Vegetarian Elite Spice Williams-Crosby:The Story of a Hollywood Action Actress - P1/3    
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When you’re born a twin in Hollywood, you’re born with tap shoes on and pigtails and you’re all ready. You come out of the womb that way.

Welcome, magnificent viewers. Today and over the next two episodes of Vegetarian Elite, we have the pleasure and honor of sharing the life of vegan Hollywood actress, stuntwoman, and bodybuilder Spice Williams-Crosby. We’ll hear about her life as an actress; see her in action weight training and teaching defense; attend an audition with her; and get a glimpse into her family life, including talks with her son Luke and her husband Greg Crosby, the first grandson of the legendary Bing Crosby.

My twin sister and I were always performing. And as I got older, I would record my favorite movies. I memorized everything Joan Crawford said, Agnes Moorehead, and Bette Davis. I went through drama. I sang in the choirs. And then I got into dance, competitive gymnastics. I loved it. And then I got a call one day to go on the road as a musician. And they were looking for two twins who could sing and dance in a group. My twin sister sang and played really great guitar. And I was on the piano doing all the wild and crazy numbers. That’s why they said. “Oh, you’re the spicy one.” But the arts have always been in my soul.

After 10 years of traveling on the road as a musician, Spice decided it was time for a life change.

So I said good-bye to my twin sister and her husband and the group. I said, “I am going back home to Los Angeles, and I want to act.” I’d be combing my hair, getting ready, using the brush as a microphone, and I would be like, “Thank you for this Academy Award.” I was already feeling this tremendous need to break-away, and evolve. So I came home, and I was signed with 20th Century Record as a staff songwriter. I actually had six songs that won the American Song Festival, and I had one song that hit 23 on Billboard, and I was a pretty good songwriter at the time, but I wanted to act. And I got into my first acting class with the world famous Jeff Corey, acting teacher.

So there I am, I am an actress and I’m bodybuilding. My girl friend said, “Let’s learn how to wrestle, we could make money wrestling.” And I am like, “Oh, okay, what’s that?” So I went to this woman, Mildred Burke, world renowned 5000 undefeated match’s female wrestler. So she taught me how to wrestle. Well, one day I got a call saying that they were looking for an actress who could wrestle. And they came out and watched me and they hired me on “Fall Guy,” and I was playing Ricco’s Rockets on “Fall Guy.”

And the stunt coordinator was the famous judo Gene LeBell. And he was a world renowned judo, represented America and five times with Japan, and then he also was a world renowned wrestler so that’s why he was teaching us how to do this wresting thing. And he said to me, he’d talk with this gruff voice, he’d go, “You’d make a good stuntwoman.” So I went out to his dojo, I learned how to hit the ground, do stair falls, ride motorcycles, flip guys, fight them, all kinds of things.

And all of a sudden, I was being asked to work because I had the muscles, I had the physical fitness, and I could act. And from one show to the next, to the next, to the next, I was working a lot. And I worked with some great people from Rock Hudson, to Sir Lawrence Olivier, to Tony Curtis, Roddy McDowall, Herschel Bernardi, Polly Burson, Lee Grant, some of the old timers and some of the great new timers, just fun people.

So tonight I have an opportunity to do Steve Nave’s Actor’s Workshop. And what’s so exciting is, like working out in the gym, I get to be an actor to work out in a workshop. So this way when you’re getting a chance to meet casting directors, I bring my picture, my résumé, they get a chance to see what I can do and meet me. And then the next time they have a big famous movie or TV show and they have to cast someone like me, they remember meeting me and it’s really exciting. So, come on, let’s go and enjoy the night.

Hi, I’m here with Steve Nave and this is his actor’s workshop.

Spice, it’s a pleasure to have you here. We have a great workshop we’ve been doing for 17 years now, and you’ve been coming to it for many years and started off a good actress and you’ve even gotten better as time’s gone by. And I know with all your talents, your veganism, and your martial arts and your acting and your stunts, you’re a great addition to our workshop. And we have some terrific actors tonight. And we have great guests, each workshop we bring in a different guest. Tonight we have the casting director from Desperate Housewives and they also do a show called Gigantic.

Spice Williams-Crosby has been involved in the entertainment industry her whole life. For almost 30 years, she has worked extensively in film and television as an actress, stunt double, or directing the stunts herself. Among the movies she has appeared in include Star Trek V, From Dusk Till Dawn, Spider-Man, Mission: Impossible III, For the Love of the Game, and Million Dollar Baby. She has also made guest appearances on popular television shows like Seinfeld, Star Trek: Voyager, Roseanne, Days of Our Lives, Buffy, Melrose Place, Tonight Show with Conan O’Brien, and Scrubs.

