Global Unity: Together in Saving Lives P3/8 October 3, 2009 Hong Kong    
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You are watching Words of Wisdom Rebroadcast of Live Videoconference with Supreme Master Ching Hai “Global Unity: Together in Saving Lives” Hong Kong - October 3, 2009

Ben (m): Animals are always trying their best to adapt to the environment for survival; however, the current rate of climate change far exceeds their ability to adapt, resulting in fatal harm to many species, ecosystems, and humanity. We have now the last speech from our distinguished speaker, Ms. Judy Chen, for “Climate Change and Biodiversity.”

Sylvia (f) Ms. Chen is currently the Chairman of the Hong Kong Ocean Park Conservation Foundation, Board Member of Hong Kong Ocean Park Corporation, Committee Member of UNICEF-Hong Kong. She is also an honorary Chairperson of Wolong Panda Club, China, and Member of the Civic Education Committee, HKSAR Government. Let's welcome Ms. Chen.

Ms. Chen (f): Thank you, thank you very much. Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, pleasure to be here. I think before me, we've heard a lot of facts, crucial facts, and we have seen a lot of numbers that are really giving us a warning sign that the global warming is a very serious issue. Well, the world's climate's changing in a very extraordinary pace and scale that is not likely to be reversed by the nature process. Human activities are believed to be the main driving force behind it. And with the drastic increase in the production of greenhouse gas since the industrial revolution, animals are trying so hard to adapt to the environments, at their best, in order just to survive.

However, the current rate of climate change far exceeds the rate of animals adapting to environments, resulting in effects in our species, our ecosystems and finally to human beings. Well, the main focus of my talk today will be on the effects of climate change to the wildlife and also to humans and how humans, us, we can respond and react to this change. It has been documented that the global temperature has been increasing at a very fast rate since 1850.

The increase in the production of the greenhouse gas, including carbon dioxide and methane, etc., since the industrial revolution has significantly correlated to the boost of rising temperature, those in the air and also in the ocean. The current rate of warming in our planet is believed to be at least 10 times higher than the warming rate after the last ice age. Cold nights have been decreased in number, globally, and on the other hand heat waves have been becoming more and more common. We have noticed a lot of typhoons formed in the Atlantic regions.

And what happened to Hong Kong locally, in the past 118 years, in line with the global warming, according to the number, we have warming up at the rate of approximately about 0.6 degrees per decade. That's quite scary. It is predicted to rise from - the hot days, very hot days, I mean, temperature over 33 degrees - it's predicted from 11 days per year to 24 days per year. What happened? What happened and how does it affect our biodiversity? Climate affects just about every aspect of nature and human being, and there is now compelling evidence that the climate change is already impacting, and will continue to impact, the entire Earth system, including ecosystems, communities, population structures.

We've seen rising sea levels. Warming of our physical environment directly caused the ice caps to melt in the polar regions. And at the same time, thermal expansions of seawater in the ocean also significantly increased the volume of it. Lowland areas will be flooded easily. And valuable coastal habitats like mangroves and mudflats will be reduced in size, greatly. Global precipitation patterns change. A warmer world means that there will be more rainfall as a whole. Change in rainfall pattern also alters the freshwater stream flow pattern, of which less flow in the stream is affecting the diversity and abundance of animals.

Acidic ocean - the increase of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere dissolved in water, making the ocean more acidic than before. It affects the calcium carbonate formation in the marine organisms, such as our corals, shellfish, like lobsters, clams, scallops, sea urchins as well. And we have ranges of species shift. The climate reliability brings shifts in the distribution and abundance of fish, invertebrate and the plant species in marine communities. This makes the animals migrate to further north and further south. Further north, we will have the polar bears, and further south will have penguins. These are our very cute little friends. They have less and less land to play, less and less ice land to freely roam.

Climate change will be expected to lead an upward shift in species ranges. But what happens to our plants? Plants, they don't have wings, they don't have feet, they cannot move, they cannot fly. All they can do is just stay there and be left behind. And because our plants change, climate change, a lot of animals that are depending on the geographic range and habitats, they are facing a very challenging result, like our giant pandas. They depend on high mountain bamboo forests, and right now they have to move higher and higher elevations, but then they don't have certain species of bamboo to eat. Giant pandas are our cute little friends.

They are a great blessing to human beings. They walk from 9 million years ago to today and we don't want them to become extinct. Loss of our valuable lands, loss of our precious animals - what humans can do today. We talk about the carbon footprint. We talk about recycling. What we can do is, from my point of view, we try to spread out the message and encourage more people to join us. Plant a tree, plant a tree. The trees can help with the carbon dioxide.

