The Premiere of Supreme Master Ching Hai's Books:The Dogs in My Life & The Noble Wilds - Aulacese edition P3/4 Aug. 15, 2009 - Thailand    
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The next question is from Mr. Trần Văn Nhâm,a kind-hearted teacher who set up a free school for disadvantaged children. Teacher Trần Văn Nhâm is a recipient of the Shining World Compassion Award as well.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: Hallo,sir.

TVN(m): Hallo, Supreme Master Ching Hai.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: Hallo,Teacher Nhâm.

TVN(m): Greetings, Supreme Master Ching Hai. I'm greatly honored to be here to celebrate the release of your two cherished books. Could you please tell us: How are the spiritual levels of humans and animal companions elevated when we are concerned and care for them with a true love that comes from our heart? Thank you very much.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: Thank you. Thank you,teacher of all the beautiful children. Thank you that you come again and for your compassionate work that you are doing for the future generation. Heaven blesses you. I think anyone who has lived together with an animal companion long enough could comment on this question if they do pay attention and listen. Because when we truly love and care for an animal companion, we will feel like we understand each other very well, even without talking. It is this deep bond that leads to an unconditional caring, not just human caring for the animal,but also the other way around.

That's why we hear so many touching, tear-provoking stories of animals who rescue their caregiver, or even rescue a stranger because of love,or warned them just in time when the house was on fire or of other dangers. They even lay down their lives to protect us humans, especially their caregivers, their human companion. And the other way around too; like recently there's a man who saved his dog from an alligator. That was shown on our Supreme Master Television.

Even he had lost some of his fingers doing that because he has to,like ply open the mouth of the crocodile in order to get his dog out of his mouth! And then he lost his fingers doing that. But he said he would not hesitate if he had to do it again for his beloved companion dog,you see? That brought me to tears also.

I don't always cry because of the problem of our planet or the suffering of our animals, but I easily cry equally also when I hear a touching story of unconditional love and sacrifice between loving relationship, be it humans to humans or animals to humans, so on. Many animal companions and their owners - so-called owners,but we prefer to say caregivers or caretakers - they have this feeling,that they could even die for each other,if need be. I know I would die for my animals. I don't mind dying for any of them. But don't worry, I am living. I still live for you, for the world first,and there's no situation right now to require me…
TVN(m): I would like to thank you again.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: …to die for my animals. So,if we love each other, then we will understand each other very well,and if you love your animal and your level is up spiritually,your animals also be up and vice versa. Okay,teacher? Thank you.

MC(f): Thank you,Master. Mr. Phạm Quang Minh, a lawyer from Tahitian Noni International Corporation would like to ask you the next question. Welcome Mr. Phạm Quang Minh.

Quang Minh(m): Dear Supreme Master Ching Hai, I'm truly surprised and admire your inner connection and tender love towards the animal friends when I read the two books, 『The Dogs in My Life』 &『The Noble Wilds』 written by you. I have two small questions. How are you able to understand the language of the adorable co-inhabitant friends? And how can ordinary people like us understand and connect with the animals in order to extend our love to them like you do?

Supreme Master Ching Hai: Hallo,Mr. Minh. Thank you for your good question. The language of our animal friends is a silent language,although they bark and they quack also but that is not all of their language, as you know. They have telepathy, as we say,and we humans all have it. Sir,we all have it: I have it,you have it,the brother next to you has it, the sister next to you has it. It just we don't use it.

How I came to speak it? Well,you could come to speak it too. Yes, it's through knowing a few friends in the animal kingdom at first. If we love them and receive their love in return,then there will be an automatic response. Even without language and even without telepathy,we understand each other. Just like if you love your wife after many years of marriage, you understand each other even by not speaking. Just one smile from her, you know what she wants and vice versa. So in the world of animals, it's the same,sir, nothing different.

We must love them and we desire to know them but first we have to show respect, truly from our heart, and when they know we respect them,they will open themselves and then the communication will begin. Also,once we can communicate with one, we can communicate with other species of animals as well. Nevertheless, if we cannot arrive at communicating with animals ourselves, we can ask some expert.

There are animal telepathic communication experts. They can also teach you how even. But the vegetarian diet is the first step,respect is another first step,and love is another first step. And then,we even don't have to talk,we just feel the love flowing between the animals and ourselves,and then from that love flows also all around us,to humans and other nonhumans. It's just a process of love. It reawakens our love. Thank you. Phạm Quang Minh(m): Thank you.

