From the Gospel of the Toltecs, Chapters 13-16 (In Spanish)    
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Today’s Between Master and Disciples – “From the Gospel of the Toltecs” – will be presented in Spanish with subtitles in Arabic, Aulacese (Vietnamese), Bulgarian, Chinese, Czech-Slovak, English, French, German, Hindi, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Malay, Mongolian, Persian, Polish, Portuguese, Punjabi, Russian, Spanish and Thai.

Quetzalcoatl was born in the 10th century in what is now the town of Tepoztlán, Mexico. As legendary ruler of Toltec in Mexico, he is also known by the names of Ce Acatl, Naxcitl, and Topiltzin Quetzalcoatl. When he was young, Quetzalcoatl underwent seven years of meditation and spiritual training to become a priest. As a result of his extraordinary skill, the Toltecs requested that he became the ruler of Tula. His military achievement and religious piety made him a powerful ruler. Known as a holy man who was in communion with the Divine, Quetzalcoatl was credited for the discovery of corn, the arts, science, the calendar, and a game called Tlachtli which was used to impart justice throughout the land.

During his reign, Quetzalcoatl encouraged religious piety from his people and established a rule that required the Toltecs to destroy the images and altars every 50 years to prevent idolatry. Many majestic houses of worship were built under his leadership. He was the role model for the priesthood and many of the rituals, laws, and customs in Mexico were based on his life and teachings. Quetzalcoatl eventually left his kingdom in search of higher wisdom. He wandered for many years and traveled through many lands.

He spent his day in meditation and prayer, and as the news of his travels spread, many came to seek his counsel and some asked him to become their king. He refused the throne and guided many kings and leaders in the ways of a compassionate government. Quetzalcoatl was credited for uniting many kingdoms in peace and friendship. Wherever he went, Quetzalcoatl shared the teachings that he had learned from Heaven and from the wise sages he encountered during his travels. Many loved him and followed him to become his disciples. Today we share with you the life and teachings of Quetzalcoatl, with excerpts from the Gospel of the Toltecs. These excerpts portrayed Quetzalcoatl’s teachings and his subsequent departure from Cholula.

Thank you, gentle viewers, for your company for today’s episode of Between Master and Disciples.

Please stay tuned to Supreme Master Television for Planet Earth: Our Loving Home, coming up next after Noteworthy News. We wish you peace, love, and harmony.
The Gospel of the Toltecs: The Life and Teachings of Quetzalcoatl

Chapter 13: The Priests of the God of Death It so happened that there came to Cholula certain partisans of Tezcatlipoca who were preaching new ideas about the destiny of human bodies and souls after death. In opposition to them were some priests of the god of death whose salaries depended on performing funeral traditions. A great discussion was unleashed between them and they could not come to an understanding. They went then to the disciples of Ce Acatl to ask that they be arbiters of their discussion, but the disciples were not able to do so.

They then decided to look for their teacher. They found the penitent meditating on the ball-game field, and there they asked him: “Teacher, what are your teachings regarding human death, the destiny of the body and the soul, and the nature of funeral rites?” He responded: “Before I answer you I would like to hear your explanations.” The Tezcatlipoca adepts began: “The body is like a chalice filled with flowers, while the soul is like the blossoms’ perfume. When the flowers die, the body and soul die as well. The body is like a page in a book without paint; the soul is an illuminated figure.

When the book falls into the fire, everything disappears. “There is only one way to escape our human destiny: by becoming an offering from a pure heart, by going ahead of death and mocking her with your sacrifice. Only in this way can we come to be gods.” Then the priests of the god of death took the floor and explained: “There are many ways of living and many ways of dying, therefore there are many types of bodies and of souls, and many destinies. This is what our elders have said: Long ago, the world was destroyed by water, and because of their great sins, all its inhabitants perished by drowning. They descended to the inferno where they were burned in its flames. We, the ones who have come after, should burn our people’s bodies after death and keep the ashes, for in this way the lord of the dead will allow us to be born again in new bodies.

The souls of sinners will be burned and will go to the grave and the snare, to the mouth of the reptile and to battle. They will move endlessly among tempestuous winds and needles of ice until they are cleansed of their faults. But the bodies of these will not be burned: those touched by lightning, those who have drowned, the lepers, those who are sick with chronic and contagious disease. They will be sent back to the earth in their clothes and their souls will live in endless amusement with the sons of Tlaloc. And the bodies of the warriors, priests, ascetics, painters, poets, princes, children, slaves who have died in the fields, and the women who have died in childbirth will not be burned.

