Shining World Hero Award: Bobsy - Healing the Earth and Our Spirit    
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Everywhere in the world, we can observe and be touched by acts of kindness. People from all walks of life, faiths, and cultures extend themselves beyond the call of duty to help others unconditionally. Through their noble deeds, humanity as a whole is elevated.

To commend virtuous actions and encourage more people to be inspired by their examples, Supreme Master Ching Hai has lovingly created a series of awards, including the Shining World Leadership Award, Shining World Compassion Award, Shining World Hero and Heroine Awards, Shining World Honesty Award, Shining World Protection Award, Shining World Intelligence Award, and Shining World Inventor Award, to recognize some of the most exemplary, generous, caring, and courageous people who walk amongst us.

It is one man’s unwavering belief that the time has come to protect the Earth, and that more and more people than ever before are stepping up to the challenge.

Today there is a shift in consciousness happening on the planet, a global “mind change” if you like; people are starting to awaken to not just what is happening on the planet but also to their own power, and to their own knowledge and wisdom. And this awareness, if you like, this movement, this people movement, is the fastest growing, and the largest movement in the history of humanity, and I mean ever.

Charismatic environmentalist and committed vegan, Bobsy, believes the key to changing the world is within. He spoke during an October 2009 climate change conference in Hong Kong which brought together speakers from China, Formosa (Taiwan), and Hong Kong, and invited Supreme Master Ching Hai as the honored guest.

The healing of the Earth and the healing of the human spirit are one and the same. I will say it again. The healing of the Earth and the healing of the human spirit are one and the same. Neither can be achieved without the other. I am not here to talk about all these symptoms and disasters that our planet Earth is facing, today right here, right now. We all know them.

Everyone here in this room knows the symptoms. But we are the root cause of the problem. We are also the genesis of the solution. We created this mess, we can solve it right here, right now. And by going vegan it’s the immediate thing we can do.

Having grown up in Lebanon and the United Kingdom, Bobsy moved to Hong Kong in 1989. He has since then cooperated and supported the building of many green organizations and charity groups. In 1994 he founded a non-profit organization called A Better Living Environment, or the ABLE Charity.

The ABLE Charity initiated a project to plant trees on the barren northern hills of Lamma Island, which is located in the South China Sea. The Lamma Forest has been growing and thriving now for more than a decade. Bobsy is the co-founder of the Life Organic Health Vegetarian Café in Hong Kong. He also established Positive News Hong Kong, a newspaper featuring constructive news stories.

In March 2009, Mr. Bobsy led the launch of the “Save The Human!” campaign to inspire a movement encouraging people to change to a plant-based lifestyle. This climate-change awareness initiative takes the form of a creative, informative, short video, which spreads the word about the most urgent issue of our time through websites such as YouTube and popular social networking sites.

Don’t eat the planet! Don’t eat the planet!

Because eating is something we do three, four, five, six, seven times a day, 365 times a year and so on. It has the biggest impact. So we have to become aware of this. It is us who is literally eating the planet. So in our campaign, we say, “Don’t eat the planet. Don’t eat the planet. Go Veggie! Change the world! Be part of the solution, and not be part of the problem.”

6.7 Billion people live here… 60 Billion farmed animals live here… Where is the food coming from to feed them!? Where is their waste going!? At what ecological expense!? At what humanitarian expense!? At what expense to our children!?

This is the world's inconvenient truth.

One vegetarian in an SUV is more eco friendly than a meat eater on a bicycle. Save the human!

38% of the world's grain is fed to animals. Save the human!

1.1 billion people in the world do not have access to clean water while 20,000 liters is used for just 1 pound of beef.

Save the human!

Change your diet!

Don’t change the climate.

Change your diet. Save the human.

Save the human!

The Save the Human! campaign has generated significant impact on the media as well as other forms of communication.

Well-known Chinese media outlets such as the newspaper Mingpao and New Wave online have been paying close attention to the growth of the Save the Human! initiative. The video has also won the South China Morning Post Documentary Award at a recent annual film festival in Hong Kong.

It is, in my humble opinion, the most important challenge facing humanity today because it is the least understood, it is the least known of all global causes of pollution: our consumption of animals, both meat, fish and dairy. By reducing our consumption we have an immediate impact on the levels of pollution happening globally. So I urge everyone to go vegetarian, even better become vegan and eat organic foods. Not just for the benefit of humanity and the planet but also for your own health, your own wellbeing; because as you change yourself so you change the world.

I would like to thank everyone who has supported this campaign especially my colleagues, Eve Chan and Bosco and Will and Christine and Winnie, all the beautiful people out there who have really helped make this campaign so influential. I thank everyone who is making the change, everyone who is becoming veggie; because this is a noble cause, this is the best thing we can do today as human beings. Thank you.

