Aulacese (Vietnamese) Film: The Eyes of Prince Kunala - P2/3 (In Aulacese)    
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Today’s Enlightening Entertainment will be presented in Aulacese (Vietnamese), with subtitles in Arabic, Chinese, English, French, German, Hungarian, Indonesian, Japanese, Korean, Malay, Persian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, and Thai.

Filmmaking was introduced to Âu Lạc (Vietnam) at the end of 1890s. It began to thrive in 1923 with the first movie co-produced by the French and the Aulacese based on the masterpiece “The Tale of Kiều” by literary great Nguyễn Du. Embracing the modern technology of our world's civilization and combining it with a diverse artistic foundation inherent in the country's traditions, Aulacese filmmaking nowadays continues to develop to enhance the nation's cultural landscape.

On Enlightening Entertainment, Supreme Master Television is pleased to introduce different forms of arts from Âu Lạc as well as from other countries in the world, in order to share the beauty and cultures of the peoples on our planet.

The film “The Eyes of Prince Kunala” recounts one of the previous lives of Shakyamuni Buddha during the reign of King Asoka. Prince Kunala was a loving and forgiving soul who wholly submitted to Heaven's will. Those virtues were the shining marks of an enlightened saint that touched the hearts of and garnered the praises and respect of Heaven and humans alike.

Last week, we learned of Crown Prince Kunula; in his youth he had the auspicious affinity to meet a sage who helped him overcome the grief of losing his mother. Growing up in the love of his royal father, Kunula was a benevolent and virtuous prince. During that time, a group of farmers was uprising against the Prime Minister’s oppression. Meanwhile, the Second Queen plotted to harm Kunala in order to seize the throne for her son, Prince Alan. To spare calamities for innocent citizens, Prince Kunula requested to meet the farmers' leader Masoud to negotiate, unaware that perilous traps await him on the path.

We now invite you to enjoy part 2 of the film “The Eyes of Prince Kunala,” screenplay written by Kim Thoa, directed by Xuân Cường, and produced by Diệu Giác Temple,

with performances by Công Hậu as Crown Prince Kunala, Diễm Hương as Princess Consort Madhavi, Thái San as Prince Alan, Hồng Diễm as Princess Sabana, Nam Anh as King Asoka, Y Phụng as Second Queen Tishyaraksha, Nguyễn Đình Thơ as Prime Minister, Thạch Ngà as Bodyguard Rai, Công Thế as Kamathi, Huỳnh Phú as Vedas, Thương Tín as Masoud, Minh Thư as Devi, Quốc Thịnh as Deputy General, Hồ Kiểng as Royal Physician, Trung Nhân as Governor, Đức Hiền as Eunuch, Uyên Trinh as Attendant, Ngọc Đặng as Yogi, Minh Ngọc as Physician, and other artists.

Thank you for watching today’s Enlightening Entertainment. Please stay tuned to Supreme Master Television. Coming up is Words of Wisdom. May you be graced always with joy and faith in Providence. Farewell for now, and we’ll see you next week.

Your Majesty, you don’t like this dance troupe? I’ve searched and selected the best dancers in the country for your enjoyment.

It’s not that I don’t appreciate your love. I’m worried about my two sons’ well-being. Have you any news of them?

The governors of the cities that Prince Alan passed by send us reports everyday. As for Crown Prince Kunala...

What of him?

No one has any news of the Crown Prince. It seems that he wants to keep all his activities secret and let no one know about it.

Including me?

I dare not say so. Crown Prince is an obedient son. I think he wouldn’t dare go against orders. There must be a reason that he finds it hard to tell.

Kunala is driving me crazy. Since he went away, I can neither eat nor sleep well. If he were like Alan, I wouldn’t worry like this.

Too noisy! Stop it!

Your Majesty, how come?


Yes, Your Majesty.

Find me a different entertainment.

Yes, Your Majesty.

I’ll reward 5,000 rupees to anyone who can overtake me!

Stop the horses! Your Majesty! Are you all right? We’re in trouble!

How is His Majesty?

At the moment, His Majesty’s life can be saved, but...


His Majesty will be paralyzed and bedridden.

You’re the most skillful doctor in the kingdom, and you can’t save His Majesty?

If I could offer my life to His Majesty, I would. But I’m helpless in healing His Majesty. I’ve utilized all my medical knowledge to cure our revered king, but I couldn’t make his limbs function normally again. Now everything will just depend on one person.


It is you, Your Majesty. Your meticulous care will prolong the king’s life.

You don’t need to tell me that. I know what I must do in His Majesty’s misfortune. You may leave now.

