Modern Folk Opera: The Heavenly Lamp Part 2/4 (In Aulacese)    
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Today’s Enlightening Entertainment will be presented in Aulacese (Vietnamese), with subtitles in Arabic, Chinese, English, French, German, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Malay, Mongolian, Persian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, and Thai.

In Aulacese (Vietnamese) culture, cải lương (modern folk opera) is a popular theater art that dates back about three centuries, when the flourishing South was a new land. Among those who settled in the South at that time were musicians from the royal palace in the ancient capital Huế. Since then, the kind of ceremonial music often heard in the palace became more widely known among the populace.

Eventually, new songs were composed. Many amateur musical groups were formed, adopting music and song as a form of elegant entertainment. From about 1912 to 1915, the artists of these musical groups began to combine gestures to their songs. Since then, a new genre called ca ra bộ was born. Performers conversed; sometimes a song would be used as dialogue. Ca ra bộ continued to develop to create the theatrical art that is now called modern folk opera.

The orchestra for Aulacese modern folk opera usually consists of the six-string guitar, the moon lute, the pear-shaped lute, two-string fiddle, sixteen-string zither, and monochord zither. The themes of Aulacese modern folk opera highlight humanitarian and moral values. The dialogues are profound, the song lyrics and tunes are rhythmic and rich in melody. These are some of the reasons cải lương (modern folk opera) has an enduring place in the hearts of the Aulacese people.

In the Lunar New Year 2007, during an outdoor gathering with our Association members in Formosa (Taiwan), Supreme Master Ching Hai was moved to spontaneously sing a folk opera song “Spiritual Practice is a Source of Blessing” written by Mr. Viễn Châu, which she knew by heart since her youth. We now invite you to listen to an excerpt of this folk opera song through the voice of Supreme Master Ching Hai.

Kneeling down, she sobs in the main hall of worship
As the temple bell sounds the hour of prayer O young devotee, why do you wish to be a nun?
Finding comfort in the scriptures, and acquainting yourself with spiritual practice?
But how can you achieve enlightenment when earthly traces are still evident on your seasoned countenance?
Are you rid of worldly debt or are still entangled?
Did you renounce the world because glory and fame have lost their appeal and life seems like an abyss?
Or was it because of a fleeting moment of jealousy and distress that you intend to hide yourself behind the temple’s gate to bury your grief and forget your sorrow?

On Enlightening Entertainment, Supreme Master Television is pleased to introduce different forms of arts from Âu Lạc (Vietnam), as well as from other countries in the world, in order to share the beauty and cultures of the peoples on our planet.

The modern folk opera “The Heavenly Lamp” recounts the tale of the fairy Bạch Giáng Tiên who was chastened for transgressing divine laws. Only when those who loved Bạch Giáng Tiên could help her find the light of wisdom would she be liberated from the regressive bindings that she herself created.

We now invite you to enjoy part 2 of the modern folk opera “The Heavenly Lamp,” written by playwright Bạch Mai
with performances by Vũ Linh as Hữu Lương the student, Ngọc Huyền as Bạch Giáng Tiên the Fairy and Hữu Nhân, Thanh Thanh Tâm as Liên Hoa Fairy, Chí Linh as Deity Dương Tiễn, Đức Lợi as Hữu Sinh, Minh Long as King, Linh Châu as Ten Great Monks, Tào Thành as Prime Minister, Minh Thâu as Pampered Young Nobleman, Trung Quang as Giant Heavenly Dog, Đức Vinh as District Chief, Hồng Nhung as Mẫu Đơn Fairy, Vân Hà as Hồng Nương Fairy, Bạch Mai as Fabric Seller, Bạch Thu as Hồng Loan a village young woman, Bạch Lan as Hữu Phùng, and other artists.

Hữu Lương was a poor student who excelled in both literary and martial arts skills but faced misfortune in passing royal court’s examinations. On the way home from the capital, he met fairy Bạch Giáng Tiên at the Seven Fairies ancient shrine. Upon discovering that she had fallen deeply in love on Earth, Bạch Giáng Tiên’s eldest brother, Deity Dương Tiễn, together with heavenly soldiers, compelled her to return.

Thank you for joining us on today’s Enlightening Entertainment. Please stay tuned to Supreme Master Television. Words of Wisdom is coming up. So long for now.

Giáng Tiên, quickly return to Heaven with me.

No, brother Dương!

Quickly leave the earthly world. Plead not for I won’t tolerate it.

Due to fate, I’m attached to this mundane world, binding a tender matrimonial tie which results in an innocent child.

How have you the heart to sever our deep bond? Please pardon her. I’ll be forever grateful to you.