For more information about Bobsy and the Save The Human! campaign, please contact

We will be back with more on Bobsy, lauded recipient of the Shining World Hero Award. Please stay tuned to Supreme Master Television.

What are you personally doing to change the world?

What are you personally doing to change the world? Save the human!

We are all connected; our planet reflects it. We must, must respect it, and never neglect it.

As humans alive today, in the year 2009, if we are to make an impact, if we are to be the change we wish to see in the world, then please, please become veggie. It is an easy thing to do, it’s much easier than waking up every morning and going to the gym, waking up every morning to practice yoga. It is one of the easiest changes we can do; and as someone who is in the restaurant world, I can tell you, more and more restaurants all over the world are offering larger choice for vegetarians.

There’s no excuse anymore not to become veggie. It is easy, it is much easier than you might think, it is much healthier, you’re eating cleaner food and please eat organic and support the whole organic movement because if we don’t support it then who will? And some people say the cost of organic food is more expensive, yes, today, but hopefully not tomorrow; as the demand increases so the prices come down and we’re already starting to see these changes.

Time is of essence; we have to move in unison, we have to move together.

In recognition of his wholehearted dedication and inspirational efforts of promoting the compassionate lifestyle change, Bobsy was honored with the Shining World Hero Award from Supreme Master Ching Hai during the Hong Kong climate change conference. Honored guest Supreme Master Ching Hai was present via videoconference to attend the ceremony. In addition to the crystal plaque, a donation of US$2,000 from Supreme Master Ching Hai was presented as a gesture of support for the campaign’s good cause. Bobsy also received his specially designed Hero jacket.

Thank you, Supreme Master and everybody. It’s been 20 years of working for the planet and our time has come now. Now is the time.

I expect you all to reduce your consumption of meat and dairy on Monday morning. Reduce it, you’ll have an immediate impact. We have to change, and change is not easy. Change takes a lot of courage. Above all, we must believe what we know. We know the planet is dying. We must believe what we know and we must act on our belief if we ever stand a chance of saving the planet. A change takes courage, a lot of courage.

“And we must be the change we wish to see in the world today,” as the great Mahatma Gandhi said. “Be the change you wish to see in the world.” Thank you. Namaste.

Supreme Master Ching Hai warmly extended her well wishes to Bobsy.

Congratulations, Bobsy. You are our hero. Your name is Hero.

You deserve all the happiness And you deserve to have more and more awards like this. This is just a symbolic gesture to show our gratitude to some of the heroes like you. Your name begins with H. H-E-R-O. Mr. Bobsy Hero.

And I am very happy to know some person like you. If there are more people like you, I am sure our planet will be saved and our future generation will thank you immensely. If everyone changes their heart through your effort, through our little humble contribution, then our world will become paradise in no time. Thanks for doing what you are doing, and I wish you the best of success in your lofty endeavors.


My feeling for receiving the Shining World Hero Award was hard to explain actually to put it into words, but it was a beautiful, heartfelt, very special moment for me. I wasn’t expecting the award, and to receive it from Master Ching Hai, to be acknowledged after so long, was very heartfelt and very emotional. So putting it into words is quite difficult, but I’m very, very happy and very, very honored to be receiving this award, especially when so many distinguished global citizens have received this award before me. I’m very honored to receive the Shining World Hero Award. Thank you.

Dedicated Bobsy, we thank you for your noble campaign and shining example that have reached the lives of many people and shown them the powerful solution in their hands. Wishing you the best, let us continue to work together in the same direction till the day we greet a truly peaceful, harmonious world.

For more information about Bobsy and the Save The Human! campaign, please contact

We are all connected; our planet reflects it. We must, must respect it, and never neglect it.

One of these days we're going to get a check To pay a heavy price for years and years of neglect.

The children of the future time will come, Will sit down in a row and ask their questions one by one … Yeah!

Have you ever seen the whole world when it's covered in green?

Have you ever seen the whole world when it's covered in green?

Lovely viewers, thank you for your presence on today’s program. Please keep your dial tuned to Supreme Master Television for Words of Wisdom, up next after Noteworthy News. May your days be filled with joy and miracles.

Nassim Haramein is a pioneering physicist who blends physics and spiritualism to explain our Universe.

Our Universe is like fractal scales, like recursive scales of the same geometry in different scales. And depending on the scale, we experience it differently.

Learn more about the amazing Nassim Haramein and his work on Part 1 of “Nassim Haramein: We are the Center of Creation” this Monday, December 14 on Science and Spirituality.
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