My gratefulness, Second Queen.

Your Majesty.

You need not feel despondent. This is the golden opportunity that the gods have given us. Call Prince Alan back before Kunala learns about this.

I haven’t forgotten that. But right now, I can’t think of anything else but His Majesty’s illness. Instead of summoning the Prince back, you should go find and bring the world’s best doctors here to cure His Majesty.

Royal Mother, I have an idea. I wonder if it’d help you at all.

Tell me.

Not long ago, at a grand banquet for foreign envoys, I heard the Chinese envoy said that their acupuncture can make a paralyzed person walk again.

Is that true, dear?

That was just what I heard.

I’ll find out about it. I have to do my best for His Majesty, even if I must tread up hill and down dale.

May you be well, Your Majesty the Queen.

Where are you going? What is this?

I heard that Royal Father is ill, so I came to visit. These are Royal Father’s favorite dishes that I personally prepared.

His Majesty no longer needs those foods. I’ll take care of the royal meals to prevent mishaps.

But may I go in to inquire on Royal Father’s health?

Go back, Your Highness! His Majesty was upset with the Crown Prince, that’s why this happened. Now if he sees you, he’ll only become more upset.


It’s all right. Your Majesty needs not feel uneasy. This is my duty.

You endure hardship from morning to night because of me. I really feel bad for you. If anyone can heal me, I’ll offer that person half of my kingdom.

His Majesty has just made a statement; you people are my witnesses, all right?


What are you going to do with this impossible case?

I won’t ask Your Majesty for half a kingdom, I’d just ask that you grant me one request.

What is it?

I’d like to be king for one day.

What makes you have such a funny idea? Why won’t you govern half a country but just want to be king for one day instead?

Because during that one day, I can rule over the entire kingdom, from Somaraja pass to Caituk desert, from Bayaret sea to Tunbai lake.

An interesting one-of-a-kind idea. All right, I accept.

I’d like Your Majesty to put your pledge in writing and stamp with the imperial seal so people can believe it.

Sabana, summon Samarat here! He will draft the document.

Yes, Royal Father.

Sabana, send people to the guest house to bring the Chinese doctor here immediately.


Why are you inviting a Chinese doctor here?

To cure Your Majesty’s illness with gold needles. I had people go to the East to their magnificent capital city to bring back the best physicians.

I understand now how much you love me. If I’m cured, you won’t be king just for 1 day, but 10 days, 100 days, 1000 days.

No. I just ask for one day, from sunrise to sunset.

Devi is back! Devi’s back to sing and dance for us. Devi, please sing for us!

Not yet.

It’ll be a cheerless evening then. Why is it, Devi? Sing for us, please.

Don’t worry. I’ll probably sing tonight.

I thought you couldn’t make it back.

Why not?

You didn’t meet Kunala, right?

On the contrary, I brought Kunala here to see you.

Where? You’re not kidding me, are you?

You’ll meet Kunala at Biva lake tomorrow.

Very well.

If you can make me walk normally again, I’ll reward you greatly. Also, I want you to teach my son, Crown Prince Kunala, this secret technique.

Yes, Your Majesty.

Prince Alan can also learn this method.

But Alan isn’t as adroit as Kunala.

I thought His Majesty had already forgotten Kunala. I was surprised today that he kept speaking of Kunala.

My bodyguard Rai just reported to have seen Kunala by the Biva river. He’s about to meet Masoud.

Alan, why are you always behind Kunala? Samarat, have you finished drafting the royal decree?

It’s done, Your Majesty.

Excellent! I just need one day.

Father, what is Second Queen planning to do?

I also don’t understand.

We come here with good will, to be your friends, without any bad intention.

You shouldn’t have done that!

What if they attack us?

Masoud never attacks unarmed people.

Which of you is the Crown Prince Kunala?

I am.

Chief Masoud is waiting for Your Highness. This way, please!

Who is that? Where are they from? They’re dressed so elegantly. How handsome! Our local people can’t afford that kind of clothes. They must be royal officials. They definitely aren’t local people. Court officials look different, obviously. Why are they here, I wonder?

Chief, we’ve brought Crown Prince Kunala here for you.

Masoud, my friend, I’m very happy to see you again. It’s been over 10 years since I went on a pilgrimage to Taxila with my mother, Queen Padvamati.

I haven’t forgotten that, but I don’t want to talk about the past. You and I were friends before. I took you on a tour around Taxila city so that you could witness people’s suffering.

