Aulacese (Vietnamese) Film: The Light of Truth - P4/4 (In Aulacese)    
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Today’s Enlightening Entertainment will be presented in Aulacese (Vietnamese), with subtitles in Arabic, Chinese, English, French, German, Hungarian, Indonesian, Japanese, Korean, Malay, Persian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, and Thai.

Filmmaking was introduced to Âu Lạc (Vietnam) at the end of 1890s. It began to thrive in 1923 with the first movie co-produced by the French and the Aulacese based on the masterpiece “The Tale of Kiều” by literary great Nguyễn Du. Embracing the modern technology of our world's civilization and combining it with a diverse artistic foundation inherent in the country's traditions, Aulacese filmmaking nowadays continues to develop to enhance the nation's cultural landscape.

On Enlightening Entertainment, Supreme Master Television is pleased to introduce different forms of arts from Âu Lạc (Vietnam), as well as from other countries in the world, in order to share the beauty and cultures of the peoples on our planet.

The film “The Light of Truth” chronicles the holy life of Shakyamuni Buddha, an enlightened Master in India in the 5th century BCE. His profound and sacred teachings, which include Four Noble Truths, Eightfold Noble Path, and Tripitaka, have brought salvation for innumerable souls. Buddhism, now propagated around the globe, is one of the major religions in the world.

We now invite you to enjoy the conclusion of the film “The Light of Truth,” screenplay written by Võ Đình Cường, directed by Triệu Hoàng Quân, and produced by Diệu Giác Temple,

with performances by Công Hậu as Prince Siddhartha, Tuyết Lan as Queen Maya, Việt Trinh as Princess Yasodhara, Hữu Nghĩa as King Bimbisàra, Nam Anh as King Suddhodana, Di Thảo as Queen Mahaprajapati, Thanh Tùng as Ananda, Thạch Ngà as Devadatta, Đồng Khởi as Chandaka, Thành Tân as Kaundinya, Vĩnh Lộc as Brahmin Yogi, and other artists.

In previous episodes, Queen Maya gave birth to Prince Siddhartha who had 32 blessed features. From early childhood, Prince already had a heart of compassion and extraordinary wisdom; according to the prophecy, His Highness would turn out to be a great king or a great enlightened Master.

Though living in opulence and happiness beside his beautiful wife, the Crown Prince always had an intense yearning for enlightenment. After touring outside the capital, he realized the impermanent fate and suffering lives of people. One night, he absconded from the royal palace to find the way of liberation for humanity.

On his Truth-seeking path, the Crown Prince tried different methods of practicing but none led to a swift and ultimate liberation. He decided to go to the deep forest and meditate under the bodhi tree, contemplating within to find the Truth. Finally, he overcame all temptations of desire and illusion, and attained great enlightenment.

Thank you for your company on today’s Enlightening Entertainment. Coming up is Words of Wisdom. Please tune in on Supreme Master Television next Thursday for the Aulacese modern folk opera entitled “The Exploiters’ Scales” by playwright Lê Quang Năm. May you and your family be graced with abounding spiritual blessings. We bid you farewell for now.

The golden light spreads everywhere, sparkling atop myriad waves of deep blue water. The golden light of Truth has shone upon the world. Nirvana is where beings are liberated from misery. The golden light spreads everywhere,

O beings, follow the path of the Buddha’s teachings! The golden light of Truth has shone upon the world. O humanity, escape together the suffering realm!

What a miraculous golden light! Do you know where it comes from?

From where comes this wondrous golden light?

This light comes from Prince Siddhartha’s attaining full enlightenment. Let’s quickly go to him.

Hurry up! This way! This way!

Your Highness, the soldier that left three years ago has returned.

Is he back now? Any news of His Highness?

As with other search attempts, there was no trace of his whereabouts this time.

Why isn’t there any pigeon flying in his direction for me to send my longing?

Your Highness, two merchants from Hastinpour named Tapussa and Bhalika are bringing the most precious thing: news of the Crown Prince.

What is it, Mother?

Really? Tell them to come before the brocade curtain and recount their meeting with His Highness. If it’s truly so, I won’t mind giving any amount of reward.


Let’s go, child!

Be at ease!

Thank you, Your Highness.

I heard that you came from afar. Is it true that you met Prince Siddhartha?

Yes, Your Highness. We met that noble person and knelt down to kiss his feet. He’s now more glorious, renowned and majestic than a great emperor.

That’s true, Your Highness. He is now a Buddha and rules over all beings.