Heaven’s law is strict and clear, I can’t be biased. Leave the earthly world right now. Hasten back the Celestial Palace.

Please think of our family relations.

Don’t wail and grieve.

I beg you, elder brother! Please take pity on us. I had to leave the fairyland, accepting my bad karmic retribution, wishing only to join with the one I love.

You are a true spiritual practitioner who has transcended the ephemeral world. Please bestow an autumn shower to revive plants and brighten flowers. How have you the heart to bring on separation?

Please consider our deep affection and resolve our difficult situation. O elder brother, do you realize even birds long for the tree and their home when away from it. It’s pitiful for humans to be separated. I’ll weep tears of pining for my innocent child. I’m wrong in creating trouble for my eldest brother.

We realize the bad retribution of a fairy-and-earthling bond. Yet her hands are now indigo-tainted, bringing disgrace to the fairies and deities. How will she dare go back to the High Heaven? I beg you to think of family affection and forgive her.

Look at the young innocent child, elder brother. He hasn’t done anything wrong to suffer sorrow.

I know that Giáng Tiên is caught by her bad retribution, but my love for her forces me to take action. She must go to the Thunder Wind Tower to be chastised, to be cleansed of the karma (retribution) she’s got herself into now.

Sir, if I may have a few words. As a brother, you must love your younger sister wholeheartedly. If it’s truly so, why are you so quick to anger and force your sister to separate from her husband and child? We’re poor people who all undergo unfavorable transmigrations due to past retribution. You’re a divine being due to your diligent spiritual practice. How have you the heart to separate a married couple? That will offend the celestial court.

I bow to you, Great Fairy, for forgiveness. The innocent child needs his mother. He longs to hear words of love whispered. Though not related, we still feel tormented for a motherless child. You’re her eldest brother, why are you indifferent?

Having attained the Deity state, I realize the impurity of the earthly world. Thus I don’t want my younger sister to tread that path.

If so, mother and son must part.

O Deity, what is the possibility of our reunion?

I’ll grant you this grace. When your son is fifteen years of age, he’ll have to find Liên Hoa Fairy. Only she who has great magical power can penetrate the Five Cloud Grotto, enter the Golden Gate Tower, and secure the Heavenly Lamp. With the Heavenly Lamp, he will be able to find the key to the Ten Monks’ palace and demolish the Thunder Wind Tower. That is the day of their reunion.

Big brother!

Heavenly generals and soldiers! (Yes.) You have the heart to separate us? O God, what an unutterable pain! Our affinity of many lifetimes is no longer. O Giáng Tiên!

O beloved husband, to the fairy palace I now return. All our hope is gone. My heart is chilled. I’m even more saddened looking at our child. How I grieve for my first love! If you love me, please raise our innocent child.

How bitter I feel! One is upstream, the other is down dale. O son, it’s a vast distance apart! You’ll be a motherless child all your life. Father and son are left in this world with our sorrow.

Why sow a tragedy, O the old God, to create lament and grief by turns! O Deity, how do you have the heart to separate a loving couple?

Mournful atmosphere veils the rosy cloud. A reunion isn’t possible for a thousand autumns. Save an innocent child from years of loneliness. It’s hopeless now. Sadness and yearning are evermore overwhelming.

Enough! Don't cry and wail, that’d only create more trouble. When your son is grown up, he should go find his relation. I’ll now hasten back to the Celestial Palace.

Giáng Tiên!

O mistress!

Giáng Tiên!

Giáng Tiên! I’ve grieved for many years. Whenever I see our child, I miss the one in the fairyland. Lonely on Earth, I pine for my beloved. O darling, what’s there to hope? My heart is gravely pained.

We were apart before yet even further apart now. Our young child longs for deep affection.

Then why are you hiding away in the Celestial Palace? O Giáng Tiên!

Master, master! Are you all right? O husband!

What? What? For God’s sake, what is all this fuss?

When I went to the market, I reminded you to stay home to care for master. He’s ill. What are you doing in the back there? If I didn’t get back in time, master would have fallen and endangered himself.

You keep talking blah, blah, thinking you’re so good and so great.

But wasn’t I right?

Have you calmed down yet? You’re calm now? Then listen to me. After master took the medicine, I saw that he was much better and he lay quietly as if asleep. So I went to the back to tidy up things to lessen the burden for my wife and son. I wasn’t being useless. How come you raised your voice to scold me!

As a wife, I wouldn’t dare scold my husband. I know you well. You’re very composed and look after everything; You love your wife and son. You’re noble-minded and wholeheartedly loyal to your master. But master is sick, you should take good care of him.