I remember it. I thank you, Masoud, very much. Thanks to it that I learned of things different from what the royal tutor taught me in the palace. Because of that, I come here unaccompanied by troops.

Not true. That’s just a plot set up by the court. I’ve gotten the latest news of Prince Alan’s army. On one hand, you come here to negotiate; on the other hand, Prince Alan gathers forces to attack me. Kunala, if I didn’t think of beloved Queen Padvamati, godmother of the Taxila people, I’d have beheaded you already.

You’re right. I vow on my mother’s spirit that I have nothing to do with Alan’s army. That is Prime Minister Samarat’s scheme to break up our friendship. When I learned of that, I rushed here day and night.

How can I believe you? You said that you come here for peaceful talks but secretly stab me in the back.

Masoud, please trust me. I’ve never had such a thought.

On behalf of Taxila people’s lives, I don’t allow myself to trust you. By Queen Padmavati’s sacred spirit, I’ll grant you a favor. Go away and never return here again!

How can I make you believe me, Masoud?

Present a proof!

Respected Chief, the court’s army is heading here.

Retreat into the shelter pits and wait for my order!

Masoud, I’ll now bring you a proof of my honesty. But who will be the witness?

I will.


Prepare to enter their hiding place.

Let’s rest here for a while and wait for Taxila’s governor’s troops to arrive.

Prepare for combat!

Wait! That man looks like my royal brother.

Alan, what are you doing here?

By His Majesty’s order, Prince Alan is here to suppress the rebels. Your Highness, please step aside for the soldiers to perform their duty.

Turn back immediately. Don’t advance any further. By His Majesty’s order, I have negotiated with Masoud. Everything has been resolved.

You intend to go against royal orders? Soldiers! Advance!

Your Highness, take it!

Stop it!

I’ll spare your life, but I won’t tolerate your disrespect. Alan, go back to report to Royal Father that I have already convinced Masoud.

You’re really talented! When are you going back, Royal Brother?

Tell Madhavi that I’ll be home soon when the lotus blossoms.

Take care, Royal Brother!

Thank you, Masoud, for supporting me.

Why didn’t you kill that crook, Your Highness?

I don’t kill those who lose their swords.

Devi, you’ve lost already. An upright gentleman never strikes a defenseless person.

This young woman has rescued me many times on my journey here.

Your Highness, we may resume our negotiation.

We’re always by your side, Your Highness, against Prime Minister Samarat and Second Queen Tishyaraksha.

They’re the ones who manipulate the court’s affairs, raise taxes and harass innocent people.

Friends, rest assured. As long as I’m alive, I’ll be your good friend and protect you.

Let the gods witness our vows!

To you, Masoud!

To you, Your Highness!

To Masoud!

In the deep-green prairie, sparkling sun shines on lovers. A young man gazes at his sweetheart, mesmerized. A morning dewdrop glistens on a verdant leaf, tender like a lover calling out: “Let us love each other; don’t ever be separated!” Songs of romance send words of affection in the wind: Never shall I part with my beloved. In love, I silently pine through the long, lonely night. O young lady with deep blue eyes, you’ve given me many beautiful dreams. Since you come into my heart, you’ve brought poetry to life. Why are you evading me, leaving your heart forlorn? Know you not longing will wither both hearts?

It’s late, Your Highness. Why haven’t you rested?

Why are you looking for me?

I just happened to pass by here.

Tomorrow, everyone will leave this place to return to Taxila. Farmers will work on the fields again. Blacksmiths will work on their tools again. Everyone has his or her job to do. And Devi, what are your plans?

I... I don’t know. I only know to use the sword, sing and dance. How about I volunteer to be your bodyguard?

I don’t need one. But I think your dancing is nice.

Just nice?

When I return to the capital, I’ll recommend you to the dance troupe. For now, I need to close my eyes for a while.

Can you not sleep tonight for me?

What do you need from me? Ah, have a seat here. I’ll teach you meditation. It’ll help you feel light-hearted and dispel all turbulent illusions.

I don’t want to learn it. The more active the mind is, the more fun. I’m passionately in love with you. Please bestow upon me.

I can grant you any gift you want. Shall it jewel or silken fabric?

No, I don’t need those things. I only need your love.

Devi, romantic love is not a favor that we can grant. I admire you very much. You’re a rare heroine. But my life is tied to Madhavi. The princess is awaiting me day and night. Devi! Devi!

I don’t know how to repay your hard work.

Your Majesty, it’s an insignificant thing. Being able to attend to you myself, I feel very happy.

Without you, I’d have become disabled – alive but like dead. Samarat!

Yes, Your Majesty.