Alas! How did He find such a miraculous path? Go on and tell me.

Your Highness, after attaining ultimate enlightenment, the Buddha began to travel to Kapilavastu. He spreads the Truth teaching, as he realizes that sentient beings wallow in fame and gain. Though met with countless obstacles, he isn’t discouraged and doesn’t selfishly enjoy the transcendent knowledge he discovered. He’s more concerned about all beings than himself.

And so, Buddha crossed mountains to go to Benares to meet the Ajnàta Kaundinya group in the Deer Park. These people parted with the Buddha before because he didn’t agree with their method of practice.

Looks like Crown Prince Siddhartha is coming. Perhaps he wishes to go back to our spiritual path. Let’s close our eyes, feigning unawareness, and see what he wants.

Why don’t you keep your promise?

We wouldn’t dare, Crown Prince Siddhartha!

From now on, you shouldn’t address me by my worldly name. I’ve now attained full enlightenment. There is no more need for asceticism. On the contrary, you should abandon that practice to achieve your goals. So, follow me.

O Awakened One, we’ve understood now.

Now, Ajnata Kaundinya! You five presently suffer a serious ailment, that is clinging to one extreme. A physical body in distress puts the mind in turmoil. The body and heart steeped in sensual defilements are unrested and unhappy. Spiritual practices that indulge in either extremes won’t arrive at the highest truth. This problem, I was well aware of while I was still in the royal palace, and during my six long years of ascetic practice with you as well.

Keeping aloof from suffering and pleasures is the middle way leading to the ultimate enlightenment. To reach there, one must fulfill 8 things: his understanding must be correct, his thinking must be pure and honest, his speech must be gentle and peaceful, his action must be righteous, his livelihood must be appropriate, his mind must be constructive, his belief must be consistent with the Truth, his spiritual activities must lead to oneness.

Now, Ajnata Kaundinya! In this world, no one can escape suffering. All sufferings arise from illusion. Self-love, greed, anger, and ignorance cause endless woes. They accumulate in many lifetimes to become habits. To rid of those habits of greed, anger and ignorance, one must practice spiritually. Only through spiritual practice shall one enter Nirvana.

Now, my five gentlemen! You need to know that: life is full of sufferings, the cause of suffering is attachment, the cessation of suffering is attainable, the path to the cessation of suffering can be practiced. I advise you to be diligent, because suffering must be understood, because the cause of suffering must be eliminated, because the cessation of suffering must be attained, because the path to the cessation of suffering must be practiced.

Look upon my example, you’ll understand. Suffering, I have known. Its cause, I have eliminated. The truth of its cessation, I have realized. The path to its cessation, I have fulfilled. These are the four basic truths: Suffering, its cause, its cessation, and the path to its cessation, are fathomed only by the Noble Wise, thus they are called the Four Noble Truths. Without a thorough grasp of those Four Noble Truths, one cannot attain liberation. Do you hear me clearly?

O Awakened One, we understand.

Now, Kaundinya! Is this body made of the five aggregates permanent? Is impermanence suffering? Is no-suffering emptiness? Is the emptiness of emptiness the self or no-self?

O Awakened One! The five aggregates – form, feeling, perception, reaction, consciousness – are impermanent, suffering, empty and no-self.

How good! You’ve understood my teachings.

O Enlightened One, we, Kaundinya, Assaji, Bhaddiya, Vappa and Mahanama, wish to take refuge in the Buddha.

How elating! I welcome the monks. From this day, my Path is fully established with the Three Jewels. Leave this place. Follow me to spread the gospel to sentient beings still in ignorance.

The first one who grasped Buddha’s doctrine is Kaundinya. After him, four fellow practitioners also become enlightened. In three consecutive months, Buddha gave lectures in the Deer Park. There were a young man named Dasha and 52 others of noble families who also follow him.

It’s truly so, Your Highness. Those first 60 disciples, having fulfilled the precepts and carefully instructed by Buddha, were all initiated by him and sent out to spread his teaching everywhere. From the Deer Park, he traveled south to Uruvela. There, he delivered a master of great magical power, that is Kassapa, and his two brothers. He then traveled to Magadha. King Bimbisàra was extremely happy to see him again.

After pouring perfumed water into his hands, the King offered him the Bamboo Forest as a place to deliver discourses. People revere and praise his teachings. In Magadha, from the king to citizens, all follow his path. He has a great number of disciples: 900 people have donned dharma robes like the Buddha, and were sent out to spread the gospel far and wide.

