Aulacese (Vietnamese) Modern Folk Opera: A Thumbelina in the Bamboo Tube – P2/3 (In Aulacese)    
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Today’s Enlightening Entertainment will be presented in Aulacese (Vietnamese), with subtitles in Arabic, Chinese, English, French, German, Hungarian, Indonesian, Japanese, Korean, Malay, Persian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, and Thai.

In Aulacese (Vietnamese) culture, cải lương (modern folk opera) is a popular theater art that dates back about three centuries, when the flourishing South was a new land. Among those who settled in the South at that time were musicians from the royal palace in the ancient capital Huế. Since then, the kind of ceremonial music often heard in the palace became more widely known among the populace.

Eventually, new songs were composed. Many amateur musical groups were formed, adopting music and song as a form of elegant entertainment. From about 1912 to 1915, the artists of these musical groups began to combine gestures to their songs.

Since then, a new genre called ca ra bộ was born. Performers conversed; sometimes a song would be used as dialogue. Ca ra bộ continued to develop to create the theatrical art that is now called modern folk opera.

The orchestra for Aulacese modern folk opera usually consists of the six-string guitar, the moon lute, the pear-shaped lute, two-string fiddle, sixteen-string zither, and monochord zither. The themes of Aulacese modern folk opera highlight humanitarian and moral values. The dialogues are profound, the song lyrics and tunes are rhythmic and rich in melody. These are some of the reasons cải lương (modern folk opera) has an enduring place in the hearts of the Aulacese people.

In the lunar New Year 2007, during an outdoor gathering with our Association members in Formosa (Taiwan), Supreme Master Ching Hai was moved to spontaneously sing a folk opera song “Spiritual Practice is a Source of Blessing” written by Mr. Viễn Châu, which she knew by heart since her youth. We now invite you to listen to an excerpt of this folk opera song through the voice of Supreme Master Ching Hai.

Kneeling down, she sobs in the main hall of worship As the temple bell sounds the hour of prayer O young devotee, why do you wish to be a nun? Finding comfort in the scriptures, and acquainting yourself with spiritual practice? But how can you achieve enlightenment when earthly traces are still evident on your seasoned countenance? Are you rid of worldly debt or are still entangled? Did you renounce the world because glory and fame have lost their appeal and life seems like an abyss? Or was it because of a fleeting moment of jealousy and distress that you intend to hide yourself behind the temple’s gate to bury your grief and forget your sorrow?

On Enlightening Entertainment, Supreme Master Television is pleased to introduce different forms of arts from Âu Lạc, as well as from other countries in the world, in order to share the beauty and cultures of the peoples on our planet.

The modern folk opera “A Thumbelina in the Bamboo Tube” is based on an Aulacese folk tale about the tender affinity between a prince and a country young woman. This opera is a reminder that marriage and status in this world are in accordance to God’s will and that only kindness and mercy can change people’s hearts, resolve calamities, and bring happiness and peace for the multitude.

We now invite you to enjoy part 2 of the modern folk opera “A Thumbelina in the Bamboo Tube” by playwright Bạch Mai,

with performances by Thanh Thanh Tâm as Little Thumbelina, Vũ Linh as the Third Prince, Thoại Mỹ as Princess Ngọc Lan, Minh Tiến as the First Prince, Vân Hà as First Princess Consort, Chí Linh as the Second Prince, Hồng Nhung as Second Princess Consort, Đức Lợi as King, Bạch Mai as Queen, Hồng Tơ as Eunuch 1, Bạch Long as Eunuch 2, Bạch Lan as Fairy, Hữu Huê as General Tạ, Ngọc Lan Hương as Divine Mother, Châu Thanh Hoàng as Heavenly Senior Lord, Hoài Linh as Minister, Đức Vinh as General Commander, Huyền Nga and Hoa Mỹ as Princesses, Hiếu Cảnh and Thái Sơn as Sở’s Generals, and other artists.

The modern folk opera “A Thumbelina in the Bamboo Tube” was recorded many years ago; hence the audio-visual quality is not as perfect as the original. Please accept our sincere apologies.

In part 1, Kim Đồng and Ngọc Nữ transgressed against heavenly laws; thus the Divine Mother exiled them to Earth. Fairy Ngọc Nữ was born into a poor farming family, with a diminutive stature and deformed appearance. Kim Đồng reincarnated as the Third Prince of the Minh nation. When the King held an assembly to select a wife for his son, the Third Prince was not pleased with anyone and in turn enraged Princess Ngọc Lan of Sở.

