Aulacese (Vietnamese) Classical Theatre: Legend of a National Mother - P1/2    
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Today’s Enlightening Entertainment will be presented in Aulacese (Vietnamese), with subtitles in Arabic, Chinese, English, French, German, Hungarian, Indonesian, Japanese, Korean, Malay, Persian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, and Thai.

The drum tempo varies between fast and slow, merging with singing voices which at times are elevated in pitch, other times deep and powerful. In brilliant costumes, lissome movements are in every gesture. Actors and actresses are differentiated by distinctive make-up, so that the audience can easily identify between the loyal and the obsequious, the noble ranks and humble subjects.

This is hát bội (classical theatre), a performing art in Âu Lạc (Vietnam), originating from the common people and becoming more widespread among them in the 13th century under the Lý and the Trần dynasties. In the later Lê dynasty, classical theatre was introduced to the Court to entertain the royal family and mandarins.

In the 19th century, Mr. Đào Tấn developed classical theatre and opened a performing school. He also built the first classical theatre in Bình Định province, central Âu Lạc. Since then, classical theatre has flourished in both artistic and literary aspects. Classical theatre operas are often based on historical references, highlighting moral values. Today, classical theatre is considered a traditional performing art of Âu Lạc.

On Enlightening Entertainment, Supreme Master Television is pleased to introduce different forms of arts from Âu Lạc (Vietnam), as well as from other countries in the world, in order to share the beauty and cultures of the peoples on our planet.

The classical theatre opera “Legend of a National Mother” was based on a tale of the Champa people in Âu Lạc about the Mother Goddess Po Nagar (also venerated by the people as Goddess Ya Na or Lady Jade), a holy mother who taught people to weave and plant rice, so they could live independently and prosperously.

The story also demonstrates that all heavenly arrangements are derived from God’s boundless compassion, so that all souls have the opportunity to advance. Till this day, every year from the 20th to 23rd days of the third month of the lunar calendar, local people, especially in central Âu Lạc, still celebrate the Po Nagar Festival to express gratitude to a beloved National Mother.

We now invite you to enjoy part 1 of the classical theatre opera “Legend of a National Mother” by playwright Nguyễn Sỹ Chức. This opera will be presented in 2 episodes,

with performances by artists Kim Hùng as Prince Lưu Quang, Thu Hà as Fairy Dương Ngọc, Thanh Hoa as Phú Loan, Bạch Én as Holy Queen Mother, Xuân Hùng as Phú Long, Như Yến as Chế Phụng, Kim Khiên as Thúy Hồng, Anh Sang as the Jade Emperor, Văn Nghiêm as Southern Sphere Deity, Quang Hưng as Northern Sphere Deity, Hữu Hải as Thunder Deity, and other artists.

We thank you for watching Enlightening Entertainment today. Please stay tuned to Supreme Master Television. Words of Wisdom is coming up. So long for now.

We’re the saints and fairies from a hundred grottos and nine lakes, gathering here. May almighty Jade Emperor preside over Paradise and reign over all creations.

Be at ease!

Long live the Jade Emperor!

I’m the legendary God, eternally titled “Jade Emperor.” I ride the benign wind, my supremacy renowned in ten directions. I tread down dark clouds to pacify the six realms. On the occasion of this Double Nine day, I open a celestial festival to celebrate the nine palaces’ peaceful time and the eight directions’ bounteous blessings. Fays! (Yes.) Present your lively singing and dancing for me and the thousands of fairies and deities to relish our jade cups of nectar to our hearts’ content!

Yes. A pearl is infused with royal grace. Nine strata of suns and moons reverberate with music. Gentle breeze wafts the ethereal grottos. Tender air permeates the millions of courtyards. Lush willows silhouette in the palace front. Crystalline pear blossoms are dotted with snowy dew. Luscious ambrosia, blissful melody, and rainbow dances delight the celestial assembly. Luscious ambrosia, blissful melody, and rainbow dances delight the celestial assembly.

Let’s celebrate! Oh, how strange! What kind of an unusual sound is it that makes me half elated, half agitated? I feel dazed all of a sudden listening to this music resonating from the lower realm.

