Aulacese (Vietnamese) Classical Theatre: Legend of a National Mother - P2/2 (In Aulacese)    
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Today’s Enlightening Entertainment will be presented in Aulacese (Vietnamese), with subtitles in Arabic, Chinese, English, French, German, Hungarian, Indonesian, Japanese, Korean, Malay, Persian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, and Thai.

The drum tempo varies between fast and slow, merging with singing voices which at times are elevated in pitch, other times deep and powerful. In brilliant costumes, lissome movements are in every gesture. Actors and actresses are differentiated by distinctive make-up, so that the audience can easily identify between the loyal and the obsequious, the noble ranks and humble subjects.

This is hát bội (classical theatre), a performing art in Âu Lạc (Vietnam), originating from the common people and becoming more widespread among them in the 13th century under the Lý and the Trần dynasties. In the later Lê dynasty, classical theatre was introduced to the Court to entertain the royal family and mandarins.

In the 19th century, Mr. Đào Tấn developed classical theatre and opened a performing school. He also built the first classical theatre in Bình Định province, central Âu Lạc. Since then, classical theatre has flourished in both artistic and literary aspects. Classical theatre operas are often based on historical references, highlighting moral values. Today, classical theatre is considered a traditional performing art of Âu Lạc.

On Enlightening Entertainment, Supreme Master Television is pleased to introduce different forms of arts from Âu Lạc (Vietnam), as well as from other countries in the world, in order to share the beauty and cultures of the peoples on our planet.

The classical theatre opera “Legend of a National Mother” was based on a tale of the Champa people in Âu Lạc about the Mother Goddess Po Nagar (also venerated by the people as Goddess Ya Na or Lady Jade), a holy mother who taught people to weave and plant rice, so they could live independently and prosperously.

The story also demonstrates that all heavenly arrangements are derived from God’s boundless compassion, so that all souls have the opportunity to advance. Till this day, every year from the 20th to 23rd days of the third month of the lunar calendar, local people, especially in central Âu Lạc, still celebrate the Po Nagar Festival to express gratitude to a beloved National Mother.

We now invite you to enjoy the conclusion of the classical theatre opera “Legend of a National Mother” by playwright Nguyễn Sỹ Chức

with performances by artists Kim Hùng as Prince Lưu Quang, Thu Hà as Fairy Dương Ngọc, Thanh Hoa as Phú Loan, Bạch Én as Holy Queen Mother, Xuân Hùng as Phú Long, Như Yến as Chế Phụng, Kim Khiên as Thúy Hồng, Anh Sang as the Jade Emperor, Văn Nghiêm as Southern Sphere Deity, Quang Hưng as Northern Sphere Deity, Hữu Hải as Thunder Deity, and other artists.

In the last episode, to discipline worldly people, the Jade Emperor raised a great flood. Pitying the good people who had to share the misery, Fairy Dương Ngọc manifested high mountains with her magic power to help them escape this misfortune. For her defiance of Heaven’s order, Fairy Dương Ngọc was exiled to Earth, in the country of Đại An. There Fairy Dương Ngọc taught villagers farming and weaving to help improve their living conditions.

During this time, having sympathy for the plight of Phú Long, a filial son who lost his human voice after venturing into the forest to find a remedy for his mother’s blindness, once again Fairy Dương Ngọc disobeyed celestial law. Willing to accept the penalty, she used magic power to return eyesight to the mother and human voice to Phú Long.

Being confined in an aloewood chunk as a punishment, Fairy Dương Ngọc drifted to the North Sea and was brought to the palace by Crown Prince Lưu Quang. Every night, the Fairy appeared to converse with His Highness.

Thank you for your company on today’s Enlightening Entertainment. Coming up is Words of Wisdom. Please tune in to Supreme Master Television next Thursday for the Aulacese film entitled “A Good Heart Changes Fortune,” screenplay by Nguyên Chơn. Farewell for now.

So, she makes me wait for her until tomorrow night. O Dương Ngọc! For every ten turbid currents, there’s only one clear stream. Among ten thousand worldly people, there’s only one pure soul. Dương Ngọc! I wish to bond with you lifelong in love. Would you share with me one happy dream? Would you share with me one happy dream?