The King decreed that within one year the Third Prince must find a spouse, who would be promised the title of First-rank Princess Consort. The First Prince and Second Prince, together with their wives, plotted to help the Princess marry the Third Prince; in exchange, they hoped to gain half of the Sở’s territory.

As for the Third Prince, in a dream he met a beautiful young woman by the name of Little Thumbelina. Upon waking, he decided to find the beloved in his dream. On the long journey, he stopped to have some watermelon to quench his thirst. When the Prince wanted to reimburse the owner of the garden, he looked around but couldn’t see anyone. He could only hear instead the clear voice of a young woman.

We thank you for watching today’s Enlightening Entertainment. Please stay tuned to Supreme Master Television. Coming up is Words of Wisdom. We wish you and your family peace and happiness in the immense love of Heaven. Farewell for now, and we’ll see you next week.

O sirs, have pity on me a pauper! You should pay for your melon. Don’t just eat and leave. I’ve waited months before I can enjoy the fruit of my hard labor. How can you be so heartless? Please pay me for the melon.

Whose voice is that? Eunuchs! Come here. Who’s lamenting? Strange!

The sun is about to set; suddenly comes the wailing.

Maybe it’s a demon about to have us for a meal. This wild forest is frightening! Let’s hurry back to the court.

I’m neither a ghost nor demon. I’m just the melon garden’s owner. Don’t be scared, sirs!

My guess wasn’t wrong, then! That was the voice of the melon grower. How unusually clear it is! My heart is stirred. Eunuchs! Quickly invite the grower here. (Yes.)

Who is the melon garden’s owner? Please step out here for His Highness to repay you.

I’m here!

“I’m here!” How come we hear the voice but see no one?

Just the voice, but there’s no one!


I have a feeling that this forest has ghosts.

Nonsense! There’s no ghost. Calm down! Stay calm like me. See? See how calm I am?

You’re calm, but why are you shaking?

Who says I’m shaking? That’s just natural.

I’m so scared. I suspect this forest has a melon ghost.

I’m in front of you two.

You’re in front, but how come I can’t see you?

Come closer, you’ll see me right away.

Come close, and we’d see you?

You go ahead!

No, no! Come with me. Don’t leave me here alone. I’m very scared.

Well then, follow... me... Why are you such a coward?

I’m not a coward. I’m just not very brave.

Greetings, Eunuchs!

Brother! Brother!


Where is she? How come I don’t see anything?

Ma’am, where are you? Please let us see you. Don’t scare us; we’re terrified!

Look closely on the bamboo tube.

Brother! It’s not a melon ghost. Maybe it’s a bamboo ghost.

Don’t look carelessly.

Ma’am, where you are? Show up, please!


A demon!

What? Let me see. How horrible! I’m fainting...


Eunuchs! What is going on? Eunuchs! What is up with you?

When they saw me, they got scared suddenly.

Who are you? Where are you?

I’m the melon garden’s owner. I’m here!

What? How terrifying! A freak in the forest! How frightening!

Yes, I’m a freak and I’m ugly. That’s why I keep myself in the forest, befriend trees and plants, rest in the green bamboo tube at night, labor to grow melons during the day, and live alone; such is my ill fate. You’re a prince dwelling in the palace. I wouldn’t dream of the regal one. Don’t be quick to scorn this humble person. Ugly and poor, I’m afraid of ridicule, so I don’t dare show up and make a fool of myself. Since you didn’t pay for your melon, I had to step out and had frightened you.

Hearing your gentle words, I feel sympathy for you. Let me hear your story of adversities. Where is your father, letting you suffer like this? O dear, tell me quickly.

After giving birth to me and seeing her child so tiny, my mom was traumatized and passed away.

How about your father?

Grieving for his fate, my dad severed his family bond. He left me alone with the melon garden and entered a temple as a monk.

Such an unfortunate young woman, separated from her parents because of her unpleasant looks! My heart is filled with fondness as if I became enamored with you since long ago in my dream. We formed a bond of deep affection. I vowed to be with you in lasting love.

Listening to Your Highness, I feel even sadder. Ill-fated, I’d never dream of life in the palace. Don’t bestow such great grace and bury your life unnecessarily. You shouldn’t marry a poor person; instead, choose a noble lady.

Heaven has already tied the marital thread. Rest assured, I’ll bring you back to share a life of wealth. I vow to never make you suffer separation.

Trusting you, I’ll follow you to the palace.