Very bizarre! Very extraordinary! Your Divinity, allow me to go to the north gate of the Celestial Palace to find out what it is.

I approve. Thunder Deity!

Yes. (Carry it out!) Order obeyed.

Revered Jade Emperor! Earth is now lively with the sound of gongs, elegant singing and dancing. Young men and women from all villages gather to rejoice in festivities.

What!? Young men and women from all villages gather to rejoice in festivities?


So, the worldlings are celebrating? But what are they celebrating, Thunder Deity?

Revered Jade Emperor, from what I saw, rain and wind have ceased to threaten Earth; hurricane has halted for the time being. But the oddest thing is amidst the vast water body, now suddenly appears a mountain alongside the forest helping the earthlings escape the great flood.

How infuriating! For the last few days, I’ve ordered the Water World’s Crown Prince to raise the Eastern Sea level and use aquatic monsters to punish the world because moral values are lost in human relationships, and kindness and gratefulness are absent among people. Some celestial beings must have used their magic power to manifest a high mountain amid the swamp and help the lower world escape the great flood.

Revered Jade Emperor, please have the Thunder Deity descend on Earth immediately and seize the one who deliberately disobeys orders for a fair trial according to Heaven’s law. Let the nine levels of saints, sages and fairies realize God the Jade Emperor’s supremacy.

Petition approved. Thunder Deity! (Yes.) Carry out orders! (Yes.)

By Heaven’s decree, I have brought here the culprit.

Who is that, Thunder Deity?

My Lord, that is fairy Dương Ngọc, a disciple of Western Palace Holy Queen Mother.

What? The one who causes disturbance and turns topsy-turvy heavenly law is a disciple of the Holy Queen Mother on fairy palace? What have you to say, fairy Ngọc Vân?

Ngọc Nữ, child! Report to His Divinity what happened.

Revered Jade Emperor, I humbly think that in governing the Earth, we should rely on kindness and generosity to convert people. Why has Heaven the heart to use harsh punishment and sow misery and resentment?

Be quiet! Don’t you forget that all this time on Earth, the strong oppress the weak, the wealthy repress the poor. They wage wars to expand territories. They hold neither veneration for God in Heaven nor regard for the Goddess on Earth. Thus Heaven must have severe punishments for earthly people to realize that their existence or destruction and all topsy-turvy are caused by the self-opinion of what is right and wrong.

Your Divinity, though the world engages in fierce fights, it’s due to those who covet fame and wealth. But other people in eight directions are very kind and caring. It’s the wicked who must be disciplined for their serious offenses, while the decent people should enjoy heavenly grace. Doing so is true sagacity; judging so is true wisdom. I humbly implore the mighty God to make a judicious judgment. Heaven shouldn’t let all earthly people endure the same misfortune.

Be quiet! How a punishment or reward is carried out in the universe is Heaven’s business. How could Heaven’s decision or judgment be erroneous?

How could it be wrong?

Revered Jade Emperor, I personally think Dương Ngọc should be exiled to Earth for three full years to experience the suffering worldly life.

That’s right! We must let all celestial deities see that as an example.

We must wholeheartedly repay heavenly grace.

Very reasonable! Very advisable! One who doesn’t appreciate life in Paradise must join in the worldly existence. One who spurns the power of the Ninth Celestial realm will be banished to the perilous life on Earth.

Revered Jade Emperor!

Talk no more, Queen Mother! I do not wish to discuss this further. Thunder Deity! (Yes.) After three resounding strikes of the celestial copper drum, exile Dương Ngọc to Earth right away!

Order obeyed.

Court dismissed.

O Jade Emperor!

Alas, I’ll be confined on Earth for three long years.

Ngọc Nữ, my child!

O Queen Mother, after my departure, I’ll gaze up above at the Ninth Palace in anguish, braving countless hardships. O Holy Queen Mother!

Ngọc Nữ, O child!

Who will think of a lonesome soul? Inescapable is the net of Heaven and Earth. Unassuaged is my sorrow.

Beloved child!

I grieve my plight. Now I take leave, tearful and heartbroken.