Greetings, Your Highness!

Thúy Hồng! When did you arrive?

O Crown Prince, I received a secret report by the royal maid that the Crown Prince all this time has been infatuated with a beautiful lady in the aloewood, who appears on quiet nights. Your Highness has had literary exchanges with her late into the night without feeling satisfied. Though not in paradise, it isn’t inferior to the celestial palace. Now having witnessed it myself, I realize the rumor isn’t unfounded. Indeed you’re so immersed in personal affairs and oblivious to all worldly matters. Having indulged in a beautiful woman, you forget your betrothed.

Thúy Hồng! You were saying... What were you saying all this time? I don’t really understand.

O Your Highness! What is so difficult to understand? It’s like this: Yesterday morning, after the court meeting, my father was summoned to the inner palace so that the eunuch could present the royal decree to receive me in the Crown Prince’s palace.

What? Receiving you in the Crown Prince’s palace?

Yes, to join you in matrimony.

Thúy Hồng! (Yes.) As a son, I wouldn’t dare go against a marriage arranged by my Royal Father. But I advise you be not hasty in love, lest you will be in great distress later. I’ll soon go to my Royal Father to report my innermost feelings. As for me and Deity Dương Ngọc, we’re just kindred friends.

What? Just kindred friends? However you think is up to you, but this marriage arrangement you cannot decline. I dare not disobey my father’s wish. You can’t single-handedly defy the royal decree. O Your Highness! My father had people select a lucky date for the wedding. And the royal family has the Eastern Palace prepared with horses and carriage. Doesn’t it mean we will soon tie a lasting bond?

Thúy Hồng, the drum has sounded for the court meeting. I must hasten to the palace.


Thúy Hồng, I’m taking leave now!

Oh, Your Highness!

Thúy Hồng, where is His Highness? How come you’re here?

Father, I’d blame you for it!

Blame me? But why?

Why? This morning you told me that this is the dragon boat I will rely on for life. In my chamber, I was exhilarated with happiness, so I came right away to the royal garden to visit him. I didn’t know he’d treat me so coldly. He’s more infatuated with this chunk of aloewood than me. He’s more infatuated with this chunk of aloewood than me.

You said that His Highness loves this chunk of wood more than you?

That’s right, Father!

I understand now. Beloved child, His Highness has no one taking care of him, so, seeing the sacred wood, he’s enamored with it. Now he has you by his side morning and night. You will talk to him and cherish him. Then, even though you tell him not to see you, he’d come for you anyway. Once the bee is charmed by the stamen, who else will claim the queen’s throne?

Who else will claim the queen’s throne? But what would you do about the beauty in that chunk of aloewood?

Thúy Hồng, my child! When you later become Princess Consort, you can burn or destroy it as you wish.

Really, Father?

That’s right. (Father!)

With the sound of the weaving loom each fine thread sparkles in spring sunlight. Flowery brocade boasts its bright color. My hands move in rhythm as I embroider a sheet of rosy-hued fabric. Spring arrives with singing in the air. Lush coconut trees tilt to wave at the blue sea. Birds glide over rolling waves. Our homeland’s sky and ocean are evermore beautiful in spring.

O Mom, since the Fairy left for the remotely distant North Sea, the forest has changed leaves three times. Our village has been living in comfort. Counting on my fingers, it’s been a thousand days even, yet the Fairy is still away. O Chế Phụng, if the Fairy didn’t help restore my Mom’s vision and return to me my voice, my Mom’s life would be miserable and I’d spend my entire life in the dark wild forest. O young sister, how can I possibly repay her favor!

Her kindness, I’ll forever ingrain in my heart.

O Phú Long, as humans, we must remember the Fairy’s immense merit toward Đại An, a favor comparable to the wide sea. Every night for the past three years, Đại An people long for the Fairy’s return. Alas! This season, the northeastern wind begins to blow. Why don’t you and your friends from the village use a wooden boat to sail with the wind to the North Sea, find the very place where the Fairy is exiled, and bring her back here soon? Wouldn’t that fulfill both common and personal goals?

