Aulacese (Vietnamese) Modern Folk Opera: A Thumbelina in the Bamboo Tube – P3/3 (In Aulacese)    
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Today’s Enlightening Entertainment will be presented in Aulacese (Vietnamese), with subtitles in Arabic, Chinese, English, French, German, Hungarian, Indonesian, Japanese, Korean, Malay, Persian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, and Thai.

In Aulacese (Vietnamese) culture, cải lương (modern folk opera) is a popular theater art that dates back about three centuries, when the flourishing South was a new land. Among those who settled in the South at that time were musicians from the royal palace in the ancient capital Huế. Since then, the kind of ceremonial music often heard in the palace became more widely known among the populace.

Eventually, new songs were composed. Many amateur musical groups were formed, adopting music and song as a form of elegant entertainment. From about 1912 to 1915, the artists of these musical groups began to combine gestures to their songs. Since then, a new genre called ca ra bộ was born. Performers conversed; sometimes a song would be used as dialogue. Ca ra bộ continued to develop to create the theatrical art that is now called modern folk opera.

The orchestra for Aulacese modern folk opera usually consists of the six-string guitar, the moon lute, the pear-shaped lute, two-string fiddle, sixteen-string zither, and monochord zither. The themes of Aulacese modern folk opera highlight humanitarian and moral values. The dialogues are profound, the song lyrics and tunes are rhythmic and rich in melody. These are some of the reasons cải lương (modern folk opera) has an enduring place in the hearts of the Aulacese people.

In the lunar New Year 2007, during an outdoor gathering with our Association members in Formosa (Taiwan), Supreme Master Ching Hai was moved to spontaneously sing a folk opera song “Spiritual Practice is a Source of Blessing” written by Mr. Viễn Châu, which she knew by heart since her youth. We now invite you to listen to an excerpt of this folk opera song through the voice of Supreme Master Ching Hai.

Kneeling down, she sobs in the main hall of worship
As the temple bell sounds the hour of prayer O young devotee, why do you wish to be a nun?
Finding comfort in the scriptures, and acquainting yourself with spiritual practice?
But how can you achieve enlightenment when earthly traces are still evident on your seasoned countenance?
Are you rid of worldly debt or are still entangled?
Did you renounce the world because glory and fame have lost their appeal and life seems like an abyss?
Or was it because of a fleeting moment of jealousy and distress that you intend to hide yourself behind the temple’s gate to bury your grief and forget your sorrow?

On Enlightening Entertainment, Supreme Master Television is pleased to introduce different forms of arts from Âu Lạc, as well as from other countries in the world, in order to share the beauty and cultures of the peoples on our planet.

The modern folk opera “A Thumbelina in the Bamboo Tube” is based on an Aulacese folk tale about the tender affinity between a prince and a country young woman. This opera is a reminder that marriage and status in this world are in accordance to God’s will and that only kindness and mercy can change people’s hearts, resolve calamities, and bring happiness and peace for the multitude.

We now invite you to enjoy the conclusion of the modern folk opera “A Thumbelina in the Bamboo Tube” by playwright Bạch Mai,

with performances by Thanh Thanh Tâm as Little Thumbelina, Vũ Linh as the Third Prince, Thoại Mỹ as Princess Ngọc Lan, Minh Tiến as the First Prince, Vân Hà as First Princess Consort, Chí Linh as the Second Prince, Hồng Nhung as Second Princess Consort, Đức Lợi as King, Bạch Mai as Queen, Hồng Tơ as Eunuch 1, Bạch Long as Eunuch 2, Bạch Lan as Fairy, Hữu Huê as General Tạ, Ngọc Lan Hương as Divine Mother, Châu Thanh Hoàng as Heavenly Senior Lord, Hoài Linh as Minister, Đức Vinh as General Commander, Huyền Nga and Hoa Mỹ as Princesses, Hiếu Cảnh and Thái Sơn as Sở’s Generals, and other artists.

The modern folk opera “A Thumbelina in the Bamboo Tube” was recorded many years ago; hence the audio-visual quality is not as perfect as the original. Please accept our sincere apologies.

In previous episodes, Kim Đồng and Ngọc Nữ transgressed against heavenly laws; thus the Divine Mother exiled them to Earth. Fairy Ngọc Nữ was born into a poor farming family, with a diminutive stature and deformed appearance. Kim Đồng reincarnated as the Third Prince of the Minh nation. When the King held an assembly to select a wife for his son, the Third Prince was not pleased with anyone and in turn enraged Princess Ngọc Lan of Sở.

