Aulacese (Vietnamese) Modern Folk Opera: Filial Loquat-Leaf Medicine - P1/4 (In Aulacese)    
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Today’s Enlightening Entertainment will be presented in Aulacese (Vietnamese), with subtitles in Arabic, Chinese, English, French, German, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Malay, Mongolian, Persian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, and Thai.

In Aulacese (Vietnamese) culture, cải lương (modern folk opera) is a popular theater art that dates back about three centuries, when the flourishing South was a new land. Among those who settled in the South at that time were musicians from the royal palace in the ancient capital Huế. Since then, the kind of ceremonial music often heard in the palace became more widely known among the populace.

Eventually, new songs were composed. Many amateur musical groups were formed, adopting music and song as a form of elegant entertainment. From about 1912 to 1915, the artists of these musical groups began to combine gestures to their songs. Since then, a new genre called ca ra bộ was born. Performers conversed; sometimes a song would be used as dialogue. Ca ra bộ continued to develop to create the theatrical art that is now called modern folk opera.

The orchestra for Aulacese modern folk opera usually consists of the six-string guitar, the moon lute, the pear-shaped lute, two-string fiddle, sixteen-string zither, and monochord zither. The themes of Aulacese modern folk opera highlight humanitarian and moral values. The dialogues are profound, the song lyrics and tunes are rhythmic and rich in melody. These are some of the reasons cải lương (modern folk opera) has an enduring place in the hearts of the Aulacese people.

In the Lunar New Year 2007, during an outdoor gathering with our Association members in Formosa (Taiwan), Supreme Master Ching Hai was moved to spontaneously sing a folk opera song “Spiritual Practice is a Source of Blessing” written by Mr. Viễn Châu, which she knew by heart since her youth. We now invite you to listen to an excerpt of this folk opera song through the voice of Supreme Master Ching Hai.

Kneeling down, she sobs in the main hall of worship
As the temple bell sounds the hour of prayer
O young devotee, why do you wish to be a nun?
Finding comfort in the scriptures, and acquainting yourself with spiritual practice?
But how can you achieve enlightenment when earthly traces are still evident on your seasoned countenance?
Are you rid of worldly debt or are still entangled?
Did you renounce the world because glory and fame have lost their appeal and life seems like an abyss?
Or was it because of a fleeting moment of jealousy and distress that you intend to hide yourself behind the temple’s gate to bury your grief and forget your sorrow?

On Enlightening Entertainment, Supreme Master Television is pleased to introduce different forms of arts from Âu Lạc (Vietnam), as well as from other countries in the world, in order to share the beauty and cultures of the peoples on our planet.

“Filial Loquat-Leaf Medicine” extols the greatly pious Dương Cẩn, a dedicated son to his elderly mother. Willing to undertake any sacrifice for his beloved parent, Dương Cẩn moved Heaven and touched the hearts of many by his righteous and filial devotion. Thus, he was helped and blessed.

We now invite you to enjoy part 1 of the modern folk opera “Filial Loquat-Leaf Medicine,” written by playwright Bửu Truyện. This opera will be presented in four episodes, with performances by Kim Tử Long as Dương Cẩn, Tài Linh as Hồng Cúc, Linh Tâm as District Chief, Út Bạch Lan as Trần Thái, Bửu Truyện as Diệp Thiên Sĩ, Trinh Trinh as Tiểu Thúy, Phước Sang as Cam Thảo, Bạch Long as Táo Tàu, Xuân Yến as Thục Địa, Công Minh as Fortune Teller, Hồng Thắm as the Mother, Thành Phương as Herbalist Nhẫn Nhục, and other artists.

Thank you for joining us on today’s Enlightening Entertainment. Please stay tuned to Supreme Master Television. Words of Wisdom is coming up. Farewell for now, and we’ll see you next time.

A mother waits heart-weary at the door The child in hunger cries for its softened rice I feed your mother, serving as her son, and like a father teach our child to read.