The celestial drum resounds at the celestial palace. It’s time to bid farewell. My sorrow is untold, my grief immeasurable, O child!

Queen Mother!

Who has the heart to devise misfortune, sending you to the deep forest and mountain? Now you’ll go to the far end of the sky and sea. You’ll create affinity with the earthlings to where you are exiled. Your steadfast heart of goodness will shine brightly when you return to Paradise. Ngọc Nữ!

Per Divine order, I am to exile fairy Dương to the lower world. If you deliberately act against it, Earth will be your eternal prison.

Ngọc Nữ, child!

Say what you want to say quickly and let me carry out our superior’s order.

Alas, I resent the lofty authority. I’m frustrated despite my full magic power. How I pity your bearing so much bitterness! I’m choked with tears at the parting moment, O child!

O Holy Queen Mother, Heaven and Earth are vastly far apart. I’m pained thinking of this separation! Day after day, I’ll gaze longingly at the Milky Way.

Month after month, I’ll weep unceasing tears of grief.

I shall take leave now and wait for the moment I return to Heaven.

O Ngọc Nữ!

Ngọc Nữ! Quickly follow me to your exile, so I can return to report to the jade throne!

Ngọc Nữ!

O five-color clouds! Take Ngọc Nữ down to Earth.

Ngọc Nữ, child!

With the sound of the weaving loom each fine thread sparkles in spring sunlight. Flowery brocade boasts its bright color. My hands move in rhythm as I embroider a sheet of rosy-hued fabric. Spring arrives with singing in the air. Lush coconut trees tilt to wave at the emerald sea. Birds glide over rolling waves. Our homeland’s sky and ocean are evermore beautiful in spring.

O sisters! We were too enraptured in weaving so we forgot that it’s getting late.

If the sun sets, we will have the moonlight. Mountains and forests will appear even more enchanting.

Respected sister, I think the rosy-hued fabric, we should continue to weave. Let’s challenge one another in skill.

When the moon rises to the zenith, Sister Ngọc will come to see who is the best.

That’s right. Good idea! One sheet of fine fabric for each person. See who will finish first?

One, two, three. Let’s begin!

With the sound of the weaving loom each fine thread sparkles in spring sunlight. Flowery brocade boasts its bright color. My hands move in rhythm as I embroider a sheet of rosy-hued fabric. Spring arrives with singing in the air. Lush coconut trees tilt to wave at the emerald sea. Birds glide over rolling waves. Our homeland’s sky and ocean are evermore beautiful in spring.

Greetings, Sister Ngọc.

Greetings, all my younger sisters.

O Sister Ngọc, you left since the moon was young, and now it’s round perching on the mountain top.

Before I was not adept at the shuttle, and now I’m proficient at that loom.

This piece of silk was made from the jutes.

Every thread was completely soaked in water.

O Sister, this moonlit night, we’ve determined to demonstrate our best needlework.

Sister Ngọc, please see who is adept or who is still inept at the loom.

O, very beautiful! Very skillful! This piece is both smooth and thick. This sheet is soft and also shiny. You’ve chosen a rather hot tone for this fabric’s background.

How about mine?

This fabric has some threads not yet refined.

How about...

Although more practice is still needed, but in my opinion...

What is your opinion, Sister?

I think you all deserve to be praised.

Bravo, Sister Ngọc!

If you don’t have any questions, then on this full moon occasion, I’ll borrow the moonlight as our lamp and teach you all how to germinate and plant rice seeds.

You’re going teach us how to germinate and plant rice seeds?

What is a rice plant, Sister?

You must realize: For earthly existence to be less miserable, humankind can’t just know manioc and potatoes. I’ve brought Heaven’s rice here to help the world make a livelihood.

We, country girls, are grateful to Heaven’s grace.

Now! Quickly line up and watch. I’ll teach you to sow the rice seeds. In lively rhythm, the hands move gracefully. Rice seeds sown will grow lush in the fields. Rice seeds sown will grow lush in the fields. With it, we build a comfortable life. In lively rhythm, our hands move gracefully. Rice seeds sown will grow lush in the fields. Rice seeds sown will grow lush in the fields. With it, we build a comfortable life.