Second Queen once asked to be king for one day. We can proceed with that.

The imperial seal is in your hand. You can issue any decree and it will be implemented across the kingdom.

What are you planning to proclaim, Royal Mother?

I’ll issue an order. It’ll allow all your wishes to be carried out.

Please tell me, Royal Mother.

Behead Kunala!

For what reason, Royal Mother?

For robbing Alan of his throne.

I won’t let you kill my brother. You’ll send the entire kingdom into chaos. People would revolt.

You’d be king by then. Order to have all rebels massacred. Violence will hush up those lowly commoners.

My royal brother didn’t resort to violence, yet he still prevailed. I also want to be like that.

Be quiet! Alan, I’m so disappointed in you. My greatest wish in life is to see you as an emperor. You’ve just stamped out all my hopes. Alan, you’ve killed me. Do you know that?

Your Highness, what Mother plans for you is appropriate. You shouldn’t sadden her. Why do you humble yourself to Kunala? Only if you’re emperor, will I become the nation’s matriarch.

All right, do whatever you wish, Mother. I just ask for one thing: do not kill Crown Prince Kunala. Otherwise, even ten thrones, I couldn’t care less.

But... how can I seize the throne when Kunala is still alive?

Your Majesty, there is a way.

Masoud, I’ve submitted a request to Royal Father to appoint you as governor of Taxila.

Thank you, Your Highness. But I can’t be an official. An official must learn many things.

Governor, read His Majesty’s decree for all to hear.

Kunala, receive the royal order! His Majesty, Emperor Asoka, decreed: “Crown Prince Kunala was sent to Taxila to eradicate the rebel Masoud, but he’s conspired with the insurgent against the court. Instead of eradicating the rebels, he’s even rewarded the criminals without the King’s knowledge. I hereby strip Kunala of his title as Crown Prince. I’d behead him to get rid of an unfilial and disloyal son, but considering our deep father-and-son bond, I’d reduce the penalty to destroying his eyes to make an example for others. By Royal Orders.”

Kunala, you are under arrest.

Let me warn you: If anything happens to His Highness, I’ll burn down this Taxila city.

What a rebel! How dare you be disrespectful?

Masoud, be calm. This is my private matter. Before following orders, I’d like to see my Royal Father’s decree.

Your wish shall be fulfilled.

It’s indeed Father’s imperial seal. But why? What happened to him?

So? Do you believe now? Soldiers, take him away!

Brothers! Advance!

Stop! Everyone, please stop! Masoud, stop! Everyone, retreat now! I don’t want to be branded as opposing my father because of you.

We’re with you, Your Highness.

I think this is just a misunderstanding. My father will find out the truth, and I will return to you.

Take him away!

Your Highness!

Your Highness, you will return! Kunala, you will return to us! Your Highness, you will return.

When do we execute the order?

Within today.

I’m afraid things will not be as easy as we think. If we take him to the execution ground, we will confront riots for sure. The farmers think of him as their savior.

Stop! Throw him off the horse! Whoever plucks out Kunala’s eyes will be rewarded one gold coin. So? You people are afraid of him? Well, two gold coins then. What do you say?

I’ll do it. (You?) I’ll do it! Give me the money!

You only get the money after I have Kunala’s eyes in my hand. Do it! Stab! One gold coin for one eye. Why aren’t you doing it?

I... I can’t stab. I’ll do it another way.

Anyway is fine. Hurry up! (Yes.)

Please forgive me, Your Highness. I really don’t want to do this, but my wife and children are starving at home.

If my eyes can bring life to your family, it’d be so great blessing for me. Please go ahead.

Ramat! Ramat! You’re leaving me too, Ramat? O Ramat! Madhavi is waiting for me right now; all my loved ones are awaiting news from me. Do you understand? They’ve made me a disabled man. Ramat! Where are you going?

Brother, may I ask if you saw a tall, long-haired person in royal garments walk by this way?

Yes, this way.

Thank you. O Uncle, have you seen a person in royal garments pass by here?

Yes, this way.

Thank you.

Have you seen a tall person in a royal outfit walking by here?

Yes, he went that way.

That way? (Yes.) Thank you.

There are horses’ hoofprints. It’s this place.

Your Highness!

There are people’s footprints. This way!

Go! (O Kunala!)

Your Highness, where are you now?

Kunala! (Kunala!)

There! His Highness!

Kunala! Your Highness!

Your Highness!

How come you are like this?

Your Highness!

Your Highness!

Your Highness! We’ll revenge.

I’ll revenge for Kunala.
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