The King decreed that within one year the Third Prince must find a spouse, who would be promised the title of First-rank Princess Consort. The First Prince and Second Prince, together with their wives, plotted to help the Princess marry the Third Prince; in exchange, they hoped to gain half of the Sở’s territory. As for the Third Prince, in a dream he met a beautiful young woman by the name of Little Thumbelina.

Upon waking, he decided to find the beloved in his dream. On the long journey, he stopped to have some watermelon to quench his thirst. When the Prince wanted to reimburse the owner of the garden, he looked around but couldn’t see anyone. He could only hear instead the clear voice of a young woman.

That was Little Thumbelina, the melon garden’s owner. Due to their predestined affinity, the Third Prince became immediately enamored with her. He brought her back to the palace to present to his father the King. Keeping his promise, the King conferred Little Thumbelina as First-rank Princess Consort. However, the two Princess Consorts implored the King to allow culinary and sewing contests to determine the winner worthy of His Majesty’s conferment. Little Thumbelina sincerely prayed to the Divine and finally received assistance.

We sincerely thank all the artists and professionals who contributed to the opera “A Thumbelina in the Bamboo Tube,” broadcast on Supreme Master Television. Due to time limitation, we will continue with their cherished words of sharing on next week’s program. Traditional musician Lâm Nghĩa will specially perform solo on the zither the song “Drums in the Night, Missing the Beloved” in dedication to Supreme Master Ching Hai.

This is the first of Aulacese folk opera songs, composed by Mr. Cao Văn Lầu in 1919. We wish you and your family peace and blessing in the love of Buddha and Heaven. May the precious modern folk opera genre keep developing to exalt noble values in the hearts of all people.

Thank you for watching today’s Enlightening Entertainment. Please stay tuned to Supreme Master Television next Thursday for the Aulacese film entitled “The Eyes of Prince Kunala,” based on a Buddhist legend, by playwright Kim Thoa. Coming up is Words of Wisdom. Farewell for now.

The robes by the Third Prince are beautiful! His Majesty and the Queen arrive.

How beautiful!

The royal robes are exquisite. No one at the Minh court could sew that well.

Third Prince’s wife is worthy of the conferment. What else do my daughters-in-law wish to say?

Your Majesty, Third Princess Consort will indeed deserve the title if she also possesses elegant beauty.

Please call for a beauty contest. I’ll happily yield to the one perfect in all skills.

Just kill me instead of plotting troubles. Good God, a beauty contest! Don’t torment me anymore!

Third Prince, son! It’s about time your wife shows herself. What makes you worried?

Her humble origin is excused, but the First-rank Princess Consort must let everyone look at her.

Looking at her, goodness!

That’s not all. Royal Father and Mother, I’ve received news from the frontier. Sở’s King has just declared war.

They’ve dispatched troops to Minh state to engage in fighting.

Let me see it! Woe to us! Princess of Sở accompanies her powerful army and generals to Minh state to wage war, demanding us to turn Third Prince in to her.

No! I’d rather lose the kingdom than my son. How can we have the heart to risk Third Prince’s life?

I already knew he’d get in trouble by rejecting the princesses.

What do we do now to save Minh state from calamity?

How heart-rending! How anguishing! My people suffer because of me. I’d rather die to repay all favors.

It’s because you were so picky.

Now the vassal state is attacking us.

Third Prince must be sent to the border.

No! I can’t let Third Prince head to the battlefield, when he’s never ridden horses or handled swords. You three are of the same parents. How can you think of such a risky plan to sever your brotherhood? Don’t you feel tormented? Is that out of love for the nation and people, or rivalry for the royal title? I’m still here, yet you siblings are at war. Brothers destroy one another because of selfishness and greed. To fight off aggressors, there are martial mandarins. Enjoying the King’s merits, they have a duty to protect the country. Why submit your brother to be a target for bloodshed? You should feel ashamed to your country and unworthy of being human.

Please lessen your anger, Royal Father. It’s Sở state that asks for Third Prince, not I.

I’m also saddened for my brother. But who knows? Sở may withdraw its troops upon seeing him.