Hữu Sinh, I was just a little dizzy. It’s all right. Don’t be too concerned for me that you two get into an argument, ruining your harmony. You hear?

But master, the joy in this house seems to have gone since over ten years ago.

You mean...

I mean your sorrow has tormented you physically and eroded you mentally, making you withered, dismal and mentally adrift since mistress was taken back to the Celestial Palace to be chastised.

I’m more pained to be reminded of it. Our affection was deep, our love tender. Then separation came all of a sudden. I blame brother Dương for being so strict and inflexible. I’d rather be parted in death, not while living. What good is a life burdened with grief? I miss my gentle wife who is serving her sentence in the Thunder Wind Tower, where she endures piercing winds and besieging thunders.

Why tie the love thread only to make people suffer separation?

I thank you both for your loyalty. All this time, if it wasn’t for your support, I wouldn’t know how to take care of Hữu Nhân until he grows up like now. And I wouldn’t know if I have enough strength to wait for the day of reunion. I’m greatly indebted to you both.

Why do you say so? There’s an old saying: “An army raised in a thousand days only to be deployed once.” Our family for a few generations has been greatly indebted to your ancestors. Even if we jumped into a burning fire or boiling oil, I’m afraid we still can’t repay their past kindness, master.

Honey, help him lie down for a rest. Let me cook some porridge before he takes the medicine.

It’s all right, master.

There you are, young master. What is it? What’s the matter? What? Hữu Phùng! (Yes.) Where have you been with young master since early morning? Why is he crying? Look at you! Why are your clothes all muddy like that? You got into a fight again, didn’t you?

Hữu Nhân, son! (Dad!)

It’s not a fight.

What is it then?

Respected mother, I went out with young master this morning. Master has been ill for a few months and couldn’t teach students, so we have no money left.

Don’t talk nonsense to make master more distressed and worried. Look, the money he gave me is still plenty.

We still have money, but we’re eating rice with vegetables and soy sauce?

But where did you and young master go, and what did you do?

Our family is short of money, so he told me to go to the forest to collect firewood and sell it to earn money for the medicine.


Hữu Nhân, son! How agonizing for me to hear that! Must you endure hardship at such a young age? O blue heaven, why bring about this situation? I’m a father yet I’m unable to take care of my son, causing an innocent child to know sorrow.

Don’t be concerned, father. When in good health, you taught to earn money to raise me. Now in illness, you’re bed-ridden and semi-conscious all day. Loving you, as a filial son, I must repay your kindness. I’m grown up now, no longer a child.

Oh, my poor son!

Hữu Phùng, come here! Quick! (Yes.) But why did you get into a fight? Why is young master so sad?

O mother, our peers who played with us before met me and young master this morning. They asked us to join them and divided into groups to play. Young master refused, saying: “My father is ill, so I don’t feel like having fun.” Yet they had no sympathy; instead they said our young master was playing hard to get. They even called him “a motherless kid,” “one that comes from a crack in the ground,” one that...

Stop it!

O father! Am I a motherless child who came from a crack in the ground?

No. It’s not so, son. How could someone who came from a crack in the ground become a human, son? A human has his origin. You were given birth by a mother like any other child. Understand?

So I have a mother; I didn’t come from a crack in the ground. But father, where is my mother?

Your mother...

What about my mother?

O God! How am I to tell my son?

O father! Why are you all emotional and speechless, making me even more miserable? Seeing your tears of sorrow, I’m speechless and bewildered.

Son, I’m not heartless. But what can I say now? O God! Why did You devise tragedy to distress an innocent child and torment me by fits and starts? Just like water comes from an upstream river, a human come from both parents.

O father! You’ve just said that a tree has its root; water has its source. Humans are formed by their parents’ blood. So where are my root and source? Who bore me for 9 months to give birth to this form of mine? All this time, the insults and scorns make me feel more self-pity. You’ve taught me from the words of the sages: “Among the hundred traits of a worthy human, filial piety is placed above all.” So I want to know who bore me for 9 months, carefully fed and arduously nurtured me for 3 years?

O God! A young child’s earnest words pain me even more. But son, how can I begin to tell you?

Dad, where is my mother? You seem to hide some secret. Your eyes are tearful, your voice is choked with emotion.

No. There is no secret, child. I’m speechless because I...

Because of what, Dad?

Because... your mother died already.

Died? But why did she die?

She died because...

No, my mother didn’t die as you said. Don’t keep hiding it to make me miserable. If Mom indeed left the earthly world, why don’t we have an altar to remember her with incense burning? And I’ve never seen my beloved mother’s grave.

O son, though you’re still young and innocent, you must understand that we’re in poverty. Don’t make me feel tormented.

