World Premiere of “The King & Co: Part 4" An Epic Saga Written and Directed by Supreme Master Ching Hai - Ep. 6/9 (In Aulacese)    
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The King & Co. – Part 6

It happened a few days ago already. Why are you reporting it just now?

Your Majesty, I emailed you a few times. Maybe Foreign Group deleted them all. Xù Xù, come here. Why didn’t you return to the court to report?

Your Majesty, I did barge in a few times but was grabbed by the neck and thrown out every single time. Today I risked it all, dog bites and cats scratches!

I climbed the wall to get here and report. Please quickly rescue His Highness! Hurry, hurry!

Ouch! How dare the guards at the Royal Gate have the nerve to do that! Bring them in for punishment!

Ouch! Ouch!

Your Majesty, it’s okay, please forgive them. It’s because I was trying to elude the CIA, FBI, police and custom officers, so I had to disguise myself as a commoner, scurrying back here, all blackened with dust. That’s why the guards at the gate couldn’t recognize me. Besides, I lost my royal badge, so I was hard pressed to explain.

All right then, I’ll put this aside for now.

Rescuing the Prince is an urgent matter. Please be quick in giving orders to save him.

Oh yes, urgently apprise our embassy and tell them to swiftly go rescue the Prince.

His Excellency the Ambassador hasn’t returned from va-ca-shin. I tried to call but only got an answering machine.

A... hem… Today the Đại Ngôn’s Embassy is closed for va-ca-shin in Morocco; we’re not sure if we can be back in 2 weeks. For pressing matters, please press 1.

To look for a specific person, please state the first name, family name, date of birth, ID card number, and issue date.

Looking for... looking for... My God, I forgot his name!

If you’re not sure whom you’re looking for, please press 2. My God!

Please state whom you’re looking for, which position, which office, birthplace, parentage, skin color, hair color, eyes color, etc., etc., etc., etc., etc.

Time is up. This machine is sleepy and unable to receive any signal at all.

Please press 4 for the operator.

Halo, halo. Operator???

You have 3 seconds left. Hurry up and deposit more money.

Woe to me! No more money! It’s late!

Where would I get change?

Have a nice day, buddy. Bye bye. What a machine! What a telephone! Ouch!

If only His Highness didn’t sneak out to see Miss Banana Pudding, we wouldn’t have gotten into this mess. It was already clear that His Majesty wouldn’t allow marriage to her, but he still insists on falling in love. What would banana pudding know about love?

We don’t know for sure if His Highness is innocent. Who knows? He might have been doing drugs; that’s why he was imprisoned.

Mr. Martial Mandarin, don’t be quick to judge and offend His Highness.

From what I know, His Highness is very kind and exemplary. Every day, he observes the vegan diet, meditates, and studies teachings of the sages. He has nothing to do with alcohol, meat, or addictive drugs.

Be Veg, Go Green 2 Save the Planet.

“Say YES to DRUGS”

“NO, NO, NO!”

“It is HOT”


“Nice stuff”

Meat & Animal Products = 80% Global Warming Be Veg, Go Green = Save the Planet

Banana Pudding! My Banana Pudding!

Yes, that’s correct. He sought a master to learn Dỗ Gà (Yoga).

The Prince is learning Dỗ Gà? (Dỗ Gà – pat the chicken – sounds like Yoga) Which Dỗ Gà? Whose chicken need to be patted?

It’s spelled Y-O-R-A.

Dô Ra (come and go)?

No, it’s spelled Y-O-G-A. Yoga. That’s meditation, Your Majesty.

Yes, it’s the Dỗ Gà meditation.

So, the Prince learns Dỗ Gà for whom? I mean, with whom?

Your Majesty…

Why are you stammering? Are you hiding something from me?

Speak now, or your head will fly off.

Your Majesty, only with your permission will this humble soldier dare to report.

Fine. Permission granted.

Your Majesty, His Highness learns the Tao (Truth) with Master T. H.

T. H.? What is T. H.?

May I have your permission again, Your Majesty?

Don’t be wordy! Hurry up and tell me. Who is T.H.?

Your Majesty, T. H. is short for Master Thiên Hậu.

Is it the Supreme Master Thiên Hậu?

Yes, Your Majesty.

I’ve heard of him... But how come you didn’t dare say his name?

Your Majesty, the Prison Head Mandarin ordered that whoever mentions the name of Master Thiên Hậu will be flogged 100 times and may possibly be put in jail until their collar bones rot!

