Ambitions of Afghanistan: An Interview with Daoud Sediqi, Original Afghan Star TV Host & Voice of America Radio Host - P2/2 (In Dari)    
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Today’s program will be presented in Dari, Pashto and English, with subtitles in Arabic, Aulacese (Vietnamese), Chinese, Hebrew, English, French, German, Hungarian, Indonesian, Japanese, Korean, Malay, Persian, Portuguese, Russian, Thai, and Spanish.

The year is 2009. Voice of America, a world leading prestigious multimedia global broadcasting service, launches a poetry and song program in Afghanistan’s national languages with a fresh voice of the host. To many listeners tuning in around the world, it is a pleasant surprise, and so very familiar…

In the Name of the Great and Merciful God, Radio Ashna's Literary Pieces. To the audience: Asalam alaikum (Greetings), I hope you all are fine, well, and healthy. And be happy from any corner of the world that you hear our voice and once more have good moments during this program.

I, Daoud Sediqi, from the last Wednesday nights and days will be in your service, God willing. You favor my presentations in the program. And may it become your preference and as the same, I hope you present our audiences your nice poems.

Recognizing this name and voice, millions of Afghans around the world are thrilled to discover that Daoud Sediqi, one of Afghanistan’s greatest television stars, is back on the airwaves, this time hosting the Ashna Radio program for Voice of America. They immediately call in with great enthusiasm and encouragement for a hero.

One of my best memories of my life After coming to the US is that right After airing of my voice for seconds on the radio, people had phone calls with me and expressed their contentment.

Gracious viewers, welcome to Enlightenment Entertainment for the second of our 2-part program featuring Mr. Daoud Sediqi, the original “Afghan Star” television host and current Voice of America (VOA) radio host.

A couple months prior to his radio appearance, Daoud Sediqi was invited to the Sundance Film Festival as the main person featured in the award-winning UK documentary “Afghan Star” about the popular show of the same name. It was then that he reached the decision to stay in the US to fulfill his dream of bringing peace to his beloved motherland through the international media.

The international media has its very positive effect, since in a country, local media have their own limitations. But through international media, there can be discussion over whatever issue is for the good of people. One can freely go over different subjects. It has very positive effect and one can convey the positive message of the world for his people.

As a seasoned media personality himself, Mr. Sediqi especially believes in the benefits of open discussions and meaningful forums such as those provided by Voice of America.

Media like Voice of America can be proved very useful. It can touch on sensitive issues and can be very useful, regarding the subject that there can be dialogue between the people of America and Afghanistan. I think it will be very good for the people of Afghanistan.

Voice of America is the most far-reaching international broadcaster funded by the government of the United States. Established in 1942, it currently broadcasts more than 1,200 hours of news every week, as well as educational and cultural programs. These are produced in 45 languages reaching 150 million listeners worldwide. Ms Joan Mower, Director of Public Relations at Voice of America, explains the organization’s basic goal.

Our mission is to give fact-based news and information to people around the world, particularly people who don’t have access to freedom of information. So fact-based news, information, about the world, about America and about local and national events. That’s our mission.

Radio Ashna of Voice of America, is currently a 12-hour high-quality program in Dari and Pashto which broadcasts daily worldwide through AM, FM, and shortwave radio. It didn’t take long for Radio Ashna’s producers to discover the value of working with Daoud Sediqi.

He’s terrific. It’s great to have him. I think he’s going to be a great asset to the Voice of America’s Afghanistan service, and to Voice of America in general.

Ms. Beth Mendelson, Chief of the Afghanistan Service for Voice of America, often recalls the energy and determination she saw in him when she first met him. Daoud Sediqi has contributed to the radio by reaching out to listeners across the seas and generations.

Because of Daoud’s name recognition, everybody knows him as the Afghan Star. So people are really calling in, the switchboards are lighting up when he’s on the air, and that’s really exciting for us, that we’re able to connect with a young audience and I think an older audience as well.

It is indeed a wonderful affinity between Daoud Sediqi and his fans. Here, a caller is dedicating a poem to Afghanistan through what is now an internationalized Dari and Pashto-speaking public.