Phú Long! Phú Long! Know You not, God the Jade Emperor? Earthly life is beset with anguish and heartache. An aged mother bemoans her filial son who stays in a deep forest with altered appearance. Blind eyes shed tears like pouring rain. Late at night, I’m still steeped in mounting grief. Late at night, I’m still steeped in mounting grief.

O Auntie, sit down here to rest for a while. We have crossed 8 mountains and 9 meadows, but there’s still no trace of Phú Long. I think...

No, we can’t, O child! If your legs are weary, let’s stop here for now to find a place to rest. I believe that my son Phú Long is still alive, but he dares not face people in the village. I’m intent on fulfilling my vow to Heaven and Earth: even I must die, I’m determined to find that child.

Please sit down here, Auntie.

I, Dương Ngọc, would like to greet the Elder. May I ask where you are from? Why do you keep shedding tears? Why do you keep calling your son, looking so wretched?

O Sister, Auntie Phú Loan lost her eyesight in a mishap. Brother Phú Long, out of love for his mother, couldn’t leave the deep forest. On hushed moonlit nights, he still turns toward the village, howling.

What? On hushed moonlit nights, he still turns to the village, howling? (Yes.) You mean that young man has forgotten his mother tongue and transformed into a wild beast. How in the world did such a frightful thing happen? Why sow anguish, O Heaven and Earth?

O Phú Long! If you’re indeed my son, come let me embrace you. I’ve languished after years of longing and searching for you. Come here, child!

Phú Long!

That’s right. It’s my son. O God very high above, beyond the nine clouds, know You not the heartrending scene on Earth? Phú Long! The vastness of Heaven and Earth has limit, yet the world’s resentment spirals to no end. Phú Long!

O Phú Long! You promised to return to your aged mother and the villagers after one moon. Who would expect that... It’s been three seasons of falling leaves on the field, you’re still somewhere deep in the mountain, leaving not a trace in the wild. O Phú Long! My tears pour as I see your wretched form.

Phú Long!

Don’t run away, Brother!

Don’t run away, my son! I’m choked with tears, grieving for a lone soul. O God! Have You eyes or not? How could You let the world be beset with woes? Son, I’ve turned blind from crying for you. How can you have the heart to desert me? When will mother and child reunite? Phú Long!

Don’t run, Brother!

Why is the world afflicted with many misfortunes? Witnessing their plight, I feel perplexed. If I help them, I’m at fault with Heaven. But if I don’t save that young man and his mother, I’ll regret for eternity. Alas, if the Jade Emperor is angered, I’ll shoulder the grave punishment myself. O Holy Queen Mother, I’m determined to help people out of an utterly tragic plight. O brightly shining Sun and Moon! O Heaven, deities and fairies of a hundred grottos! Help me return vision to the virtuous mother. Return to the filial son his voice. Return to the filial son his voice. Help me return vision to the virtuous mother.

Oh, Mom!

Mom! (Phú Long!) Mom! (Phú Long!)

Your vision is back all of a sudden. It’s Phú Long’s voice calling his mother!

I bow in gratitude, O benefactor. Heaven indeed has eyes to bestow such grace.

Girl, stop praying right now! What kind of grace is it? What’s right or wrong? What do you humans with physical eyes know to dare sing praise?

And you! You violated the law from the celestial palace and are thus confined on Earth. Yet you continue to use Holy Queen Mother’s magic power to rescue mother and son before seeking approval from God the Jade Emperor. I now obey the Jade Emperor to banish Ngọc Nữ to the Northern Sea.

No, you can’t take the fairy away. Why judge a righteous person?

You can’t take the fairy away. Why judge a righteous person?

A headstrong bunch indeed! Dare you go against Heaven’s sanction? Ngọc Nữ, listen! If you want those people to stay alive, then get to Northern Sea immediately. If you disobey, two people will be crushed under this divine spear. That’d be Phú Long and Chế Phụng. (No!)

Hold it! I agree to be exiled to the Northern Sea.

O Fairy!