Will they withdraw troops or Minh’s empire beget disaster if Third Prince refuses to requite the love of a vassal state’s princess? Will Third Prince end the war or Minh state grieve his death? A tree grows three branches. If the branches fall off, so do the leaves and flower. Can you two be happy when brothers are separated? What are you scheming by proffering him? Siblings who don’t love one another are worse than animals. As learned people, how can you neglect familial bond?

Your words are golden rules imprinted in a wrongdoer’s heart.

We vow to be filial and righteous. As a woman, I dare not decide on a warfare issue.

Royal Father and Mother, I’m very grateful for your understanding of my plight. Second brother worries for our nation’s well-being. I didn’t take care of my marital status, so Minh state is in trouble, as Sở hastens to dispatch troops here. May I go alone to the border, using virtue, talent and kindness to make peace?

I can’t let you risk your life.

Don’t let a bamboo mourn its shoot.

If you don’t accept my plea, I’d rather take my life to fulfill my duty to my country.

Third Prince!

If you’re determined, I’d have to give in. I’ll provide you one hundred thousand soldiers.

That is a waste of our troops, Royal Father. I’m a literary man not used to commanding an army. My wife and I will use kindness to persuade them. Who knows? With God’s mercy, we can end the war.

Third Prince, son! I wish you safety at the frontier. How I pity my child as he endures much bitterness!

I’m tormented, thinking of your fate. I love you for being selfless and loyal.

I wish you luck and victory.

May people live in peace. I wish you success and a return to our loving family.

I now take leave for the frontier to make peace.

To the battlefield for a talent match. A hero flinches not from danger to cleanse his disgrace of old. I travel a thousand leagues on horseback.

Belittled by Minh state, I’ll give them a lesson. We’ll duel at the battlefield with swords. Our troops have arrived. Quickly tell Third Prince to surrender.

Soldiers! (Yes.) Besiege four citadel gates! Whoever the gate guard is, call Third Prince out to face Princess Ngọc Lan and General Tạ.

I thought it was someone else, but it’s Princess Ngọc Lan and General Tạ. What animosity causes you to invade the great Minh state?

It’s a life and death matter, yet you still try to be clever. You’re indifferent to the princesses and choose a lowly person as your wife. I consider that disgrace your debt to me, so I led the army here to ask for a settlement.

If you’re talented, come out here. Otherwise, give yourself up.

What is your title in Sở, Sir?

I’m Grand General Tạ of Sở.

I’ve heard of you. Your fighting skill is unmatched. But Sở and Minh have never had any animosity. Why then wage war, bringing only misery and death to the people?

I appreciate your righteous words, but as a loyal subject, I’m determined to bring back victory for my country.

Talk no more of gratitude and upset further a victim of ungratefulness. Infatuated with a country girl, you turned down the vassal state’s princess. This disgrace I’ll never forget. I now take revenge. Surrender quickly, Third Prince!

May I have a few words of advice. Have compassion, Princess of Sở; withdraw your troops for people’s safety.

I heard a young woman’s voice. Is that Third Prince’s spouse? Gently speaking, you try to persuade Sở. If you wish no bloodshed, meet my two conditions. First, you must defeat General Tạ. Second, I’ll deploy troops in a battle formation. If you wish for peace, disrupt my combat disposition, then I’ll accept defeat.

May I confirm, Your Highness? If I fulfill your conditions, you’ll keep your words.

An upright person won’t go back on her words.

Thank you! I’d like to speak to General Tạ.

I’m here! What have you to say?

I’ve heard that General Tạ is not only highly talented, but also unmatched as a strong eater.

You’ve heard of my reputation, what’s your plan?

I have just a small rice pot. If Your Excellency can finish it, we’ll accept to be your vassal state, and give Third Prince up to Princess of Sở. Yours will be the great nation.

Bring the rice here now, and I will show you. Today, Sở will become a great empire. Meeting me, you’ll lose badly.

Soldiers! Take the rice pot to General Tạ.

This tiny rice pot!

She’s indeed showing off her axe before a master carpenter!

Please enjoy, Your Excellency!

Fine, leave it to me!

How come the rice is still there, General?

Don’t worry, Princess. It’ll be empty eventually. Let me eat.

How do you feel, General?

I’m so full! Devil’s magic is at work here. Quickly! Deploy the troops, Princess!

Soldiers! Form a combat disposition.

Third Prince, use the gold hairpin to nullify her combat formation!