This was what we heard from Buddha: “Bad deeds beget bad karma; good deeds create merits; avoid bad deeds; do good deeds; keep your thoughts pure. That is the teaching of the Buddhas.”

Royal Father! I just saw two merchants. They reported to have met the Crown Prince. He now stays in Bamboo Forest of Magadha.

Yasodhara! Stand up, child, and dispel melancholy from your eyes. I always share with you the heartache over my son’s choosing the spiritual path. It’s his destiny. Don’t be distressed anymore lest you wither. Now, if the Crown Prince has indeed become Buddha, I’ll invite him back to visit his motherland to teach and deliver the people of this kingdom. Go back to your palace to rest, child.

Thank you, Royal Father.


Yes, Your Majesty.

Quickly summon the officials here to see me.

Order obeyed.

We, humble subjects, respectfully greet Your Majesty.

Be at ease! Quickly prepare men and horses to leave for Magadha with my royal letter. Go to the Bamboo Forest and invite His Highness back to visit his homeland.

Order obeyed.

I’ll depart right away this morning. Please be at ease, Your Majesty.

Crown Prince Siddhartha has become a Buddha. You’re right! That decorated palanquin is for him.

Oh, beloved Prince!

O Holy One, you’ve extinguished all passions; you’ve shun and severed all contacts with women. Why do you let Princess Yaso hold your feet as such?

Be at ease, Princess!

O bhikkhus! Beware, as not to hurt a soul still in bondage emotionally, because of your indifference. Having detached yourself from the world, you must be even more forbearing and patient. You must understand that once love has transcended the grip of passion, nothing can tarnish it.

How on Earth a Crown Prince like Siddhartha, who will succeed me to rule a great nation, a majestic Crown Prince like him, return home in ordinary clothes and carry an alms bowl to beg for food from the lowest caste?

Respected Royal Father, I’m not Crown Prince Siddhartha anymore. Please allow me to live according to the religious teaching.

There you see: Soldiers are lining up along the roadsides. The entire kingdom awaits to sing praise to your return. Since you left the palace over ten years ago, I’ve swallowed my grief on the throne, your wife and son are miserable in the palace, the entire capital is immersed in a mournful atmosphere. I thought you’d return in glowing glory to make up for the past dismal days. Yet, to my surprise, all the ceremonial arrangements are only to welcome a group of destitute people. O beloved son, why is that?

Respected Royal Father, that is the custom of my ancestry.

Your ancestry? From His Majesty Mahasuma until now, of nearly a hundred dynasties, has anyone behaved as strangely as you?

Respected Royal Father, I wasn’t referring to the worldly lineage that succeeds through bloodline. What I meant was the tradition of the past, present and future Buddhas. Whatever the Buddhas do, I do the same. I only know to preserve that invaluable treasure passed down by the Buddhas.

What treasure is it, anyway? Well, get in the carriage to return with me, son!

Respected Royal Father, I wish to walk with my own feet.

You’ve gone for many years. I’ve languished and fallen ill from longing for you. Don’t you miss me at all, son?

I thought of you often, Royal Father, yet I constantly yearned to find the Truth so as to repay the royal favor. You gave me this physical body, that I can never deny. You’ve offered me utmost love. This immense kindness, I hope to requite appropriately some day. But to recompense a favor the worldly way, however generously it is done, is just one ephemeral thing for another. Material possessions come and go; high position and title will someday vanish.

I wish to use the supremely precious nectar to repay your favor of bringing me up. In this world, people destroy themselves in the fight for survival, and thus transmigrate in the three realms and six paths. As a result, human beings suffer endlessly. Suffering is rooted in desire. If one can uproot that selfish desire, he is able to purify his body, speech and thought, and accumulate the ten good karmas. Consequently, good thoughts succeed one after another continuously.

This way, the six sense objects can’t disturb the heart, and ignorance can’t delude the mind. Only then can liberation be attained. The realm of liberation is the realm of no-self. That no-self realm will be free of the 3-world desires. The three worlds are like a house on fire, or like the bottomless deep sea:

what happiness is there? Go beyond the three worlds, and another realm will unfold. By then, the sentient being’s heart is bright and pure like the sunlight that constantly shines upon the entire universe, that is true and permanent bliss.

I’m very elated, having understood your goal. That goal is erasing suffering and bestowing happiness. The pain of over ten years seems to dissipate. I allow any royal family member who understands the true teaching to follow the Buddha. But I entreat the Holy One: From now on, let no one lead a monastic life without parental consensus.

