"Gifting Peace" - Supreme Master Television's 4th Anniversary Concert, P4/7    
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Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome Patrick Kilpatrick back to the stage with television host Brandi Williams.

Clearly one of the most eminent composers of our time, Mr. David Shire has composed prolifically for theater, film, television and recordings. He has been honored with 2 Grammy Awards and an Academy Award, along with multi Tony and Emmy nominations.

Among Mr. Shire’s long list of film scores are: the Oscar-winning theme song for “Norma Rae,” titled “It Goes Like It Goes”; the well-known scores for Francis Coppola film, “The Conversation” with Gene Hackman; and for “Saturday Night Fever,” the achievement that won him the 2 Grammy Awards.

Great list. Moreover, his hundreds of television scores likewise have garnered 5 Emmy nominations, they include Glenn Close’s, “Sarah, Plain and Tall”; Christopher Reeve’s “Rear Window” and Oprah Winfrey’s “The Women of Brewster Place.”

Mr. Shire has also conducted exciting pops programs with some of the world’s most respected symphony orchestras, while also leaving a legacy in musical theater with multiple Tony nominations, works produced worldwide, and songs that have been sung by the likes of Barbra Streisand, Johnny Mathis, Vanessa Williams, as well as one brilliant singer, who will be performing with Mr. Shire today.

And her name is Ms. Melissa Manchester. Her gift for music took flight early in her youth, and she quickly rose from being a backup singer for Bette Midler in Carnegie Hall to just months later performing for sold-out audiences across the country and releasing hit singles like “Midnight Blue” and “Whenever I Call You Friend.”

Ms. Manchester has also performed popular songs like “Don’t Cry Out Loud,” and “You Should Hear How She Talks About You,” which won her a Grammy Award for the best female vocalist.

She was the first in history to sing two Oscar nominated songs in the same Academy Awards global telecast. Ms. Manchester continues to be active in the fields of television, musicals and film scoring, and was recently celebrated by the National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences for her contributions.

Please enjoy “For the Afternoon Walk” and “A Lonesome Night,” poems by Supreme Master Ching Hai, and vocals by Melissa Manchester. The composer, Mr. David Shire will be providing accompaniment on the piano.

How is everybody doing so far? Are you enjoying this afternoon? Yes, very touching, isn’t it? Very touching.

Hi, this has been a doubly pleasurable occasion for me, I had the great honor of collaborating with Supreme Master Ching Hai on two songs, “For the Afternoon Walk” and “A Lonesome Night.” but I’ve had the great joy of working again with a dear old friend, Melissa Manchester, who’s going to perform them. So here, first, is “For the Afternoon Walk.”

Thanks for the hours Thanks for the days Thanks for the seconds Thanks for the nights.

All the times we spent together Are still in my mind, Mountains and rivers Were our paradise!

We were with the fall Beautiful golden wood Picking raspberries Happy like in childhood.

We were with nature Walking miles along Far away is the future In horizons unknown.

How long will it last? We’re asking ourselves, The answer is there Somewhere I can’t tell.

Thanks for the hours Thanks for the days Thanks for the seconds Thanks for the nights.

Thank you very much. Thank you very much. It's delightful to be here, a part of this afternoon's deeply meaningful experience to so many people around the world. It's touching to be part of an event that connects so many hearts and minds and behaviors, changes in thoughts about how to treat ourselves and how to treat our world. And my extra special delight is being able to sing the music of my precious friend, David Shire.

And he had the great good fortune to lift the beautiful words of Supreme Master. So it's a great honor to be part of that artistic creativity. So next we will sing “Lonesome Night.”

Lonely like I’ve never been so lonely... Sad like I’ve never been so sad...
Like a bird looking for a cozy nest, Lost in the midst of a vast firmament!

My love, please come by and visit. Hands extending, longer than the night,
Light my soul with your mysterious eyes So life won’t be a gloomy passage.

Oh beloved, sing for me lullabies of tender dreaminess,
Timeless songs of precious and innocent years.
Journey to the realm of legends together. Let sadness ripen and fall into a river of rain.

