Ghana’s Golden Heart, Musician Rocky Dawuni -P1/2    
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I stood upon a rock, on your holy mountains, beholding your beauty, overcame me like a song. My cup overflows with joy, hearing sound of prayers and bells My faith was once weak, but now you make me strong.

Greetings celestial souls and gracious hearts, welcome to Enlightening Entertainment featuring international singing sensation from Ghana, West Africa, Mr. Rocky Dawuni. He has been likened to legendary vocalist and peace-seeker from Jamaica, Mr. Bob Marley. Rocky is a true inspiration. He chooses to use his God-given musical talents to promote humanitarian causes. He also empowers people to change their life to help make our world a better place.

We have the power
To change the world
Whenever we want to

Spirituality, an open heart, and inspiration run deep in the world of Rocky Dawuni.

My inspiration comes from life, and humanity. And life and humanity, I believe is centered within God. So ultimately, God inspires me. So I find music wherever life is and that is what really inspires me. And I also try because from my onset, coming from Africa, I was very fortunate to grow up in a very spiritual family. My family was steeped in the traditions, African traditional, religion.

But then as I grew up, I also made it a point to really study from Christianity to Islam, and read some, Vedas and the Bhagavad Gita. And through that, what I realized was that the concept of God was just one within every culture and every place, and it’s just the interpretation that usually gives it its uniqueness. So with that, my inspiration comes from life as it is, everywhere.

In 2003, Rocky established his own musical venue in Los Angeles, California, USA called “Afro Funke” to promote and celebrate the beauty and oneness of African music. Rocky’s sincere heart and pure motives have attracted legendary superstars such as Prince and Stevie Wonder to visit his club.

The thing is that I don’t look back, you know what I mean, because there’s always challenges ahead. My all-ultimate thing is the unity of Africa and then peace on Earth. So that’s a really tall order. Every generation and every time and every day comes with its challenges, and what I think is that music, because it’s really a living thing, once you put it out there, you inspire people within their hearts. They shine their light, and in so shining their light too, they help others to shine their light.

Saying if you’re going the same direction Oh children! Zion train is coming our way Get on board now Woo! Zion train is coming our way

Rocky’s shining soul radiates wherever he goes. He uses meditation as a way to gain wisdom and maintain focus.

For me, meditation, it’s one of the means by which you get to know the Self. You also get attuned with the Self, and as you tune with the Self, you tune with the oneness of the universe, and that oneness is where we all belong to. So I see meditation as a very important component of what I do, in order to also eliminate all the clutter and the chatter that’s going on around, to be able to focus what is most important. And I feel that it’s also the soul of the world, when you meditate, you tap into the soul of the world, and you draw from a very powerful wellspring of God and nature and humanity. So meditation I feel is of prime importance to everything that I do.

Closely tied to Rocky’s spiritual beliefs of oneness and universal love is his choice of a diet mainly without meat. As reggae artist Bob Marley once said, “You can have more tender meaning toward a cow… you have other things that you can eat to get the same things like meat protein has… I don’t exactly like big dead flesh in front of me.” Next, Rocky Dawuni shares his thoughts on vegetarianism.

My belief in vegetarianism is that love makes everything run in the world. And the only way you can really experience love in its purest form is if you can extend that love not only to yourself, and only to people of your kind, but every aspect of creation. And so when I see an animal, with blood, with life, that moves, I feel that it behooves on me as a person, because I feel that God gave man dominion over the Earth to be a caretaker, you know what I mean? Being a caretaker, you have to have compassion for everything within your domain. And so I feel that preservation of life of other creatures and animals is also a fundamental responsibility of humanity.

In his youth, Rocky would help his father, who from a peacekeeper became a farmer, on the farm. Cultivating vegetables to grow full of vitality, Rocky has inherited a joy and celebration of life on and off stage.

You can’t fake reality. You can’t fake the truth, and if you profess love, I’m not saying that people who eat meat can’t give love, that’s not what I’m saying. I’m just saying that personally, for me to really be able to feel that divine almost to that level, I feel that I have to extend, I have to extend my consciousness way beyond just humanity, and in doing so to when I stand on stage and I talk about love, I feel that it comes from a very deep place. It’s just my journey to, to really find the truth within myself, and the truth without of myself.