The warriors see death everywhere. Separated from family, they sorrow greatly. Do you have the heart to kill? Alas! How heart-rending! Change your mind. Go back quickly to reunite with family!

At home, your parents are missing their sons, your wife and children awaiting you. Let your blood not spill in a foreign land.

Feel for your wife and children if parted from you.

O God, I’ve been to many perilous battles and never flinched from spears or arrows. Yet now I must painfully accept defeat, and drop my swords. Obviously, fairy’s magic can’t be underestimated. Kill me then! I’m at the end of my rope. Sở will be ruined and filled with tears.

Such a talent like you shouldn’t go to waste. The two nations will be allies. We will be good friends.

Your noble words make me feel ashamed. I blame the two princess consorts for not being kind to family.

Please explain what you just said. What did my sisters-in-law scheme to do? I’m worried that the court is in trouble.

The Princes and Princess Consorts are self-centered. This is the contract that says I’ll divide my nation in half if Little Thumbelina’s life is ruined, as they said she’s a demon disturbing the palace. Now that I have met you and understood, I’d like to present Third Prince this signed agreement.

I didn’t expect my siblings to be wicked. I’m grateful to Your Highness for revealing this treachery. Our Royal Father will judge this matter.

May I ask Princess to help revive General Tạ and the soldiers?

Your Highness, how is the battle?

General Tạ, Third Prince and Princess Consort are highly talented, and also mercifully set us free.

In that case, great Minh country and ours will be at peace; we’ll be your lesser state.

We now withdraw troops and forever remember your favor. We’ll sign a surrender letter and make a yearly offering.

May you have a safe trip home. Let us uphold righteousness and wait for our mutual relations. The two countries now rejoice in an alliance. Never to worry.

We loath to part and wish to exchange our thoughts. Our nations and people are in peace. May the two countries never compete for supremacy again.

Great heroes don’t deceive each other. Your kindness, my people will remember, and I’ll never forget.

We bid farewell; may we meet again.

Neighboring states will be in harmony.

Royal Father and Mother! Thanks to your grace, victory is achieved. I hereby present Sở’s surrender letter.

Let me see! My Queen!


Third Prince, son! (Yes.) You’ve never learned combat skills. How can you achieve such a feat of arms?

That feat of arms doesn’t belong to me, as I am incompetent, but to Little Thumbelina.

Who is Little Thumbelina?

She’s the country girl whom I married. She’ll present herself to you today.

All right! General Commander! Convey my instruction: Invite the princess consorts to the beauty contest.

Yes, Your Majesty. First and Second Princess Consorts, please present yourselves.

We respectfully greet Royal Father and Mother.

Be at ease.

First and Second Princess Consorts are very beautiful. Third Prince, you should bring Little Thumbelina here.

Yes, Royal Mother.

O Little One! Our sisters are so beautiful. I don’t know what to do. Royal Father and Mother told you to come in. I’m worried and clueless, Little One.

My love, did you forget already? The fairy gave us instructions: Pour this nectar water on me, and you’ll witness something incredible.

Ah! I almost forgot. Let me loosen my sleeves, and you can step out. I’ll use the magic water to change you.

Slowly or I will tumble.

O Little One! I now sprinkle the nectar water on you. If it doesn’t change you, we’ll die together. O Little Thumbelina!

Miss, why are you here in my palace? Sweetheart Thumbelina, where are you?

My beloved Prince, I’m Little Thumbelina.

Rejoice at our happy marriage. Our difficult time is over.

Sweetheart, come with me.

Your daughter-in-law respectfully greets Royal Father and Mother. Please forgive my being hidden for so long.

This is Little Thumbelina from the humble village, whom I married.

She’s like a fairy from Heaven!

Lovely, charming, and elegant! I’m elated to have a virtuous daughter-in-law.

Today, Little Thumbelina, Third Prince’s wife is present. Let me hear the result of the beauty contest.

Royal Father and Mother, Little Thumbelina is truly lovely like the Moon Goddess.

To this beauty, even fairies must give way.

She’s worthy to be First-rank Princess Consort.

I’ll make a judgment based on your words. Third Prince’s wife is First-rank Princess Consort.

I prostrate in gratitude.

Long live Royal Father and Mother!

The contest is completed. I now will judge the disloyal subjects.

First and Second Princes! Two Princess Consorts! How dare you collude with Princess of Sở to heartlessly turn over Third Prince to procure half of Sở state?