Tonight only the muse and I remain; Tomorrow is far away, the night still lingers.
I lie here, hiding my soul behind my flowing hair,
And listen as life’s burdens fall upon my lonely shoulders.

Beautiful, beautiful.


Alright, so while we wait for our next act to set up, being such animal lovers that we are, here are a few fun facts about some animals, insects.

Okay, what have you got?

Do you know that ants are very clean insects?

I did not know that.

Worker ants take the garbage out and put it in a very special pile. And then you got a rhinoceros beetle, you should have seen it, they’re the ones like, with a big… it can lift 850 times its own weight. (Kind of like you.) That’s right.

Okay, I have one. Guess what is the world loudest animal, other than my kids. Any guess, yes? The world loudest animal? (A whale) You see the answer up there.

I want to win.

Well, how about that, he got it. The answer is the blue whale, which can produce sounds of 188 decibels which can be detected over 800 kilometers away. Wow.

Man, who needs a telephone.

So, why did you go vegan, John?

I decided, I was vegetarian for a long time, and then I went in and started studying Scientology, and I took a couple of courses in Scientology, and one of the courses I took was in integrity and morals. I just study everybody’s faith and then I go on to the next one, I’m not a follower, I’m a maker. So I just wanted to see what everybody was doing.

And I went in and I thought this course was unbelievable, and they said, “If you lie, you’re a coward.” Period. If you lie, you’re a coward. The reason you’re lying is because you don’t feel that other person is intelligent enough to deal with the truth. So I was insulting people’s intelligence with my lies, even though they were great lies. Some of my lies are so good, I went back and made them the truth.

So those kind of lies were just, really was making me, the 7 foot supposed to be huge man, a small punk. So I decided not to lie anymore. And so every year on July 30, my daughter’s birthday, I find out how to enhance my life. And then one day, I was turning 40, I said I’m not going to lie about anything.

So, you cannot say you’re a vegetarian, meaning you don’t eat animal products, when you drink milk and eat cheese. Because when you drink milk and eat cheese, you add to the demise of more animals, and you add…

And suffering.

And suffering. So, if you’re not going to, you can’t say you don’t eat the animal and you partake of things from the animal that were taken from the animals. So, I decided to become a vegan. And then, I met all these different raw foodists, and my latest find, who, the best I’ve tasted – when I was in a meeting that I didn’t want to be in – BeLive kept bringing me food, and he wrote this letter, and I read this letter and I was like, “Alright, I got to try it.”

So July 30, I tried it again, today I ate some vegan food, but I’ve been literally just on this path, I guess that you’re supposed to, as Supreme Master Ching Hai said “enlightenment”, and you can only enlighten yourself. So, that’s what I did, that’s why I became a vegan/raw food vegan. I’m not doing the breath thing, what’s it called?


I’m not, I like the way food tastes.

Why did you become a vegan, Lisa?

Well, I’ve been a vegetarian almost all my life, and I think I just saw one too many videos and read one too many books about animal cruelty, and I realized that I just wanted to completely opt out of animal cruelty, and so three times a day, I vote against animal cruelty by not buying any animal products. And... that’s how I feel about it.

The truth is that the only way that you really can eat eggs or milk or animal products is if you choose not to look at what goes on in the industry. I mean, really it’s the only way. Because any video that anyone ever makes inside a factory farm shows cruelty, shows awful cruelty that, you know, it’s really not even polite to talk about it in mixed company.

But you know, I do encourage everybody to go on like PETA’s website, or any other websites and read “Eating Animals” by Jonathan Safran Foer, or any of the wonderful books that have been written, “Animal Liberation.”

(Watch “Earthlings.”) Yes.

And you know, it’s a myth to think that the cows are happy cows, that the industry wants us to think they are out there on the beautiful green hills, because they’re not. And it’s a myth to think that there is little happy chicks in the farmyard, because they’re not. And it’s an intensely cruel, cruel industry. So, I choose not to be a part of it.

Alright, without further ado, The rock quartet “Oh Darling” has been praised for their “buoyant, charming pop,” with “catchy songs” and “adorable melodies,” many of which have been featured in television series on the “CW,” “Lifetime” and “USA,” commercials for Volkswagen, network promos for “Grey’s Anatomy,” and in the film “Road Trip 2.”