Phạm Quang Minh(m): After reading your two writings,my favorite quote in the book is: 『In the animal kingdom, size doesn't matter and virtues count like everywhere else.』Supreme Master Ching Hai: Right.

Phạm Quang Minh(m): And I really admire this quote,and it's very worthy to remember. Please give a big round of applause to this very meaningful sentence. Thank you.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: Thank you. Thank you. Thank you, Mr. Phạm Quang Minh.

MC(f): Thank you,Master. Mr. Đoàn Việt Tiến will ask the next question. He has a master's degree in environmental studies and is furthering his research at the Environmental Irrigation of Vietnam,Irrigational Science Institute.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: (Please.) MC(f): Welcome, Mr. Ðoàn Việt Tiến.

Đoàn Việt Tiến(m): Hallo,Master.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: Hallo.

Đoàn Việt Tiến(m): I'm very touched by the noble qualities that you lovingly convey to all beings, not just those in the conference hall today. Attending the premiere of your two books today, I have a small question and I wish to hear some of your insights. That is: according to Darwin's theory on species evolution, it's a struggle for survival and natural selection. Human beings are the greatest testimony of this. Please kindly share with us your views on Darwin's theory. Thank you.

Supreme Master Ching Hai:Yes,Mr. Đoàn. Scientifically speaking, it has always been good the way nature unfolds naturally,yes,naturally. Darwin's theory is about a natural evolution,not a forced,artificial,cruel, disturbing,interfering by human's way, the way we're doing. So,Darwin's suggestion is that we leave nature alone as much as possible, interfere as less as possible. The natural evolution is that we let it evolve.

But here, we come interfering with everything. We raise the animals, we force them in cramp little crates that they could not even move around, so we breed disease and we cause suffering to ourselves by eating these disease-filled flesh of animals - cause suffering to them, cause suffering to us. In the natural world, there is no force-fed foie gras,there is no forced-fed cows, no cramped pigs, no forced pregnancy for pigs and cows and dogs and birds - any kind. We just let it evolve the way nature intends.

So eating animals will not help them to evolve at all. Even if we say we want animals to evolve,then we have to let them live first in order to evolve. If we eat them all, how do they have a chance to evolve? And we can see for ourselves already that killing, torturing animals, eating animals has not been helpful to our evolution ecologically, economically, scientifically,medically - nothing. And it only brings us trouble and suffering up to now,like the mad cow disease, the swine flu,the bird flu, so many diseases, etc.,etc.,that now we can't even deal with. Even AIDS/HIV also came from eating the wild animals.

So,if we live the way nature intended,like you have mentioned that Darwin's theory that we have to let everything evolve,then we just let nature evolve. Here we force nature into our will; we want to change nature. That's why we have so many unnatural outcomes,diseases, disasters - earthquakes,typhoon - more and more every day. And now our planet is going because of our interfering with nature, because we don't live according to nature. So if we want to live according to nature and let things evolve accordingly,then we should respect all nature.

Right now,we interfere too much with nature and we even breed animals unnaturally,like at least 55 billion livestock per year,and billions more fish,etc. These are not natural made. We even breed fish in a confined area. And these numbers have since increased and are continuously increasing. Can this be called ecological or natural at all? How can any species evolve when we keep forcing them, torturing them, and killing them? Moreover,we went against our own human evolution as well, as we were biologically made to digest only plant-based food. Humans are naturally herbivores, not carnivores.

It is explained in detail by Dr. Milton Mills in a well-known article called 『The Comparative Anatomy of Eating,』 and confirmed by others such as the famous evolution expert Dr. Richard Leakey and the editor-in-chief of The American Journal of Cardiology, Dr. William Roberts. So,the answer of where humans belong in species evolution is clear. We are not their predator; we are their protector and friend. We have to protect all species so that we can keep our biodiversity and keep a natural evolution for all beings, including humans. Thank you for your question,Mr. Đoàn. MC(f): Thank you for your answer,Master.

MC(f): The next question comes from Mr. Nguyễn Đức Thịnh, a woodworker.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: Hallo,Mr. Thịnh.

