The Extraordinary Love and Immeasurable Wisdom of a Living Master - P1/14 Los Angeles, California, USA    
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Throughout the ages, compassionate enlightened Masters have urged people to surrender to the greater universal power by seeking the divine within, from which all other goodness and happiness follow. Supreme Master Ching Hai often spoke of the teachings of past Masters and answered the spiritual questions of fellow initiates during international gatherings or through tele- and videoconferences. On August 1, 2010, Supreme Master Ching Hai lovingly answered the questions of Supreme Master Television staff about merits, spiritual practice, and the benefits of a meat-free planet.

We now invite you to listen to part 1 of “The Extraordinary Love and Immeasurable Wisdom of a Living Master,” a teleconference with Supreme Master Ching Hai and the staff of Supreme Master Television in Los Angeles, California, USA.

We now invite you to listen to part 2 of “The Extraordinary Love and Immeasurable Wisdom of a Living Master,” a teleconference with Supreme Master Ching Hai and Supreme Master Television staff in Los Angeles, California, USA.

We now invite you to listen to part 3 of the 14-part series titled “The Extraordinary Love and Immeasurable Wisdom of a Living Master,” a teleconference with Supreme Master Ching Hai and the staff of Supreme Master Television in Los Angeles, California, USA.

We now invite you to listen to part 4 of the 14-part series titled “The Extraordinary Love and Immeasurable Wisdom of a Living Master,” a teleconference with Supreme Master Ching Hai and the staff of Supreme Master Television in Los Angeles, California, USA.

We now invite you to listen to part 5 of the 14-part series titled “The Extraordinary Love and Immeasurable Wisdom of a Living Master,” a teleconference with Supreme Master Ching Hai and the staff of Supreme Master Television in Los Angeles, California, USA.

We now invite you to listen to part 6 of the 14-part series titled “The Extraordinary Love and Immeasurable Wisdom of a Living Master,” a teleconference with Supreme Master Ching Hai and the staff of Supreme Master Television in Los Angeles, California, USA.

We now invite you to listen to part 7 of the 14-part series titled “The Extraordinary Love and Immeasurable Wisdom of a Living Master,” a teleconference with Supreme Master Ching Hai and the staff of Supreme Master Television in Los Angeles, California, USA.

We now invite you to listen to part 8 of the 14-part series titled “The Extraordinary Love and Immeasurable Wisdom of a Living Master,” a teleconference with Supreme Master Ching Hai and the staff of Supreme Master Television in Los Angeles, California, USA.

We now invite you to listen to part 9 of the 14-part series titled “The Extraordinary Love and Immeasurable Wisdom of a Living Master,” a teleconference with Supreme Master Ching Hai and the staff of Supreme Master Television in Los Angeles, California, USA.

We now invite you to listen to part 10 of the 14-part series titled “The Extraordinary Love and Immeasurable Wisdom of a Living Master,” a teleconference with Supreme Master Ching Hai and the staff of Supreme Master Television in Los Angeles, California, USA.

We now invite you to listen to part 11 of the 14-part series titled “The Extraordinary Love and Immeasurable Wisdom of a Living Master,” a teleconference with Supreme Master Ching Hai and the staff of Supreme Master Television in Los Angeles, California, USA.

We now invite you to listen to part 12 of the 14-part series titled “The Extraordinary Love and Immeasurable Wisdom of a Living Master,” a teleconference with Supreme Master Ching Hai and the staff of Supreme Master Television in Los Angeles, California, USA.

We now invite you to listen to part 13 of the 14-part series titled “The Extraordinary Love and Immeasurable Wisdom of a Living Master,” a teleconference with Supreme Master Ching Hai and the staff of Supreme Master Television in Los Angeles, California, USA.

We now invite you to listen to part 14 of the 14-part series titled “The Extraordinary Love and Immeasurable Wisdom of a Living Master,” a teleconference with Supreme Master Ching Hai and the staff of Supreme Master Television in Los Angeles, California, USA.

It has been a pleasure to have your loving company for today’s episode of Between Master and Disciples. Join us again on Monday for part 2 of the teleconference with Supreme Master Ching Hai titled “The Extraordinary Love and Immeasurable Wisdom of a Living Master.” Now, please stay tuned to Supreme Master Television for Animal World: Our Co-Inhabitants, coming up next after Noteworthy News. We wish you a happy and blessed week!