Singer-keyboardist Ms. Jasmine Ash, bassist Ms. J. Marie Hall, guitarist Mr. Daven Hall and drummer Mr. Jake Endicott, are all involved in the producing process from start to finish.

Oh Darling’s harmonious presence goes beyond their well-coordinated retro fashion of dress.

Which is awesome, we love it.

As new-wave pop is their music, veganism is their shared lifestyle. Please enjoy “I Need You” and “Holiday,” two original songs by the loveable Oh Darling.

Hey. All of the times I felt alone you were there
All of the noises in my head have disappeared It’s you I see to carry me back to beginnings
I need you And all that’s real is how I feel,
Right from the beginning I need you, You, you, you,
I need you, you, you, you, I need you.

So we wait for answers I’m afraid to hear the truth
You forgive all of my mistakes,
we’re bulletproof It’s you I need to carry me back to beginnings,
I need you And all that’s real is how I feel,
right from the beginning I need you, You, you, you,
I need you, you, you, you, I need you, you, you, you,

I need you, you, you. You, you, you I need you.

1, 2, 3

My sweetness you’re glistening. With forgiveness feel the scenery.
You, you say I’m out of my head But I, I, I’m not upset Just a feeling the reality

Take a holiday in the summertime Stop and brave the lovely blues
Won’t you stay with me I’ll make you mine A holiday for me and you

So I’m in recovery Looking pin-striped A little luxury

You, you say I’m out of my head But I, I am not upset

Just a feeling Not reality

Take a holiday In the summertime Stop and brave the lovely blues
Won’t you stay with me I’ll make you mine A holiday for me and you

Holiday In the summertime Stop and brave the lovely blues
Won’t you stay with me I’ll make you mine A holiday for me and you

Holiday in the summertime Stop and brave the lovely blues
Won’t you stay with me I’ll make you mine A holiday for me and you

Holiday In the summertime Stop and brave the lovely blues
Won’t you stay with me I’ll make you mine A holiday for me and you Holiday, holiday

Thank you for being with us today for Supreme Master Television’s 4th anniversary concert, “Gifting Peace.” Please join us tomorrow for part 5 of our musical celebration. Up next is Words of Wisdom after Noteworthy News here on Supreme Master Television. Let us rejoice in the Divine’s love and mercy.

The hopes I was trying to convey to the audience because I was singing the words of Supreme Master, and they already have a feeling of belovedness for her, was to try to capture the inner life of the writer who would come up with those images and those words. And I hope because of David Shire’s expanse of music that we created an inner life for Supreme Master’s words to come through, for the emotions to come through, to connect with the audiences.

I loved “For the Afternoon Walk” because gratitude is a central pillar of my life. And to sing a song that says, “Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, over and over, thank you for the hours, thank you for the days, thank you for the seconds, thank you for the nights,” it puts me, as a singing actor, immediately into a positive, sweet place. The place where I want to be, the place where I feel most connected with spirit.

And the other song about loneliness was very touching because you really felt the isolation of emotion when you are in that sad, isolated, lonely place. And even the Supreme Master must have her moments. And that’s what makes the divine human. And so to sing a song that really sculpts that feeling so beautifully, it’s a gift for me as a singer.

As always, when she [Supreme Master Ching Hai] talks, it’s very moving, and very honest, and which her message of peace and joy and veganism in a whole is very, very, very beautiful and the way when she talks, it’s just, you can tell that she really wants to change the world and make a better place.

We loved it! It was wonderful. Such a good cause and wonderful entertainment.

Fabulous! The music was wonderful! The dancing was gorgeous! The songs were beautiful! And the food! The food was whoa! Supreme Master Television is incredible. It’s warm, it’s human, it’s loving, and it’s vegan! What else could you ask for in life? What else? What else?

I thought the poetry tonight was amazing. I was really impressed with the musicians, sort of creating of their own music set to Supreme Master Ching Hai’s poetry. I thought it was beautiful. Everything was very uplifting and very loving, and done in such a beautiful way, especially because the musicians were also so talented. It was just very... it was very touching, very beautiful.