Eunuchs! Have you come to consciousness?

Yes, we have for a while; so we know the entire incredible tale.

Your Highness, you deemed the princesses unworthy. “The picky ends up picking the worst!”

Don’t talk nonsense. Hasten back to the palace. Remember to keep it confidential. Don’t reveal this to anyone. Understand? (Yes.) O Little Thumbelina! (Yes.) You’re so tiny, how can you catch up with us?

O Third Prince, let me stay in your sleeve then.

In that case, we will remind Your Highness often.

What is it?

If you accidentally lower you arm, she’d be flattened.

Watch your words! You’d lose your life, speaking carelessly.

Follow me quickly, little one. Here, go into my sleeve. Call out loud if you feel suffocated, and I’ll fan you.

Yes, Your Highness.

There, very good! Eunuchs! Cross the mountain to rush back to the court.

Greetings, Princess.

What’s the matter? You look panicked.

Your Highness, I’ve received a secret report. The Third Prince has found a wife.

Woe is my fate!

But this is a very unusual marriage. His wife is homely and only finger-sized. How annoying! She must be a demon in disguise, not a human.

Where did you hear this nonsense? How can one marry a finger-sized person? Could your brother be so ill-fated? He favors a demon over beauties.

Who told you this? We must verify. Could it be that our nation is declining, so a fiend has entered the palace to destroy Minh’s dynasty?

I spoke the truth. The Third Prince has reported to our Royal Father. Though the bride is tiny and poor, our father agreed to confer her First-rank Princess Consort.

Why did His Majesty hasten to confer? I feel pity for the Princess Consorts. You’ve fulfilled your duties but overnight lost to a country girl.

What a disgrace! I’m not to defer to a lowly jungle girl.

To be First-rank Princess Consort, she must have both virtue and beauty.

You’re right! Let’s hurry to the Longevity Palace to report to our royal parents, and object to the conferring.

Ask for a contest before the court. Whoever wins will be First-rank Princess Consort.

You’re right! I’ll ask Royal Father for a skills contest. Whoever cooks best will be the winner.

If she’s incompetent, she must quickly leave and dream not of being First-rank Princess Consort.

Good idea!

I’ll help you perfect your domestic skills.

I’ll forever be indebted to your kindness.

I’m so upset that the Third Prince didn’t think wisely.

We won’t give up and still wait for the day of your union.

Farewell, Princess. We’ll clarify with our Royal Father.

I believe we will win. That puny girl will lose for sure.

I’ve been hoping that my dream will soon be realized. May we all hear good news.

Thank you, Your Highness.

We’ll take leave.

What makes you so gloomy, Your Highness? How was your meeting with Royal Father and Mother? Could it be they didn’t allow our marriage, so you’re despondent?

It’s not that. My parents not only agreed with our marriage, but also conferred you as First-rank Princess Consort.

Oh, my! Thank you, God and Buddha!

Don’t be happy too soon. Royal brothers and sisters-in-law strongly opposed a country girl in the palace. They even requested a skills contest. Royal Father and Mother already granted. I was numb with heartache. Little One, you can’t even hold a pot, how can you cook?

O God! Woe to me! It saddens me that people are so mean. I’ve suffered many years. Small and homely, I can’t fulfill my duty. My unfortunate love life in the palace!

O Princess Consort, we must accept our luckless fate. My love for you will never fade.

Maybe you should let me go back, burying my dreadful looks in a humble place.

O Little One, hearing your plight, I wonder why Heaven creates such bitterness. As we share our feelings on this moonlit night, my heart is filled with true love. Is our affinity predestined in Heaven?

I imagine we were fairies burdened with bad karma due to our grave sin.

Then endure adversity to pay off our karmic debts. Don’t be sad, my love. Take good care of your precious self. If our task can’t be accomplished, I’ll die with you to fulfill my vow. Our spirits will be together as in our dream.

Beloved, I’m moved by your affection.

I promise my love won’t ever fade.

I’ll keep this in my heart. But I still worry somehow.

Love, what are you worried about? Even threatened by death, I’m determined not to leave you.

Hearing your promise, I’ll be with you despite all bitterness.

The moon shines dreamily; follow me to rest, beloved Little One.

Have a good sleep, my love. I need quiet time to find a solution.

Goodness! What solution can there be? You’d get burnt as soon as you go to the kitchen. Why talk of a solution when you can’t cook?

Stop it. You keep making fun of me! I won’t take it.

All right, I’m sorry. Come here. Step on my palm for me to take a look at you, then I will retire. How’s that?

