Aulacese (Vietnamese) Chèo Traditional Opera: The Golden Areca – P1/3 (In Aulacese)    
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Today’s Enlightening Entertainment will be presented in Aulacese (Vietnamese), with subtitles in Arabic, Chinese, English, French, German, Hungarian, Indonesian, Japanese, Korean, Malay, Persian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, and Thai.

Âu Lạc (Vietnam) is a nation that has a long-standing traditional culture. Aulacese music is very rich; since ancient times, there have been many musical instruments that move the soul with a wide variety of sounds like those of the copper drum, gong, lithophone, bamboo xylophone, cymbals and panpipe. In 2003, Elegant Music, a form of Huế royal music, was recognized by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) as an intangible cultural heritage of the world.

Âu Lạc’s music represents the unique features of each region, for example, Quan Họ folksongs in the North, Huế tunes in the Central, and cải lương (modern folk opera) in the South. In addition, there are many other forms of music, including hò (work songs), lý (village songs), ceremonial songs, Aulacese classical opera, chèo traditional opera, Hồ Quảng opera, and so on. Indeed, music has been deeply instilled in the hearts of people in this beautiful country, and has been cultivated until this day.

Northern Âu Lạc has a folk art called xẩm singing that is very popular in the northern plains and midland. This genre, in the old time, was performed by minstrel bands.

In a gathering with a small group of our Association members some years past, Supreme Master Ching Hai was inspired to spontaneously compose and sing in the xẩm style a poem she had written in her late 20s in Germany. The poem was originally written in English which the poet herself translated into Aulacese.

We now invite you to enjoy an excerpt of the xẩm singing “We Don't Live More Than One Hundred Years!” composed and sung by Supreme Master Ching Hai.

SORRY darling if I could wait no more, I am not a nun, and never want to be so. You don’t wish to share your life, So let me go on my way!

I know you think I am crazy, But what difference will that be? I live my life as I please No matter what other think. Everyone has different things!

On Enlightening Entertainment, Supreme Master Television is pleased to introduce different forms of arts from Âu Lạc (Vietnam), as well as from other countries in the world, in order to share the beauty and cultures of the peoples on our planet.

Chèo traditional opera is a folk theater art which originated from the regions near the mountains and from the plains of northern Âu Lạc. There are varied opinions about the beginning of chèo traditional opera: the earliest time is believed to be in 4th century BCE and the most recent is 14th century, at the end of the Trần dynasty. Chèo is a narrative genre of folk theater, recounting stories through a combination of music, singing and dance.

One of the unique features of chèo is a skillful portrayal of subtle gestures and movements. During festivals, people in the plains of northern Âu Lạc often look forward to watching chèo traditional opera. The lyrics are infused with folk poetry and proverbs; tragedies are usually counter-balanced with satires. Chèo is replete with the pure simplicity of the common folk, yet equally profound in meaning.

The Aulacese chèo traditional opera titled “The Golden Areca” is an interesting tale about the road to success of Thức, a gentle and intelligent student. Sometimes people don’t recognize their inherent wisdom or talent until they are in a difficult situation. Realizing this, Miss Tuyết, his betrothed, graciously encourages and quietly helps him, exemplifying a noble love.

We now invite you to enjoy part 1 of the Aulacese chèo traditional opera titled “The Golden Areca” by playwright Trần Đình Ngôn. This opera will be presented in 3 episodes,

with performances by Phú Kiên as Thức the Student, Đoàn Bình as Thức’s Mother, An Chinh as Miss Tuyết, Thanh Mai as Yến Nhi, Quốc Anh as the Mandarin’s Son, Vũ Ngọc as the Son’s Valet, Ngọc Kình as King, Thanh Ngoan as Queen, Kim Liên as Princess, Hải Điệp as Eunuch, Ngọc Minh as Royal Physician, Đoàn Vinh as Royal Chancellor, Trần Hải as a Candidate to Cure the Princess, and other artists.

Thank you for your company on today’s Enlightening Entertainment. Please stay tuned to Supreme Master Television. Up next is Words of Wisdom. May your life be filled with joy and divine grace. Farewell for now.

Miss, my eyelids twitch and I feel fidgety all of a sudden. Mr. Thức must have passed the exam this time.

Eyelids? It’s just your mouth twitching. You know that I’m anxious, so you made that up.