What??? Flogged 100 times? Jailed???

Yes. They’re also forced to eat meat before they can be released. Whoever refuses will be kept in prison and endure extreme hard labor in the neck rehab camp.

What on Earth is the neck rehab camp?

The Prison Head Mandarin said these people have hard necks, so “rehab” is needed for softening.

What does this Master Thiên Hậu teach that’s so wrong, causing the Prison Head Mandarin to give such malicious orders?

Your Majesty, he only teaches people to be veg, meditate, do good deeds, and love all beings. “BE VEG, GO GREEN 2 SAVE THE PLANET”

What else?

He doesn’t collect fees but only requests that his disciples keep the precepts.

Tell me! 1 is no killing but be vegan 2 is no stealing but be charitable 3 is no lying but be honest 4 is no cheating on your spouse but be faithful…

5 is no... no...

What is it now?

I beg Your Majesty for permission again.


Your Majesty, the fifth precept is no taking of harmful intoxicants such as addictive drugs, tobacco, alcohol...

There’s nothing wrong with all that. How come the Prison Head Mandarin severely punishes those followers?

Your Majesty, in my humble opinion, in this world there are as many people who love us as those who envy us, especially those in powerful positions! I heard that many of the Prison Head Mandarin’s wives and mistresses study with the Master, so His Excellency was enraged with jealousy and let many of them sleep in “cages”. I also heard that big companies of meat, fish, alcohol, and addictive drugs often make very generous “offerings” to His Excellency; so their permits get approved very quickly without inspection. Whoever opposes those companies would also get flogged, jailed, or disappear.

Oh, how come they lose their toothpick? (“mất cái tăm” – lose the toothpick – sounds like “mất tăm” – disappear) The toothpick for your teeth?

Aya, no. “Mất tăm” means he’s gone for good, finished off, missing in action.

Give me one more.

Yes, Your Excellency, right away, here, here, here.

Are you messing with me?

So sorry, Your Excellency. Sorry.

Guards, bring them in. Beat them to death for me.

Following are stories about the dangers of tobacco.


The following story is about a very successful person in society who destroyed his own life by smoking cigarettes. Come have a drink with me. Thank you.

Bảo smokes a lot. I’m so sad, Mom and Dad!

Bảo, darling, please don’t smoke anymore! It’s very harmful to your health!

Nah! What harm? People smoke everywhere, no problem!

I saw in the news and newspapers, they all said that smoking causes lung cancer and discoloration; it can even endanger your life.

That’s enough! Don’t preach to me. My smoking has nothing to do with you.

Why not? Just breathing in your cigarette smoke, it’s harmful to me all the same!

Then go live by yourself. I’ll never quit smoking.

Bảo, are you all right? Oh dear, my God! Why are you coughing up blood like this? Oh God, honey… How come there’s blood all over! Bảo! Oh God… Bảo…

My God, what’s taking so long…

Is Mrs. Trần here? Your husband has advanced lung cancer. Please come with me.

This is the x-ray of a normal person’s lungs. And this is your husband’s. Notice this white spot over here; that’s because your husband smoked too much.

Doctor, is there any way to save him?

It’s not treatable!

Please save my husband, Doctor. Please save my husband.

I’m very sorry.

My husband… This cannot be! It can’t be like this.


This story is about a father who destroys his child’s life with second-hand smoke.

We’re at school now, sweetheart. Got all of your books with you? (Yes, Daddy.) Good girl.

Bye, honey.

Bye, Daddy.

Remember to listen to your teachers. (Yes.)

One, two, three. Mom packed up lots of fruits. You want an apple, Daddy?

No, I don’t want it. Thank you, kiddo.

Is the apple good?

Yes, Dad.

Daddy, I have this for you.

What do you have for me?

This is a bracelet I made for you.

Oh, it’s beautiful!

“I love Daddy.” Wow, so beautiful! Thank you. Okay, go on with your homework. Ask me if you have any questions. (Yes.)

Daddy, that thing makes me so dizzy.

It’s okay, baby. Let me finish this one, okay?

Honey! Our daughter fainted. Call 911 quickly.

Wake up, sweetheart!

Mr. and Mrs. Phan.

Yes, Doctor.

She got an asthma attack that nearly took her life because of the effects of second-hand smoke.

In this case, can you save our child, Doctor?

