HEALTHY LIVING Fruitarian Fitness with Jericho Sunfire - P2/2    
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Hallo, joyful viewers, and welcome to Healthy Living featuring the conclusion of a two-part interview with breatharian personal fitness trainer Jericho Sunfire on how a raw vegan or fruitarian diet conditions our body for peak athletic performance.

After years of being a fruitarian, or one who only eats fruits, nuts and seeds and then a liquidarian, or a consumer of only liquids or juices, Jericho, a former player for the Oldham Rugby League Football Club and London Crusaders in the UK made the transition to breatharianism, where one lives solely on the cosmic energy.

I am 40 now and yes, I feel like I am a 19 year old again. It is a fantastic feeling. I can still sprint as fast as I want to; I can still lift myself up, throw myself around a park. In fact, I can do more than I was doing when I was on cooked food.

Jericho strives to raise public awareness of the powerful and sustainable foodless, or inediate, lifestyle and of diets that respect all living beings. As a personal fitness trainer, he goes to great lengths to dispel the myth that consuming animal products is needed for top level athletic performance

When you eat cooked, processed foods, the body sends out its army, its immune system, the white blood cells to combat it, to fight it. So that should tell you something right there. It doesn’t do it with raw foods, but with cooked processed foods, especially your flours, your pastas, your dairy products and stuff like that and your really processed fried foods, and meats. It’s incredible; your body knows to do this because it knows it’s wrong. It knows it’s in danger. It knows it’s a poison to the body.

According to the US Department of Agriculture, 70% of all food poisoning in the USA is caused by consuming contaminated animal flesh. Studies show that meat, fish and dairy products are loaded with bacteria, antibiotics, dioxins, hormones and a host of other toxins that can lead to fatal health conditions.

I remember when I was on meat and I was playing rugby and I was into the whole “eat big to get big.” I was conditioned. I was brainwashed. Then when I came off it, when I stopped playing rugby and I came off meat, one of the other reasons for weight loss or the appearance of weight loss is that I was no longer consuming meats with steroids in it, with growth hormones in it.

It is incredible what is in meat, in order for you to buy it, in order for it to look good. They put deodorant on meat to stop it from stinking, when it’s on the shelves in the stores so you don’t smell it.

Bodybuilders they know this, the whole growth hormone thing, the whole steroids thing. Chances are if you’re an athlete and you’re eating meat you are on steroids.

And are you more susceptible to injuries on the normal Western diet than you are on a fruitarian diet?

I am more susceptible to pain and injuries and old injuries. Now all those have gone. I haven’t been injured in years. I always say when you eat cooked food, you eat pain. (Yeah.) It is solid pain, or liquid pain. If you are into the whole fizzy drinks and sodas and stuff like that, milk, dairy products, it is liquid pain.

Go raw fruitarian, period. It’s good for the planet. It’s good for the climate at this time. And it’s good for your soul. It’s good for your health, period.

Besides adopting a healthy diet, what else can we do to increase our vitality, health and fitness?

Do something you love to do. Do something you thoroughly enjoy. It could be gardening. If it is gardening, garden vigorously. You can get a great full body workout simply digging a ditch. Walk if you love walking, walk vigorously. It doesn’t have to be bodybuilding or training like a sprinter or anything like that.

Walking, one of the most natural and lowest- impact forms of exercise, helps strengthen bones and improve blood circulation, and is beneficial to people of all ages and physical conditions. It also boosts the spirit, aids in relaxation and gives one a deep sense of refreshment and happiness.

If you are not competitive athletes it’s good enough just to go for a brisk walk, an intense walk. You don’t need a gym. You don’t need money. You don’t need expensive equipment. All you need, basically, is the desire to be at your best, the desire to get active and enjoy life and live it to the fullest because you know you don’t see elephants in the wild doing bench presses.

They don’t need to because they’re active. They’re walking from place to place; from home to home; from shelter to shelter. Whereas us, we have cars, we invented cars, so we don’t have to be active. And unfortunately our society has abused that and like I say for the average person, just to get out and walk vigorously is enough.

For those who desire a more advanced form of training, Jericho has designed a series of short, effective exercises.

I have created a program for working out that takes five minutes, and it’s for people that are serious about their training. And it’s for people that are competitive athletes, yet want to get the best out of their performance, and get the best out their health, that want to go basically raw vegan, predominately raw vegan or fruitarian.