Yes sure.

You’re so loveable. Be careful out here. Don’t go out of this room. Woe to you if people don’t see and step on you, all right?


Have pity on me; I’m anguished day and night. Wealth and position make people cruel. Help me prepare food for the cooking contest. Have pity on my wretched life due to a mistake in Heaven. Otherwise, I’d be ill-fated for thousands of years. Help me out of this karmic obstruction.

Your plea is heard. Heaven can’t remain in peace, when Earth is in great turbulence. I’ll help you fulfill your wish and escape suffering. Look, here’s the jewel for a celestial breakfast. Crack it open, and a miracle food tray will appear to save you. Pray if you need anything; I’m here to help.

O Prince!

What’s the matter, Thumbelina? Come with me to plead guilty to our royal parents.

We won’t be charged with offense, but will have a tray of food. In misery, I prayed to the heavens. Out of pity, a fairy granted me a miracle gem to avoid trouble.


Here is the shining gem. When you’re in the royal court, pray to the heavens, and crack open the gem. A meal will instantly appear to present to our parents. My prayer is answered, our problem solved.

I’m moved with tears of joy. How I feel for your unfortunate fate! Loving your husband, you share the hardship.

Although people are cruel and heartless, we still keep the righteous way. Please report to the royal court.

Farewell, Tiny Beauty. I’ll leave right away.

Today is the contest for the ladies’ four virtues.

Are you ready, children?

Yes, Royal Father and Mother.

And Third Prince, why are you looking cheerless?

Royal Mother, I’ve also prepared. Let my brothers and sisters-in-law go first.

As your eldest son, may I present to Royal Father and Mother the food tray?

Bring it here now. My Queen, enjoy it with me. What do you think?

Your Majesty, too salty!

Dear, how come our parents shake their heads and frown?

I cooked very delicious food. How strange!

Princess Consort, your domestic skill is like this?

I didn’t expect your domestic skill to be so bad. You two may try the food.

If I may, Mother. How come it’s so salty!

O God, who harmed me?

Royal Father and Mother, it’s our turn.

You may proceed.

Princess Consort! (Yes.) Royal Father and Mother are laughing!

I know, my food is very good.

My Queen, tell them the judgment for me.

O children, I don’t know what to say. It’s too sweet; we can’t eat it.

Princess Consort! (Yes.) Goodness, this isn’t a dessert contest.

My domestic skills are perfect. Someone must have ruined it!

And Third Prince, your turn now.

Yes, I’ll bring my meal in to present to Royal Father and Mother.

May I present to Royal Father and Mother?

All right.

Your Majesty, it’s so delicious.

Very good, indeed! First Prince, Second Prince, and Princess Consorts. (Yes.) This is from the Third Princess Consort. You may try it, and later hear my judgment.

Yes, Royal Father. So delicious!

It’s very clear now. A country girl, yet perfect in a lady’s skills.

I confer her as First-rank Princess Consort.

Please hold on to the conferment. Allow me to speak. All domestic skills should be included. The next skill is sewing the King’s robe.

And a red brocade dress made to fit Royal Mother, worthy of a Queen, then I won’t complain.

Please consider our request.

For the sake of fairness.

O royal brothers, my wife is not concerned about the First-rank status. Please forget it and don’t compare titles. Royal Father and Mother, please love me. Don’t accept their request and dismiss the contest. It’s painful to see siblings destroy each other. Let the First-rank Princess Consort title go to my sisters-in-law. I’ve suffered so much. Have compassion and reconsider.

Sewing robes for Royal Father and Mother! She can’t even hold the scissors, let alone sewing!

Let it go, brothers and sisters. I’d be grateful to you. How can my wife, a country girl, be your match?

Third Prince, my son! I understand very well that you’re kind-hearted. This virtue illumines the entire royal family. But as your parents, we must be generous and fair. You need to understand the situation and its implication.

As for your wife, though a country girl, she’s decent and gentle. If righteous and determined, she’ll succeed. O children! The contest is for unity in the royal family, not a match among adversaries to let your hearts turn wicked.

We shall oblige, Royal Mother.

I hereby announce: I shall wait three days for your submission of the royal robes. I’ll judge with fairness and announce the First-rank Princess Consort.

Yes, Royal Father.

Princes and Princess Consorts, what do you invite me here for?

We lost completely at the court. My delicious meal turned strange at the last moment.

Your Highness helped me with my culinary skills, but somehow I lost to that lowly woman. How infuriating!