Unfortunately, her lungs are also damaged. I’m sorry, but at present it’s difficult to determine. Test results show that the smoke from cigarettes has caused chronic damage to her lungs. Her immune system is also very weak. The consequences of second-hand smoke are far more dangerous than people think.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen. I pray to God, Lord Jesus, Mother Mary, and all the saints, please save my daughter’s life. I beg you to save my child and I promise to quit smoking from now on.

I understand now. Let me summon the Prison Head Mandarin to clarify this. I’m not a vegan but I don’t oppress those who are vegan and pursue spiritual practice. You can’t abuse your absolute power to oppress decent citizens like that.

Long live Your Majesty.

Long… long… live…

Be at ease. Help me find ways to rescue the Prince; time is so pressing now. I’m like sitting on fire. Oh, my son! If the Queen learns of this, I’d have to sleep on the sofa for sure! Step over here.

Your Majesty, please take care of your royal self. For His Highness’ sake, we’re determined to try with all our might. Please have peace of mind.

Your Majesty, please appoint me as Commander General to lead the troops. We’ll overwhelm Sinh Gà Bổ and demand them to return His Royal Highness. If they don’t comply, we’ll annihilate the entire country to revenge.

Your Majesty, that plan is a no-no. We shouldn’t make war because that will bring utter misery and suffering to the people. In my humble opinion, we should send people on AIR FORCE 2 right away to the neighboring country for negotiations.

That’s right, Your Majesty. Please give orders to be carried out immediately.

I’d like to join that diplomatic envoy and roll all 5, 6 decimeters of my tongue to beg forgiveness for His Highness.

Sure, I OK that. Take lots of gold and silver from the national treasury as an offering to bribe the government of Sinh Gà Bổ. I’ll be anxiously waiting. Depart as soon as you can. Remember to email me any update.

Your Majesty, I’ll return to my office immediately to contact their government through internet. I’m retreating now.

OK. You may leave!

To find out the conclusion, please tune in during upcoming weeks.

CREDITS: The King & Co Part 6

WRITTEN and DIRECTED BY (remote control): Madame T.H. (Top-notch director) DIRECTOR: Chop Herbs (So-so class director but nearby!) PRODUCER: Supreme Master TV Ginger Group MUSIC COMPOSER: Uncle Three Drummer SET DECORATION: Sister Tomato and the Veggie Group DIRECTOR OF PHOTOGRAPHY: Brother Popping Light

CAST: King Pre-Junkie Post-Yogi: Wayward Trần Yogi First Prince: Divine Trần Queen Careen Citadel Queen’s Maid #1 Fast Dance Queen’s Maid #2 Double Cloud Literary Mandarin #1 – Prime Minister: Enlightened Đặng Literary Mandarin #2: Gentle Lý Literary Mandarin #3: Upright Đặng Literary Mandarin #4: Great Enlightened Nguyễn Literary Mandarin #5: Almost Enlightened Trương Literary Mandarin #6: Seven Crosseye Bùi Literary Mandarin #7: Bla Bla Lý Literary Mandarin #8: Labouring Lý Literary Mandarin #9: Yet to Practice Trần Literary Mandarin #10: Blessed Trần

Martial Mandarin #1: Stumbling Lâm Martial Mandarin #2: Rumbling Huỳnh Martial Mandarin #3: Protesting Lưu Martial Mandarin #4: Disgruntled Lương Martial Mandarin #5: Countryless Võ Martial Mandarin #6: Avaricious Tạ Martial Mandarin #7: Contraband Phạm Martial Mandarin #8: Shifty Phan Martial Mandarin #9: Bullheaded Bùi Martial Mandarin #10 : Fugacious Trương

Kiss B. Mandarin #1: Crooked Ngô Kiss B. Mandarin #2: Tigerwhisker Lê Kiss B. Mandarin #3: Infidel Nguyễn Kiss B. Mandarin #4: Shady Lê Kiss B. Mandarin #5: Fibbing Lý Kiss B. Mandarin #6: Toady Trần Kiss B. Mandarin #7: Sparsewhisker Nguyễn Kiss B. Mandarin #8: Catwhisker Ngô Kiss B. Mandarin #9: Copycat Trần Kiss B. Mandarin #10: Sans Courage Ngô Kiss B. Mandarin #11: Bully Trương Kiss B. Mandarin #12: Disloyal Bùi Kiss B. Mandarin #13: Traitor Phan