Nguyễn Đức Thịnh (m): Respected Supreme Master Ching Hai, what is the most important thing that contributes to the magnificent beauty in the lives of the residents of Lake Amoura? Thank you.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: What do you think,sir? The name of the lake says it all - Lake Amoura comes from the word 『amour,』 means love. The beauty of life at Lake Amoura is the unconditional,divine, inexpressible love. If you go yourself,and mingle with the residents, the pure air and the calm water there, I'm sure you too could feel the love that permeates throughout. It also manifests in the behavior of the residents, like the protectiveness of the mother duck, or the self-sacrifice of the swan parents,and just the peaceful way the animals go about their day-to-day lives.

It would make you wonder,who taught them to live this way,in this natural flow of love? In addition,you can find that the splendor of nature so untarnished is quite a beauty to behold. We witness how God has designed everything to perfection; each tree,leaf,animal - whether winged or furry or not furry, big and small, of flawless design and miraculous colors - it will make us feel awe and impressed. And the glorious flora is like an untamed garden that is perfect,offering new marvels at every turn and at every change of season.

This same beauty can be seen in our own roadsides and gardens as well. Every creation is a masterpiece, not just at Amoura but everywhere on this magnificent planet. Please do take time and enjoy while it lasts. Maybe it won't be there for long if we don't do anything to help preserve them. It's a pity if we do not cherish these wonders of creation. They're everywhere around us. We're losing so many animals and plant species every day due to global warming already or due to other forms of carelessness. Who will be left to keep us company,to keep us calm and give us joy and happiness, inspiration and even healing power? I just wish we could all join hands and make sure we can hold on to their irreplaceable presence forever. Thank you,Mr. Thịnh. Nguyễn Đức Thịnh(m): Thank you,Master.

MC(f): Thank you for your answer,Master. Ms. Nguyễn Thị Mến, a vegetarian restaurant staff member,unfortunately she couldn't make it at the last minute to this conference. With your permission, we would like to read the question on her behalf,Master.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: Please.

MC (f): Dear Master,what would the planet's future be like if we continue to have no compassion for our co-inhabitant friends? We are very alarmed and do not know how to deal with the major pandemics and global warming that are currently happening at the same time. Please give us your guidance.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: Yes. Please tell her that she knows very well, that she has mentioned it herself - the diseases, global warming and the untold effects- these are all the signs, a preview,pre-warning of our planet's future. On one hand,yes, it is alarming to see so many crises erupting one after another,from the pandemic crisis to climate change to food shortage, water shortage,and even the financial crisis. But if we stop to remember what our religions have taught us and what our scientific observation shows us, these problems are not without their causes. It's all about the energy. Negative or positive, like energy attracts like energy. Like in Buddhism, we talk about karmic retribution or in Christianity about sowing and reaping.

From this viewpoint, we see that we have produced a lot,a lot,and a lot of negative energy by killing billions and billions of innocent sentient lives, and killing millions of our fellow humans even, over millennia, directly or indirectly. Directly is through war, indirectly is through diseases that we made ourselves,like with the bubonic plague, pneumonic plague, and now, swine flu,bird flu,etc.

In the court,murderers cannot escape penalty, how could we escape our own conscience and the collective murderous energy that is emitted and hangs in the atmosphere until it is forced to manifest again - as wars,as disease, as the unstable climate and its disastrous consequence? It is not a coincidence that the main cause of global warming is meat eating. It's not. And the main cause of many of the leading health problems in our world is also derived from meat eating. So,meat eating is cruelty to animals, meat eating is cruelty to our well-being, meat eating is cruelty to our children's wellbeing, meat eating is cruelty to the planet.

If we don't change our way of life,things will only speed along in this destructive path. So,in order to go toward a positive destination for ourselves and the planet, all we have to do is change the direction. Be vegan,make peace with one another and our co-inhabitants, create peace, emanate compassion, then the future will be peaceful and we will never have to suffer many of these kinds of consequences ever,ever again. It is very logical. Please,be veg. Thank you for your concern and for doing your part. Tell Ms. Nguyễn. MC (f): Thank you,Master.

MC(f): Mr. Trần Ngọc Phát, a tailor,would like to ask the next question.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: Hallo,Mr. Phát.

Mr. Trần Ngọc Phát (m): Hallo,Master.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: Hi.

Mr. Trần Ngọc Phát (m): Dear Master,amongst the animal species on Earth,are there some that had previous lives on other planets?