What? Sail with the wind to the North Sea, find the very place where the Fairy is exiled and bring her back here soon? Fulfilling both common and personal goals? How wise of you, Chế Phụng! Good idea, Chế Phụng! O everyone! Cease what you are doing. Listen to me!

Yes, we’re ready for your instruction.

Beloved Mom and villagers, this land of Đại An was helped by Fairy Dương Ngọc who descended on Earth and taught us to weave fabric and cultivate wet rice plants. Since then, our village has escaped poverty. It’s also thanks to the Fairy that my mom and I can have a normal life like any other. Yet in doing so, Fairy Dương Ngọc violated Heaven’s law and was exiled for three years to the North Sea. We owe her the food we eat, the clothes we wear.

Now, as the wind changes direction, I’m suggesting that we together cross the Eastern Sea to bring the Fairy back. You all have heard it clearly. Let’s discuss the option thoroughly.

We consent and are waiting for your order to set sail.

Wait, children! Now that you’re going to the North Sea, I want to remind you to firmly steer your boat amid the high sea and big waves.

Beloved Mom, on this journey, my young friends and I must persevere to overcome the eastern wind and roaring thunders. On board, everyone!

Phú Long! On your trip, please don’t forget our mountain and forest at every moonrise. Gazing at the moon, this country girl will feel love evermore in her heart.

Sailing on a voyage of thousands of miles, we look forward to a day of reunion with our family.

Sail off! Swing the oars to enter the blue sea. Water and clouds stretch into the sky.

Countless waves rise and fall all around. Countless waves rise and fall all around. Row on!

Eunuch, where are you? Oh God, are you still sleeping in there?

Don’t you know what to do? How come you’re still sleeping on?

What are we to do? Tell me.

This morning, we were ordered by Her Highness to move the wood.

This chunk of wood? You just sit here; let me do it alone.

There, go move it!

My God! O Brother!

What now?

I used all my strength, but it wouldn’t budge an inch.

Brother, let me tell you. One single person cannot get the job done but two persons can make things happen.

You’re always right.

Obviously you couldn’t move it alone. You need my joined effort. Let’s move the wood together.

That’s right; let’s do it together.

Ready! One, two, three! Three! Try harder! So, what happened?

I’m exhausted, Brother!

All right, if you’re tired, then sit there, listen to my riddle.

What’s your riddle? Let me hear it.

Do you know why that wood chunk is so heavy?

Very simple! (Why?) Because it’s a chunk of aloewood, right?

Wrong! Think again.

I know why. Because its base affixes to the ground like the way the root of an aloewood tree grows in the forest. The earth transmits vitality to the tree; the tree provides the earth a fresh green. Is that right?

Wrong again, Brother! If you don’t know, let me tell you. It’s a very serious matter.

Really? You sit here. Now, tell me.

Here it is! Fairy Dương Ngọc is the person who taught the people of Đại An to weave fabrics and to cultivate wet rice.


But her spirit is confined to an aloewood by Thunder Deity per Jade Emperor’s order, which was set adrift on the Eastern Sea. After many months floating on the water, the aloewood was washed ashore at the North Sea. However, of all their people, no one could lift it.

You’re joking! If no one could lift it, how come it lies here?

When His Highness tried it himself, the wood suddenly became as light as paper. Then, he placed it here. And every night since, a lovely fairy appears to converse with His Highness. You see? No one could lift it. How could you and I possibly manage it?

You’re right.

Your Highness!

Our respectful greetings, Your Highness.

Greetings, Your Highness.

Court servant! Eunuch!


I entrusted you the task early this morning. Now it’s noon already, and that chunk of wood still stands undisturbed and placidly taking up space in the gazebo. You couldn’t find a way to remove it from here, or what?

Your Highness, we’ve tried all kinds of ways, yet it wouldn’t move.

It wouldn’t budge an inch.

What? It wouldn’t budge an inch? (Yes.) If humans can’t move it, then use horses and elephants. By all means, you must rid this place of that wood chunk.

But, Your Highness!

Eunuch! (Yes.) Have the guards bring me two strong horses.