Royal Father and Mother, what proof is there to indict me for disloyalty?

Who is so heartless and selfish as to falsely accuse us?

I’ve already lost shamefully three times.

Now we’re even accused of turning Third Prince over to our enemy.

Quiet! Look at the proof here!

Woe to us!

Here’s my judgment: First offense: colluding with Princess of Sở is an act of high treason. Second offense: signing an agreement to turn over your brother to procure half of Sở is an immoral act. Third offense: proffering your brother to war to be killed by Sở is an inhumane act. Three offenses are now exposed. Have all four of them chastised by the law!

Father, please! Have great mercy and forgive my brothers’ mistake. We’ve been together all this time. It’s painful to be separated. I’ll be in agony seeing my brothers’ blood shed.

Please have pity to spare the lives of our brothers and their wives.

I won’t forgive them,

As their hearts are wicked.

Please allow me to take their place.

Let us die together.

Listening to your righteous appeal for us, I feel overcome by brotherly love.

Due to greed, narrow-mindedness, and wrongful desires, I bring disaster upon myself.

My sin is mountain-high, unpardonable by the nation’s law. I beg Royal Father and Mother to forgive us. Being unfilial, I make you sorrowful.

Even if I must die, I dare not utter a complaint. O Third Prince, it’s too late for me to repent.

Selfish and greedy, I’ve fallen morally. Forgive me, my younger brother. I’ll pay for my sin.

O Second brother, let it all pass. Father and Mother, please grant the pardon.

What happened didn’t harm our country but helped unite our family.

Such a kind heart makes a shining example. I feel ashamed as a woman in the royal family.

Wealth will change, but love lasts forever. I must reap the fruit of my action. Righteousness and goodness are reserved for the kind-hearted.

Pondering over my shameful deeds, I blame no one, but wish only to repent.

Please be generous to forgive us, Father and Mother. Please forget what just happened, younger brother and sister.

In tears, I respectfully beg Royal Father to keep our family intact.

Royal Mother, please pity me as I will be sorrowful, if I can’t repay a great favor. My two brothers and sisters have already repented. Mother, sever not our family bond. My plea has reached the heavens.

Even a tiger does not eat her cubs. Your Majesty, have compassion and not sentence them.

A King’s words are resolute. Court officials also witnessed their offenses.

We kneel in front of Your Majesty, to beseech you to pardon them all.

Since all court officials plead for you, I’ll spare you the death sentence.

We’re grateful, Royal Father.

But you must go to the royal shrine to light incense for three months to redeem your mistake.

Order obeyed.

The Third Prince is both virtuous and wise; he’ll succeed my throne to preside over the court.

Royal Father!

You and Little Thumbelina will rule with kindness and loyalty to save our people. My Queen! Be at their side to give advice, so I can peacefully retreat to the temple.

Royal Father!

Your Majesty! (My Queen!) Let me go with you to the mountain to practice spiritually, and sow good seeds for the future.

Our young children need your help. Family attachment only begets more sorrow.

My heart is torn to pieces seeing you leaving.

The palace will feel desolate.

I’m in tears to part with my loving father.

I’ll follow the virtuous way and help my brother take care of our country and people.

And share the burden. We’ve already repented; why part now?

I thought we could enjoy Father’s love forever.

Alas! The palace will be devoid of your sight.

I care not for glory and wealth, and will find joy in the sound of the wooden bell.

Royal Father!

My Queen!

Your Majesty!

Royal Father!

Supreme Master Ching Hai sent gifts and her love to the artists and professionals contributing to the modern folk opera “A Thumbelina in the Bamboo Tube,” aired on Supreme Master Television. They have expressed their gratitude for Master’s kindness.

Playwright Bạch Mai of “A Thumbelina in the Bamboo Tube” shared as follows:

Amitabha Buddha be praised! I’m Bạch Mai, the playwright of “A Thumbelina in the Bamboo Tube,” which Master has commended. I’ve received Master’s gifts. I sincerely and respectfully thank Master. I’d also like to say that I have researched extensively on the subject of Buddhas, saints and sages. If Master has any topic relating to Buddhism, please kindly send and I’ll write the screenplays, then ask the artists to perform and record for Master to share the Truth teachings to Buddhists.