Stand and wait here! Buddha definitely will pass this way. I want to see Buddha too. Buddha will pass this way for sure.

You also go to see Buddha?

I heard that Buddha is giving a lecture in Kushinara, so I packed up to go there.

I’m bringing my 5-year-old son to Kushinara to take refuge in the Buddha. I heard that after Buddha’s return to Kapilavastu, his brother Nanda, his son Rahula, Lady Yasodhara and many people within and outside the capital became his disciples. The whole royal family is graced by Buddha. We’re fortunate to live in his time. Why not seek that divine grace for ourselves?

I’ve attended many discourses by Buddha and always came back free of worries and distress. I’ve heard of Buddha’s reputation for over 30 years. I’d go to wherever his congregation stayed.

Is that so? Buddha is here!

O Enlightened One, these days people in the capital no longer treat us as favorably as before. They even drove us away.

O Holy One, there seems to be someone among them saying that your path isn’t righteous, which causes husbands and wives to part and families dissolve.

Listen now! Long ago in Xumityla, there was a king named Danepca. One day the king toured outside the citadel with his ministers when he observed two mango trees next to each other. One was fruit-laden, the other withered. After the king had one fruit picked for him, his ministers all scrambled for the fruits and tore down the tree. The king then thought: “Such is life! Precious things in life fall prey to craving. I must go find a treasure that no one can rob from me.”

Your Majesty, where are you going? Please let me follow you.

All right, come with me. Let’s search for a treasure that can’t be stolen.


Why must you keep one eye closed to check if the arrow you’ve made is straight or not?

Because this eye often works against the other, making it hard for me to detect its bend. Where are you going, carrying a bag?

I’m on my way to seek the Truth. Farewell for now.

Wait! If that is so, may I give you one advice: The woman next to you is the second eye, preventing you from seeing the straight path to the land of goodness.

Likethis branch which will never join again with the tree, you and I will be separated forever.

That’s the meaning of renouncing women and family. But I didn’t make everyone leave home. There are lay practitioners, and there are monastic disciples. The only difference is the spiritual practice of the monastic disciples is more favorable. When the path is newly established, I need many monastic disciples to spread the teachings.

Later, after I pass away, we need many monks to preserve the true teachings. Pay no attention to slanders from ignorant people. Try to practice what Purna answered me when he was about to go as a missionary to Sronaparanta country.

The people of Sronaparanta are notoriously fierce and cruel. If you go there to spread the gospel, and people slander and insult you, what would you do?

O Holy One, if they slander and insult me, I would think that they are gentle folk, as they do not strike me with their hands or throw things at me.

What if they strike you with their hands or throw things at you?

O Holy One, I would think that they are kind still, as they do not stab and take my life.

What if they stab and take your life?

O Holy One, I would thank them, as they release me from this physical body.

O bhikkhus! Such was Purna’s answer to me. You all should take his virtue of forbearance as an example.

Since he has risen to the sorrowless realm, the miraculous Truth shines forth from the bodhi tree. He traveled from place to place, spreading the seeds of compassion and virtue, which sprang up across the immense world. His time of departure is near.

O Enlightened One!

Ananda! My Path is complete as I previously vowed. I now have all four types of disciples: upasaka, upasika, bhikkhu and bhikkhuni, and many disciples who can propagate the Truth on my behalf. My Path has been spread far and wide. Now I can take leave of you. My body now is like a worn-out cart. If it can move, it’s due to the strings that tie the parts together. I’ll untie the strings to let them crumble.

This body, I have borrowed to carry the Truth teaching. As this body wears out, the Truth teaching is already spread everywhere. Why should I linger any longer in this withered body? Ananda, within three months, I will enter Nirvana.

O Blessed One, you often teach that the enlightened can never die. You’re the All Wise and All Mighty, why would you be affected by such a petty law still?

Ananda, what did you say – what is dead and what is alive? Why don’t you realize what is real and what is unreal, what exists and what perishes? I’ve taught many times: if there is arrival, there is departure; if there is union, there is dissolution; if there is birth, there is death.

Ananda, my body isn’t any different than anyone else’s. And how can anyone’s body escape the law of impermanence? My body is unreal; it comes together, thus it must fall apart. But, Ananda, how can you say the water is gone upon seeing a receding wave?

O Awakened One, please remain with us as many disciples still need your instruction to realize the Way.

O Ananda! If the mother bird keeps feeding her baby, when will the baby bird ever learn to fly? It’s for their quick enlightenment that I leave them.

O Awakened One!

