SCIENCE & SPIRITUALITY Dr. Ali Danesh: The Power of Constructive Thinking to Transform - P1/2    
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Welcome, noble viewers, to Science and Spirituality on Supreme Master Television. The Bhagavad Gita is considered one of Hinduism’s most sacred texts and records the teachings Lord Krishna imparted to his disciple Arjuna on life, spirituality and the Universe. Regarding the nature of thoughts, Lord Krishna said: “You are what you think; hence thought is action, being and becoming; what one thinks, one becomes. Such is the power of thought.”

On today’s program we are delighted to share a story of how constructive thinking brought about tremendous change to one man’s life; a transformation which proves anything is possible

In 1987, Dr. Ali Danesh, a psychiatrist originally from Iran who settled in New Zealand, met with a serious road accident that resulted in a major brain injury. He lay in a hospital unconscious for more than four months. The damage was so severe that doctors said he would not be able to walk or talk again and that he would be blind for life. Today, Dr. Danesh walks with the help of a walker and is able to see. What’s more, by sheer willpower, he has regained the ability to read, write, and speak.

I went and crossed the street like a cat and dog, and one day I decided to say, “Ok, now it’s time try to stand.” constructive actions. In this first of a two-part series, Dr. Danesh shares his remarkable experiences of self-healing and rehabilitation in his journey towards recovery.

Dr. Danesh, could you tell us a bit about your life before your accident?

Oh, before my accident I had a very active life in working with patients, especially those injured patients, psychiatric patients. And I was working in several hospitals in the United States, mainly as the chief of the psychiatric department at Baptist Hospital, Clinton Hospital, and many university (hospitals) and things like that.

I had a lot of recognition and achievements. I was very proud of contributing to the wellness of mankind, wellness of patients, and their families, and everyone.

Following the devastating accident, Dr. Danesh was hospitalized for an extended period of time. Once while visiting him in the hospital, his wife noticed something was amiss and it turned out his oxygen was disconnected. She summoned help and following this episode Dr. Danesh regained consciousness.

After that I became active again. I thought, “Okay, now, I’m conscious.” I thought, “I’m conscious now, unconscious not anymore, therefore I have to do something, continue to contribute to the wellness of people too.” I started to do a lot of research.

Since (I) had my accident, I have not wasted one minute of my life. If you’re alive, you should contribute to the wellness of others. I’m more than glad to participate in any kind of program that helps the people become more conscious about how much potential every human being has because we don’t know that much. Really, we have unlimited potential capacity. Our brain can produce a lot of new things, and participate in a lot of wellness.

Nic Beets and Alison McLellan of the Brain Injury Association of New Zealand facilitate a support group of which Dr. Danesh and others who have experienced brain injuries are a part.

The thing I think he gives mostly to the group is, “Never to give up.” He is sort of living proof of never giving up.

He is such an embodiment of what he is, you know what he is saying and thinking and believing.

He puts the positiveness into the group. When some others bring the negativity he equals that out by his real great positive attitude.

I think in terms of the wider community and talking with health professionals and things it’s very hard for people who’re working with somebody who has been in a coma for months or whatever to kind of imagine where this person is going to go. And for Ali to say: “Well look, against the odds, you can get to this level of ability (Exactly), and functioning and this quality of life.” I think one of the most important things that I take from Ali’s messages is that.

Of course I attend the support group and contribute wellness and hope… We don’t know how much hope (we have) till we get in our brain and open the gate of success and wellness. Hope is something that you cannot imagine how powerful it is, the concept of hope. And I’m hoping to inject it into every human being as much as they need it.

Indeed, the Book of Genesis in the Hebrew Bible or Tanakh, also known as the Old Testament of the Holy Bible, states, “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.” Thus as children of God we are endowed with capabilities and qualities of the Creator.

Dr. Danesh’s story suggests it is up to us to search deep within ourselves to discover the true potential that we all possess. When we return, we will hear more inspirational words from Dr. Ali Danesh. Please stay tuned to Supreme Master Television.

They brought a wheelchair and said, “Sorry, doctor, you have to sit in a wheelchair for life to be able to move around.” I said, “No, I don’t like wheelchairs.” Really I try my best to overcome my physical handicap and I think now my goal is continue to share this kind of achievement with others.

Welcome back, caring viewers to Science and Spirituality on Supreme Master Television. Our program features Dr. Ali Danesh who is living proof of how the miraculous power of constructive thinking can induce self healing and rehabilitation.

After my accident, they told my wife, “Sorry, your husband is going to be blind, deaf and by chance he survives, he will be brainless, cannot talk, walk, and cannot communicate. And this is because I was unconscious for several months and therefore when I became a little conscious, the first thing I’ve done in my life, I kissed my wife; it was in the middle of the night. She came from home to the hospital see me and then she said to the doctor that, “My husband kissed me last night.” They laughed and they said she’s joking. They couldn’t believe her.

Determined to the utmost to regain his independence, Dr. Ali trained himself to move about once again through his sheer will to succeed.

After I become conscious enough to see, I couldn’t move my hand. I thought to move it little by little, a little, little, and then finally moved it around and the same thing for my legs. And then one day I become brave enough, I said, “I have to go outside of my home,” because I was at home several months and not going out, but I didn’t tell my wife or anyone. I started to open the door and get out of the door and walked like a dog or cat on the street (Oh, hands and knees)

I went and crossed the street like a cat and dog, and one day I decided to say, “Ok, now it’s time, tonight to stand.” I put my hand on a table and stood up. And it takes maybe five minutes to be able to stand up and hold the table to not fall down and it’s repeated maybe two, three hundred times a day and until gradually I was able to get up and sit and little by little improve.

And therefore I overcome almost all of my problems. Although I have double vision, that makes it a little difficult to read but besides that physically almost I can see a 100% improvement and mentally. My wife said, “Your memory and the things that you’re memorizing,” because I start to memorize a lot of Shakespeare. Therefore I overcome, my handicaps and problems; I wanted now share this kind of feeling with others.

Every injured person, every family of (an) injured person, every society that has an injured person, they should know that (there is) a lot of potential for (the) injured one. I was a good talker before my accident. I was talking to thousand of people and students, motivating them and saying how much they can achieve. I want to again start to do the same thing.

Since recovering to a large extent from his brain injury, Dr. Danesh has devoted his time encouraging and helping others who are also undergoing similar challenges in regaining their physical functions, particularly those participating in brain injury support groups.

I notice he’ll sit there and he won’t talk just for talking sake. He will only talk when he has something really interesting to say or that he feels that he needs to contribute.

He is actually out there pushing a message and trying to actively influence other people. He really wants to make a difference.

And I think because of his position it’s good because they need people from all the spectrums.

It is quite good that he is in the Speakers Forum for Brain Injury New Zealand, a group of speakers that goes around and talks to other groups, so they can see how they’ve progressed after their accident.

Indeed, Heaven has given us innumerable spiritual gifts and it is up to each of us to use our endowed abilities to constructively transform our lives and those of others. There is a famous saying that: “The positive thinker sees the invisible, feels the intangible, and achieves the impossible.” Dr Ali Danesh truly exemplifies this powerful statement.

Thank you loyal viewers for your company on today’s Science and Spirituality. Please join us again next Monday for Part 2 of our program featuring the amazing Dr. Ali Danesh. Coming up next is Words of Wisdom after Noteworthy News here on Supreme Master Television. May we all discover our Divine nature within.
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