Palm Fan Advisor: Yesman Phan Majestic Admiral: Judo Võ Mighty General: Kung Fu Trịnh Deaf Maid #1: Ear Royale Lê Deaf Maid #2: Royale Ear Bùi Lisping Maid: Homely Betty Royal Attendant: Brother Five Parasol Vendor Body Guard #1 Hunching Lê Body Guard #2 Underweight Ton

Lanky Soldier Seeking Phan Shorty Soldier Three Inch Tào

Musician #1 Elegant Sound Địch Musician #2 Carefree Flute Trịnh Musician #3 Jade Music Dương Musician #4 Radiant Zither Hoàng

Supreme Master Thiên Hậu Celestial Galaxy Prison Head Mandarin Jail Chief Tôn Prison Guard #1 Jail Boss Cai Prison Guard #2 Warden Cung Prisoners Persistent Ngô Pious Trần Diligent Hồ Sutra Đinh Goodhearted Tào Forbidden Đô Detained Tống Disadvantaged Viên Jailbird Trương Banished Hồ Tall Gate Cao Wronged Ngu

Smoking Story #1 Smoking Husband Must Benumbed Wife Basket Case Mother-in-law Mrs. Little Âu Father-in-law Thumping Quách Friend #1 Bony Chu Friend #2 Four Stooping Friend #3 Shorty Five Waitress Scanty Vân Doctor Meritorious Ôn Extras Lost Bùi Typhoid Fever Nguyễn Scraggy Cao Morose Trâm Seven Lanky Eight Weighty Two Petite

Smoking Story #2 Smoking Father Smoky Ung Daughter Lily Ung Mother Cloudy Lê Doctor Dr. Hua Tuo Jr. Extras Pallor Ôn Twiggy Bành Scrawny Chu Leggy Chu Wasted Đèo Washed Out Tụy Pale Sơn Manly Tu Old-fashioned Hữu Skinny Bế

War Red General Defeated Hồng Red Horn Soldier Shouting Đinh Red Flag Soldier Flagpole Đinh Red Soldiers Red Chargers Black General Surrendered Hắc Black Horn Soldier Black Horn Hắc Black Flag Soldier Ink Flag Đinh Black Soldiers Ebony Jetters Man pulling cart Partner Trương Mother who was killed by a sword Ill-fated Ngô

Young child crying for mom Little Tèo Old man Daddy Lã Old woman Lingering Trần Man who dropped the chest Wandering Bùi Child looking for mother Wandering Lưu Jr. Other civilians Ordinary Folks Loving Hut waiter Hundred Table Bùi

VOICES: Brother Three Stutt Brother Two T-terring Mr. Eight Veggie Uncle Two Guard Brother Four Mouth Brother Five Haggard Brother Three Lettuce Brother Four Opera Brother Six Goody Brother Seven Overbite


ART DIRECTOR: Brother Three Muscle

EDITORS: Brother Four Dopey Uncle Four Tofu Brother Two Ricegrain Uncle Seven Soysauce Brother Three Hammer Brother Two Mallet

SOUND DEPARTMENT: Brother Seven Deaf Brother Eight Buzz Brother Five Hard of Hearing Uncle Seven Fiddle Uncle Three Monochord

MUSICIANS: Camelia Trịnh Guitar Hứa Blue Cloud Tạ Rose Blossom Hà Snow White Bùi Clear Moon Cao Wholesome Human Trịnh Gratitude-keeping Trương Protocol-performing Tạ Saintly Wisdom Trần Trustworthy Tô

VISUAL EFFECTS: Sister Four Nearsighted Brother Six Glass Bottle Brother Ten Carpenter Tèo Ice Cream the Kid Brother Six Pedicab Brother Two Mason Brother Eight Painter Brother Three Plowshare Brother Seven Buffalo Nose Brother Four Frog Eye

CAMERA OPERATORS: Mr. Bushy Beard Brother Three Rock Sugar Brother Sulfate Water Buffalo Brother Three Scruffy Brother Four Dopey Uncle Seven Soysauce

LIGHTING DEPARTMENT: Brother Three Beard Brother Four Bald Head Brother Eight Crosseye

MAKE-UP: Miss Three Sponge Cake Sister Five Sticky Rice Cake Sister Six Banana Fritter Sister Four Skeleton Miss Nine Soya

HAIRSTYLISTS: Sister Seven Beignet Mrs. Eight Cucumber

COSTUME AND WARDROBE: Miss Three Sponge Cake Mrs. 5 Stick

“Killing is never right. Peace is always the answer.” - le Maître Suprême Ching Hai

Today’s Enlightening Entertainment will be presented in Aulacese (Vietnamese), with subtitles in Arabic, Chinese, English, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Indonesian, Japanese, Korean, Malay, Persian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, and Thai.