Don’t weep and grieve anymore, Ananda! Though my body is less healthy, my compassion and wisdom diminish not. Any day I am still on Earth, that day isn’t a waste. Get up and get ready to leave with me!

Yes, Holy One.

My respectful bow to the Blessed One. What an immense grace to have you come by this wild forest and bring the light here!

Stand up, charcoal burner!

O Blessed One, there isn’t any village around here, yet it’s almost noon. Please come to my house for a vegetarian meal before you travel on. I learnt that you would pass this way, so I went to pick a very precious kind of mushroom to offer you. Please do not refuse my sincerity.

My respectful invitation!

O Blessed One, please have your meal. This is the soup of wondrous mushrooms, please enjoy your meal.

This is a poisonous mushroom soup.

Pour it away; don’t take it.

O Exalted One, it’s due to my ignorance, as I had no other intention. I’m extremely regretful. Please forgive me.

You should neither worry nor regret. Be happy that you offered me my last meal. There are two most memorable meals: The first meal was offered to me by Sujata before I attained enlightenment, and this meal you offered me before I enter Nirvana. We now bid you farewell.


Yes, Holy One.

Carry this alms bowl for me. Find a shade under the sala tree on the hill for me to rest.

Yes, Holy One.

Go back to the monastery, O brother, and inform everyone that the Exalted One is about to enter Nirvana. Please go now!

I’m leaving right away.

May I go to the Awakened One to receive his teaching, Venerable Ananda?

It can’t be, O lay brother. The Enlightened One is unwell. He needs his rest.

I’m a late comer. Please allow me this last opportunity.

Ananda, let him come near me!

I bow to the Great Wisdom. I’ve heard of your miraculous teachings, but I’ve also heard the heretics claiming that only their path is in accordance with the Truth. So whom should I believe?

Do not believe in anyone. You should just follow your judgment. Compare my Path with the heretics’ doctrines, (Yes.) then you will know which to keep, which to discard. Now, Subhadda! (Yes.) The Truth can be discerned through three Dharma seals:

The mind is impermanent; all things are without self; Nirvana is pure and tranquil. Without a grasp of those three Dharma seals, one will not realize the nature of all things. Without practicing the Noble Eightfold Path, one will never become free and liberated.

How lofty are the words of the Great Mercy! I’ve never heard of such a teaching imparted by other spiritual preachers. But I arrived too late. You’re about to enter Nirvana. Whom can I rely on in my spiritual practice?

Rest assured; I will enlighten your heart. And my disciples will guide you in your practice.

Thousands of bows to the Great Mercy! How can I repay this favor? Please accept my sincere gratefulness.

O bhikkhus! You are the ones who have listened to many of my discourses. You must demonstrate your understanding through your behavior, especially during this time. All these years, you’ve been with me both in actions and in thoughts.

So now, you shouldn’t become estranged from me because of your momentary petty sentiments. Do not grieve for me in such a way. Ananda, among my disciples, you’re the one who has always been by my side and helped me the most. You’re a very worthy disciple in my work of spreading the Truth. Your merit isn’t small.

O Awakened One, that is my duty.

Before entering Nirvana, I must thank you. Hereafter, on the missionary journey, my footsteps will not resound by yours, but do not be saddened by that. Though we’re physically separated, our hearts are still together in the immense Path. Practice to realize your true self, then you will see me everywhere.

Be at peace, beloved Ananda. If anyone here has any doubt or any question about my teaching, just ask, I will answer. Do not wait until I pass into Nirvana, then regret having no one to explain. Do not worry that you will tire me. Discuss with one another. When a matter can’t be resolved, I will help.

Respected Holy One, your Path is clear and bright like the sun. Your teaching is thorough and elaborate. You’ve said all that needs to be said. There are no more doubts. We only wish to know: After your departure, what ceremonials should we carry out that befit the jewel form of a Holy One?

Do not concern yourselves with that. Give your whole mind to your liberation. That is how you worship me. O bhikkhus! From now on, you have an additional duty of propagating my teaching. Show people the way, on my behalf. Seek to thoroughly grasp the profound and miraculous meaning of the Truth teaching to benefit sentient beings. You must always overcome obstacles to spread my Path infinitely.

O people whose circumstances don’t allow you to lead a monastic life! Remember my Path always. Listen to my teaching and let it be your torch. Follow my instructions to secure your own freedom. Seek no other liberation or place. That is how you thank me and remember me. If you let my Path of deliverance decline, you will lose me and lose yourself. Be diligent in your efforts to attain liberation, O my very beloved brethren!