Please stay tuned to Supreme Master Television. We’ll return soon with more on the gifted Ghanaian reggae artist Rocky Dawuni.

Yeah! Right this morning I just wrote this song In the evening and I will be strong. Yeah! Right this morning I just wrote this song In the evening and I will be strong.

Welcome back peace-loving viewers. We were just listening to the heart-lifting song, “Sweet Bright Day,” from Rocky’s 1998 album, “Crusade.” With his passion for constructive change and gifted singing voice, he has received many favorable reviews in the media such as this one from LA Weekly, which said: “Few artists in town have a more positive spiritual attitude than Rocky Dawuni… he deeply, truly believes in the power of music to effect progressive change in the world.”

His latest album was released in October 2009 entitled, “Hymns for the Rebel Soul” with his band “The Revelation Project.” Rocky discusses a beautiful song named “Jerusalem” and the profound effect it had on his life.

I was in Israel last year, and it was a culmination of a spiritual journey because I’ve been a big student of the Bible. I really studied the Bible since I was a little kid, and I’ve studied the Qur'an too, and the Gita.

So Jerusalem has always held a very special place to me, because it’s also the place, the three major religions, and even other religions that are not part of the three major religions, all profess as to the divinity of Jerusalem. So, when I got to Jerusalem, there was really a certain, shall I say, feeling and awareness and consciousness that swept over me. I stood upon a rock, on your holy mountains. Beholding your beauty, overcame me like a song. My cup overflows with joy, hearing sound of prayers and bells My faith was once weak, but now you make me strong.

I can’t forget you, Jerusalem. I can’t forget you, Jerusalem. If I forget you, I forget my right hand I can’t forget you, Jerusalem.

Up in the hills men and angels sing. Oh what a beauty when their kingdom come I’ll say it again and again This time has come for us To rise and be the control of Babylon.

So here I am with the voice and the sound Walking your streets like a king who’s found his crown. I can’t forget you, Jerusalem. I can’t forget you, Jerusalem. And if I forget you, I forget my right hand I can’t forget you, Jerusalem.

Though you sit in isolation You are the whole world’s inspiration I can’t forget you, Jerusalem.

May peace be within your walls, Amen. I can’t forget you, Jerusalem. I will answer every call Asalam Alakum (Peace Be Upon You) I can’t forget you, Jerusalem.

I think that song really summarized my journey, my spiritual journey and my spiritual quest, that you go forth just to discover the Self, you know what I mean? And Jerusalem really, really, really helped me on my path to discovery, self discovery.

Interestingly, Rocky perceived the 2008 US presidential election as a sign of the start of a new transformation on Earth. During this time, he was recording “Hymns for the Rebel Soul.”

In churches in Israel, in mosques in Israel, just the movement of people, you could see that we’ve reached a certain precipice in terms of our human journey, and that we were just getting ready to step into a new era of spiritual awakening. We are in an age when things, changes, profound changes are going to come.

So I think it’s not a change that we’re waiting to receive and it falls in our hands. It’s a change that we have the power to make it what it has to be. So I feel that this is why my work becomes important because my music is towards upliftment of people, and also making people positively oriented. You know, they have to realize that everybody who is born is a miracle. We have to see ourselves as really special and that specialness has to make us also appreciate what we have, that if we realize how special we are, then we can realize how special we can be.

And I think not realizing that is also a limitation of what our power and how we can be. So by this age is that the playing field is all being leveled for us to really create this new world. It’s up to us to make it what it should be. So people like me who are going through time and space and stages and bringing positivity, we want the change to be positive.

We want it to be that kingdom that we all aspire to, that kingdom that humanity can celebrate, that kingdom that’s no war. People will put their swords down, and know that conflict and war belonged to an age when we were still in the darkness, but this will definitely be an age of light and progress and upliftment of humanity.

To find out more about Rocky Dawuni, please visit:

Beloved viewers, this concludes part 1 of 2 of our interview with Ghanaian singing sensation and peace advocate Rocky Dawuni here on Supreme Master Television. Please tune in again tomorrow for our conclusion as we discuss more in-depth Rocky’s musical and humanitarian endeavors. Now, please join us for Words of Wisdom, next after Noteworthy News. May your heart sing with serenity and gladness. See you next time!
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