Pitying her fatherless child, her heartbroken tears shed through the night. For years, her son devoted to his studies. Without a word of lament, she’d endured all hardships, hoping that her young son would achieve academic success. The Dương family now had someone to burn incense for the ancestors.

Mother, you’ve walked me a long way already. Please return in peace.

I still feel fine. It’s all right to walk a few more miles.


You’ve seen him off for a long distance already. I’m afraid that you’re feeble and may collapse on the way.

As a man, I’m weighed down with the three main duties.

You’ve waited years to repay the favor of upbringing.

Every night, I pray to the high Heaven that your name will be on the honored list. I’ll greet you with my embrace upon your return in glory. O son, grow up quickly to help the world like your father did.

You and Mother have walked me far enough. Take Mom home before it rains.

It’s all right. I still feel fine. When the ferry comes to take you across the river, I’ll go back at ease.

The weather has changed these few days. I worry that you’ll fall ill, partly due to your longing for me on a thousand-mile journey to the far capital city. Whom can you rely on for news of your son? You’ll be waiting one full moon after another. I feel tormented thinking of your plight.

O Cẩn, although it pains my heart, I must see you off to the capital, in hope that you’ll achieve academic success.

How I pity that you’re restlessly anxious! Tears of sorrow keep rolling down. Your longing for him is indescribable.

I’m concerned about your long-distance journey all alone. I’m not knowledgeable about the situation at the examination.

I pity you for being concerned about everything.

I pray that my son attains his dream. Love and respect your father always.

How I love you, Mother! You’ve braved all kinds of hardships to provide for my study. When food was scarce, you gave up your meal for me, regardless of your languishing form. You saved every grain of rice and every sweet potato for simple meals to pass the day. I’ve always been by your side to care for you, winters and summers. Now that I must leave you, I’m tearful.

It rends my heart to hear your words of deep affection. Try hard to score highest on your exam. Heaven wouldn’t betray the righteous.

May your name be on the roll of honor. Your return in glory will bring joy to the villagers.

Please protect my aged mother from the elements in my stead.

Don’t over-worry; be at ease. I only ask that you forget not the village, the river, the bamboo grove, and small boats.

Now that I must part with you, my sorrow is indescribable. I long for the day of our reunion.

O Mother, even the Great Mountain is incomparable to a father’s love. Even the Long River isn’t equal to a mother’s kindness. Such is a lonely feeling to be away from my homeland, but images of our village’s rice fields are deeply imprinted in my mind.

Ma’am, the boat has arrived!

Really? Hand your master his belongings! (Yes.) Dương Cẩn. (Yes.) Have a safe journey, son.

I bow to you and depart now. Cam Thảo, dear! My aged mother’s life is full of hardships. I rely on you to take good care of her.

I’ll keep in mind what you said.


Here at the ferry, the sun is overlooking your shoulder. Seeing you off, I long for the day you attain academic honors.

I look forward to the ferry back on the Long River. My return in glory will make up for your time of waiting. Now, I bid farewell, Mother! Let not your form languish in longing for me. Wait for my returning day.

Be determined to overcome all hardships, and your future will be very bright. We’ll reunite in happiness upon your return.

I’ll pray to high Heaven every night that you have a safe journey.

As a man, I aspire high, hoping to attain rank and fame to repay my parents the favor of raising me. Farewell, Mom!

Summer sun passes, comes autumn rain. Longing for my son, I’m tired and restless. My heart is weeping tears of sorrow. Pitying my son in a faraway land makes me uneasy.

Ma’am, please try to sit up to take this bowl of medicine, so you may recover quickly. Take it, please.

I feel so sorry for you. You’ve endured hardships because of me.

How do you feel? If you love me, please don’t let your health deteriorate. Young master will be heartbroken to see you in this condition upon his return.

Rain drips, wind blows through the leaves. I miss you so much, Dương Cẩn. Where are you, son? Who’d expect our family to go through topsy-turvy time? Time works great changes so swiftly.

O Ma’am, our homeland and village of old, alas!

I feel tormented thinking of my son’s wandering life in the far land.

When night herons call, you gaze at the distant sky, yearning for the faraway son.