In today’s Enlightening Entertainment, with great honor Supreme Master Television is pleased to present the world premiere of an epic saga abounding with creativity and insight, elaborately produced over a period of time with wholehearted dedication and effort. Lovingly written and directed via remote control by Supreme Master Ching Hai, a spiritual master, humanitarian, artist and author of #1 international best-selling books, “The King & Co.” is a tale that reflects the challenges of the age, right in this urgent time of our planet.

It interweaves ancient and modern settings, with tragic as well as comic plots, combining thrilling adventures, loyalty and tender affection among people, along with profound spiritual reminders. The story centers around Đại Ngôn royal court with mandarins of all kinds, from virtuous to corrupt to indecisive, each unique; a king who must rule over his kingdom and, in international relations, also has great global responsibility; a handsome prince on his way to re-discover his True Self; an innocent country girl with a pure, loving and courageous heart: their fates are intertwined with one another.

“The King & Co.” also presents fact-based messages about the four most dangerous silent killers of the planet, namely, meat, addictive drugs, tobacco and alcohol, in hopes that worldwide citizens will become more aware about the poisons that are destroying this and future generations.

Despite her very busy schedule, Supreme Master Ching Hai personally wrote and directed via remote control “The King & Co.”, showing her deep concern for humanity and all beings on Earth. From start to finish, every detail, including the characters’ names, selection of songs to accompany the dances, gestures of each character, appropriate make-up styles for actors, and even their stage names, was all under her meticulous guidance.

The 6-part series “The King & Co.”, with performances by members of The Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association, will be aired over nine weeks. This creative work is derived from Supreme Master Ching Hai’s unconditional love, inner source of creativity, and perfect wisdom. We invite you to share this special gift and enjoy “The King & Co.” on today’s program.

During a royal court meeting in the land of Đại Ngôn, the King stated that he had been using addictive drugs to lose weight! The virtuous mandarins quickly advised the King to stop his drug abuse.

While court officials were arguing back and forth, a dog suddenly appeared with an SOS flyer about the dire situation caused by global warming and the solution of “Be Veg and Go Green 2 Save the Planet!” The King supported going green.

A vegan literary mandarin invited the King and court officials to his residence to enjoy vegetarian food.

While the King and his officials were feasting at the vegan literary mandarin’s residence, a guard rushed in to report urgently that the Prince was being jailed at the border for selling addictive drugs, with the death penalty pending. It was because an attendant mistook the King’s cocaine for face powder and put it in the Prince’s suitcase.

While disguised as a commoner to visit his newly acquainted girlfriend, His Royal Highness was unexpectedly detained by the Sinh Gà Bổ airport personnel for possessing a nationally prohibited substance.

We now invite you to enjoy “The King & Co.” – Part 4.

You’ve just enjoyed part 4 of “The King & Co.”, written and directed via remote control by Supreme Master Ching Hai, with performances by members of The Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association. Please tune in next Thursday for part 5 on Supreme Master Television.

Thank you for your presence on today’s Enlightening Entertainment. Please stay tuned to Supreme Master Television. Coming up is Words of Wisdom. May your days be filled with noble joy and inner peace. We’ll see you again.

Advocacy of Peace

The Baha’i Faith Today there is no greater glory for man than that of service in the cause of the Most Great Peace. PEACE IS LIGHT, whereas war is darkness. PEACE IS LIFE; war is death. PEACE IS GUIDANCE; war is error. PEACE IS THE FOUNDATION OF GOD; war is a satanic institution. PEACE IS THE ILLUMINATION OF THE WORLD OF HUMANITY; war is the destroyer of human foundations. ~ Promulgation of Universal Peace


Buddhism Victory breeds hatred, The defeated live in pain. HAPPILY THE PEACEFUL LIVE, Giving up victory and defeat. ~ Dhammapada

Cao Đài GOVERNING THE RIGHT WAY BRINGS PEACE, HAPPINESS AND CONTENTMENT TO ALL CITIZENS. Educating with universal perspectives that cultivate individuals who work to benefit the entire society, to BUILD LOVE AND ERASE HATRED. ~ God’s Letter of Instructions to Humanity

Christianity FOLLOW PEACE WITH ALL MEN, AND HOLINESS, without which no man shall see the Lord. ~ Holy Bible

