Auspicious Locations for Leaders' New Headquarters, a Boon for World Peace - P2/4 August 24, 2011    
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Supreme Master Ching Hai: Now we move to Algeria. I feel like I'm a student again, you know,with blackboard!

Q (m): Back to school.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: Instead of blackboard, we have whiteboard

(Q (f): Yes.) and a black pen. Before we have blackboard and white chalk.

(Q (f): Yes.) Okay.

Q (m): Back to Ching Hai School.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: Algeria presidential palace should move south,leaning two-thirds south west, 70 kilometers away. Now we do the same stuff again. Okay?

Supreme Master Ching Hai: Now that is west,east... Sorry I didn't divide well - lucky it's not a cake or we'll be fighting for which piece is bigger. Okay,never mind, forgive me. This is south.

This is north,for example. Okay now,the Algerian presidential palace should move south. South is here,but leaning to two-thirds south west, 70 kilometers. First we have to say 70 kilometers. South west,okay, more south than west. Okay now this is south west, get south west and lean two-thirds. Okay,this is south. We divide into 3 pieces again. And it should be here. Got it

Q (m): Yes.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: This is a one-third and this is two-thirds. So the presidential palace would move in the south but lean toward two-thirds of south west. Got it? (Q (m): Yes. )

Supreme Master Ching Hai: Is it easy? (Q (m): Yes. )

Supreme Master Ching Hai: Okay,good. Now the police headquarters also had problem with the negative influence, so,we should move west. And this is easy. West is here; here,move central west. Okay? Central west. Yes,somewhere here and 80 kilometers away,from the old place. Suppose it's the old place here, have to move 80 kilometers away,yes. Something like that, got it? Okay,now.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: That's it. This one is simple,right. Just central west, 80 kilometers away from where it is. Look in the compass, where's the central west, just build right there. Is that simple?

Q (m): That is.

Q (f): Yes. Thank you,Master.

Q (f): The drawings really help.

Q (f): The drawings.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: I write it down,Algeria.

Q (m): Algeria.

Q (f): Algeria,yes.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: Algeria,okay? Got it,yes? (Q (m+f): Yes. )

Supreme Master Ching Hai: You zoom to the name also, in case they don't see it. Algeria,okay,so that it doesn't get mixed up when people want to look at it. Okay,we're done with Algeria. Now we move to the next country. I'm glad it's done. Icannot wait until after our celebration, I have to tell now. But until the last minute, I proofed all this, in case anything, you know,overlooked. But up to now, it's like this. Okay,now.

Q (f): (Thank you.)

Supreme Master Ching Hai: Now we move to, this is one,two done. Argentina.

Argentina. 『Don't cry for me, Argentina. The truth is I never left you. All through my wild days, my mad existence. I kept my promise. Don't keep your distance.』

Okay,Argentina presidential palace should move three-quarters north west center,okay, and move 50 kilometers. Here is west,north,east,south again,okay? It's like this,I might not do it the right direction here,but you look into the compass,it's simple. Now,north. Where's north? Okay, the presidential palace should move to north - north is here - and three-quarters north west. Okay,north west is right in the middle first of all and then we divide this into four pieces. Okay? Then the president should lean on the border of the three-quarters of north west because this is north west.

Q (f): I see.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: Understand,yes?

Q (m): Yes,Master.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: Is it easy?

Q (f) & (m): Yes.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: Okay,he moves north, but not right at the north central, but at the border of the three-quarters toward north west.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: Right. That's easy,done. Okay. Argentina doesn't have any other problem, so we're done with Argentina. You got it all? Yes?

Q (f): Yes. (Q (m): Yes.) Thank you,Master.

Q (m): Thank you.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: Camera,did you show it? Did you show? Okay,thank you. Now we move to Armenia: presidential palace should move west,lean three-quarters south west. Armenian presidential palace should move to the west but lean three-quarters south west, 30 kilometers away.

It's better we move because sooner or later something might happen in time. You see,sometimes it doesn't happen right away, but it will happen when the fruit is ripe, and we don't want to wait for these haphazard events to happen before we move; move now,move when it's still peaceful. It's easier,yes? Less cost.

Q (f): Yes,Master. (Q (m): Yes.)

Supreme Master Ching Hai: Okay now,east,west North,south again. Armenia. I have been there, remember?