Without a mother, the house feels cold.

Hữu Nhân, son!

Yes, Dad.

If you love me and your mother, try to do what I teach you. When the time is right, I’ll tell you in more detail.


Remember, only you can save your mother. Courage and perseverance can help you overcome hardships. Talent and intelligence will help you face obstacles and perils on the worldly path. Your filial piety will touch Heaven and alter the course of karmic retribution.


I’ll keep in mind what you said, Father. Standing on earth under the sky, I vow: I’ll live worthy of a human so as not to betray your trust.

O master! I think you are very tired now. Let me help you go inside to rest.

Help take him inside.

Let’s go, master.

Elder lady Hữu, has my father taken medicine since this morning?

Young master, we really have no money left. Everything in the house has been sold piece by piece. Now there’s nothing valuable to trade for money. This morning, I... sold my earrings to buy medicine for him. The medicine is still being prepared.

Great lady Hữu, why did you... O God! O elder lady, how will I be able to repay your great favor? The most precious souvenir of your life, you sold it because of my father. I’ll forever remember your noble heart. I have no words to thank your deep affection and kindness. Please accept this one bow as an expression of gratitude.

O brother Nhân Only love and kindness is long-lasting. Even precious materials can’t compare with that. Our bond has been strengthened through poverty. We’re like hands and feet of the same person.

Our family for several generations has been greatly indebted to yours. We only wish to repay it with our service.

You shouldn’t need to be concerned. We pray that he recovers from his serious illness.

As long as I live, I vow not to forget your family’s deep love. Uncle Hữu Sinh!

What is it, son?

Does my father’s health improve any, Uncle?

He looks better today. If he continues taking medicine, it won’t be long before he regains his health.

In this situation, where do we find money to buy medicine for my father? I wish to ask Uncle and Auntie one thing.

What is it, son?

To have money for my father’s medicine, Hữu Phùng and I will demonstrate our martial art skills at the market.

No, it’s not possible. Your martial art skills are not that much. Being young and innocent, you’ll invite danger.

You can’t. It’s not possible.

Mom and Dad, brother Nhân is great in his martial art skills.

Who taught him to be good in martial art?

Uncle Sinh taught me.

What? Goodness! This man taught you? What does he know to teach you?

What do you mean? If I didn’t know martial art, how could I rescue you before? You were mesmerized with my martial art so you agreed to be my bride, isn’t that so?

Now, children! If you go demonstrate your martial art, be careful. “A soft answer turns away wrath.” You may get into trouble if not careful.

Yes, I shall listen to you. I demonstrate martial art skills to earn money to take care of my ill father, so he doesn’t worry.

I’ll be there to scrutinize it. Be at ease, Father. There’s nothing to worry.

Come back as soon as you finish; otherwise I’ll be anxious. Be cautious, young master. A quick-temper begets trouble.

I’ll follow your advice. I’ll go now, Uncle.

Respected Father, I take leave now.

Remember to be careful, children.

Good! Amazing! Whose children are they that are quite good in martial art at that age?

I must say they’re great, not just good. Those two boys, aren’t they bright and adorable?

They’re indeed lovable.

Well done!

Respected elders! Ladies and gentlemen!

Respected brothers, sisters, and lovely ladies!

We’re young and cannot estimate our ability, “showing off our axes before the master carpenters.”

Please forgive us. It’s because we’re poor and now having a dire need for money, so we perform some public entertainment. We hope you can help us with some money to weather through our difficult time. Your deep favor, this young person will remember forever.

What a verbose chatterbox!

Mister, why are you scolding people?

Wow, what a beauty!

Why are you staring at me with wide-opened eyes? Have some manners!

What are you laughing about?

Well, let’s go away. Just the kind that relies on power to oppress decent people!

Let’s go, brother!

Oppressing decent people.

O uncles... O aunties...

Look, young lady! The world is topsy-turvy, and people are deceitful. Don’t listen to the boastful and cunning boys.

It takes one to know one. Only the boastful perceives others as boastful. Ouch!

There, you see? They’re indeed the kind who eat to tell lies. He’s only good at bragging, good-for-nothing. What a shame!

We’re just poor people trying to earn a living. What’s shameful about it? Only the one who relies on power, twists his tongue to deceive people, and flirts with girls is disgraceful.

Be quiet! Your time is over now that you provoke me! All fear and respect me when they hear of me, the most powerful. At my command, your life is over.

What is your name? Why are you so wordy? This is our first meeting. You started it and even prattled arrogantly. You slandered people without consideration.

Who are you that I have to show my respect? Your days are over now that you anger me, the first son of the powerful incumbent Prime Minister.