Shakyamuni Buddha be praised.
Shakyamuni Buddha be praised.
Shakyamuni Buddha be praised.
Shakyamuni Buddha be praised.

Supreme Master Ching Hai lovingly sent gifts to the actors, actresses and professionals contributing to the film “The Light of Truth.” They have expressed their appreciation for her caring concern.

Actor Thành Tân, in the role of Kaundinya:

Today, I’m very surprised to receive a gift from Supreme Master Ching Hai. I’m very happy to receive Master’s love for us. I hope that there will be many people who will turn toward goodness, become vegetarians, and be compassionate. That is my deepest yearning. I also wish Master good health to do many great works and spread the Truth teaching to bring many benefits to sentient beings.

Actor Nam Anh, in the role of King Suddhodana:

My name is Nam Anh. I’m currently a lecturer at the College of Stage Arts and Film. Today, I’m very happy to receive a very special gift from Supreme Master Ching Hai, that is the book “The Noble Wilds.” I’m very happy to know that you have aired the two films in which I acted, “The Light of Truth” and “The Eyes of Prince Kunala,” and that Master appreciates our contributions to Buddhism. Master has sent me a gift although Master and I have never met. I’m very touched by that.

In particular, Master’s gift, which is the book “The Noble Wilds,” is a work that calls on everyone to love animals more and not to harm them because they are also sentient beings. Many people think they can’t be veg because of this or that reason. But why don’t we think simpler, that after days of consuming meat and fish, we can have a day of eating vegetables, roots and fruits?

First, it’s better for our digestive system, because everyone knows that there’s a lot of fiber in vegetables; it’s good for digestion. Second, don’t think of the vegetarian diet as something so lofty. The animals in this world also have the right to live like we do. When we kill them for food, that means we kill living beings. Protect them and protect yourself, then you will feel that eating vegetarian is much simpler. And so let us together – you and me – help save the animals in this world. I hope that you will be able to do this.

Actor Hữu Nghĩa, in the role of King Bimbisàra: Sài Gòn, March 20, 2010 I would like to thank Supreme Master Ching Hai for your gift. Wishing Master happiness and good health. Hữu Nghĩa

Assistant cameraman Nguyễn Thái Sơn: Esteemed Supreme Master, I am Thái Sơn. I participated in filming “The Light of Truth” and received Master’s gift. I would like to take this opportunity to wish Master abounding health to continue helping many people become vegetarian, in order to improve our current environmental situation. I’m sincerely grateful to Master. March 20, 2010 Respectfully, Nguyễn Thái Sơn

Lighting specialist Phùng Quang Năng:

Greetings, Master Ching Hai. I took part in the film “The Light of Truth,” and today I received Master’s gift. I would like to thank Master and wish Master abundant health.

Cameraman Đường Tuấn Ba: Respected Master Ching Hai, We’re extremely touched upon receiving the book “The Noble Wilds” as a gift. We’re very touched by your noble heart and love for the artists contributing to the film “The Light of Truth” by Diệu Giác Temple. We respectfully wish Master abounding health. March 21, 2010 Đường Tuấn Ba

Lighting specialist Hữu Thịnh:

Respectful greetings, Supreme Master. Today, we, the lighting crew, on behalf of all of us here in Âu Lạc, would like to thank Master very much. I wish Master good health. May Master’s spiritual and humanitarian service be evermore conducive every day. I’m Nguyễn Hữu Thịnh, lighting crew member. My respectful regards to viewers of Supreme Master Television.

Actor and director Công Hậu who played the role of Crown Prince Siddhartha, traditional musician Thái An, sound specialist Thọ Hà, assistant cameraman Đức Dũng, and technical specialist Thanh Nhã have all contributed on Supreme Master Television. They also received gifts and the very best of wishes from Supreme Master Ching Hai.

I’m actor Nam Anh, lecturer at the College of Stage Arts and Film. You’re watching Supreme Master Television, broadcasting globally through 14 satellites. I’d like to call on everyone to Be Veg, Go Green, Save the Planet.

I’m actor Thành Tân. Welcome to Supreme Master Television, airing worldwide. Let’s Be Veg, Go Green, Save the Planet.

We sincerely thank Diệu Giác Temple as well as all artists and professionals contributing to “The Light of Truth,” a film about a great enlightened Master who has bestowed upon Earth infinite blessings and Truth teachings. May everyone follow the wise and compassionate footsteps of the Masters so that all beings enjoy a happy and peaceful life.
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