Q (f): Yes,Master.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: Many years ago. I've been to Armenia. They even made a school in my name.

Q (f): That's wonderful.

Q (m): Yes.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: Yes,they're so kind. They're very pure people. West, the presidential palace…

Up to now we have presidential palace, military headquarters, Taliban for Afghanistan, and presidential palace, police headquarters for Algeria. Argentina, only presidential palace. Armenia, presidential palace. Remind me to write it, okay? (Q (m): Okay.)

Supreme Master Ching Hai: So that we don't get mixed up. Remember.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: Okay. (Q (m+f): Okay.)

Presidential palace should move west. Where is west? Here. Here is west. And then should lean to… south west. South west. This is south, and this is south west.

He should move to west, but lean toward three-quarters south west. Three-quarters south west is here? Okay,we divide into four first, before we say anything. So south west is this side. And three-quarters is this side. So the presidential palace is here,next to the west center,but leaning toward three-quarters south west. Now we got it,yes?

Q (f): Yes,thank you,Master.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: Is it clear? (Q (m): Yes.)

Supreme Master Ching Hai: Because it says here Armenia, west lean three-fourth, three-quarters of south west, so this is three-quarters of south west. And it's right here at the border. Okay? Good. We're done?

Q (m): Yes. (Q (f): Yes.)

Supreme Master Ching Hai: Armenia. Yes. Thirty kilometers away,west.
It looks small here, but in the whole planet, it will be bigger. Nevertheless, we have to be exact. Otherwise,we will bump into those negative stuff again, understand?

Q (f): Yes,understand.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: Are you alright,guys?

Q (f): Yes,we are fine,Master.

Q (m): Yes,Master. We're okay. Thank you.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: Thank you for your patience and the audience's patience.

Q (m): You have to do all the work, we're doing the easy part.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: I know. But you are patient listening and all that. Yes,I had all done it here and I forgot. All I have to do is just copy this and it'd be easier. I forgot. You know,I have done some of the work already, when I'm doing that, okay? (Q (m): Yes.)

Supreme Master Ching Hai: Just to make sure, last minute check already, and all I do is just have to copy it, and I forgot all about it. Okay.

Q (m): Too busy,too busy.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: Yes, just these things are big, so I'm also kind of overwhelmed a little bit. Now, we go toward Australia.

All the problem-influenced countries. Australia has to move two things: Prime Minister palace and military headquarters.

Right. Now we do it again. Same stuff. Here east,west, north,south. Now the Australian Prime Minister palace…

Australia,『down under,』Prime Minister palace of Australia has to move east - central east. That's easy for me.
Right central east. East. Central. No complication anymore. I remember after these first few countries, everything else is more straightforward. You know,like south east,or east south, or north west,or north.

Yes? (Q (m): Yes.)

Supreme Master Ching Hai: I asked,『Why is it only the first few ones is like…』 They said

just coincidentally,I mean. Not because these are top of the list.

It's funny. It's all『A』,A,A,A, you know? Algeria,Argentina.

They're all the first four. There are a few more afterwards, but it's not much. Okay? Now. Move more central east. This is here. That is the Prime Minister place.

Prime Minister…

Okay? I write it short. And how many kilometers away? (Q (m): Forty kilometers away. Forty kilometers away from the old place,right?

Q (m+f): Yes,Master.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: From old.

And the military… I check out wherever I do, so we don't forget. Military headquarters should move north and central north. Thirty kilometers. Here is north, and 30 kilometers away. Move toward central north. That's it. Right in the middle. This is military

headquarters. It's simple for us?

Q (f): Yes,Master.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: This is the Prime Minister. This is the military. Not right here. Not at the edge of the world. What I mean is right in the center when the compass of north, and 30 kilometers away from the old one. We're done with Australia?

Q (m): Yes,Master.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: Yes. Right. Okay,Australia is done. Now we go to Bahrain.

Wow. Bahrain has three places to move. Royal palace, military headquarters, and police headquarters. No wonder they have problems? (Q (f): Yes.)

Supreme Master Ching Hai: A little bigger.

Q (m): Yes.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: Bigger than others. Okay,here we are.

What is this here? South. North. This is Bahrain. It will take time. Bahrain. The royal palace has to move to north central, 60 kilometers away.