Supreme Master Television is an amazing outlet. I think any time you can get the vegan message out there is the best thing in the world. And to do it in so many languages, so it’s out there and accessible to everyone else, it’s absolutely amazing. And I wish the best of luck and hopefully everyone will tune in and watch it.

I loved her [Supreme Master Ching Hai’s] face. I saw the picture. I think it’s one of the greatest impacts that it’s going to have in the world, what I saw today. And I’m very honored to be part of it. I’m so invigorated that I feel I could walk the world.

Beautiful, very inspirational. Definitely a very cultured evening. I’m a big animal advocate. I’ve created a couple of foundations and just any chance that I get, I’m out there promoting animal adoption, going and rescuing rather than going to pet stores and buying. So to hear somebody of her status talk about it, it’s just, it almost gives me goose bumps because it’s just so meaningful, and I just think the word needs to be repeated over and over again so that everybody’s gets on the same page because animals, it’s just what makes the world happy.

As an American Indian, the red race spends time honoring the animals and speaking with them and learning about them. She [Supreme Master Ching Hai] does this automatically with her sanctuary. It’s like the animals know that she’s the one that we need to communicate with, to connect with, because she is going to send the message out for us humans to pay attention to the animals. The animals are not at a lower level than humankind. They actually have more wisdom than we have.

I thought Supreme Master Ching Hai was just amazing. I loved Supreme Master Ching Hai’s message about forgiveness, about really moving away from war, moving away from violence and getting away from that negative energy.

Supreme Master Ching Hai talked about really engaging in forgiveness, believing in others and believing in really having that positive voice in yourself, and I think that’s inspirational for everyone and inspirational for me as an individual as I go out there and try to live that message.

What a beautiful experience I learned today from the Supreme Master. We are global, we are not just one nations, all nations is connecting together, that’s the beauty of Supreme Master.

We’re all vegan ourselves, we love animals and I think it’s wonderful.

I think that’s such a cool thing to be able to do is to relate music to the poetry, and I was very impressed.

Supreme Master Television is the greatest, greatest TV in the world. It’s got so much to offer and I’m so proud to be associated with Supreme Master TV. God bless you, keep it up. The world needs that tranquility and you’re giving it. Supreme Master Ching Hai’s poetry is just so awesome. It’s inspired from Above. I love them all. And they get you to think about our connection with our higher Self. They get you to think about love, unconditional love. How we could care and help others. How just a smile to a stranger could change that person’s day. Supreme Master, I just, I love your poetry and I love you. Hi, my name’s Brandi Williams and congratulations Supreme Master Television on your 4th anniversary, and thank you so much for all that you do and especially for all that you do for the animals.

It’s been fabulous! The costumes and all of the acts and the performances. I love the poetry because the words are so inspirational.

I think using television as a medium to get this message of peace and love all across the world the way it has today, I think it’s profound and I think it should be exercised more.

The Supreme Master has heart and soul and love, and it shows. It shows in her words, it shows in her music, it shows in the way her voice sounds. We’re lucky, we’re very, very lucky. Congratulations and best wishes and may this be the start of a hundred years of vegan living. As a young person, it’s great to see a station that actually promotes good programming that is educational and has good messages and things like that. Because all we see on television is violence, and crazy stuff, so it’s very nice to see something that’s progressive and moving towards a better place.

It was great to be part of Supreme Master Television. It was really lovely. I didn’t know what to expect, and I’m so touched how connected the audiences are and the worldwide community is and the folks working on the program. They are so connected to the concept of a vegan life and healing the world. It’s beautiful.

Many people agree that meditation is good, it’s a good thing, but why is it important to meditate on the Light and Sound, which is what you teach; can it be any other method?

Okay. Any method of meditation, if it's based on loving and kindness, and the yearning to know God, sooner or later, mostly will lead us to the Light and the Sound, which is the original energy of God, which is within ourselves. And the more we have this Light and this Sound within us, the more we connect with it, the more we are connected with ourselves or with God-selves. You see what I mean? Yes? ( Yes.)
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