We appreciate your happy company for today’s episode of Between Master and Disciples. Join us again tomorrow for part 3 of the teleconference with Supreme Master Ching Hai titled “The Extraordinary Love and Immeasurable Wisdom of a Living Master.” Healthy Living is coming up next, right after Noteworthy News. We wish you many happy and blessed moments with your family and loved ones.

It was a pleasure to have you with us for today’s episode of Between Master and Disciples. Join us again next Monday for part 4 of the teleconference with Supreme Master Ching Hai titled “The Extraordinary Love and Immeasurable Wisdom of a Living Master.” Please stay tuned to Supreme Master Television for Animal World: Our Co-Inhabitants up next right after Noteworthy News. May divine blessings fill your life with wonder and peace.

Thank you for joining us for today’s episode of Between Master and Disciples. Join us again tomorrow for part 5 of the teleconference with Supreme Master Ching Hai titled “The Extraordinary Love and Immeasurable Wisdom of a Living Master.” And now, Healthy Living is up next, right after Noteworthy News. Wishing you much love and peace under Heaven’s grace.

Thank you for joining us for today’s episode of Between Master and Disciples. Join us again next Monday for part 6 of the teleconference with Supreme Master Ching Hai titled “The Extraordinary Love and Immeasurable Wisdom of a Living Master.” Animal World: Our Co-Inhabitants is up next, right after Noteworthy News. Please stay tuned to Supreme Master Television. May your spirit be immersed in God’s ocean of unconditional love.

Thank you for your compassionate company for today’s episode of Between Master and Disciples here on Supreme Master Television. Tune in tomorrow for part 7 of the teleconference with Supreme Master Ching Hai titled “The Extraordinary Love and Immeasurable Wisdom of a Living Master.” Healthy Living is up next, right after Noteworthy News. May your life be graced abundantly with God’s boundless love and blessings.

We appreciate your gracious presence for today’s episode of Between Master and Disciples. Join us again next Monday for part 8 of the teleconference with Supreme Master Ching Hai titled “The Extraordinary Love and Immeasurable Wisdom of a Living Master.” Please stay tuned to Supreme Master Television for Animal World: Our Co-Inhabitants coming up next, right after Noteworthy News. May your heart be filled with joy and tranquility.

It was a pleasure to have you with us today for Between Master and Disciples here on Supreme Master Television. Tune in tomorrow for part 9 of the teleconference with Supreme Master Ching Hai titled “The Extraordinary Love and Immeasurable Wisdom of a Living Master.” And now, Healthy Living is up next, right after Noteworthy News. May your spirit be immersed in God’s unconditional and healing love.

Thank you, peace-loving viewers, for your company for today’s episode of Between Master and Disciples here on Supreme Master Television. Tune in next Monday for part 10 of the teleconference with Supreme Master Ching Hai titled “The Extraordinary Love and Immeasurable Wisdom of a Living Master.” Animal World: Our Co-Inhabitants is up next, right after Noteworthy News. With Heaven’s grace, may your life be filled with joy and laughter.

Thank you, kind-hearted viewers, for joining us for today’s episode of Between Master and Disciples. Join us again tomorrow for part 11 of the teleconference with Supreme Master Ching Hai titled “The Extraordinary Love and Immeasurable Wisdom of a Living Master.” And now, Healthy Living is up next, right after Noteworthy News. May Heaven grace your life with love, kindness, and joy.

It was a pleasure to have you with us today for Between Master and Disciples. Join us again Monday for part 12 of the teleconference with Supreme Master Ching Hai titled “The Extraordinary Love and Immeasurable Wisdom of a Living Master.” Please stay tuned to Supreme Master Television for Animal World: Our Co-Inhabitants, coming up next right after Noteworthy News. May your spirit glows wondrously in harmony with the glorious music of Heaven.

Thank you for your company for today’s episode of Between Master and Disciples. Join us again tomorrow for part 13 of the teleconference with Supreme Master Ching Hai titled “The Extraordinary Love and Immeasurable Wisdom of a Living Master.” Please stay tuned to Supreme Master Television for Healthy Living, coming up next right after Noteworthy News. May your days be filled with love and kindness.

It was a pleasure to have you with us for today’s episode of Between Master and Disciples. Join us again next Monday for part 14 of the teleconference with Supreme Master Ching Hai titled “The Extraordinary Love and Immeasurable Wisdom of a Living Master.” Please stay tuned to Supreme Master Television for Animal World: Our Co-Inhabitants up next right after Noteworthy News. May divine blessings fill your life with wonder and peace.

