Ambitions of Afghanistan: An Interview with Daoud Sediqi, Original Afghan Star TV Host & Voice of America Radio Host - P1/2 (In Dari)    
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Today’s program will be presented in Dari, with subtitles in Arabic, Aulacese (Vietnamese), Chinese, Hebrew, English, French, German, Hungarian, Indonesian, Japanese, Korean, Malay, Persian, Portuguese, Russian, Thai, and Spanish.

Eleven million viewers are enthralled by the images on the television screen. The year is 2005 and one-third of Afghanistan’s population is watching the season finale of “Afghan Star,” a television show based on its western predecessors where contestants sing wholeheartedly for the top spot.

Artistic viewers, welcome to Enlightening Entertainment today for the first of our 2-part program featuring Mr. Daoud Sediqi, the original “Afghan Star” television host and current Voice of America radio host.

In the United States and United Kingdom, these types of shows focusing on music contests are commonplace. However, in Afghanistan, a country where music had been restricted from 1996 to 2001, the launch of “Afghan Star” was a landmark movement.

Music had a history of thousands of years in our country. For nearly a decade, it had faced serious problems. We had several artists outside of Afghanistan who accomplished some works, but inside Afghanistan, the music totally stopped.

Music is a universal language that is deeply rooted in the heart of every human. With its prolific tradition of music for thousands of years, the voices of the Afghan people began to ring out again with enthusiasm to revive their beautiful heritage.

We have a prolific history. We have a rich and excellent culture, for which there exist many of examples that the whole world knows like Mawlana-Rumi, who is from Afghanistan, in terms of poetry and literature, the music culture, in every field, we are rich.

“Afghan Star” was a catalyst for an amazing change in the country. Aside from its diverse and talented contestants, at the heart of the show is its young, charismatic host, Mr. Sediqi, whose own journey to stardom was also fate-filled.

Daoud Sediqi was born in Kabul in 1979. He speaks both his native Pashto as well as Dari. Upon graduating from high school, he was accepted at the prestigious Kabul University School of Medicine. He also made a living by repairing television sets to support his family. Eventually, Mr. Sediqi channeled all his passion to music. In 2003, he was recruited by Arman FM Radio as a presenter, producer and editor of its programs. Here, he earned a favorable reputation as a conscientious worker. The following year, Tolo TV was launched and Mr. Sediqi was invited to work in the music department.

In 2005, the television station developed the innovative show “Afghan Star” with Mr. Sediqi as its host. Mr. Sediqi, along with the producers, traveled throughout the country to search for the talents for the program.

Part of his goal for “Afghan Star” was to restore Afghan music after its long absence. Afghan music became very restricted in Afghanistan and people were listening to the world’s music and there was no Afghan music, no production of it.

“Afghan Star” began as a reality competition to discover solo musical talents in the country, broadcasting as a weekly series on Thursdays and Fridays. It soon became the most popular show in Afghanistan. “Afghan Star” provides an opportunity for Afghan people to reconnect with their rich musical history. All the songs performed on the show are traditional in nature, with some songs tracing back to 7th century poetry.

Audiences from the entire spectrum of life follow the show with great interest. Through “Afghan Star,” we could restore a major part of our culture, which is music, which is poetry and literature, which is our language. And “Afghan Star” was a program that really had a positive effect over our culture.

“Afghan Star” revitalized the dream for all musicians at heart, regardless of ethnic group, age or gender. The show provides a chance for these talented people to live out their big dreams with a chance at becoming a national pop star. The premiere of “Afghan Star” saw over 2,000 aspirants auditioning for a chance to be a part of the show.

After years of adversity, we could invite women to appear on the stage in the field of art and we enabled young people to have what they wish.

Mr. Sediqi’s vision of the program was always to use it as an instrument in uniting the country. Through music and the show, he says, “We give the feeling of peace.” With music symbolizing freedom, the youth of Afghanistan are looking forward to a brighter future of harmony.

You can see the interest of people. Afghan Star brought positive effects to Afghanistan.

Afghan Star sustained national unity among different groups.

All could sit together. We could introduce brilliant artists, we could rehabilitate music, which is one of its achievements.

Enlightening Entertainment will return shortly after these brief messages with our show featuring Afghan television and radio host Mr. Daoud Sediqi. Please keep your dial tuned here to Supreme Master Television.

Thank you for joining us again for Enlightening Entertainment for our program featuring renowned Afghan TV and radio host, Mr. Dadoud Sediqi. Prior to becoming a Pashto-speaking radio host for Voice of America in the United States, Mr. Sediqi was one of the most famous personalities in Afghanistan as the host of the first 4 seasons of the hugely popular music show, “Afghan Star.”

In US-based TIME magazine, Aryn Baker wrote an article on March 24, 2008 about Mr. Sediqi’s charming presence as the TV show’s host as follows: “‘Ladies and gentlemen, are you ready to find out who is the winner of this year's “Afghan Star”?’ The television host pauses and surveys the thousand or so Afghan teenagers — decked out in glitzy headscarves, or wide-lapeled white suits with even wider ties — who have begun chanting the names of favorite performers.