Strange! I think someone was assisting the Third Prince; how else could I lose to a commoner?

I was discontented, so I requested His Majesty for a robe sewing contest. Now, it must be made to fit beautifully without measurements.

If I fail the second time, it’d be an unbearable disgrace.

Your Highness, do you have any way to help us?

We need to unite forces to fulfill your wish.

There’s only one way left. I must return to Sở and train our army with General Tạ, then charge here on horseback to declare war, asking the Third Prince for an explanation.

But that means fighting and uproar.

What will become of us then?

Don’t you worry! Just follow my plan. I heard that Little Thumbelina is very tiny. If you fail in this sewing competition, ask for a beauty contest. As for the First Prince and Second Prince, report to the King about Sở’s war declaration. So, we attack from both sides.

First, a beauty contest: Third Prince’s wife will fail. Second, while Sở’s army lays siege, you two princes submit to the King to have the Third Prince sent to war because he’s favored a country girl over the noble ladies. The Third Prince and I will then face each other in the battlefield. He’s a filial son, an upright and loyal man. To save his people from affliction, he will leave the country girl to marry Sở’s Princess Ngọc Lan.

Very good! Excellent strategy!

May your love wish be realized.

When the nuptial knot is tied, half of Sở will be yours.

Such a rare faithful love! Third Prince has made a wrong decision.

I’m sure this time, that lowly country girl will suffer.

To pay for her far-reaching ambition. She’ll know the pain of a hard fall!

How can an elegant Princess, whose beauty and talent are second to none, ever meet with failure?

Let’s bid farewell for now. We’ll meet again. I’ll go back to wage war. For marital harmony, gold and brass can’t mix. As written in our agreement: I’ll give half of Sở if this humble plot succeeds.

We’ll give you the Third Prince.

And that country girl will cry bitter tears.

Don’t harm me! I’m very scared!

Little One! What makes you sob and be frightened? Why are you terrified during a restful sleep?

O beloved! In my dream, Second Prince and Princess Consort plotted a wicked scheme.

How so?

They aimed to harm my life in the palace. O love! Please tell me what that omen is?

Our siblings don’t love us but further complicate matters. A King’s robe and Queen’s red brocade dress are to be made without measurements. My heart is a woeful knot, yet I don’t want to disclose.

Who has heartlessly sown mishaps on me, making us shed tears? Glory and luxury, I don’t need, much less social status.

Little One, what can we say? It’s our fate. A King’s robe must be sewn right away, or else we’ll be in trouble.

My heart is a tangled thread. Who can save us from calamity?

Due to a bad karma created in Heaven, you must suffer to atone for your sin. But a kind and faithful heart bespeaks your repentance. I’ll help you unravel your grief.

I’m grateful to Heaven for answering my prayer. O Third Prince, the miracle gem that turned into a tray of food is a gift from the fairy who pities on us.

I prostrate to thank you, Fairy. I beg you to help us stay together in marriage.

You’ll overcome adversities due to your sincere hearts. Everlasting happiness and glory will be yours. The wish-fulfilling gem will transform into the King’s robe and Queen’s dress. Keep the gold hairpin with you, and use it to bring peace to your country and people. The nectar water will change your looks to that of a fairy.

I’m grateful to you, Fairy!

Remember: the wish-fulfilling gem when cracked open will give you the royal mantles. The gold hairpin will turn into a heavenly lute. This is the bottle of nectar water. Use it for the beauty contest. Let me remind you: use love to dissolve enmity. If you hold grudges, you’ll beget mishaps all your life. I’ll help you succeed in everything. Farewell!

We’re very grateful, Fairy.

O Little One!

My Prince!

We’re fortunate to have the Fairy’s help. Sweetheart, we’ll grieve no longer from now on.

Good hearts make dreams come true. Now, go to the court and present the royal mantle.

Little One, I’m leaving now. (Yes.)

The First Prince and Princess Consort to present the robes!

First Prince and Princess Consort failed! Their robes did not fit His Majesty and the Queen.

What kind of robes are you making, for God’s sake? How come there’s no back flap?

It was there before! When I finished, you saw it. You even praised that it was perfect.

Second Prince and Princess Consort to present the robes!

Did you check carefully?

I’m very sure.

Your robes have no sleeves. His Majesty and the Queen can’t wear them.

O Second Prince! I don’t understand, really.

How come? The sleeves were there; I saw them.

Very strange!

Third Prince to present the robes!

Order obeyed.
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