Supreme Master Ching Hai on the Environment: Serve Others with Your Heart - P2/2 August 27, 2008    
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As long as there are people eating vegan, then it’s okay.

In business, you have to base on the customers’ preference. Therefore, I’ve already said earlier: as long as people are able to eat vegan, then it’s okay. It doesn’t matter if it’s Loving Hut or any “Hut.” Any “Hut” is okay. As long as they come in and they “drink” (“drink” in Aulacese sounds like “Hut”) then it’s okay. If not, it’s also okay to change it to Loving Drink, slurp on vegan phở (a popular Aulacese noodle soup), drink some vegan congee.

Master, I noticed that the Westerners are more simple in eating. One day, it was so busy that we ran out of chili pepper when we cooked phở, so I added red bell pepper. (They were okay with it?) Yes. Some regular customers asked, “How come today the spicy flavor is somehow different.” “Oh, I’m sorry. It’s because we ran out of chili pepper; our restaurant doesn’t have any more, (I ate them all up!) so I put red bell pepper.”

It’s still tasty, no problem. It’s fine. In the future, you have to buy a warehouse, understand? so you can store chili pepper. Rent a warehouse (“kho”), a so-called “chili pepper warehouse (“kho”),” not cooked (“kho”) chili pepper! (In Aulacese, the words “cook” and “warehouse” sound the same.) Whatever you do is fine. Regarding Loving Hut, if anyone wants to open one and make it the same like in Formosa (Taiwan), then it’s okay. (Yes.)

But if you don’t do it in that style, then a different style is fine. Okay? It’s just a guideline, understand? It’s a general guideline, understand? Anyone who wants to use that name, and learn to cook that way, it’s also okay. If not, you open any kind of vegan restaurant is okay, understand? As long as people eat vegan, the food is flavorful, and they eat a lot, it’s already okay. Understand? (Yes.)

The important thing is that people eat vegan food. Understand? If anyone who doesn’t know how to cook, then ask, and then cook the same way, like Loving Hut. If you want, then do it. It becomes like a brand, so the people who come in know what they’re getting. Understand? The concept is like that. If not, you can do it differently, no problem. You can cook anything, as long as it’s tasty. Since it’s Âu Lạc (Vietnam), perhaps you have to make it a little differently. (It’s different, Master.) Make different dishes, no problem. Just try, okay? (Yes.) Respected Master, I have one question, it’s like this… In Europe, they usually like Asian cuisine.

I live in Austria, and the fellow practitioners have opened a very small restaurant, but in my opinion, I think we should sell both Loving Hut food and the different Asian dishes. I’ve already mentioned that, meaning that Loving Hut should have only one, two, or three dishes, and each of the local areas has to add the local dishes to the menu. (Yes.)

Just like my restaurant in Hà Nội, Master. In Đà Nẵng, I cook a variety of noodle dishes, as well as Quảng noodle. I brought all those dishes to Hà Nội, but after one or two weeks, we couldn’t sell them, Master. You can only sell bean sprouts in Hà Nội. No, if you sell water spinach in the South, then no one would eat, understand?

You bring water spinach to the South and bean sprouts to the North, then no one would eat. Sometimes we can make one or two special dishes for the customers to try for one or two weeks. For example, say, “This week we have a special dish, vegan bún riêu (an Aulacese noodle soup), made by some pregnant woman. It’s special just for this week only,” for example like that.

Anyone who likes bún riêu will go in and eat. The following week, we make a different special dish. Understand? That means that aside from all the main items, we can make something special, and if the customers like it, then we make it again. We say we’re rotating. (Yes.) Now and then we have a different dish. We already have the main dishes; the ones that the customers eat often, we keep them on the menu. Understand?

If there is a dish that we want the customers to try to see if they’d like it so that we can add it to the menu, then we try for one, two weeks now and then. This week is such-and-such, another week is such-and-such, okay? (Yes.) Or today we have this, and the next day we have that. We have to change continuously, Master. Every day when cook, we rotate constantly.

Master, I would like to boast to you that we have just opened a vegan restaurant in the Czech Republic; it’s been five months. But it’s because of Master’s blessings, so much blessing. Anyone who came into the restaurant praised how good the food was. Really? You made me work over there, huh?

We don’t know why, but every customer who came in left expressing their thanks, and they really like our restaurant. Although we opened the restaurant, truly the food has Master’s blessings to turn out this way. Anyone who came in to eat said, “Oh my God! It’s so good! I’ve never eaten anything as good as this!” Yes, it’s because you are sincere, you have love for others, and you have a good heart. We only cook with fresh vegetables, fresh and tasty. Our motto is to cook fresh and delicious food (That’s right.) and it will be easy for people to eat. Every day we change the food, so the customers really liked that, Master. Every one of them like it. Yes, fresh and tasty, hygienic; they will eat non-stop.

(Yes. Anyone who came in to eat, left contented. No one has ever complained.) That’s right. It has to be like that, then it’s good. It’s lighter, right? The work is relaxed and you feel light. Why make it so complicated and tough, so tiring that they can’t even eat it.