What for, Your Highness?

Just do it, then you’ll understand. (Yes.) Eunuch! (Yes.) Go get two strips of Sichuan brocade for me!


Kindred souls? A sham! Southern Fairy? A deceitful person! Whether you are a fairy or mere human, you can’t fool me as I know what all women want. You came here from the South. I preside over the palaces on my husband’s behalf. Why haven’t you left? Why stand there wasting your time?

Your Highness, the two horses are here.

Your Highness, two strips of blue brocade are ready.

Now you two wrap those pieces of brocade around your body. (Yes.) Steer the horses toward the sea. From the South, she drifted to the North Sea. Now I myself return her to the South. Carry out my order, Eunuch! Have the horses gallop!

Now, let the horses gallop! Your Highness, the wood didn’t move at all.

It wouldn’t move an inch.

What? It wouldn’t move an inch? (Yes.) Then have the horses gallop at full speed!

Yes. Now! Gallop at full speed!

Your Highness!

What’s the matter?

The bridles snapped and the two horses escaped to the royal garden.

Your Highness! The two strips of brocade were ripped apart from the pulling.

Alas! I can’t possibly be out of solutions. No! If this scheme fails to work, I’ll devise another. Though you’re a Fairy, I’m also a beautiful woman. The heart? The heart is where all blood veins converge and is the source of love. If the blood exists, so does a person; if the blood is gone, so is one. You’ve persisted in your way; I’m determined to quench my resentment.

O Brother, the Fairy appears! Your Highness, the Fairy appears.

She appears.

Oh my! In broad daylight, a demon appears. Eunuch! (Yes.) Inform my father right away that there’s a demon hiding in the forbidden palace.

Yes. (Yes, yes.)

Thúy Hồng! You’ve entered the rank of a Prince’s wife, whose power and fame few can match. Yet your every word is ruthless, and your action is malicious. You and I, an earthling and celestial being, are separated by nine levels of sun and moon. I know I’m not your native folk and have no close relation in this place. I violated Heaven’s law and was exiled to the North Sea. Yet it turned out I met you, a small-minded earthly woman with a wicked heart.

A thousand bows to you, Fairy! O Fairy, I’m just an ordinary woman whose jealousy drove me to resentment. A thousand bows to you, Fairy! O Fairy, please have great mercy to forgive this earthling for once.

Thúy Hồng! (Father!) I’m here now. Don’t be frightened, child. (Yes.) That woman! All this time, you’ve always remained hidden in daylight and only appeared at late night. Now it’s just mid-morning; why have you already waged trouble?

Greetings, Elder Mandarin. If you want to an answer to your question, why don’t you ask your daughter? As for me, I just want to be left alone. I don’t like any trouble. Elder Mandarin! You now enjoy royal salary and allowances; you should preserve your future. Don’t covet higher rank to risk a fall. A mandarin’s career and life is full of pitfalls.

Only a nonsensical person would talk like that! A frog at the well’s bottom fancies the well’s opening as high Heaven. A kid teaches an elder mandarin? Insolent!

Your Excellency!

What is it?

While patrolling the beach, we captured a boat of over ten people from the South. When asked where they were heading to, they said, “We travel North to find the Fairy.”


Looking for the Fairy? All right, bring them here.


Oh, Phú Long!

Sister Ngọc!

Why do you sail all the way here? How are your mother and Chế Phụng? How are the villagers?

O Sister Ngọc, words cannot convey our immense longing. Since you left for the northern soil, the lonely village waits for you day and night. It’s been three autumns already. We feel saddened with every passing season.

O young brother! (Yes.) Since we parted, my mind drifts to the four directions as my heart deeply yearns for the southern sky.

Sister Ngọc!

Enough! This is His Highness’ palace, not a deserted hall for you people to share your inner feelings and to freely come and go. Soldiers! (Yes.) Shackle them immediately to wait for a punishment to be meted out! Whoever disobeys, just take away his life!

Sister Ngọc!

I’ve already told you people: As humans, you must eschew the violent way.

Eschewing violence? Even if you’re a Fairy or Saint from Heaven, you will share the same fate. Tie them up! (Yes.)