Are you ready? After these messages Jericho will present his five-minute, full body workout. Please stay tuned to Supreme Master Television.

Welcome back to today’s Healthy Living featuring Jericho Sunfire, a breatharian personal fitness trainer, who is speaking with us about the best nutrition for our body and getting in shape. Jericho will now show us how to perform a simple, effective, full body workout anywhere, anytime, free-of-charge in just five minutes! The exercise works on three main parts of the body; namely, the upper body, core and lower body.

In maybe five minutes or less, you could work out your whole body, you could maintain it, there’d be no burnout. It’s very intense and it’s one of those things where you do it right once and that’s it. The faster you’re in, the faster you’re out. You don’t need a gym. You don’t need equipment. You don’t need money. All you just need are your body weight and determination. That’s pretty much all it boils down to.

Like I say, you do the things you love, you love what you do and you do what you love. And basically you’re using your surroundings, you’re using what surrounds you. This is something you can do anytime, anyplace, anywhere, you know. If you don’t do it, you’ll have to pretty much find a pretty good excuse.

How many days a week would you recommend someone to do this five minutes to keep up a good level of fitness and physique?

It’s only five minutes. It’s short and sharp so there will be no burnout and you can do it every day, seven days a week if you like.

What we’re going to do first is to get in tune with the universe, all right, because the universe knows what you need. And so we take one minute to get focused, to get the job done, all right. (Okay.) I want you to focus on working the hardest you’ve ever worked before. Nothing is an obstacle. Nothing is a challenge, all right.

All right

How many exercises?

Three. (Okay, three.) When you do each exercise (Yeah.) you count nice and loud. for me, okay? And the last thing pretty much is when you feel like stopping, don’t. (Okay.)

All right, just don’t do it. Don’t even think about it. Let me and the universe work on that. We’re going to start with push-ups, and like I say, when you feel like stopping, don’t. All right. To prove to you that you can do it in less than five minutes, a full body workout, intense, in less than five minutes, I’ll time you. All right. On my go, ready, steady, go!

One, two, three.


Four, five…

Faster, faster, faster come on!

21, 22, 23, 24

Faster, faster, faster, bang them out! Come on, bang them out, faster!

51, 52,

No less than 60.

Come on, one more, last one, make it big, make it big, come on, come on.


Russian twist, Russian twist.

Straighten it, straighten it, come on. Straight, straight, that’s it. Beautiful, beautiful, arms out, arms out front.


Twist side to side faster, faster!






Faster, faster, faster, slap my hands, slap. Faster, faster, faster, fast as you can.

…31, 32

Slap, slap, slap, twist, twist, just, lean back, lean back,

twist, twist, slap my hands, slap my hands, lean back, lean back, twist, twist, don’t just slap my hands, twist, lean back, come on, lean back, lean back.

Squats, squats, squats. Come on, squats. Straight into it, straight into it, come on.


That’s it, beautiful, beautiful.

Two, three, four

20, 21,




24, 25

50, 51.

Get a hundred, real quick, get a hundred real quick, come on.


You’ve got 30 seconds to get a hundred, 30 seconds, come on, come on. You’ve got 30 seconds, 20 seconds, come on.

97, 98



Come on, come on, come on.


There you go, keep going, keep going, you done? Three minutes, 56 (seconds).

Still think you can’t do it in five minutes?

It’s amazing.

There you go – it’s a five minute, less than five minutes, full body workout. Full body workout.

That is a full body workout.

Three minutes, you’ve got three minutes, 56 (seconds). So, (Amazing.) and that’s with no money, just a floor, and what you did was, you did it all within this space here, basically. So you don’t even need a gym, don’t need space, just this. All in this right here, full body workout.

The more you exercise, the sooner you will realize just how much it benefits and rejuvenates you physically, mentally and spiritually! Just like exercising, being raw vegan or fruitarian is something that’s great to share with friends: exciting, uplifting and ultimately enormously rewarding, promoting extraordinary well-being on all levels and in all aspects of life!

Thank you Jericho Sunfire for informing us about raw veganism and fruitarianism diets that prepare our body for top-level physical conditioning and showing us a workout that we all can do without cost and in little time. We wish you the very best in your future endeavors.

For more details on Jericho Sunfire, please visit

Caring viewers, thank you for joining us on Healthy Living. Coming up next is Science and Spirituality after Noteworthy News. May compassionate and sustainable ways of living soon be practiced by all.
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