"Well, let's take a short break for commercials, and we will be right back." …Daoud Sediqi, host of the “American Idol” clone “Afghan Star,” knows how to work a crowd, reminding them that the reason they have spent a cramped three hours in the … Intercontinental Hotel is to be present for the conclusion of a contest that has dominated Afghan TV for the past 16 weeks.”

The show features musical hopefuls singing with utmost enthusiasm to demonstrate their vocal talents in an effort to win a recording contract offered at the end of each season. “Afghan Star” indeed rekindles hope in the hearts of the Afghan people. Sixty percent of the population of Afghanistan is under 21 years of age, and the show is a reflection of the youthful spirit and energy of the nation. It serves as a bridge between its historical music tradition and modernity.

Many other programs were made in the same style after the launch of Afghan Star. Now people watch these programs with adoration. Afghan Star could bring about a great revolution so that people can follow this tradition.

Proud of the show’s significant place in the country’s history, Mr. Sediqi sees its success in the form of comparable shows that are created such as the one to discover the country’s best comic actor or best male dancer.

From 19 year old Rafi who has the pop star look to classically trained Hameed to female singers Lima and Setara, the viewing audience can cast their vote for their favorite performers in true democratic fashion via cell phone. Based on the idea that all are equal, regardless of ethnic group, age or gender, each person’s voice through his or her ballot counts. The fact that both men and women of all ages are voting illustrates the significant movement in the country that “Afghan Star” is creating. With Afghan Star, what’s interesting is that, one of its good examples is that for the first time, people realized how valuable their vote is, meaning that when someone votes for a person, the person can win or can become the president or a member of Parliament or a singer.

We were able to show that people should participate in the elections and if they don’t, the future of their country will be determined by someone else, the future of their country falls to the hands of someone else. They should themselves participate and determine the future of their country and so the show was a good example for Afghanistan.

Although there are a number of diverse ethnic groups in Afghanistan, the show illustrates that the people are all united as Afghans when they vote based on talent to find the next music star of the country. Mr. Sediqi believes that the democratic process by which the winners of “Afghan Star” are chosen can serve as a future paradigm not only for other television shows but in organizations or other areas of life. Now, young people choose role models. It’s a program on selecting a model, a show about selecting the best person of their craft.

Afghan Star could promote a good tradition among people and in the big cities of Afghanistan now, in various media in Afghanistan.

The documentary film, “Afghan Star,” whose focus was the television show of the same name, was released in 2009 to wide acclaim. The film was by the London-based independent British director and producer Havana Marking. This Afghan-Britain co-produced documentary was the first Afghan film that entered the prestigious independent Sundance Film Festival in the United States. It won both the Best World Cinema Documentary Director and World Cinema Audience Award. The documentary has since earned a submission under foreign language films to represent the United Kingdom in the Academy Awards.

It was a film that can show the positive face of the people of Afghanistan to the world. It is a film that can show the hopes of the people of Afghanistan, especially that of the young generation The film, fortunately, has been nominated for the Oscar. I’m very happy for the winning of a prize and I can show Afghan Star documentary as a nice message and positive face of the people of Afghanistan.

Already a celebrity in his homeland, the premiere of the award-winning documentary “Afghan Star” turned Mr. Sediqi into an internationally recognized figure. He was invited to the United States to share the stage with Ms. Marking for the screening of the film at the Sundance Festival. Despite of the success of the television show and film, Mr. Sediqi’s heart is still set on his original noble goal for the show. My great ambition is: Peace in my country and I wish a day to see this peace with my own eyes during my life and this is one of my greatest ambitions. In my life and in my being, I want to see my country rebuilt and in comfort.

All the young people of Afghanistan wish to have a built country in peace and prosperity and I have the ambition to witness this in my life.

Through his work, Mr. Sediqi has helped revive the beautiful music of Afghanistan and brought hope into the hearts of his fellow citizens.

It was a pleasure to have your presence today. Please join us again next week on Enlightening Entertainment for the part 2 of “Ambitions of Afghanistan: An Interview with Daoud Sediqi, Original Afghan Star TV Host & Voice of America Radio Host.” Up next is Words of Wisdom, after Noteworthy News, here on Supreme Master Television. May your days be filled with the melodies of Heaven.

For more information on Mr. Daoud Sediqi’s work with Voice of America, please visit:

It was a pleasure to have your presence today. Please join us again next week on Enlightening Entertainment for the part 2 of “Ambitions of Afghanistan: An Interview with Daoud Sediqi, Original Afghan Star TV Host & Voice of America Radio Host.” Up next is Words of Wisdom, after Noteworthy News, here on Supreme Master Television. May your days be filled with the melodies of Heaven.

Dr. Theresa Ibis is an alchemist from the United States who says the goal of alchemy is to elevate the world, materially and spiritually, to a more purified level.

I think that using these methods we can really start to take our technologies to a level that is more holistic, more sustainable, more beneficia.l Find out more about her exciting work on Part 2 of “Indigo Bridge In Service: Dr. Theresa Ibis” Monday, January 11, on Science and Spirituality.
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