I’m telling the truth; just wait and see. Mr. Thức’s name will be on the honor roll as Doctor of Letters this time. Not only you, but the whole village is glorified.

You’re only good at putting the cart before the horse. If Mr. Thức fails this time, we’ll have to dig a hole to hide in.

O Miss, don’t worry. In this county, Mr. Thức is the most brilliant man of letters. I’m sure sooner or later, he’ll graduate to be an official.

Sister Tuyết, you came all the way here to await news of brother Thức?

If he passes the exam this time, there will be a wedding ceremony. You go first, so we’ll call you big sister.

Let us follow you and be your younger sisters.

Just to share some of your noble status. With his unsurpassed talent, he’s making his parents proud.

The students are back.

O sister, why do they look so sad?

They must have flunked.

O brothers, you all failed?

You all failed?

All of Teacher Tre’s students failed this time.

You mean Mr. Thức has failed too?

We were thinking at least brother Thức would make it, but...

My God! Even the one known as a literary genius couldn’t make it, let alone others.

Actually, a lot of capable people failed, not just brother Thức.

But where is Mr. Thức? Why isn’t he back yet?

He’s caught a bad cold.

O God!

Sister Tuyết!

Sister Tuyết!

Don’t be sad, Miss Tuyết. Try to wait for the next exam.

Wait till next time, sister.

Sister Tuyết!

I hope you understand. It’s not that I want fame and wealth. I just regret not being a dutiful daughter-in-law. Although we were only engaged, his parents have loved me very much. His terminally ill father called me to the bedside and entrusted me with helping Thức to study to be the valedictorian and honor our ancestors.

Both sides of parents determined that academic achievement comes before the wedding celebration.

He studied hard, yet he failed three court exams. Is it because his time hasn’t come or his skills are not good enough? When my hair turns gray, I’d still be alone. What am I to do? Status and faithfulness are both to be upheld.

Though his good luck hasn’t come, just keep your pledge intact. We advise you to stay steadfast and persevere.

Where are the new Doctors of Letters? Any party for me to offer condolence verses?

Congratulatory verses! Condolence verses are for funerals!

What a dim wit! They flunked the exam. Isn’t their coming home a funeral?

O young nobleman, you knew we failed the exam, so you came here to make fun of us?

So? Failing all the way?

Failed already?

Before you went, I already knew you’d fail. I just pity you all, studying hard so many years. I also feel sorry for the faithful girls who wait for your return in glory. Look at me. I know that I’m a lousy student, but I have good luck with trading.

It depends. A trader like you, there’s only one in this district. Your capital is just saliva, but the interest is thousands of gold bars. Relying on the power of your grandfather and father, you freely indulge in pleasures.

You envy me? All right, I’ll let you be my servant.

Let me, master! O sweetie! My master was right. Why bother to study literature? No wonder there’s a saying: A literary talent is no match for a rich illiterate man. My master openly relies on title and power. Countless beautiful girls run after him.

You’re fibbing! Who runs after him? Tell us.

You’re quick-tempered, dear Tuyết! Thức failed the exam already. Just return his betrothal gifts of areca and betel, then follow me, sweetie! One night leaning against the dragon boat is better than a lifetime waiting for a raft. One night leaning against the dragon boat is better than a lifetime waiting for a raft.v Don’t you rely on wealth to openly woo someone else’s wife.

Flunked students, homely girls! Let me tell you. I have plenty of capital. I can cart you all to sell to the mountain area.

Don’t you slight my master’s illiteracy. He’s unlettered but has good luck, so he’s still appointed an officer.

What officer?

Trade officer. You got it?

Trade officer. You got it?

Since ancient times, people only spoke of traders, never trade officers.

You only know Confucian “Four Books and Five Classics.”

You don’t know that trading for oneself is called trader, but if for the court, one is called trade officer. My master is a trade officer. Recently he bought goods for the Ministry of Public Works.

So it’s you who was just defrauded in a recent purchase. You traded a lot of gold for the cast-off goods from a foreign country. A trade officer who is illiterate and foolish, yet covets lavish gifts, would just be giving away gold for free.

How dare you bookworms slander me! Where are you, Valet? (Sir.) Beat them up for me!

Oh no! They may be skilled in both literature and martial arts. You’re unlettered, use kungfu then. You go ahead, I’ll back you up. Quickly!

What a waste to feed you!