Sixty kilometers away from old,you know, right? From the old place, we should move 60 kilometers. That is the royal palace.

Royal palace. Now, move to north, north right in the center, and 60 kilometers. And now the military headquarters should move west south, not south west. Where is west south? Here it is. It is south west of course, but more west than south. It should move 70 kilometers away. This is military headquarters, should move 70 kilometers away west south,that means more west than south. This is west south, and more west. How much more west? Three-quarters west, one-quarter south.

Okay,west south here, so three-quarters in the west side and one- quarter on the south side. Understand now? ( Q (f): Yes,Master.) It's all written there. You got it,? Steve?

Q(f)&(m): Yes,Master.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: Okay,here three-quarters on this side and one-quarter on the south side. Yes? It's not right in the middle, not in the middle of south west but three-quarters on the west, one-quarter on the south.

We're done? Not yet.

Q (f): Police headquarters.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: This is the royal palace; move to the central.

Central,okay? North central. Okay. Now the military already there. Three-quarters west, one-quarter south. Now police headquarters. Northeast central. Thank God. Where is north east? Here is north east. Central. Easy. Okay? This is police, right in the middle. Okay,got it? And how many kilometers away? 60 kilometers away.

We got it,yes? Bahrain royal palace north central here, police headquarters north east central here, 60 kilometers away. The royal palace and the police headquarters both move 60 kilometers away from the old places. Okay,got it,yes?

Q (m): Yes,Master,we've got it.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: Military, three-fourth on the west, one-fourth on the south. Okay?

It's different when you see in the vision and when you write it all down,you know? I had to be quick at that time. Okay now,we're done with Bahrain. All done,check.

Now, Bangladesh only one. Presidential palace north east central 50 kilometers. That's easy. Do I have to write it? No? (Q(m & f): No.)

Supreme Master Ching Hai: No?

(Q (m): North east right on the line.) West,south,north, so easy. North east central 50 kilometers. Yes,north east, 50 kilometers away from the old one.

This is Bangladesh, presidential palace. Easy?

Q (m): Easy.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: Good,right,thank you. I think now I can read. I don't have to write it all, do I? If it's not so complicated. (Q (f): Yes,I think from now on, I read it then? I don't have to explain anymore.

Q (f): Yes,Master.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: Okay,Bangladesh, we're done. Now,Belarus, presidential palace should move to west; lean three-fourth north west central,again.

Another one. Okay,I write it as I wrote at home: east,west,south,north,okay. Now,the Belarus presidential palace moves west. West is here but leaning towards north west center. North west is here, three-fourth north west central. This is north west,we divide it into four pieces and it stays…The presidential palace is right there, leaning toward the border of the three-fourth of north west.

I write it down exactly when I wrote it at home. Q(m) : Yes,Master.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: This is the presidential palace,here.

And how many kilometers? 60 kilometers away

from the old place. Got it,yes? Right.

Q(m&f): Yes,Master.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: I got it exactly the same as what I do here. It's easier to copy.

No,because when I do that it was a lot of work already. You see what I mean? I should have just copied it. It's easier than to do it again.

Q (m): Yes,Master.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: It's too many things, you know? You have to concentrate well at that time.

Q (f): Yes,Master.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: And now military headquarters should move west south that means more west than south. Two-thirds west, one-third south. And 40 kilometers away from the old place. Okay. This is west,this is south. So,he moves west south. Okay,we put in first, here is south west but more west than south. That means two-thirds west… Let's make sure. Yes. Belarus, two-thirds west, it's right here, and one-third south. Understand this,yes?

Q(f)(m): Yes,Master.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: This is two-thirds and this is one-third. One-third in the south, two-thirds in the west.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: That is (Q (m): Yes Master.) west south, 40 kilometers away.

Q (m): Yes.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: This is the military. Actually by reading it, you can also make it out. Easier than listening, easier than I draw,but I just want to make sure. Headquarters, 40 kilometers away. Got it,yes?

Q(m)(f): Yes,Master.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: President (palace) 60 kilometers away, here the west leaning north west, military headquarters south west, but more west than south. Got it? Okay. We're done. (Yes,Master.)

Q (m): Supreme Master Ching Hai: Alright. Thank you. Thank you for being patient. We're only on first page, and only half of the first page yet; we have many pages to go.