They will be buried with honors and their souls will go to the fields of the sun where they will be accompanied forever by flowers and chanting. After four years, their souls will return as butterflies and birds to flutter about for a time before going back to Ometeotl (Supreme Being), from whom we all parted. This is what we know.” The Ce Acatl answered them: “By chance, have you heard the elders speaking in this way when they dispose of the dead? Is he already God? And perhaps you have heard this song: Lord, wake up, wake up, the day is breaking, the golden birds begin their singing, the butterflies are already flying.

Do not deceive yourselves. The dead ones do not die; they wake up. We who live here are not really living; we are dreaming. To die is to become a god, a sun, a moon, a star, the wind, the sea, the land. Understand this: The dead ones wake up from this life’s dream. Be they wise men, nobles, or slaves, they all go to the land of mystery. Consider this and take advantage of it: We do not live twice and we do not die twice. Our life is unique. Whether you are good or bad, your actions were like good or bad paint, a color that vanishes with time and forgetfulness.”

Chapter 14: The Dream Year Thirteen Tochtli (998 C.E.). One night Ce Acatl had a dream in which appeared a necklace of unmatchable beauty, made with golden grains of maize. The necklace was spinning in space by itself, then it broke apart and its grains were scattered all over. The penitent became frightened and screamed, and the sound of his own voice awoke him. He stood up on his mat, called his followers to come closer, and said to them: “Listen, my friends, to the dream of one word! Each spring the golden corncob revives us.

The red corncob opens our eyes. The necklace from its grains comforts and illuminates us. See: The necklace is breaking, its grains are scattering.” With this he announced his coming transformation. Then he added: “Spring is coming to an end, summertime is arriving. The sun inflames the battle, the rains are beginning. Men must be dragged down, the country must be ruined. It is time, my friends, for the ice to break, for the clouds to completely cover the sun and moon across the world. It is time for the torrents of dissolution to fall and end the memory of all suffering.

It is time to sweep and gather and throw away the dust. It is time to tear up the tunic and trample it underfoot. It is time to get rid of the mask that is keeping us under cover. Who is going to protect you then, orphans of mother, orphans of father? To whom will you go for shelter?” So he told them. When they realized that he was telling them of his departure, the apprentices became sad. They said: “Is it not so that here with the Cholutecs we are better off than ever?” Timal asked Ce Acatl: “When will we see all this?” He answered: “when the sun and the moon join. When night and the day come at the same time.

When you sink deep into the abyss and the new day finds you there. When the numbers nine and thirteen unite. When you see movement above and movement below and the serpent of light and life without end is born. Yet on this earth you will see all this and the will of the one will come to be. See: The consecration of a new life is already descending from the heart of heaven.” After speaking, he asked them to put all their business in order, and to be ready for their departure.

Chapter 15: The Embassy When the Cholutecs learned about the penitent’s desire to continue on his way, they sent an embassy made up of the foremost priests to persuade him. But he did not want to hear their reasons and told them: “The time has come, my friends. See: I only have one life and it is suffering. My own people chased, stalked, and tricked me, but you offered me shelter. My heart has been destined for sacrifice, and you, for a short while, have made me happy. The time has come to an end. I have chosen to march forward.

Friends, do not stop me, do not increase my pain. I am going to the house of mystery, to the precious scale. I am going to the edge of the divine water where the green jade is. The mother calls, the son has descended. It is time to go back. Rejoice and come with me. Come forward you, the ones with oppressed hearts. Open with me the coffer of your souls, spill the flowery wine of your lives. Do not fear, my friends, it is the springtime of the one for whom we all live. Very soon his chanting will adorn this temple. Listen!” But the Cholutecs did not want to hear him. One of them took his hand and told him: “Because of your skills and knowledge you have come here.

Precious twin, you who make things shine. Think now and take pity on yourself. Remember how our grandfathers also went to the house of mystery, and there they sank. We inherited only their absence. In vain you start this war. Oh, you who meditate! The one for whom we all live has unhinged your judgment. You broke the jades, the bracelets. You tore the broad plumage. There was a shower of weeping in your house. And yet you are disposed to you yourself being destroyed? Perhaps your heart will perish as well?” The priest answered Ce Acatl with these words of complaints, for in Cholula they loved him greatly and didn’t want to lose him. But Ce Acatl interrupted this speech and told him: “What is this that you say, grandfather? Have you really had me among you? Have you truly had need of me? Think about your words, priest. You have no one. We are forever alone on earth.

With anguish we live on the earth. All Ometeotl’s (Supreme Being) rage has poured this way. But ask your memory: Is this our true house? Observe the signals: Our existence is found in another place.” He then requested of those surrounding him: “Do not ponder, friends, or think about our death. Do not deceive yourselves. By our side the beautiful flowers are sprouting, the ones that are the joy of the one for whom we all live. We all remember past moments, and that makes us sad. But think about it: All heroes were formed in the same way, with pain and anguish. Do not cry on account of departed princes. No one will remain here forever.