Time is running out. We only have this much time to make a difference. I believe a lot of friends here share the same vision as I, that we share this and we always believe in an environment that humans can live in harmony with nature, and we believe in that and together we can make a difference. Thank you very much. Sylvia (f): Thank you, Ms. Chen.

Ben (m): We would like to express our sincere thankfulness to all our distinguished speakers who present us vital information on the dire threat of global warming and the sustainable solutions, available in terms of alternative living, particularly the vegan diet. Let's thank them once again with the warmest applause. Sylvia (f): Thank you.

Ben (m): Today, it is our honor to have also honorable guests here. So we would like to introduce our honorable guest Mr. Ying Kai Wing, member of District Council San Shui Bu. Let's give him a warm applause. Thank you for your time. Thank you for joining us. Our next honorable guest is famous great ballet dancer, Jim Wang.

Ben (m): Thank you for coming. Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, we are privileged and grateful to have our most Honorable Guest, Supreme Master Ching Hai, accept the invitation to join this conference. Supreme Master Ching Hai is a highly esteemed invited speaker at many climate change seminars and conferences around the world.

Ben (m): Let's give a warm round of applause to welcome our most Honorable Supreme Master Ching Hai! Sylvia (f): Hallo, hallo, Master! Ben (m): Hallo, Master.
Sylvia (f): How are you?
Supreme Master Ching Hai: Hallo, hallo. Hallo, everyone. Hallo, everyone.

Sylvia (f): Thank you, Master, for your time with us. And Master, first, we would like to wish you: Happy Moon Festival!
Ben (m): Happy Moon Festival! Sylvia (f): Happy Moon Festival!
Supreme Master Ching Hai: Thank you very much.

Sylvia (f): And a great welcome back to Hong Kong!
Supreme Master Ching Hai: Thank you, thank you. You're so beautiful.
Sylvia (f): Thank you, thank you, Master. You, you too, you are very beautiful.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: Happy Moon Festival to everyone. Sylvia (f): Yes, thank you. Ben (m): Thank you, thank you.
Supreme Master Ching Hai: And Happy China Day - two days late, but still Happy China Day, 60 years China Day. Happy China.
Sylvia (f): We are very happy and touched to have you here today with us. And Hong Kong misses you, we miss you.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: I miss Hong Kong, too. I used to like it very much because we have a beautiful mountain and we can do retreat there. Yes. Just about ten minutes from the city, but beautiful. I miss that time very much. Beautiful Hong Kong. Thanks for having me back. Sylvia (f): Thank you, Master.

Ben (m): Thank you. Supreme Master Ching Hai, thank you once again for your unconditional love and kindness for sharing your time. Master, our distinguished speakers have presented their knowledge and views on the current crisis of the planet. In addition, we have also a diverse group of distinguished guests representing many areas of society, including heads of government, experts from fields of medical science, science and technology, education, religion, journalism, arts and others. They are gathering here in a vital discussion about global warming and its solution.

Sylvia (f): Supreme Master Ching Hai,
Supreme Master Ching Hai: Yes.
Sylvia (f): we would be very grateful if you can share with us your thoughts and views on global warming.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: Yes, thank you. I have been listening to our distinguished speakers and I was very, very impressed by all their wise knowledge and very educational and helpful advice to us and the global viewers. I thank them, very much, very much. And of course, I'm very honored also to be invited here with you in this conference with the many respected government leaders, media members, NGO representatives, wise professors and other distinguished speakers as mentioned today, and also as well as the caring audience members who spare their precious time in their busy life to come and to share their caring worry about our planet.

Now, we have listened to many important speeches about the current effects of climate change on wildlife, on human health and on the oceans even. So the sense of urgency can truly be felt from these eloquent presentations. While hearing them, the wish would grow stronger in our hearts for a saved planet, and for saved lives. Hong Kong has long enjoyed prosperity and peace, both as the pride of China and as an internationally admired city.

But, as with all cities and countries in the world, she is vulnerable to the effects of global warming, such as the threat of sea level rise and as we have learned from the experts today, diseases are intensifying as well. In such an increasingly frightening scenario, we are lucky and blessed to still have the time to save our lives, and the lives of our children and our co-inhabitants. So, I am still hopeful that this important conference today will motivate everyone to make the small changes needed to propel us all toward a beautiful future for ourselves and the planet. Thank you. Please be a hero - be veg, go green, do good deeds, and save the planet. Thank you so much. God bless Hong Kong. Sylvia (f): Thank you, thank you, Master. Ben (m): Thank you.