So you’re a mandarin’s son. We’re still young and innocent. If we’re really at fault, you should use gentle words to admonish us. That is how the state law is at work. Why rely on power to bully us like that?

Guards! Arrest them for me!

Please lessen your wrath. We weren’t aware of your authority and so offended a great nobleman. Please forgive us.

Forgive you? All right. Get on your knees and bow to me, and I’ll pardon you.


Don’t bow to him. Nobleman, you can’t abuse your power to oppress people like that.

And you? You’re afraid that I will let you go? No. A beauty like you, I can’t simply ignore. After I teach these two a lesson, it’ll be your turn. Leaving? It’s not that easy. Guards? (Yes.) Take this girl to my private residence!

What? Guards? (Yes.) Hand me the sword!

Thank you for rescuing me. Otherwise, I wouldn’t be able to escape the ruin of jade and gold.

We acted not just because of you. He pushed us against the wall. What else could we have done?

Young master, we’ve caused a catastrophe. Let’s go home now to figure out what to do.

Fine. Young lady, you should also leave this place now.

Benefactor, may I offer you this bag of money for your expenditure?

No. Don’t do that. What we did was nothing. Don’t bother to thank us and make us feel uncomfortable.

Actually, I don’t want to get in trouble. It must be our fate. Young lady, you should leave this place quickly.

I’m about to leave yet my heart lingers with fondness. Let’s look at each other for a moment, then we’ll be a thousand miles apart. It’s our first meeting yet I already admire the hero. That profound act of kindness by a valiant spirit will be remembered.

Please don’t bother saying words of gratitude. When we turn to walk away, please consider us as strangers.

Be it an adventurous journey or chains and prison awaiting me, I’ve resigned myself to the death penalty.

O Providence, where is justice? O the decision maker for the public, please consider the root and cause! May Heaven help my benefactor escape the prison term and his wish be fulfilled.

Thank you for your sympathy in saying so. We’d like to bid adieu. We’ll meet again if affinity allows. Farewell.




Hữu Nhân, son!

Father, keep this bag of money for spending on master’s medicine.

Hữu Phùng! Where did you get so much money, son?

A girl requited a favor done by me and young master.

Hữu Nhân, what favor is it that she repaid you for?

It was just a normal thing, Father.

If it was a normal thing, why did you accept her money?

Respected father, Hữu Phùng and I strongly rejected it, but she insisted and offered it to us. We kept refusing to no avail, so we had to accept it.

It happened already, but in the future you should keep in mind: “One who sees a righteous thing yet doesn’t act on it, is a coward. One who sees someone in danger but doesn’t help out, isn’t a man of courage.” And there is also: “Doing favors without expecting any return.”


Hữu Phùng! (Yes.) Turn this way, son!


What happened? (Dad.) Why are your clothes stained with blood?

No, they’re not.

Hữu Phùng! (Yes.) Whose blood is it? Whose is it?

Hữu Nhân, what is it that you two are trying to cover up? Tell me the truth. (Yes.) Hữu Nhân!

Father, please lessen your wrath so that I may explain. It began with the incumbent Prime Minister’s son. He relied on his father’s power to humiliate Hữu Phùng.

He also attempted to forcibly take a young woman home for his own pleasure. Unable to turn a blind eye to cruelty, I stepped out to stop him.

Unfortunately Hữu Phùng was defeated. I couldn’t remain indifferent, so I killed the power-abusing man.

O God! You’ve caused a grave disaster. They will hunt you down. Leave this place quickly, son.

I can’t seek safety to put you in trouble.

Before you leave home, I’ll reveal to you about your gentle mother. Your unwavering filial piety is witnessed by Heaven. With love and righteousness, you’ll meet your mother. Your mother is Fairy Bạch Giáng Tiên in the distant higher realm. Find your mother for a reunion. Head toward Đông Thành to the Seven Fairy ancient shrine. Cry out for Fairy Liên Hoa. Your earnest prayer will touch Heaven. Be courageous to save your mother who languishes in longing. I’ll be waiting anxiously for your return.

I’ll be fine in my search for mother. But how will you manage to live at home?

Don’t worry! Hold back your tears.

Your uncle and I will look after him. Don’t be concerned, child.

O brother Nhân, later on the long journey, you’ll confront many dangers and difficulties. I wish to join you on the myriad roads you travel to support you. Your departure will leave me longing for you forever. I’ll go stand at the riverbank every evening, gazing at the small ferry, yearning for one person.

O Phùng, if you truly love me, then wait for me in gladness. I entrust my aged father to you. Remember to take care of him.

I’ll care for him on your behalf in good or bad times, just like he is my own father.
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