Okay, I’m playing Nurse Parker from Desperate House Wives so I am going to go and do my scene. See you in a little bit. Bye!

Well, I just finished my little thing on stage and I think I did okay, I don’t know, we’ll see. But the casting director is from Desperate Housewives, which is a really popular TV show, and hopefully she’ll like me and call me in for a show. So, it’s all good. As my aunt Dodo used to say, “No effort ever goes unrewarded.” So, I’m happy I did it.

Time to put on your workout clothes and running shoes, when we return, Spice is going to take us to the gym. Please stay tuned to Supreme Master Television. You are watching Vegetarian Elite.

What some people don’t know about me is that I was the first vegan body builder who squatted 315 pounds and benched 235 pounds all animal-free. And I did all this being a vegan!

Hi, I am Spice Williams Crosby and I’ve been a vegan for over 30 years. A vegan diet will transform your life, it will transform your body, and you will enjoy optimal health. Nothing like God's fruit, oh my God!

Welcome back to Vegetarian Elite on Supreme Master Television and our feature on Hollywood actress Spice Williams-Crosby.

And you used to train as a vegan body builder.

I did.

Did you find any challenges being on the vegan diet and being a bodybuilder?

I didn’t find a challenge. Other people find challenges because they are looking for challenges. But when you learn scientifically what makes up proteins… If you were soaking your beans, rice, you have to get so much protein per body pound. I made a rule for myself how many grams of carbohydrates I had to have before I trained.

How many essential fatty acids to slow down the drip of… The oil also slows down the drip of glucose to sustain how many hours you are going to carry on that fuel. I weighed 145–150 pounds at the time when I was squatting 315 pounds (Wow!) and benching 225, drug-free and animal-free. I was taking in close to 100 grams of protein a day. I was eating 6–8 meals a day, taking in small meals, and I was doing a lot of protein powders.

You, come on. What are you doing? You are working out? You are not doing anything? Let’s go, come on. Here we go. Ten pull ups.

That’s good –

Let’s go, 2 more, 2 more! Come on. No hiding, let’s go.

It’s time to move on, let’s go. We’ve got a whole new set to do, we’re just getting warmed up.

And you’re such a great role model, too, just as vegan and as a person who is concerned about their health and taking care of their body. And you were chosen for this statue that’s outside the US Olympic training center.

It was just amazing, I’m so grateful for the things that have come my way. Who would think at 52 years old, I’d get a phone call to go see a man about a statue. And when I met this man, a very wonderful man, his name is Jon Hair and he’s a sculptor. And he was looking for the perfect woman that would be able to represent this look he had in mind. So I showed up, and he goes, “You’re perfect.” I had to get my head scanned, my body scanned, I had to stand in a certain way, so it was about 4 hours of work.

And then eventually he sent me the grand opening. And I realized it is a 30-foot bronze statue of the four of us, I am the only female, and we represent the past, present, and future female, male and female Olympians and Pan American game athletes. We are holding the world up, and it is in front of the US Olympic Training Center. And it is the most magnificent honor. So here I was, 52 years old, a vegan, chosen to represent these great athletes. So it’s (It’s amazing.) it’s amazing.

I’m going inside to lift weights and work out, come follow me, see how a real vegan trains. Good morning, good morning to all you conscious, aware, spiritual and loved people. Okay, here I am doing cardio. Got to remember, no matter how many times you work your muscles, you’ve got to work the big muscle, which is the heart muscle.

Now its time to work those vegan muscles! Let’s follow Spice to the weight room and learn some facts about building strong, healthy muscles.

And what this is called is super setting, going from one exercise to the next. So once you pump a certain amount of blood into the muscle, you continue to keep pumping the blood into the muscle, you don’t give it any rest. There is white muscle fiber and red muscle fiber. The white muscle fiber is very fast twitch and it helps muscle grow and make it very strong. The red muscle fiber is slow twitch, and that seems be the hardest to hypertrophy but it’s great if you want to be a marathon runner, and it’s also great for like more cardiovascular-type sports.

Okay, so in order to work the deltoid cap, there’s an anterior, posterior, superior, inferior, so we work them all different angles back. We did up military, then we did laterals, anterior. Then we’re going to go do posterior. That builds a nice round shoulder. As a vegan, as long as you understand the biochemistry of your body, you can build any kind of body you want. And being a vegan, I certainly have no problem building a strong, healthy body.

Next week on Vegetarian Elite, Spice will talk about the events that transformed her life from addict to actress, veganism, and finding strength in spirituality. Coming up next is Between Master and Disciples on Supreme Master Television. May happiness and health accompany your life always!

Be Veg, Go Green 2 Save the Planet!

Learn more about Spice Williams-Crosby, Hollywood action actress, fitness coach, & co-founder of Spice of Life veg products at
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