Sylvia (f): Now Master, we have our first honorable guest, Mr. Bobsy. Mr. Bobsy is a vegetarian, and is a Shining World Hero Laureate for being the founder of “Save the Human” campaign. And some of our guests would like to have your opinions and advice to their questions. And now, Mr. Bobsy is our first guest who would like to put one question to you. Thank you, Master.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: Welcome, Bobsy.
Mr. Bobsy (m): Namaste Master.
Supreme Master Ching Hai: Nice to know you, Bobsy.

Bobsy (Vegetarian) Shinning World Hero Award Recipient, Founder of “Save the Human” Campaign Mr. Bobsy (m): Pleasure to be here. Thank you. Master, in your websites, you are urging us and telling us that we have 1,208 days left to save the planet. That is just over three years. Could you please explain why you have specifically stated this number or this number of years? Thank you.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: Yes, Bobsy. You see, since you ask, I have to tell you the truth. It's my inner knowledge, through meditation, but that I cannot prove to you. Nevertheless, all the scientific data as well as evidence all point to this approximate number. And the evidence is already there and available. As you said, today, more or less, there are only 1,208 days left to save the planet from run-away global warming, from destruction, by all the world's population becoming vegan.

That is a small change and a small sacrifice that we all could afford to make and should make for the sake of ourselves and the future generation. Very small change, I think, very affordable change, and very reasonable. But whether people will become vegan or vegetarian, like yourself or not; whether the world will save itself or not, it all depends on humans' actions. But the countdown is there to remind us that we have a very short time, just a little over 3 years, for every single person to be veg, to save life on Earth.

We have to save this planet for our children, they are too innocent to deserve the destruction that is awaiting them. They're too vulnerable, they're helpless, they depend on us, the adult, the wise grown up to lead them into the right direction, to protect them, and to save their lives. We have inherited a beautiful planet; it is our duty to keep it that way for our children and grandchildren, and great, great grandchildren later on. We have our duty to protect the home for the children; even if we don't care about our life on Earth, we have no right to destroy it for others.

I hope the countdown helps people to feel the urgency and join the solution. So I appreciate you, Mr. Bobsy, for your own veg-promoting efforts with your slogan “Save the Human” campaign. It is fittingly named. We must save the human and human compassionate heart - that is the most important. We have to save our noble quality. Again and again, I always mention, it's not just about the physical existence on this planet that we want to save, but we want to protect the children, and by doing that we protect our noble Self, our heroic compassionate Self, which is our true Nature.

If we lose them, it's worse than losing the planet. We have to keep our compassionate heart. We have to be noble and truthful, loving and protective of the weak and the feeble, like children and the helpless defenseless animals. We must protect our noble Nature, we must be living, walking, breathing children of God, or the disciples of the Buddhas. Thanks again for your efforts, Bobsy. Bobby (m): (Thank you.) And thanks for reminding us by your question. God bless.

Ben (m): Thank you very much, Master. Thank you for your important message. (Supreme Master Ching Hai: You're welcome.) We will keep your advice in our heart and work hard, try all our best to work hard to do together and to stop the global warming. Thank you. Thank you, Master, and thank you, Bobsy, for your good question.

Sylvia (f): Thank you.
Supreme Master Ching Hai: You're welcome.

Sylvia (f): And now we have our next honorable guest, Dr. Laurence Lau. He is a healthcare consultant. [Dr. Laurence Lau] Dr. LO, Winglok (Vegetarian) Medical Doctor Former member of the Legislative Council of Hong Kong through medical sector functional constituency from 1998 to 2004. Former deputy chairman of League of Social Democrats.

Dr. Lau (m): Hallo, Master.
Supreme Master Ching Hai: Hallo, Dr. Lau.

Dr. Lau (m): I'm honored to be invited here and glad to see you in person. I appreciate the effort you've made and your organization leading at the head in helping the world dissolve global warming, which is becoming more and more serious. And in fact, there are more people who have died from meat eating, died from drug addictions, alcoholics, than people who die in war. Then, if most people become vegetarians, do you think there would be improvement? And also, if most people become vegetarians, how would that help economically, spiritually, culturally, and scientifically? I appreciate your answering these four aspects. Thank you.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: Good question, Dr. Lau. Thank you for your kind words about our humble group. If we have accomplished anything at all, I feel it's just a duty to contribute our part, as small as it may be, as concerned world citizens. In Âu Lạc (Vietnam), we have a saying that when your country is in trouble, even a fool has the responsibility to protect it.

Meaning even though we don't have all the knowledge, all the scientific means to help the planet in the way we would have liked to do, even though our group is not very significantly strong in numbers, we still have to do our best, just like everyone else, because if everybody does their part, then the power together is strong. It's like we say one tree cannot do much, but many trees make a forest.