Thank you for joining us for this special series that is filled with spiritual wisdom and insight titled “The Extraordinary Love and Immeasurable Wisdom of a Living Master,” a teleconference with Supreme Master Ching Hai and the staff of Supreme Master Television. And now, Healthy Living is up next, right after Noteworthy News. Farewell and God bless.
Hallo! Hallo, Master! Thank you. Thank you, guys. Thank you. Thank you. How are you? How is everybody doing? We’re good, Master! How are you?

You’re good? How are you, Master? I’m great. I’m good. I’m good. I’m much better. Yes, yes.

Good to hear that, Master. Most beloved Master, it’s such an honor and joy to be with you today via teleconference. You’re welcome. I also like. I also like. We feel extra blessed and incredibly pampered, and we’re so grateful that you’re taking the time to talk with us again, knowing that you have a full schedule. So, we really thank you, Master. I thank you also for having me. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you, Master.

Master, since our last conference a few weeks ago, we’ve had a lot to think about merit, and since then more questions have arisen. (Sure.) We would be so privileged today if we could ask you some more questions for further understanding. Question, question, question! Yes, typical journalist! Okay, go ahead. Thank you, Master. If I know, I’ll be glad to answer you. Thank you, Master.

My first question is: How come physical activities like going out shopping or watching movies, we would lose our spiritual merit as opposed to losing our physical merit points instead?

The reason we lose spiritual merit is because when your attention is focused on the outside events or beauties, or something that’s attractive, you forget God at that time. (Oh, I see, Master.) (Right.) That’s one thing. That means you are not earning anything, and then you are connecting with that, whatever events or whatever attracts you, and then your spiritual merit will seep onto that object. Understand? Yes, Master.

Yes. And, of course, at that time when you are too engrossed in these kinds of attraction, then you forget the five protective shields, okay? Yes, Master. That’s what it is. Thank you, Master. Welcome. Anything in this world that attracts our attention makes us lose our inward connection, okay? Yes, Master. Master, can we lose merit points in our dreams, for example, if we have dreams where we do a lot of low level things from outside life? And if so, how many points do we lose and what is the best way to stop these dreams? Thank you, Master. Yes. You’re welcome. We do lose some.

As we sleep, often we are not in control of what we do or what we see or where the soul goes, so that’s why the ancient practitioners, they meditate all the night. And many times I read you some stories from other Masters, they always tell you: be awake, stay awake. Yes? Yes, Master.

But since it’s not always possible, at least meditate before bedtime to minimize this, to minimize those bad nightmares, bad dreams, or to clean up the past bad karma (retribution) so that it doesn’t go and grab you in the dream, and also to maybe lead you into a more pleasant road, a less troublesome road. At the time of initiation, I told you already that we should meditate before we sleep. That’s the reason. (Yes, Master.) Okay? Right. Thank you, Master. (Welcome.)

And Master, how many merit points will be lost for 10 minutes of chatting nonsense to other people, for example? Let me see. It depends, of course, also. Just like the dream, it depends on what you dream and what you do, and it depends on what kind of topics you are chatting about; gossip or something, then in that case, if we talk bad about other people, then we might lose like 500 points. And if it’s just talking about the weather, or anything no harming or no bad intention to anybody, then maybe 200 points. Yes? Okay? Okay. Thank you, Master. Good reminder.

I sometimes gossip also. Okay? Yes. Yes, Master. I sometimes gossip also, not because I like to gossip but because I want to send some cleaning to the person that I’m gossiping about. For example, if I talk to you about some bad guy – because the bad guy is not here for me to clean, I talk to you about him– then in that case he gets some cleaning from my positive energy, and I lose maybe 500 points. Got it? Yes? Yes, Master. So, the 500 points you lose, he gains them automatically, or is it less than… No, he gains more. He gains more than 500 points. He gains maybe 10,000 points for that. Yes, to clean up the bad things that he did, some of the bad karma (retribution).

Well, if you can afford to lose 500 points every time you gossip, then go ahead. I don’t know if we can afford that, Master. Okay. It’s better we save it. But I have a hard job to do, you know? I have a difficult job. Yes, Master. Sometimes I have to do things that I told you not to do. Yes? Yes, Master. Yes, so please forgive me if I gossip, okay? Understand, Master. All right, my love. Anything else, sweetheart? Yes, Master.