I respectfully wish Master abounding health and eternal longevity; it’d be our blessing. I respectfully wish the practitioners a favorable and happy spiritual journey. I’m sincerely very thankful to Master. Amitabha Buddha be praised! I’m artist, director and playwright Bạch Mai on Supreme Master Television. I respectfully ask that all Buddhists “Be Veg, Go Green, Save the Planet.”

Actress Thanh Thanh Tâm in the role of Little Thumbelina:

My name is Thanh Thanh Tâm. I was awarded the title Outstanding Artist in 1997. I now work for the Theater Association in Sài Gòn. Supreme Master Ching Hai has thought of me. I couldn’t have imagined nor expected today’s meeting and the honor of being cared for and loved by Master. It’s my greatest happiness when I received Master’s love and gifts today.

I was thinking, in that opera my acting was so inexperienced and my singing wasn’t good, but why is it that Master pays attention to it? That means, in that opera, I was able to bring out perhaps something spiritual, so that when Master watches it, she sees some kind of connection.

Therefore, right now, I still like to eat vegetarian. Before when I was young, I thought I ate vegetarian because I was very sad; I didn’t think of anything else. But gradually, I understand that eating vegetarian also has a very sacred meaning in our thoughts and spirituality. Slowly I understood, then I began to feel that I must eat vegetarian. Why?

First, every time I eat vegetarian, I feel very light. Second, I don’t feel upset about much. I can overlook everything, and when I can do that, my mind is at ease. I know for sure I will reach the point where I feel compassion... Like now, people say, for example, a balut (fertilized duck egg) is very delicious. Sometimes, I like to eat that very much, but if I eat it, I’d say “Woe to me! I feel so sorry for it!” then I dare not eat. I think that it all comes from the heart. Therefore, sometimes I eat vegetarian 20 days a month, sometimes 15 days a month, sometimes 10 days, sometimes 7 days. Whenever it’s convenient, then I eat, but I will try to eat vegetarian as much as possible.

I respect Master. I really am grateful to Master. Thanks to Master that viewers worldwide could see the opera “A Thumbelina in the Bamboo Tube.” The things that Master does, I’m determined to follow, and I respectfully wish Master be forever young and beautiful, because I think Master is very beautiful. And I also want to be young and beautiful always like Master. I respectfully wish Master much good health. Only with good health, can Master rescue all beings.

I respectfully wish that Master will live very long so that other spiritual people and I can follow Master’s path. Revered Master, I’d like to sing the song “Drum in the Night, Missing the Beloved” to respectfully dedicate to you.

“Since my husband departed with his precious sword, I’m anxiously waiting for him. I long for him in my dream. Oh, how heart-rending! The road may be full of bees and butterflies Please forget not our marital affection I yearn for my beloved at night And languish from pining in daytime Like a husband-waiting stone

Betray not my faithful heart Know you not Reclining at night, how I sorrow Reminiscing our togetherness before May our tender bond never fade I pray for your well-being Hasten home, O beloved for the love birds to reunite. (Wonderful!) Hi, I’m Thanh Thanh Tâm. Greetings, Supreme Master Television viewers. This book is very beautiful. I like it very much. I feel something that touches me deeply when I read Master’s words and poems. When I return to the city, I will pass this book around to other artists so they can also read it and feel the love that Master put in this book.

Actor Minh Tiến, in the role of First Prince:

Respected Supreme Master Ching Hai. I’m actor Minh Tiến. I was fortunate to participate in the opera that Master watched and helped promote an opera about humans’ moral values to global viewers so that people realize that loving one another is the noblest thing. I also received Master’s gifts for myself and my family. I wish Master good health, and may you reach everywhere in the world to talk about human compassion and mercy.

Actor Chí Linh, in the role of Second Prince, and his wife, Vân Hà, in the role of First Princess Consort:

We’re Chí Linh and Vân Hà. We’d like to greet Master. Today, we’re very surprised to receive Master’s gifts. We’re very elated and happy. There’s only one regret that we haven’t met Master; we hope one day we will meet Master in Âu Lạc (Vietnam). And if there is opportunity, we will participate in programs that have spiritual significance and call on humanity to love one another. And now, my wife, Vân Hà, would like to say a few words to Master.

I’m Vân Hà. I’m very touched. These gifts are very precious and come to me and my husband unexpectedly. I wish some day we will meet Master to have the affinity to work for anything that might need us, that is beneficial to everyone and the society. I wish Master good health.