Sister Ngọc!

So, you want to ask for trouble, then don’t blame me for making it!

Your Excellency!

What’s the matter?

I saw with my own eyes amid the hurricane...

What did you see?

I saw that group of men carry the wood chunk away. How strange! Early this morning, the horses couldn’t do a thing; now they carried it on their shoulders with ease.

How bizarre! Who is she, human or ghost, that is so powerful? Is she a ghost or human that disappears in a blink?

O Father! Why should you be angry and frustrated? I myself feel so elated that they took away the chunk of wood.

Why are you elated?

Beloved Father, they’ve taken that piece of wood back South; wouldn’t my position in the North be more secure now?

His Highness has returned!

Where is my Fairy? Where is my Fairy? Woe is me! Where is the aloewood statue? Why is it so quiet all around? O Fairy, Fairy! Alas, what danger has befallen you? Something unusual happened in the court. My mind was dazed. O God... It’s all topsy-turvy!

Wake up, Your Highness!

Your Highness, wake up!

Elder Mandarin! Tell me why this happened.

Your Highness, recently a group of men from the South sailed over the big waves to the North Sea. They stole that chunk of wood from your palace, then sailed away.

Then what?

If favored by the south wind, they’ll conquer the big waves and reach home safely in just two weeks or half a month.

What about my Fairy?

Your Highness is bereft of your dream lady from now on.

No, impossible! Listen, Minister of Defense! (Yes.) Quickly order the marines to prepare water and food. Go after those Southerners to seize and bring back the aloewood statue!

Order obeyed.

We sing to celebrate the ripe golden rice. We sing to celebrate our village’s new joy. We sing to celebrate the Fairy for crossing the myriad ocean waves to return to the forest and Đại An.

From now on, the village young men and women will enjoy the tender affection of devoted couples, will sing and dance and kindle the flame. In music resounds the passion for life. In passion sparkles the glow of love. In passion sparkles the glow of love.

O God, it’s Thunder Deity!

That’s right! I, Thunder Deity, hurriedly descend on Earth to carry out the Jade Emperor’s order.

Hurriedly descended on Earth to carry out the Jade Emperor’s order? What is the order, Thunder Deity?

Greetings, Fairy! Greetings, all villagers! Why is it that everyone stares at me in complete silence?

I, Phú Long, respectfully greet Thunder Deity.

A true gentleman, indeed! A young man, yet you’re very courageous. Now, listen, Ngọc Nữ! Jade Emperor has just ordained that Ngọc Nữ be escorted back to the Fairyland.

What? Bring Ngọc Nữ back to the Fairyland?

That’s right! Perfectly right! In these few years, Fairy Dương Ngọc had to come down to live among earthlings and undergo countless ordeals. That was just God’s testing her before admitting her into the rank of the immortals. Thus, after having her endure three years in exile, now it’s time to bestow upon her a miracle:

“Life after life, you are immortal; your youthful beauty will last eternally.” Through the three-year sentence seemed to be a grave sanction, your great merit is now recompensed satisfactorily. O Fairy, quickly bid adieu to the villagers then follow me back to Heaven!

I’m elated upon hearing this news, and yet I feel pained thinking of our separation. Respected Thunder Deity! Please go back to ask Jade Emperor for the Fairy to remain with us Đại An people. If it could be so arranged, that favor will be forever remembered, and for ten thousand lifetimes we’ll worship the Jade Emperor .

That favor will be forever remembered, and for ten thousand lifetimes we’ll worship the Jade Emperor .

No, it can’t be! It shouldn’t be! That Fairy Dương Ngọc is graced with immortality by the Jade Emperor is her destiny and affinity. For if Heaven humors your and the Đại An people’s wish to let Ngọc Nữ remain on Earth, who will look after the Fairyland in the future? Ngọc Nữ! Do not linger. Hasten back to the heavenly palace, so that I may soon report!

Yes. Elder and my young brothers and sisters, though you wish for us to stay together, we can’t possibly act against Heaven’s will. What a torment! How heart-rending!

O Fairy!

From now on, I must part with you.

That favor, we’ll imprint in our minds forever.