It’s so true!

Fine. You guys challenge me? I’ll show you how to behave. I’ll show you a piece of my martial arts. You’ll see.

Hear ye, hear ye!

I forgive you.

Attention, everyone. Be quiet and listen to the king’s decree. Hear ye, hear ye!

The king’s edict!

The Princess caught a cold and lost her voice. Whoever can cure Her Highness will be granted a title and become the Prince Consort.

Brothers, how about becoming the Prince Consort?

O Valet! A title and the Prince Consort’s post are offered! Is it true that a title and the Prince Consort’s post are bestowed if you cure the Princess’ muteness?

Is that true, sir?

Why not? His Majesty even worried that the district chief’s guards wouldn’t convey the decree correctly, so he ordered me to announce it myself.

What if the one who cures the Princess of muteness is a woman?

Will His Majesty allow her to be the Prince’s wife?

O dear! The King and court officials only thought of the men and forgot the women completely. Even the royal decree sometimes has errors, see! It’s because the King lacks the talented by his side.

You’re so smart.

All right, I’ll report to His Majesty about this. If you girls have special medical skills, hasten off to the court to cure the Princess. Go quickly!

If all the royal doctors gave up, Her Highness’ case must be very difficult. I’m not sure if common citizens can make the Princess utter a word.

This sounds like a battle of wits. If medicine doesn’t work, tricks might do it.

Whatever remedy you people know that can cure the Princess, quick go to the court. I must go now to the next district to make the announcement. I’m leaving now, dear!

Farewell! Hear ye, hear ye! Attention, everyone! Be quiet and listen to the King’s decree.

O Tuyết, is it you?

There! Why compete with people in this village? If you’re talented, go to the capital city to make the Princess talk.

If you’re good, go cure the Princess of her muteness.

Cure her!

Fine. I’ll make the Queen and King know who I am. Who knows? The lovely Princess may fall passionately in love with me.

Goodness! You’re bragging too soon. I’m afraid you’ll make a laughing stock of yourself.

Look, I’ll go abroad to look for miracle medicine to cure the Princess. Now, I’ll make a bet with you all. (What’s the bet?) Whoever can cure the Princess of muteness will get my 100,000 pounds of silver. If I can cure the Princess, you men must be my servants for life and for free. The women will be my second, third, fourth and fifth wives, to do farming work and serve my needs.

A gentleman keeps his word. The mandarin’s son and trade officer has spoken! We accept the challenge.

Why not?

But if you can’t make the Princess talk and instead get spanked and dismissed, then you’ll let each girl in this village ride on your back as you crawl around the inn.

We’ll ride on your back around the inn.

You dare?

It’s a deal!

Heaven and Earth and the deities are our witnesses. Let’s make a solemn finger promise.

(You dare?) Why not?

O master! I’m afraid it’s going to be very difficult. If you lose, how can you go back on your word? I beg you to swallow your pride.

You must have lots of miracles. We’ll follow you home to wait on you. Once you give your word, don’t say it’s blown in the wind. So, dare you make the bet?

Why not? I have nothing to fear!

My academic path is unfavorable; I’ve been unsuccessful in examinations. Bound by an engagement, my beloved suffers. Is it due to a last life’s affinity that I’m burdened with literary obligation?

Thức, my son!


Don’t feel sad and bitter. If you don’t make it this time, wait till next time. It’s just that our ancestors’ burial feng shui hasn’t yet thrived and I lack good merits. But it’s also good that you didn’t pass the exam to become an official. You need not exhaust your mind and can be carefree. If you passed the exam, you’d have to shoulder national affairs.

You’d worry about being harmed by the bad and corrupted. Many people have lost their morals after gaining some fame. Come to think of it, failing the exam is better for you.

You’re just reasoning to comfort me, Mom. All his life, Dad wished for me to attain academic success. I don’t covet fame and wealth; I just wish to repay Dad’s favor of raising me.

If that’s how you feel, I’ll continue to work hard to support your study until your goal is achieved, so that in the other world, your dad won’t blame me for being a shallow-minded woman. Since you failed this exam, your wedding may not work out. Though engaged, you two aren’t matched in social status.

Greetings, Auntie and Mister!

Greetings, Auntie!

Be at home. Please come in, both of you.

