. Taxila’s farmers are facing hunger and misery. They ask for changes. We can’t yet conclude that they’re rebellious. This needs to be re-examined. I think you should order Taxila’s governor to meet with the farmers and listen to their wishes.

Your Majesty, why must a vast and famous empire like ours lower ourselves to negotiate with those farmers?

Second Queen is absolutely right, Your Majesty. I humbly think this trivial matter isn’t worthy of the court’s concession. If we negotiate once, we’ll have to do it again and again.

So what is your plan?

We just need to send a seasoned troop to ask those impudent people to explain their actions.

Royal Father, there’s no need to send a whole troop there. I’ll go there alone.

Please don’t! They’ll harm you.

Don’t worry, dear. I’ll come back safely.

If you went with an escorting troop, then I’d agree. Otherwise...

I don’t go there to kill so I won’t need soldiers to escort me. I only go to meet with Masoud to resolve the farmers’ justified requests.

All right, let me think it over.

If you’re determined, I dare not speak against it. I just feel something shady in this matter.

But if I don’t go there, a massacre will be unavoidable, and the victims are none other than the innocent farmers and our Royal Father.

You’re confident that you can solve Taxila’s problems?

I’m very certain because Masoud isn’t a bad person. Besides, their demands are all reasonable.

I understand. But I feel uneasy letting you go there alone.

Rest assured. Kamathi and Vedas will accompany me.

Tomorrow, take turns to go back to the village to gather more food and horses to prepare for the upcoming tough battle.

Who do you think will lead the court’s army?

Whoever the commander is, he’s sent by the court and surely won’t make concessions with us. The only thing to do is to fight to the last person, the last drop of blood.

If Crown Prince Kunala is with them, will the situation change?

Crown Prince Kunala is tied fast to the throne. They’re the same anyhow; we can’t trust them.

His Majesty has announced that Kunala will go to Taxila. That means he’s heading for his demise. The throne will go to our Alan for sure.

What if he’s able to overcome it?

Please don’t worry. Even with three heads and six arms, he can’t escape the death traps I’ve set out on his path.

If my bodyguard Rai can’t kill him, we’ll let Masoud do that for us. Surely, Masoud won’t let Kunala live because this rebel resents the court to the bone.

I have a suggestion. I wonder if Your Majesty would agree to it.

Tell me.

By two different routes, Kunala and Alan will arrive at Taxila. Each will have his own way to deal with the rebellious farmers led by Masoud. Whoever defeats those insurgents, then... (Then what?) From that, you will see clearly the commanding and ruling skills of your sons. There’s rarely a suitable opportunity to test them.

Madhavi, it’s fine to stop here. Regat!

Yes, Your Highness.

Escort the Princess back to the palace.

Yes, Your Highness.

Kunala, letting you go alone, I’m so worried. I want to follow you to Taxila.

It’s a long trip through perilous mountains, with the bandits in wait. You can’t possibly take it.

I think the Prime Minister and Second Queen have ill will. I intuitively feel some foul play.

Sweet Madhavi, I’m very touched by your love for me. But should mishap befall me, I’ll calmly accept it because it’s the bad karma I must bear in this human incarnation. Madhavi, open your wisdom eye to realize that Truth. Only then can you reach the pure realm of peace.

I’ll do as you say. May the gods bless and protect you.

Regat, escort the Princess back. (Yes.) Kamathi, Vedas, let us go.

Please go back, Your Highness.

Chief, we’ve received an urgent report. The court’s army is heading to Taxila. They divide into two wings: One led by Prince Alan; the other by Crown Prince Kunala.

What is the size of their troops?

Alan’s group gathered many soldiers from the cities he passed by, while Kunala has only 3 people.

3 people?

Yes. Kunala and two courtiers.

Will there be disguised reinforcements following them?


Anyhow, we must be careful. Order everyone to prepare to fight!


I need someoneto watch Crown Prince Kunala’s every move.

Would you consider your younger sister?

I’m only afraid that when you meet Crown Prince Kunala, you’d have no more spirit to fight.

Your sister isn’t used to thinking highly of the opponent.

I hope so too. Remember, I don’t want to lose a good soldier like you.

I’ll bring Kunala back alive.

“There’s an important issue I wish to speak to you in private. Only Your Highness will meet with me. Walk back 100 steps behind you.”

I’ve done exactly what you asked. Now, tell me who you are? Why are you following me?

Turn around please.


You still remember me? I’ve dropped everything to follow you, the one I’ve vowed to dedicate my life to. Kunala, I’m passionately in love with you. Leave everything behind. We’ll elope to the mountain together!

Sabana, we’re not young anymore. You’re now the wife of my brother Prince Alan, and I’m the husband of Princess Madhavi.

But I don’t love Alan. The one I love is you. Because you didn’t return my affection, I had to accept Alan as my husband. Kunala, I think we still have time to build a life together.

Sabana, I thank you for thinking of me. But I can’t be your love mate. Moral principles don’t allow any of us to do that. Return to the capital. I have to go to Taxila.

You can’t go there. They’re setting up traps to harm you. I heard my father and Second Queen scheming to kill you.

Really? You didn’t concoct this story to slander Second Queen and Prime Minister? Sabana, thank you for informing me of this important news.

Then why do you still hesitate to go with me? We’ll avoid everyone and live happily together.

Sabana, I need to go to Taxila right away. If Alan gets there first, thousands of farmers’ lives will perish. Thank you, Sabana. May you be blessed. May you meet with much good luck.

We’ve traveled for a long time and need to rest.

We can’t delay! The farmers’ lives are in danger.

Look, Your Highness!

Do you know who they are? Are they the bandits?

No. I think that was one of the many traps that the Prime Minister sets up to harm us.

Why would he want to do that?

Because they will benefit from that. First is to slow us down. Second is to get rid of Kunala.

How about the masked person? Why did he save us?

I also ask myself which party that person belongs to? Vedas, are you done? Eat quickly; we must set out.

But it’s too dark; how can we find our way?

My heart is on fire. It’d be great if we could get to Taxila right now. Then we could stop Samarat’s army in time, stopping the massacre of the farmers. To me, this matter can still be resolved by other ways. When alive, my mother once took me to Taxila. Thanks to that, I had a chance to meet Masoud. I’ll find a way to persuade Masoud, and, on behalf of my Royal Father, fulfill the farmers’ legitimate wishes. That way, there won’t be any bloodshed, and Taxila will have lasting peace.

What you said makes a lot of sense.
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