So, we are doing our part and we are hoping and reminding and pleading with everyone to do their part because we are all here together. I am one of you. And it's still a very beautiful planet, and I wish it will still be there for the children, for future generations to come. Of course, if the majority of the world's people become vegetarian, or preferably vegan, organic vegan would be best for our world, then there would be a tremendous improvement in all aspects. 

 First, as you imply, Dr. Lau, millions of people who would otherwise be gone because of these killer substances that you mentioned, will be alive. Economically, that means hundreds of billions in healthcare costs are saved. Millions of family members and children will be secure and provided for, and be protected from the heartaches of losing their loved ones due to poisonous substances in meat, alcohol, drug, tobacco.

Billions of tax dollars and government time and energy to fight drugs, tobacco, alcohol, and to give meat subsidies are saved also. Billions of dollars in lost productivity for companies are saved, too. Productivity will go up, even much higher if people aren't crippled by these killers. Culturally, without meat, alcohol, drugs, and tobacco, of course we would be happier, healthier because our loved ones will be around longer, we will be around longer for them and they will be around longer for us as families. It would be better for the communities, for their countries.

Not only will we be healthier, we will feel different, more loving, more caring more alive, more carefree as well because we are no longer burdened physically and in our conscience and in our heart by these oppressive, addictive substances. We will also think differently as a society, more clarity and wisdom will be flowing into our minds so that we would know of better ways to run our society and live our lives. Ask anyone who has turned around to forsake meat, forsake drugs, forsake alcohol, forsake tobaccos, you ask any of them how they felt before, and how they feel after, they would tell you: a huge improvement in all aspects of their lives.

And they would tell you that they are so glad that they've quit the bad habit. And they will tell you how happier they feel, how lighthearted, how more intelligent, how more productive and constructive, to themselves, to their family, society, and the world at large. Spiritually, we will have more awareness, more love in abundance. In our heart, we will feel the world of difference. Ask anyone, who has quit these harmful substances, they will tell you the same.

Even without practicing any religious faith or any yoga, they feel a world of difference already. And of course, if we practice meditation or yoga, then of course we'll feel even much better than that - calmer, more loving, more attentive, more concentrated in whatever we do. And thus, our productivity will be enhanced and we will be contributing more to the society. Thus, if everyone forsakes these harmful substances, we will be creating a powerful, positive, loving and harmonious energy that is constructive and beneficial to all on Earth, in all aspects. And with this energy, we will be able to counter and defeat the dark, menacing, dangerous energy that is trying to suffocate us and trying to destroy our only home, for our children, that is our beloved planet.

If all become vegans, vegetarian - organic vegan would be better - we will be much more easily elevated inside, spiritually, without these toxins as obstacles in our lives.
And as a result, scientific changes will manifest as well, in the form of incredible fantastic new inventions that improve the quality of life for people on Earth. Our scientific and technological understanding will also go beyond Earth.

Because with an elevated, compassionate atmosphere, we can even communicate with other more advanced planet people, and learn from them, exchange with them our knowledge and their knowledge. And of course, the environment will be restored to a wholesome state. Once meat, alcohol, drugs, and tobacco are eliminated, the changes and improvements will be so far-reaching, and so wonderful, it will be like a great leap in our evolution. We should pray for this day to come soon, Dr. Lau. Thank you. God bless you.

Sylvia (f): Thank you, Master. (Ben(m): Thank you.) I am sure many more people will become vegan day by day. And thank you, Dr. Lau, for your great concern for others. Thank you very much.

Lin Ruey Shiung, M.D., Ph.D. Interview of Emeritus Professor Lin Ruey Shiung in Putonghua: If we all go vegetarian and stop raising pigs and cattle, I believe greenhouse gas emissions can be reduced by at least 40%. I believe that if the majority of people can start being veg and drastically cut down the animal farming industry, global warming can definitely be mitigated.

I heard about Supreme Master Ching Hai and her greatness some 20 years ago in Formosa (Taiwan). Because of her virtue, many people have become her followers.
I believe if many people follow her advice and encouragement, it can surely be a great help to stop global warming. I respect her very much.

Dylan Burnstein Performer, Simple Truth Vegetarian I think it's amazing, I think it's really blissful and heavenly that there are so many people here who've made personal choices to help for a peaceful and healthy planet, and a healthy self. I think we're much more efficient and much more harmonious if we eat a vegetarian diet. What I've learnt here today and watching her (Supreme Master Ching Hai) converse with my good friend Bobsy, I've seen an amazing light from her, and it seems like she's leading people and the world into a much better place.

Save the human! Don't eat the planet! Be veg, go green, save the planet! Save yourself!
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