Earth and Heaven are vastly apart.

That kindness, we’ll engrave in our bones for eternity. That kindness, we’ll engrave in our bones for eternity.

How odd! There’s a strange fleet of boats heading this way, loaded with soldiers who are armed with swords and spears. They are the group from the North Sea. The boat with the Elder Mandarin is heading directly to shore. They beat their drums continuously. O Đại An people! (Yes.) The Northerners suddenly come here. They intend to invade the South, obviously. We vow to live or die together to preserve our motherland.

To preserve our motherland!

Alas! Fires are ablaze in the East.

Fire blazes up in the North. Ngọc Nữ, listen! Don’t bother to rack your brains. Just show me their leader. I’ll give him a thunderbolt right in the middle of his forehead. That will resolve it all. Now, which one is he? Tell me quickly, Ngọc Nữ!

No, that can’t be. Now, Thunder Deity!

At your command!

The gray-haired man, can you spot him?

Yes, I can.

And the young man with the purple outfit in the middle of the boat.

Where? Oh, yes. I saw his face clearly now. What next? Which one? Tell me quickly, Ngọc Nữ!

I will stir up a hurricane.

And I?

Seize those two men!

Lưu Quang! (O Fairy!) Listen to me, beloved. You’ve fallen into a wicked scheme.

It’s he who orchestrated the plan to bring marines to the Southern land in an attempt to lord over this region. Now, at dead-end, he tries to escape.

Dương Ngọc! I have no other intent but to trace your fairy steps. Phàn Tiếp! And you? Why did you heartlessly deploy powerful troops to invade?

Phàn Tiếp, listen to my interrogation. You possess all the power, title and fame. Why still pursue immoral ambitions?

It’s because I was so ignorant that I brought disgrace upon myself. Forgive me, please!

So, taking advantage of His Highness’ pursuing his friend, you’re intent on invading other people’s land. You’re indeed a cunning person. Heaven would find it hard to forgive you. I judge that for your sin, you must be turned into a rock, wave-lashed on the beach eternally to set an example for other invaders. But now that you repent, I’ll spare your life.

I’m deeply grateful to you, Fairy.

Go away now!

O Fairy!

Phú Long! (Yes.) Though your homeland is poor without gold and silver, your people’s hearts are magnanimous. Prepare drinking water and food for His Highness to sail back North.

What? (Yes.) O Dương Ngọc, since you left the Northern land, I immediately set out to go after you. Why are you indifferent now that we meet? I haven’t wronged you in that love. I sobbed every night in the moonlight, saddened from pining for my kindred friend.

O Lưu Quang, beloved, what in the past was like a drifting cloud. The Northern empire was extreme in sun and rain. Returning South, I still miss my kindred friend.

Dương Ngọc!

In the land of North Sea, you deeply missed your friend. But, as a being from another realm, it’s hard for me to be your lifelong partner. I must now return to the celestial palace and be forever separated from the earthly world. O beloved, the heavenly cloud’s path will divide us. Now that I leave, when will your sorrow ever subside?

Dương Ngọc!

My cherished people, though South and North are far apart, all belong to the same Milky Way and are shined upon by the same sun.

O beloved, people may be of different nationalities, but happiness and love are everyone’s yearning since time immemorial. I wish that from now on, people of Đại An and North Sea will let go of all enmity and live harmoniously with kindness.

O Fairy, your time is up. Quickly return to Heaven.

Buddha be praised!


Dương Ngọc!

Beloved Mom and villagers. Fairy Dương has returned to Paradise with Thunder Deity per Jade Emperor’s order. It’s painful for many of us worldly people who will miss her for the rest of our lives. Let’s use the saps from readily available forest trees and the earth for making bricks, then join hands, both the young and old, to build on the mountain top a flame-shaped tower. We’ll take turns to burn incense for worshiping. A statue of Goddess Ya Na will be carved in the middle of the sacred stage, so that eight directions will unite as one source.

A statue of Goddess Ya Na will be carved in the middle of the sacred stage, so that eight directions will unite as one source. A tower in the shape of a flame will forever illumine the Southern sky.
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