They haven’t eaten yet but they’re tired already. The customers really loved it. And after they’d read Master’s flyer – all of them read it –(Okay.) they all liked it and brought it home. One person recommended it to another and they bring in more customers for us. That’s right. You must have faith, (Yes.) and business is good. As practitioners, we have the blessing power, there’s nothing to fear. Yes, if they don’t eat the dish we cook today, then tomorrow we cook a different dish, no problem. (Yes.) We have to be flexible, right? (Yes.) At the restaurant in the Czech Republic,

we play Supreme Master TV and display Master’s DVDs and books, and the Czech people happily welcome them. They come in to eat, and whether they know about it or not, or they followed another religion, they are still polite and watch it and find out more about it.

You must have really strong faith, you must have the heart to serve others, you must have compassion for animals, and you must have sincerity and respect, then anyone who comes in will also feel that atmosphere. But it’s okay. Sometimes there are some places that are a little difficult, but it’s not like that everywhere. Any place that is tough, then we’ll be patient, and if the place is worry-free, then we relax and enjoy. If all the work is easy like how we want it, then surely I don’t have to sit here – no need to work anymore, no need to expend my energy to give talks. I’d just raise my hands, “Done! I’ve finished everything.”

Matters related to this world are not easy. If they come easy, then it’s our merits, okay? (Yes.) If it’s our affinity, then we’re in luck. Those matters that are not easy, we still have to do them.

If we sit there and keep talking, they’re still difficult, understand? I feel that we should just believe in Master and work, then whatever we do, we will enjoy. Regardless of what it might have been, ever since we opened the restaurant, any difficulty we faced, before we even prayed, Master had already arranged everything. It was so miraculous, Master. She is too much in a hurry. She wants to save the whole world, therefore, anything she does is quick quick. Otherwise, if she were slow like you, people would have all gone to hell already. That was your incredibly miraculous arrangement. Each time it happened to us there, we just looked at each other, “Oh my God! It’s Master who has come to bless us again. Master has arranged for us again.” Whenever we need help, Master sends it to us so quickly.

During those moments, we feel that any fellow initiates who open a vegan restaurant definitely will be successful. Why? At every moment, Master supports us 100%, even until now. That is what I want to tell everyone. As for me, Master has always taken meticulous care of me. If we truly want to serve sentient beings, protect animals and all that, then I always help in every moment – the Master power, your inner power. I’ll always help. (Yes.) It’s because we forget, we fear this and that about it.

But, in fact, this world is also a little troublesome and not that easy, understand? However, despite the difficulty, we have to do it. If we don’t do it, it will be even more difficult. Understand? (Yes.) We must be determined, right, Master? That’s right. In the beginning, it’s a little difficult, but it gets easier day by day, you see? The more people do it, the easier it gets. Later on, the whole world will be vegetarian. (Yes.) Then it’s easy, right? Wherever you go, you can always sit down and have vegetarian food. Isn’t that great? (Yes.) In the past, many times I did not have vegetarian food to eat. Oftentimes it was very difficult to find a vegetarian restaurant.

Now, we just open one. For example, if you are too tired and you don’t want to work all day, then just working at night is fine. It means you open for dinner only, for example, or just open for lunch only. Understand? (Yes.) If more fellow initiates can help or if you can hire more people to work all day, then it’s even better. It depends on your ability. If you do it, you’ll be successful, no problem. You’re only cooking, it’s no big deal. If we don’t know how to cook, we can learn from the Loving Hut people. We can create more dishes, according to your local region. Now on our website, there are many dishes, Master. We could try to learn more. Learning to cook from them is also all right. It’s okay. (Yes.)

I learned how to cook from your cookbook, Master, a Thai noodle dish. Now it’s the best selling dish in my restaurant – many people eat that dish (Really?) and it’s the most expensive. I’d say this dish has to be the most expensive one. Really? How is it the best selling dish? Because it’s expensive? Because it has many different kinds of vegetables, nine or ten different kinds (Understand.) and also tofu, (Right, it’s a lot of work.) so it also tastes very good. Therefore it’s the most expensive one. And Master’s dish… Which one is my dish? That dish I cook according to Master’s recipe. No, I didn’t cook that dish. The Thai fried noodle dish. Really, I made that? Yes, in the cookbook. Many people cooked in that book, not just me. “Supreme Kitchen.” I also know how to cook that dish. Thai people call it Pad Thai. Pad Thai, P-A-D and Thai; Pad-Thai is a Thai noodle, but usually the Thai people put shrimp in it and other things. In ours, we put tofu in it.

I just follow the recipe and cook. You just cook like that and it’s the best selling dish. The Czech people are addicted to this dish. (The Czech people are very simple.) They’re not picky. Easy to eat. Easy to eat and sells the best. Okay, very good. But it’s the only so-called most expensive dish in our restaurant. (Understand.) Our price has to be low. Yes, that’s right. It’s affordable. (Yes.)

It’s only the most expensive in our restaurant. (Understand.) Very good. Yes, I’m happy for you. Young people nowadays, about 20 years old, they need to have vegetarian food for lunch, but there’s a lack of sandwiches and such. There’s a need for it because these young people don’t have much money to go eat at a restaurant, therefore, they eat simple for lunch. Many of them want to eat vegetarian. Just make sandwiches. We can make sandwiches. We can still make sandwiches, Master. It’s so easy to make sandwiches.

Okay. I’m going now. You guys meditate. Thank you for the wonderful night. Have a good night. Good night, Master.
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