I have a question. From our last conference, I received the impression that when one gets angry and has negative feelings, like hateful feelings, that we lose a lot of merits. Yes. Right. Could you please tell us more about what exactly happens when we get angry and we have hateful feelings towards others? When we are angry or we have hateful feelings towards others, it’s also the same as when we have loving feelings towards others.

But when we have a loving feeling, both feel comfortable and you don’t lose so much merit. But when you have a hateful feeling or are angry, it is a very strong emotion. It’s like a locomotive, it will send the positive energy toward that person; it will be leaking from you, from your side, because you’re connected with it. Yes? That’s why you lose a lot of merit. Yes? Yes, Master. Just like if we’re connected with Divine Heavens while we are reciting the Divine Name or we meditate, then we get that Heaven quality because we’re connected. Just like you’re connected with water, you get water, you’re connected with electricity, you get electricity. Understand? Yes, Master. All right.

So, if we’re connected with bad quality, opposite quality, then we get that bad quality as well, and that person gets good quality from us, if we have any. Otherwise, we will also give him the bad quality from us. Yes? Yes, Master. And just like a phone line, or TV, radio channels, you switch on to which channels, you get that kind of program, okay? Yes, Master. But the reason why we lose a lot of merit when we hate somebody or get angry with somebody is because that person somehow emits badness, negative energy, that makes you feel irritated. Or maybe you met a bad quality about this person, that’s why you hate him or her. Yes?

So if we think of negative, that is negative in any case. You see? So, because we think of that negative quality or remember negative things, that will stay with us or come to us, at least for a while, and so, instead of getting more merit, you lose it because at that time when you’re hating people, you don’t remember God, you are not earning any good merit. Instead, you’re losing your merit for cleaning up the negative influences.

Whenever there’s some negative that comes to us, our positive power will try to clean it, so we lose it: it will go toward that person some, and some to clean us. That’s why we lose the merit. It’s just like using water to clean the dirt, okay? Yes, Master. Could you tell us exactly how many merit points we lose when we get angry or have hateful feelings? It depends on how strong, okay? It depends on how strong you hate that person, how much you are angry, yes? You could lose up to 10,000 points, honey.

Now, remember every time you’re angry or have hatred towards somebody, you recite the Holy Names, okay? Yes, Master. One thing: take a deep breath or walk out somewhere, or different scenery, or read a book or watch TV or talk to somebody about something nice, or remember something pleasant, and forgive that person. Yes, Master. Yes. That’s why Jesus or every other Master told us we have to forgive the enemies. Yes, Master. Even if the enemies are not easy to forgive, but if we forgive them, we are benevolent to ourselves. That’s the first thing. You see what I mean? Yes, Master. Because

if we hate somebody, we are losing our goodness and spiritual, hard-earned, points. In Âu Lạc (Vietnam), we say, if you love somebody, it’s like you would send love to yourself; if you hate somebody, it’s like you’re giving them fertilizer or nourishment. So that person is growing and you’re losing. Yes. All right. We hear that a lot in your teachings, as well as in the scriptures, about how whatever we send out to others, we receive it promptly. SM: Yes.

What can we, as human beings, do to prevent wars from happening?

People’s consciousness has to be raised up. And the energy of the world changes, then people will also change. And the concept about war and peace has to be ingrained in people’s understanding. You know? We have to teach peace and morals and neighborly love to children when they are at a very young age already. Then maybe that will help, okay?

Tune in to Supreme Master Television Monday, September 13 for the teleconference with Supreme Master Ching Hai titled “The Extraordinary Love and Immeasurable Wisdom of a Living Master” on Between Master and Disciples.

Tune in to Supreme Master Television today for our program, “The Extraordinary Love and Immeasurable Wisdom of a Living Master,” on Between Master and Disciples.

Are there ways to improve our LQ (Loving Quality), NQ (Noble Quality), and DQ (Deep Quality)?

Together with devoted, correct concept and meditation method, you will be able to correct and raise your quality to a higher standard. Try to always lean to the goodness side, to the noble side, then you won’t go wrong.

Tune in to Supreme Master Television Monday, September 20 for the teleconference with Supreme Master Ching Hai titled “The Extraordinary Love and Immeasurable Wisdom of a Living Master” on Between Master and Disciples.

Tune in to Supreme Master Television today for our program, “The Extraordinary Love and Immeasurable Wisdom of a Living Master,” on Between Master and Disciples.
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