The Truth About Merits:How to Gain or Lose Them - P6/13 July 7, 2010 Los Angeles, CA, USA    
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Hi, Master. (Hi, love.) What are the jobs that have the most merit? What kinds of jobs have the most merit? (Yes.) Any kind of job that awakens humans’ souls and leads them back to God. (Yes.) That’s the best job, (Yes, yes. Yes, Master.) earns the most merit.

How do these positions compare in terms of merits: Master’s attendant, resident, contact persons, Supreme Master Television worker, Loving Hut worker, teacher, animal rights activist, vegan restaurant owner or worker, vegan clothes shop owner or worker, vegan hotel owner or worker, organic vegan farmer, animal farmer or hunter… Oh my God! Animal farmer and hunter! Okay, anymore jobs? Tobacco or alcohol seller, and drug dealer. There is no comparison between vegetarian restaurant, Loving Hut for example, teacher, and the animal farmer or hunter. My God. All of the jobs that help people awaken their consciousness or nourish them physically or mentally, emotionally, are meritorious jobs. Any jobs that harm others, kill animals or kill men, are destined for hell. Okay? Yes, Master.

You know animal farmers – for meat and eggs and dairy farmers and all that – and hunters are jobs that are destined for hell. We should not even contemplate in our dream even. Yes, Master. Okay? (Yes, Master.) Right.

The next question is: What is the merit earned when we rescue or adopt an abandoned animal from the street or animal shelter? When you adopt an animal, either domestic or wild, you just care for that animal with all your love and your attention and do whatever you can to make him or her comfortable. You don’t think in terms of merit anymore, okay? (Yes, Master.) And if we gain some merit out of that, then it’s fine. But I don’t think we should even think of merit.

Like when I adopted my dogs, I only loved them so much I just had to take them home. I wish I could take the whole pound home, for example like that. I never thought of merit, so I don’t even know if we have any merit or not. But I am sure if you rescue such an abandoned or distressed or injured animal, the merit is in itself. The merit is that you look at yourself – suppose if you even think of in terms of merit – then you look at yourself, you feel that, you are a human being, you are worthy to be called “the children of God.” And that’s a merit in itself, for example.

And the merit, more, is that the animals, they love you, love you, love you so much. Every day you have so much joy and happiness with these rescued animals, and that is more than any merit I could ask for. Okay, love? Yes, Master. Thank you very much. Thank you, Master. Welcome. It’s wonderful to speak to you again, Master, and thank you very much for your time. Thank you also for your time. Anytime, Master.

We are extremely privileged working here at Supreme Master Television, and being able to devote ourselves wholly to this mission. Sometimes we are very touched seeing our brothers and sisters who are out there in the so-called real world who work full time and have a family, but they still find time to record programs for Supreme Master TV or go out and do relief work, and work at Loving Hut part time. How much merits do they gain in comparison to someone working full time at Supreme Master Television headquarters, given that they have to balance it with their everyday life?

There is no comparison – I mean, both are different, okay? And it depends on how sincere you are, then you earn merit that way. But, if you want to know exactly how much, we have to sit down and compare two people. You tell me which one works full time in there and which ones are the ones you mentioned, and then I’ll make a calculation, how many times how many minutes. Maybe another time we can do that.

As I have told you guys already, whatever we do in this world, we do it because we feel the need to do it. Like for example, our world is in trouble, so we just have to do Supreme Master Television to remind people. But at the beginning of this, I never thought we will gain or lose merit or anything. We just do it because it’s necessary. Just like you see somebody drowning in the river, you don’t have time to think “to have merit or not merit.” All your heart is going into the benefit of that person, to pull him out immediately. You think, later on you see him well and happy and alive, you’re so happy yourself. (Yes.) And I think that’s even enough merit for me.

But at the moment, to be honest with you, I don’t know how much merit we gain or we don’t gain. I just feel that we work very hard for the worthy cause, and sometimes I feel like I am very grateful to you guys who work over there, and in that case, I’m also trying to work very hard to catch up with you, and we work together. Thank you, Master. You are our inspiration. I never think of merit.