In Love, I have been sad; I cannot laugh. When I burst in love I laugh. I did not let the love go. Now they have made steam with it. I give feeling to the hearts of people by poetry. I give feeling to the hearts of people by poetry. I do not allow its neatness, I tear it quietly with love… Come and leave the rosary and piety at the altar. Come and leave the rosary and piety at the altar.

Enlightening Entertainment will return shortly with our show featuring Afghan television and radio host Mr. Daoud Sediqi. Please keep your dial tuned here to Supreme Master Television.

Thank you for joining us again for Enlightening Entertainment for our program featuring renowned Afghan TV and radio host, Mr. Daoud Sediqi. Although he misses his family, friends and his country, Mr. Sediqi is nevertheless determined to make his heartfelt contribution before he returns. He wants to see his talents and efforts used fully toward the day that Afghanistan and the world embrace one another, and exchange with one another in friendship.

I will go back to my homeland, but with full hands, I want to do something and return with full hands. I love my homeland very much and my ambition is that I see it in peace and prosperity. I want to do something big for my country. As much as I have energy, I want do something that can introduce Afghanistan as a nice country, as an example of a very good country with very nice people. I wish I can become someone who can do this, to convey this nice message of my people for the world. It is one of my greatest ambitions that I love my country very much.

The numerous callers to the Radio Ashna program reflect only a part of what Mr. Sediqi has brought to Voice of America. For him, international media is like a two-way street for sharing messages as well as mutual acquaintance and respect. “Believe me,” BBC’s journalist Ashish Kumar Sen quotes Daoud Sediqi saying, “There are a lot of good stories in Afghanistan, a lot of good people. Inside, Afghanistan is beautiful.” The radio host shares his thoughts about the role of international media.

International media has always had a positive effect on Afghanistan, and right now, international media in Afghanistan has been very successful, They have got lots of audiences and viewers, and provide the best broadcast with high standards for the people. And also people can become aware of the world news.

I think international media, in addition to doing a good job, they also have some responsibilities. Since they should respect the culture and traditions of a region, they should observe the customs and habits when a country provides broadcast for another country. And programs should be orchestrated in a way that fits the the needs of the audience. For that same people, by the will of that people, the broadcast has been launched, which is one of the biggest responsibilities of the international media.

Daoud Sediqi’s ambition is to serve Afghanistan by presenting his homeland with love, to all. This goal keeps him going. “Look at me!” He said to the BBC reporter. “I grow up in Kabul and I am pure Afghan.” The recognition that is requested here is not merely recognition of his voice, but that of his generation.

One of the things that has been very exciting about having Daoud with us is, during the presidential elections that took place on August 20, Daoud was able to interview a lot of young people, a lot of students about how they felt about President Karzai and Dr. Abdullah. And he was really able to give a fresh and exciting perspective into what the young people in Afghanistan are thinking.

Today, for listeners of Voice of America, there is much to look forward to as well, for Daoud Sediqi’s services will only expand more from here.

What Daoud is doing right now is he’s hosting a poetry show and a talk show, and he’s also working as a producer where he’s highly skilled. But his real talent for us is behind the microphone. He is really comfortable behind the microphone, and we’re going to be having him do special, special programming for our television show, TV Ashna, and I think that’s where he’s going to be a huge success.

From “Afghan Star” to Voice of America radio to television, Daoud Sediqi is on a journey that is an ever-amplified, constructive message for the world.

The people of Afghanistan are no different of from people of the world. We are all the same humans. The fondness existing in other people exists in us too, the peace that people of the world want, we wish for too. I think what we do is to bring peace for Afghanistan and for the whole world.

This is Jawed Ahmad, now I’m Calling from the United Arab Emirates.

Mr. Jawed Ahmad, May God bring you, be in peace, please tell us what do you have to present for our audiences?

I present a sonnet from Mr. Zirak for you.

Yes, please!

The title is “Poet and Writer.” “There is a force for positive change in your pen. There is a force for positive change in your pen. In it there exists sincerity for the hearts.

Many thanks Mr. Daoud Sediqi for your admirable leadership and dedication to bridging together a more harmonious world. We share with you in striving for an ever peaceful Afghanistan and a loving, united planet.

For more information on Mr. Daoud Sediqi’s work with Voice of America, please visit:

Gracious viewers, it was a pleasure to have you with us today. Up next is Words of Wisdom, after Noteworthy News, here on Supreme Master Television. May courage and love light your way.
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