We have 9 pages altogether. Nevertheless,everyone should just notice their own,so it doesn't matter. Right,now. Next one is… Belarus is done?

Q (f+m): Yes,Master.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: Yes. It's all correct. Belgium,the Dutch party headquarters should move north east central, 40 kilometers away from the old headquarters. That's easy,right?

Supreme Master Ching Hai: Right. Belgium done. Bermuda, prime minister palace should move south west, 60 kilometers away from the old one. More south than west. south 2/3,west 1/3. So the line south west, yes? (Q (f): Yes.)

Supreme Master Ching Hai: 2/3 from the south side, 1/3 on the west side. So south west,yes. Sometimes south west central but this one is not central. It's more south than west. Has to be exact like that. Okay.

Now Bhutan Bhutan royal palace should move to west central, 30 kilometers away from the old palace.

I'll say something before I forget: Even before you build the new palace, should find a place there to move first and then somewhere next to it, build the new one. Otherwise it takes too long to build a palace and something might happen in between already. You know what I mean?

Q(m&f): Yes,Master.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: Before it's too late. Okay. Right. Bermuda done. Bhutan done. Now I'm going next. Bolivia presidential palace should move south east, 60 kilometers away. More south than east. ¾ in the south, ¼ in the east.

Done. Bosnia-Herzegovina presidential palace should move west north, not north west; it's different from north west,see? West north: this already denotes more west than north - that's why I say west north and not north west - should move west north 70 kilometers away, more west than north. 2/3 on the west side. 1/3 on the north side.

Now,Bosnia done. Botswana presidential palace should move to central west,right in the middle of west,yes. 40 kilometers away.
Military headquarters should move west north 40 kilometers away, 2/3 on the west side, 1/3 on the north side.

Now,Bouvet Island, supposed to be uninhabited but if any,
you know, government vacation house or campsite or secret hideout should move away from where it was to the south central 6 kilometers away from the old place. That's the Bouvet Island which belongs to, I think,Norway. Norway is a peaceful country but there's something in Bouvet Island, whatever it was there has to move away,

(Q (f&m): Yes,Master.) so it will not affect the prime minister and the government and the people of Norway.

Q (m): Yes,we understand, Master.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: Move away 6 kilometers south,central of south. Now,Brazil presidential palace should move to the north, central north, 40 kilometers away. If anything you don't hear well, like I miss 6 kilometers or you don't hear well the number, please ask me.

Q(m)(f): Yes,Master.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: So we don't miss it, okay? Yes. (Q (f): Yes,Master.)

Q (m): Yes,Master, we'll do that.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: Because if you hear well, then the audience hears well,yes.

(Q(m&f): Yes,Master.) I'm afraid sometimes, the technological problem... Burma,you know, Burmese, or we call it Myanmar also,presidential palace should move west north, 50 kilometers away from the old palace. More west than north. ¾ west, ¼ north.

And Burmese, or Myanmar's military headquarter should move north east,30 kilometer, more north than east. ¾ north, ¼ east. That's Burma, or Myanmar,okay? (Q (m): Yes Master.)

Now Canada military headquarters should move to the south, central of south, 20 kilometers away from the old one.

Chechnya presidential palace,Chechnya, C-H-E-C-H-N-Y-A, okay, (Q (m): Yes Master.) should move the presidential palace to west north,30 kilometers away from the old palace, 2/3 west,1/3 north.  Check.

Chile: presidential palace should move to the west central, 30 kilometers away from the old palace.

China: presidential palace should move to east, central east, 40 kilometers away from the old one; and prime minister palace should move to east also,central east, 30 kilometers away from the old one. Check. China done.

Colombia, FARC headquarter, F-A-R-C,you know,the FARC group,yes, (Yes,Master.) headquarters,not the government, the anti-government FARC group headquarters should move to south central, 40 kilometers away from the old headquarter. Check.

Côte d'Ivoire, means Ivory Coast, presidential palace should move west, central west 30 kilometers away from the old one. Check.

Croatia: presidential palace,north central, 40 kilometers, should move to central of the north. North, central north, 40 kilometers away from old one.

Cuba: presidential palace should move to west central, 30 kilometers.

Cyprus: presidential palace should move south west, 20 kilometers away from the old palace but more south than west. ¾ south, ¼ west.
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