Maybe now you asked about it, I’m sure we have some merit, but, well, you’re welcome to have it all. Whatever merits from television, you’re welcome to have all of them, all of you, the ones who work for Supreme Master Television. If I have any merit, I dedicate it all to you guys, okay? Thank you very much, Master. The best merit we could have out of this Supreme Master Television business is that we can save as many sentient beings… save their soul, awaken their compassionate nature again. That’s the best merit I can think of out of working for Supreme Master Television, don’t you? Yes. (Okay.) Thank you. You’re welcome.

But of course you’re asking because we are on the merit stuff, so we keep asking in that direction. But we, I don’t think any of you, or myself ever thinks of gaining any merit while working for Supreme Master Television or going to help unfortunate people or anything of the like, right? We don’t think of merit at all. Yes, okay. But while we’re discussing, we’re talking, okay? Right.

Hallo, Master. Hallo. Hi. (Hi) I have two questions. The first question is: A person who struggles to do a good job, but does it nevertheless, versus someone who willingly does something, is there a difference in merits earned for the same job?

Maybe not, maybe not. Yes, maybe not. The person who is struggling to try to do a good job or the person who is doing it easily but also doing it with all their heart, both are equally meritorious, I think. Because the reason he struggles is because he has more burden of karma (retribution) in the past life, but nevertheless, he still sticks to it and knowing what is good and he continues to do it. And the person who has it easy…because probably he has done similar things before, so he doesn’t have to struggle, or he has earned some other merit to help him to smooth out his path in this lifetime. So I think both are the same. Okay. Yes, Master. Yes, Master.

As long as they’re both sincere. Yes. Yes, Master. To follow on the question, the next question: Do we need to earn a certain level of merits in order to be a good tool for God and carry out Master’s work smoothly? Thank you, Master. Yes, we probably have earned some certain level of merit in order to be a good tool for God. We have to. We should. Yes, it’s smoother that way. Otherwise, even if we don’t feel it is smooth, we still carry on and continue with our best intention. Then it will be fine also. Yes, Master.

Hi, Master. Yes, hi. I have two questions. The first one is: Does one’s level of concentration or devotion while doing our job affect the amount of merit?

Yes, of course, of course. The level of concentration and devotion while we are doing our job affects the amount of merit – that is true. Okay. In a discussion with disciples before, you mentioned that there are Sixth-Level beings on this planet, however, you also mentioned before that it’s very rare that beings past the Fifth Level come down here. How was it that they were able to come here?

Yes, yes. They come, but they go fast. Normally they don’t stay that long because they have to go through a lot of difficulty to come down here, so nobody really likes to come down here and stay that long. Okay. Thank you. Do we gain more merits by working with good intention rather than mechanically, even if the end result is similar? Yes, if we have good intention we earn more merit, for sure.

My next question is: I have always thought that the motive behind the action is the most important in spiritual practice and the only thing that counts is the motive, not the action itself. But because I read a story from the Bible and there was an old poor woman going out of the temple and she gave two coins and the rich Pharisian, boasting, gave 300 coins; and Jesus said that the old woman was closer to the Kingdom of God than the Pharisian. And that story shows that action is not what counts, but the motive behind the action. Correct.

So, I have also difficulty understanding where the fairness is in a situation like the following: when a practitioner gives a meal without love to another person, a high-level being, and there is another person who gives the same meal to a low-level being but with full of joy and full of love, but doesn’t gain as much merits as the other one. So could you explain about that?

I don’t know who told you that. Did I tell you that? No, I’ve been told that. It was not you. No, it seems strange to me also. I think it’s not correct. Whomever we give, no matter how high level we are or how low level the person, we must give, of course, always with love and joy and unconditional spirit. That’s the only way we should give, no matter what level you are. Okay? Okay.

And we don’t care about merit, how much or not. Yes, Master. Yes. When we give to someone, all our attention and love goes into that person to make that person more comfortable, happy – and that is the only merit we should think of, okay? Yes, Master. All right. Thank you. Thank you, Master.
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