The sky is obscured by rainstorms, know you not how I feel?

O Ma’am!

Do you not hear your mother’s loving words, Dương Cẩn?

Villagers welcome the new mandarin Dương in his homecoming. Relatives on both sides offer him their congratulations. Villagers welcome the new mandarin Dương in his homecoming. Relatives on both sides offer him their congratulations. Who’d expect that the world changed in this manner? One now has both rank and wealth, yet his mother languished from tearful longing for her son.

Congratulations, First Laureate, on your glorious return. May I welcome you to my palace.

I appreciate your offer. But I’d like to return to Thùy Dương Hamlet to inquire on my gentle mother’s well-being.

If so, allow me to send people back to the palace to prepare a banquet in advance for you.

Thank you. Guards! Head to Thùy Dương Hamlet now!

Order obeyed!

Everyone stops here; let me go in to present myself to my mother.

Order obeyed!

Mom, your son is back now! O Thảo, where are you? Where is my mother? Oh God! What has happened to my mother? Thảo! Mom! My heart is broken. Know you not, O high Heaven? Who devised this separation of mother and son? O Mom, where are you? Oh, so dispirited, I feel chilled all over. I didn’t covet rank to leave you in loneliness. You saw me off, expecting my return. A homecoming in glory would honor my family and please my kind mother. Now that I don a mandarin’s cape, you lead a wandering life. What good is it to live and be scorned by the world?

First Laureate, please lessen your grief. You should summon all village elders to find out what happened in detail.

Please help me, District Chief.

Just give your order, I’ll do everything. Servants? (Yes.)

Summon all elders here right away!

We, villagers, wish to congratulate First Laureate.

Be at ease! Please stand up, Elders!

Respected Elders, please explain clearly, so His Excellency understands everything. Where does Mrs. Trần Thái dwell now? And why is this house...

Your Excellency, this house was sold long ago.

Who bought it?

Mr. Tương Tào who lives 10 houses away from here.

Summon him here!

I’ve been here all this time. I paid money to buy this house.

Please clarify the situation.

I bought it to help her when she was racked by her illness. She ran out of money for a herbalist. So she had to sell the house for her medical treatment. I felt sorry for her facing a threatening situation.

And then?

Your Excellency, she handed over her house and land. Cam Thảo helped her walk about the village.

Oh God! I’m a mandarin who let my mother wander about! How could Heaven forgive the sin of filial impiety?

First Laureate.

Mother, where are you now? The mandarin robe will be tarnished with bad reputation. What a disgrace! I fail to fulfill my filial duty.

I’ve sent people out to try to find her everywhere. Please try to suppress your grief.

What good is rank and honor, if one fails to fulfill his moral duty and becomes a mockery for life. O Mother, I have no desire for wealth when you wander in hardship and poverty. I just wish to care for my kind mother until her last day. My mother isn’t any different than a withering tree with bare branches amidst a snowy winter evening. Though rivers and seas are vast, I can’t be like a bird freely soaring with the wind. I have no right to abandon an old tree and dream a life of my own.

Autumn passed, winter comes. Why must Heaven send much bitterness and misery to the poor?

Have some porridge in place of rice to alleviate hunger. Try to swallow it or else your health will deteriorate.

Last night, I saw the angel of death; I chased him away from here. You should take this bowl of medicine; Try to wait for my master who will come back sooner or later.

O Dương Cẩn, where are you now?

Where is my mother? Rank and honor are but illusion. Without you, Mother, my life will be miserable. O wind, don’t blow and chill my heart. O leaves, why fall to sadden the ground? O Mother!

Your Excellency, there’s a country girl who claims to know Lady Trần’s whereabout.

Where is that person? Let me see her right away!

Guards? (Yes.) Summon that young lady here!

I’m Tiểu Thúy. I bow to congratulate Your Excellency.

No need for protocol. Where is my mother now? Tell me quickly!

She dwells behind Bửu Sơn Temple in Ân Thọ Village.