Respected Auntie, I’ve asked my parents to come over to speak to you and Thức today. Both families have made a pledge: Thức’s academic achievement must come before our marriage. But he has failed three examinations so far. A woman’s youth doesn’t last forever. Betraying our vow, I’d feel ashamed with everyone, but waiting for his success, how long will it be? We can’t wait for each other until old age. Therefore, I venture to come over to ask your permission to return the betrothal gifts.

Oh God! I’ve been waiting for many years. You really want to return the betrothal gifts now?

Yes. Please love me and forgive me. I’m not happy either when the areca and betel turn bitter.

Mother, Miss Tuyết has properly returned the betrothal gifts. That is already very thoughtful. I’ll divide and send the areca out to inform our relatives. I didn’t make it to the roll of honor to deserve her hand in marriage. How many full-moons can the moon have? A young beauty has languished in waiting for the eagle to soar high.

Alas, I’m incompetent and thus have betrayed your love.

Because of our parents’ promise, you’ve wasted your youth on me. This poor, meritless student fails to achieve distinction. Allow me to take back my betrothal gifts.

Miss, you already decided, why are you still crying?

Though not married, we’ve been engaged for ten years. I’ve betrayed your trust all this time. Your affection and kindness are truly deep. This bow is to thank you.

Don’t do that, or I’d wrong you even more. Because you didn’t achieve academic honor, our bond has to dissolve. I have no heart to see love sadly fall apart. I hope after the rain, the sunshine, as I’m not the fickle type. I’m taking leave now, Auntie. Yến Nhi, let’s go home!

Auntie and Mister, I’m going home.

Don’t feel sad, Mother. I won’t let you wither from sorrow and shame. Tuyết has refused the marriage offer. Her family must have scorned our poverty. But I won’t let myself be insulted. Allow me to seek a teacher in the capital. I’m determined to compete in wits and talents.

But the examination is over. You have to wait another 3 years, possibly 5.

Mom, there’s a new royal decree. The Princess caught a severe cold. Her life is safe, but she no longer can talk. The King orders that whoever has a miracle medicine or can make the Princess laugh and talk again will become the King’s son-in-law and an official according to his talents.

The court has many great physicians. If they all gave up, then only a miracle elixir would work. Son, people have different fates. Just be contented with our lot. If you go, I won’t have peace of mind. You’d risk your life and get into trouble. You don’t know about medicine. Don’t take it lightly.

Dad died because the doctor gave him the wrong medicine. I still remember: ‘Medicine can save lives, medicine can also kill.’ If the Princess’ illness is mental, then it can’t be cured by medicine. I’ll go to the capital to study and watch out for news about the Princess. Only if I feel sure I can cure her, shall I ask to go into the palace. Please be at ease and wait for me at home.

You’ve made up your mind; I can’t hold you back. Be careful to protect yourself.

Yes, Mother.

I’ve tried to stop him from going. I’m afraid he’d get frustrated and end his life.

I’m bringing a stale areca and moldy chopsticks to remind myself of a poor student’s humiliation. I’m taking leave now, Mom.

Yes, son.

Making my parents sad is also painful for me. I set out on the road to forget my bitterness. Putting away my pen and ink, I shall travel thousands of miles with few belongings.

I love my son who aspires highly. Don’t worry for me in old age. A gentleman aims far and wide. You’ll overcome the distance if you’re determined.

Too heavy! Throw him down!

Oh God! I’m dying of pain.

What have you to complain about?

Just lie here quietly, and send news for your family to take you home.

Oh brothers!

What now?

I can’t go home. My wife left me already.

Your wife left you, and you wanted to marry the Princess!

Before going in to see the Princess, I already slid some money into your hand.

Be quiet!

In case things didn’t work out, you’d be gentle with your thrashing.

Here comes the thrashing!

Oh brothers! Stop!

You’re such a fool. Enduring pain to gain a feast?

You look like that and you want to marry the Princess?

To be the Prince Consort? How dense!

All right, brother! (Yes?) Let’s go back and rest. Before this evening, we’ll have to carry another one here for sure.

Yes, let’s go back. We’ll throw another guy out here for sure.

They said “throw out here.” So, I’m just like a lump of dirt? I’ll only trouble my wife and children. It’s like dreaming to pluck a star from the sky. My God! Why do I suffer so much? I’ve awakened from the thrashing that I deserved, but even till death, I was still greedy.

Brother, are you all right?

Thank you.
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