Supreme Master Ching Hai: Yes,Mr. Phát. Most of them came from other planets and other planes of existence, sometimes even from higher dimensions than many of us humans. A few of them came directly from this planet due to the give and take of karma (retribution). But most of the animals came from other planets, higher planets than this physical planet. Thank you.

MC (f): Thank you,Master. Ngô Hoàng Bảo Yến, a student at the University of Natural Sciences, would like to ask the next question.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: Hallo,Ms. Yến

Ngô Hoàng Bảo Yến (m): Dear Master, I would like to ask you, what were the reactions of the animals when they received your noble loving affections and profound concern? Could you please share the co-inhabitant friends' message to humankind? Thank you,my Master.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: Well, just for an example, when I was with the wilds of Lake Amoura, many of them became my friends. They loved to come see me. I would bring them delicious food, like bread for the ducks and the beavers,also extra fresh lettuce for the swan family. It's funny,have you ever seen the ducks wagging tails like a dog? I have. Whenever I go to the Lake Amoura,sometimes I go by foot,sometimes I go with the golf cart, because the golf cart can carry more food, because it's a big family in the Lake Amoura.

So when they hear my golf cart,even though the golf cart is very quiet, they came from everywhere,different corners of the lake. And even the ducks are wagging tails, they're wagging tails so fast like this. And they call their families and friends,and they all come together, and their tails wagging so fast,so fast. And the swans swam so fast, so fast or flew so fast to come to the bridge where I built,especially in the middle of the lake, to see me and to take the food. And I tell you,even rats, they wag tails. There were two rats that were born in my kitchen. This I told before to my students,but since you ask,I tell you again.

There where two little rats born in my little kitchen, a long time ago. They were born under a pile of wood that I used for the fireplace and nobody knew they were there. And then one day, my assistants removed the wood in order to clean underneath and they found the two rats and they asked me what to do, 『Master,what to do? There are two rats and their eyes were not even open, what to do with them? Shall we remove them? I said,『No,no,no, leave them there,because they are defenseless right now, they don't even see where they're going. You can't move them. Just leave it. Put the wood back until they remove themselves, until they open their eyes and their parents can take care of them better, then we will see,they will remove themselves, then we can clean under the wood.』

And so some while later while I was sitting in the kitchen doing some work, the two little rats came out from under the wood area. They came out, look at me,put their two front feet together and their tails were wagging faster than my dogs, they're looking at me and they are cheeping like that,very,very fast tail wagging. I have never seen rats wagging tails in my life. It's the first time I see them. They wagged their tails and they put their hands together,look at me adoringly,my God, they're so loving. And they just say thank you for their lives, allowing them to live there until now. And of course I know they were there so I put some bread under the wood there for them in my kitchen. So after they opened their eyes and they came to see me wagging tails, and say thank you. I said,『You're welcome.』

First,I was surprised that they just came out from nowhere,I didn't expect, so I say,『What are you doing there, you're not supposed to be in my kitchen, you know that?』 And then they would just put their hands together and wagged tails and my heart melt,I said, 『Okay,okay,okay, just stay as you want.』 That was very,very touching,very touching because their love, you can feel it. Even if you are miles away you can feel their love,just love and gratefulness.

All beings have this love and gratefulness within them. It's not just the swan on the lake, it's the crickets even, and the snakes even. Yes,the snakes can also say thank you and sing song in silence. Some snakes did sing for me. I've seen some with black patches on them all over. They are poisonous, but they came and opened their mouths and do this and that and sing to me because I did not harm them. I did not let my assistant, use the hard broomstick to sweep them outside. I said,『No,no, you don't do this because these broomsticks are very hard, you will hurt their eyes, you might hurt their skin or their mouths. Don't do that. Just get a bag and they'll crawl inside, and then you will release them outside.』

And they came back next day,next to me. Some with babies,open their mouths and singing. Only I can hear it. See,the wilds, they are not wild, they are not that wild. They are very,very friendly,very adorable and are very grateful. If you're good to them, they're good to you. But if you're not sure, please don't try with the snakes. Just leave them alone, they will be grateful enough. The best for us humans to do is not to interfere with their life. Not to do anything. Just protect their environment and then they protect themselves. MC (f): Thank you,Master.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: They have grace and dignity and gratitude. You are welcome.

MC (f): Thank you,Master, for your guidance.
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