O Elder, Phú Long, Chế Phụng and everyone, listen! A human life, with its 36,000 days, is brief. After I leave, Elder and all of you just stay and learn to cultivate rice and weave fabric. That is to create good fortune and happiness, to build your homeland amid adversities.v Ngọc Nữ! Be quiet, now!

I leave here with you my love. My anguish grows as the miles stretch between us.

O Fairy, the tide rises wave after silvery wave. You go to a strange land, yet your great favor is remembered.

O Elder, look forward to our reunion in the future.

Though Southern sky and Northern Sea are apart, we engrave this love in our hearts.

O silvery waves! Send Dương Ngọc faraway from here!


Deities and fairies, countless well wishes and melodious singing. For thousands of years, our achievements are as magnificent as the Thái Mountain, as splendid as the everlasting Hoàng River. Like green buds, strong and vibrant, we firmly steer the ship of rank and power to glory. we firmly steer the ship of rank and power to glory. We raise our cups amidst countless well wishes and melodious singing.

Dương Ngọc! Please!

For thousands of years, our achievements are as magnificent as the Thái Mountain, as splendid as the everlasting Hoàng River. Like green buds, strong and vibrant, we firmly steer the ship of rank and power to glory. we firmly steer the ship of rank and power to glory.

Dismissed! That dance tenderly rouses a romantic mood. Golden moon shimmers on the shrine loft. Why is your youthful and lovely countenance lacking glow?

Since Your Highness asks, I’m obliged to explain.

What is it, Dương Ngọc?

I’m someone who dwells amidst the mountain and forest in foreign soil. The blissful time with people in that distant land of Đại An has been deeply ingrained in my mind. Coming to the Northern Sea, I’m fortunate to be brought here to keep Your Highness company. In the royal garden, we’ve sung and composed twin poems at late night. O Your Highness, that may be called joy, but I...

Dương Ngọc! But... but what, precious?

Alas! I miss the times when I sowed rice seeds. I miss that life when food and clothes were lacking, yet people were truly loving, heart and soul. I now take refuge in foreign soil, but my mind lingers in that blissful time. O Crown Prince, though my body is imprisoned in the Northern Sea, my heart yearns ceaselessly for the Southern sky.

O Dương Ngọc! Since I met you, the splendor of the capital city isn’t different from worldly dust, and the royal garden seems like a mountain area. Every morning, I falter with every step, overcome with emotion. Every evening, I await anxiously. When the sky turns red at sunset, it’s when you appear from this aloewood statue and join me in poetry and recital to our hearts’ content. O Dương Ngọc! This is a silken fan bestowed by my Royal Father, on which we will compose twin poems tonight.

I borrow poetry to confide my feeling. Please render some comment, lovely Fairy.

Yes, Your Highness. Such a beautiful poetic work! Dew falls on the royal palace at late night. Dream fades – Spring impression lingers still. Timidly, a waft of breeze comes through the chamber’s window. A waning moon, a perplexed soul, forlorn! I wander about the night-long, awaiting my precious friend. In the literary room, alone I brood. This world is vast, people are myriad. Where am I to find a kindred soul? Alas! In your self-narrative poem, every word, a lofty melody of love, every thought stirs the heart.

Oh Dương Ngọc, why?!

But as I think of the changing nature of this world, I feel it difficult to tell the particulars of my story.

Dương Ngọc!

The drum signifying night’s end is resounding. Alas, our time together has come to an end!

Dương Ngọc!

In that wooden statue, I seek refuge during daylight. (No.) I will be with you again at moonrise.

No, Dương Ngọc! Wait! O Dương Ngọc, we’ve just met; why part so soon? Our heart-to-heart talk isn’t yet complete, we already have to part ways. For a thousand days since I have known you, that many nights I’ve shed doleful tears. O cherished, I’ve wept far into the night.

Lưu Quang, O beloved! One is a celestial being, the other an Earthling; thus I advise you not to make solemn vows to the sea and mountain.

O Dương Ngọc! Why did we chance upon each other if we aren’t meant for a lifetime bond on Earth? Dương Ngọc!

Look! The horizon is brightening.

Dương Ngọc!

It’s time I must bid you adieu.

Wait! Dương Ngọc!
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