The Essenes

For happy are they that strive for peace, For they will find the peace of the Heavenly Father. And give to everyone thy peace, Even as I have given my peace unto thee. ~ The Essene Gospel of Peace

Hinduism If you want to see the brave, look at those who can forgive. If you want to see the heroic, look at those who can love in return for hatred. ~ The Bhagavad Gita

Hòa Hảo Buddhism War is a folly, indeed, Killing brings nothing in the end! Life is short, shorten it no further Help each other to live longer PUT LOVE FOR HUMANITY FIRST LET NOT OUR OPINION MAR HARMONY. ~ Illuminating the Way I

Islam It may be that Allah will bring about FRIENDSHIP BETWEEN YOU AND THOSE WHOM YOU HOLD TO BE YOUR ENEMIES among them; and Allah is Powerful; and Allah is Forgiving, Merciful. ~ Holy Qur’an

Jainism Knowing the incomparable control, HE SHOULD NOT BE HOSTILE TOWARDS ANYBODY, IN THOUGHTS, WORDS, OR DEEDS, having eyes to see everything. ~ The Sûtrakritâṅga Sutra


Sikhism Peace in this world, peace in the next world and peace forever, remembering Him in meditation. ~ Sri Guru Granth Sahib

Taoism To keep from being entangled by prevailing customs; to shun all ornamental attractions in one's self; not to be reckless in his conduct to others; not to set himself stubbornly against a multitude; to desire the PEACE AND REPOSE OF THE WORLD IN ORDER TO PRESERVE THE LIVES OF THE PEOPLE. ~ Chuang Tzu

Universal White Brotherhood Teach yourselves and your neighbors to BEND HANDS AND TO EMBRACE WITH LOVE AND WISDOM. Only in this way individuals, families and the society as a whole will be improved in political, cultural and spiritual aspect. ~ The Universal Love

Oops…Shz… Last week, the staff erringly aired the section after “Warning” that wasn’t supposed to be aired yet. If you have seen it, please forget what you have seen. If you can’t forget, please don’t tell anyone else. If you have told someone, please tell them not to tell anyone else. If they did, tell those someone not to tell further, etc… Those of you who did not see it, don’t ask! We will air it later. Thank you. Eh…. and please don’t tell the top-notch director.

Oh God, so high! Dog! Dog!

Oh God, my poor legs! The darn door. OK, I’ve got the phone. Oh my, so stuffy, like a wood cage! Geesh! Too small! I can’t take it anymore! Halo. Halo.

Harder, harder! Where’s my hat? Who took my hat? You dare laugh at me? Dare to beat me? How come you beat me instead of him? Unlock me! You beat me and now want to lock me up? Why so lightly? Hit harder! Anyone still hard-headed, chop his head off!

Bow and arrow ready! Shoot! Soldiers, get set! Advance! Mom, get up. Get up. Get up, Mom. Mommy, get up. Mom!

SOME OF THE COSTS OF WAR - 1.5 months of global military spending can feed all the world’s hungry for one full year.

- The actual and projected costs of wars in Iraq and Afghanistan since 2001 could feed all the world's hungry for 67 years.

- One year’s cost of war in Africa could ensure that every African man, woman, and child in need has lifelong access to clean water.

- The cost of having one US soldier stationed in Afghanistan for one year can instead build 20 schools for Afghan children.

- The lost economic value due to Liberia's wars could have paid for the entire high school education of every person in the country and a solar cooking set for every household, plus furnish 70,000 villages across Africa with solar lighting, 20,000 water wells, and 500 hospitals.

- One day of war in Iraq costs US taxpayers US$720 million. One minute of war costs US$500,000. One second of war costs US$8,300.

- One month of global military spending can provide 3.6 billion children with a month’s water, food, healthcare and education.

- African nations engaged in conflict experience 50% higher infant mortality.

- Two weeks of global military spending can secure water for life for 2.4 billion people. WEAPONS - One month of global weapons purchased at a cost of US$108.3 billion can feed 95.7 million hungry children 3 wholesome and nutritious meals a day for 10 years.

- One year’s cost of weapons imported to Africa can drill 56,000 drinking water wells.

- The cost of a single B-2 stealth bomber can serve 2.56 billion meals for the hungry, restore the sight of 31.4 million blind patients, remove 1 million explosive landmines, or build 713,000 new family homes.

* Not included herein are other war-related costs.

* Not included herein are emotional, psychological, physical, mental and spiritual costs.
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