Respected Master, I’m actress Hồng Nhung. I also contributed to the opera “A Thumbelina in the Bamboo Tube.” Master’s heart is magnanimous, and Master thinks of us, the artists. I thank Master very much. I also wish Master Ching Hai great health. I’m opera actress Hồng Nhung. You’re watching Supreme Master Television. Be Veg, Go Green, Save the Planet.

Actor Hiếu Cảnh, in the role of Sở’s General:

Amitabha Buddha be praised! I’d like to thank Master Ching Hai. The opera “A Thumbelina in the Bamboo Tube” was made a very long time ago, but today Master remembers and gives me these very valuable gifts. My best wishes to Master Ching Hai in sharing with everyone about Buddhism so that they know what is good or bad karma. I’d like to wish Master good health to promote Truth teachings to the whole world. I’m actor Hữu Cảnh on Supreme Master Television.

I recommend that everyone be veg to save the planet and avoid the coming disaster on Earth. We must do something; first stop killing so the animals can live as we do. If something happens, we will suffer just like the animals. I hope that everyone watches Supreme Master Television, so that we do what we can.

Actor Thái Sơn, in the role of Sở’s General:

Respected Master Ching Hai, I’m a long-time actor in Hồ Quảng modern folk opera. I also belong to a family of Hồ Quảng artists, Thanh Bạch and Bạch Mai. Master loves us and gives us gifts for the lunar New Year occasion. That is from Master’s loving care for the artists. I’d like to thank Master Ching Hai. I treasure it very much and I’m very happy. I promise to try to improve in this art. I wish Master great peace, wish fulfillment, and abounding health always.

Actor Hồng Tơ, in the role of Eunuch 1:

Respected Master. Today, I unexpectedly received Master’s gifts for the role I acted in the modern folk opera “A Thumbelina in the Bamboo Tube,” a long time ago. Master has high regard for us artists in Âu Lạc, as well as all other artists. I’ve heard that Master is world-renowned, and I’m very happy today. I’m very grateful to Master and wish that Master has good health always and achieves all the best of what Master hopes to bring to everyone.

I also heard that Master is calling on all humanity to switch to a vegetarian diet to save this planet. Green organizations are calling on us to help make the planet return to its original normal state, because now, the planet is getting warmer. Right now, we’re living in an environment that has so many problems such as wastes and substances that are harmful to people. Master calls upon everyone to be vegetarian to reduce the production of animals because if that can be done, it’d be very wonderful. I also wish very much that Master’s call will receive satisfactory responses.

Once again, I respectfully wish Master abounding health always, and I promise to find good acting roles that remind others of humanity’s moral principles. Greetings, viewers. I’m opera actor Hồng Tơ. You’re watching Supreme Master Television. I’d like to ask viewers to begin right now to Be Veg, Go Green, Save the Planet.

I’d like to introduce to you three books written by Supreme Master Ching Hai, which are now #1 international best-sellers. The first book is “The Noble Wilds,” the second book is “The Birds in My Life,” and the third book is “The Dogs in My Life.”

Actor Hữu Huệ, in the role of General Tạ Hầu Đôn:

I’m actor Hữu Huệ of Huỳnh Long Folk Opera Company. I’d like to thank Master Ching Hai for the gifts to my family. I thank Master for your heartfelt concern for the artists in Âu Lạc. I must say that the artists are very much grateful. My family and I wish Master all fulfillment. I’m opera actor Hữu Huệ. You’re watching Supreme Master Television.

Director Phượng Hoàng and actor Vũ Linh who performed the role of Third Prince also received Master’s loving gifts and best wishes.

We’d like to sincerely thank all the artists and professionals contributing to the modern folk opera “A Thumbelina in the Bamboo Tube” that our viewers have enjoyed on Supreme Master Television. Due to time limitation, we will continue to send you more warm words of sharing from the artists on next week’s program.

Traditional musician Lâm Nghĩa will specially perform solo on a zither the song “Drum in the Night, Missing the Beloved” to respectfully dedicate to Supreme Master Ching Hai the first vọng cổ (nostalgic song) in Âu Lạc, written by composer Cao Văn Lầu in 1919. We wish you and your family all the best of blessings in the love of Buddha and Heaven. May the precious art of modern folk opera continue to develop so as to elevate noble values in the hearts of all people.
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