Chapter 16: “I Greet You” Determined as he was, Ce Acatl wanted to say goodbye to the people of Cholula. Ten years he lived with them, and he had received nothing but affection at all times. Therefore, he sent his followers with messages of gratitude for the shared friendship. They went with the nobles and the poor and exchanged with all of them words of love and the promise of returning to see them. Upon learning about the departure, the king of Cholula organized a farewell ceremony during which he spoke: “My lord, stand up, there where you have been for a moment, for a day, right next to the god of intimate vicinity, the owner of the house, the divine king and proprietor of the sandals that you are wearing and on whose left you are, the one you assist and represent.

For you are his interpreter, you are the speaker and the witness of his word. You are eagle and tiger, you are your own gift and you are what you deserve; you are intrepid; you are a singer! The breath, the word of our God does not bloom in vain! He has entrusted it to your hands, he keeps the book and the paint, so red and so black, in your bosom and in your throat! And for an answer you throw us eagle darts and tiger arrows. Why did you go there, where the great mirror with two faces is, the one that at the break of day is in both the world of the dead and heaven. And there you saw the curve of the universe expand from the world of the dead to heaven, there where the thick torch is that neither expels smoke nor casts any shadows, the one that lights all the corners of the world, manifesting its own dawn, its sun, its water, its mountain. For he gave you hands, he gave you feet, he gave you a tail and wings that you spread so well.

He gave you a people and a city that, under your guidance, long for him. For he painted you, he gave you colors and lips and teeth, he gave you distinction and glory. That is how he has strengthened you. He showed you his cloth, and he dressed you in white. That is how he chose you and gave you power. Oh penitent, you honored his kingdom and make prosperous his dominion. For here among us, great was your effort. You did slave’s work to lead us toward his mat and throne. Cholutecs! Here before you is the brave warrior, the one who has no rest during the daytime, who does not lie down. The one who endures tooth and nail, hunger and penitence, our exaltation and dejection, the trap, the snare, and the hole.

Here before you is the one who defends jade, turquoise, and the broad, gleaming, and waving plume that is always green. He is the genuine eagle, the authentic tiger; the one who has come to preserve things and people and make them grow; the one who gives flowering and renewal; the one who shines and dignifies; the one who is worthy of veneration. Here we proclaim your light and shadow, your fall and your rebirth. We have seen your weeping, your sweat. We have seen your fatigued body, your suffering flesh. We see that you don’t live in peace, that you don’t rest in sleep. Your face is tired, your heart struggles in the waves. Fear surrounds you here, anxiety is at your back. You threw away your wealth; food and water are separated from your lips. Here we proclaim your exaltation and your dejection.

Only in this way, with your hands on your heart, with extreme difficulty and great penitence, did you achieve the power, the kingdom. Only in this way have you come to be a true relief for the people and a counselor to the throne. Today your pleasure is great, your responsibility is wide. You are ceiba and willow, roof and shelter, guide, rest, and balm. Within you and by your side we shelter ourselves, we your subjects, your blood and color, your shoots and renewal, the ones who follow in your footsteps and look to your guidance, the ones who are willing and of a noble race. Oh leader of men, strength of people! You of the broad back and sure steps. You have become a garden of fruit. You elevate yourself with sweetness, you bloom with grace.

Birds of many colors find relief by your side; they are protected from the sun in your hands. The bowl of jade is in your hands by the green waters and by the blue waters where the dew-covered reed rises, the one you rattle and shake over the birds. That is how you wash them; that is how you clean them. And the thick brush and broad comb are in your hands, the scorpion and nettle as well, the frozen water and the whipping staff. That is how you reprimanded us. In your hands are the drill, the fine sand, and the dense brush – the ones with which you sand, smooth, and polish. You choose and match the slender jade, well lined and better drilled; the broad turquoise, well polished and well rounded. You arrange the necklace and the garland of feathers. You select everything that is of value, place it in its proper place, and keep it sheltered. This you offer freely. For you paint and give color to the writing in the book; you choose the ink, the design, the size.

You are a sculptor and you define the lines. Your name will never be forgiven. Your fame will never be erased. I greet you, oh priest! 16. Perhaps the dual princes passed over you to give you their guidance and their condition? Did you fulfill the ancient promises? Did the signals that we were waiting for turn to flesh in you, so that we might have you as a prince and as a god? I greet you, oh penitent! Now Ometeotl (Supreme Being) has called you and it is time for farewell and weeping. Do not allow your people to remain behind! Wherever you go, guide us on your good path. I will ensure that you don’t become sick or infected. I will not allow any plagues to take you. Go in peace, divine messenger, and allow your apprentices to go with you. Try, oh my lord!”
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