Bửu Sơn Temple in Ân Thọ Village? Follow me there, everyone! Mom, I’m coming to you. O Mom! I’m back, Mom.

Oh God! It’s young master’s voice. Master!

Where is my mother?

She’s bedridden. Come in, master.

Mom! Oh God! What’s happened to my mom? Mom, I let you suffer for an entire long year. How brazen-faced I am to carry on living? Please forgive me, Mom.

Who is it?

It’s your son, Mother.

Oh God! My dear son!

I let you suffer for nearly a year. While I lived in luxury, you led a destitute life. Laden with sin, I don’t even come close to the trees and plants.

I have never blamed you. It’s all fated by Heaven. If I can see you today, it’s thanks to Cam Thảo’s complete devotion.

O Thảo, because of me, you’ve endured hardship for nearly a year, taking care of my aged mother in her late years.

O young master, I’m like someone who has just had a nightmare. I cherish life greatly. Though poor, I vow to repay the favor of my upbringing. How had I the heart to abandon your aged mother?

Oh, such sincere and noble words! I vow to remember your kindness for life.

You get to see your mother already, why are you still sad?

I bow to you, Mom, as I’ve failed to fulfill my filial duty.

I’m so happy to see you again. Your return in glory and brocade robe honors your parents. I’m fortunate to have this young lady to help me with my illness. I’m deeply indebted to her.

I’m grateful to you. I’ll never forget this favor.

Never mind! Loving others is loving yourself. There is saying: “The whole leaves protect the torn ones.”

By loving me, she got herself into trouble. Her father scolded her repeatedly without pity.

In love, one is willing to cross the mountain, river, and pass.

It’s touching to see how this young couple bonds in love. Feeling sorry for myself, I was sleepless many nights.

With your blessing, the cinnamon and japonica tree thrive lush.

If it is so, I’m satisfied.

Be at ease, Mom, I will take care. Now, please go with me to the palace.

This is a token of my love and esteem for you. Please drink this cup of affection. Soon, I’ll have to return to the capital city. Please be so kind as I’ll rely on your help for everything.

Please have no concern. I promise to help wholeheartedly.



Only 3 more days and I must return to the capital city. I’m due to be back at the court and so must part with my loved one. I feel uneasy to be away from my mother, but I dare not neglect national affairs. I’m in agony, not being able to care for my mother as a son. Please have pity and help me during this time of distress.

There’s nothing to worry, younger brother Mandarin. Once I promised, I will always remember. I’ll take good care of your mother back here. Hasten back to the capital in peace of mind.

It’s trouble, O master!

What happened?

Her lady... she... she...

What’s the matter with my mother?

She’s having breathing difficulty.

What? Summon all the doctors immediately. What to do? How can I save my mom? I feel tormented, looking at you, Mom. Your eyes are motionless, your breath weakens. I have no heart to let you pass away. O high Heaven, please understand a son’s plight. I have yet to requite a mother’s favor. Oh high Heaven, how have I the heart to leave my mother? Mother, what should I do?

Gentle brother, you need to stay calm! Don’t act hastily.

It’s heart-breaking to look at my mother.

O brother, who wouldn’t feel painful at the time of separation?

What is the meaning of my life if you’re gone? What am I to do, Mom?

O high Heaven! Can you understand the feeling of a loving son?

What can I say? It’s heart-breaking to look at her.

Alas, what can I do when the lamp is dry and its wick dying out? How I cherish my aged mother!

What can we do to help her escape death?


You need to live to take care of her till her ripe old age.

It’s hard for my gentle mother to escape.

Ah! I remember now. There is a very good doctor called Nhẫn Nhục in Hoài Âm Village. Who knows? He may have a skilful hand.

Then go there right away, Miss. Servants? (Yes!) Take her there quickly.

Respected doctor, please tell me clearly my mother’s condition.

She’s gravely ill, partly because of wrong treatments, so her condition becomes more serious every day. It’s hopeless. It’s all right. Prepare this prescription for her. But this will just prolong her life; it’s not a cure.

All right! While there is life, there is hope. Prepare the medicine quickly, Thảo!
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