Science & Spirituality Dr. Fred Alan Wolf and Quantum Spirituality - P3/3    
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Welcome, forward-thinking viewers, to Science and Spirituality on Supreme Master Television. This program is the conclusion of a three-part series featuring an interview with a popular quantum physicist, author and lecturer from the United States, Dr. Fred Alan Wolf.

Dr. Wolf earned a Ph.D. in theoretical physics from the University of California – Los Angeles, USA in 1963. He has lectured across the world, conducted extensive research in his field, written many award-winning books such as “Taking the Quantum Leap” and “The Spiritual Universe,” and served as the resident physicist on the Discovery Channel program “The Know Zone.” Dr. Wolf has appeared in popular films such as “What The Bleep Do We Know” and “The Secret.”

He is known for explaining the complex laws of quantum physics in an engaging way so that non-scientists can better understand them and see how they relate to spiritual principles. His fascinating work has sparked the interest of many to deeply inquire into the nature of existence and the mind.

Today Dr. Wolf delves into the past and speaks about some of the most famous physicists in history. Returning to the present, he will discuss current theories regarding the nature of parallel universes. Finally he will close with a thoughtful message about spirituality. Let us now re-join our intriguing interview with Dr. Fred Alan Wolf.

You speak a lot about Plato. What was his role in quantum physics?

Well, that’s a good question. Actually not only do I have a certain respect for platonic thinking and for Plato but also Roger Penrose who is a noted physicist who has also written about platonic ideals as well. The basic notion is the debate between Plato and Aristotle. Aristotle was a student of Plato, as I understand it, 2,500 years or so ago.

Basically the idea there was that Plato believed there was an ideal world, a nonmaterial ideal world and from this ideal world the practical world got built. For example, there is an ideal table in Plato’s world and the table that any carpenter makes is going to be inferior to the ideal. It’s always going to have some pragmatic difficulty. One leg is going to be a little shorter than the other, wider than the other; the table may not be perfectly flat, etc.

In other words, it’ll function as a table for all practical purposes unless we really want to measure things in a very refined way but it’s still not the ideal table. And as far as Plato was concerned the ideal world is where real things “come from.” So therefore, the notion of quantum physics seems to be more platonic because the things we work with in the quantum physical world theoretically are ideals rather than actualities.

One of the most celebrated scientists was Albert Einstein. Was he a detractor of quantum physics?

Not at all. He was one of the founders of it. He became what appeared to be a detractor when he debated with Niels Bohr, the famous Bohr-Einstein debates that took place in the 1920s and even continued after the initial debates, which were in the 1920s, into even the day that Bohr died. He was still debating Einstein even though Einstein had died eight or nine years before him.

So the whole notion was, is quantum physical reality complete? Is it a complete explanation of reality? Basically, Einstein said no. He didn’t think “God played dice with the universe” whereas Bohr said “Stop telling God what to do,” and that was how the debate went. And it went into all kinds of different possible things but so far Einstein has never won anything in that debate.

Okay. Why do you think that is?

Because Einstein’s picture was basically one of what is called “classical physics” and Einstein was basically disturbed by this thing I just talked about earlier, about the notion of entanglement. Entanglement was not according to Einstein’s kosher way of looking at things because it indicated some kind of action at a distance – faster than light. And Einstein came up with the theory of relativity which says that basically no information can travel faster than light.

Do you have any insights into the theory of many universes?

Well, I’ve had a few of them. I wrote a book called “Parallel Universes” and by the way, I should tell you I have many books out there, almost 17 of them right now and my latest book is called “Time Loops and Space Twists: How God Created the Universe.” This should be appearing in the early spring of 2011. But I wrote a book called “Parallel Universes” back in the 1980s.

I tried to explain how the concept originated, where it came from. It actually comes from quantum physics and it actually comes from general relativity. There are two fields in which it developed without any connection between the two. Nobody thought there was anything between the two, yet they both developed a notion of something called many universes or parallel universes.

Let me talk about it from a quantum physics point of view first. When you observe something it instantly goes into a particular state at the moment of observation. When you are not observing something then it’s possible for that thing, the system or whatever it is that you are looking at to be in many different states at the same time.

Atoms exist in the same way with different states of energy and they are linear combinations of all possible states that they could be in and so forth. So we have what we call many states. It then became of interest to ask what would happen if an observer observes these states. In other words, the observer becomes split into all the different possibilities as well as the different possibilities that are there.

Now if that’s the case, then we have multiple universes and multiple observers so that one observer is not what happens. What everybody does when they observe is they split themselves into multiple observers, each one observing a different state in a different universe. Since the two don’t ever talk to each other because observers are so complicated, you don’t know the splits occurred and as far as you are concerned you are still in the same universe.

It sounds silly; it sounds a bit crazy but that’s how people were trying to model the effective mind by splitting the observer as if the observer were an object like the thing being observed. That’s where the idea originated from and at first people didn’t believe it at all, then they began to believe it even more so; and now they have the notion that well, yes, it’s true but.

And they add a little bit of “but” and they call it the “theory of decoherence” which means that when we split the relationship of one observer in his universe to himself in another universe is decoherent; you can’t bring them back together again ever. That’s the kind of idea there; it’s an added thought.

So that’s where many universes come into being there. The idea has caught on and it has led people into all kinds of speculation about can I go to a parallel universe? And people write me, “Well how can I get to a parallel universe?” and that sort of thing, and I try to explain to them that it doesn’t quite work that way but nevertheless I still get those comments.

That’s a question I would have. (sure) I would like to test and see if this universe is better for me or some other universe.

Yes, I totally agree. If we could figure out a way to make a model of you, we can make a test. And if we can model what it is about you that makes observations, then of course such a test like that could be carried out. And indeed could take a photograph of you in a parallel universe. (Okay) But, there has to be a way to model you, and so far we don’t know how to model how your consciousness works. So we don’t know how to do that.

In concluding our interview with Dr. Wolf, we asked him to give a message to those who may only have faith in science and do not believe that there is a spiritual side to our existence.

Think about these questions: If in asking yourself “Where was I before I was born?” “Where will I be after I die?” “Who am I?” If in asking those questions something gets ignited inside of you, some flame of inquiry, some igniting of consideration, that there is something going on here that is really mysterious.

If you are excited by such things as what I have just mentioned, these kinds of questions, then you are becoming spiritually awakened. And now the question is how much awakening are you willing to sustain in your life? Are you willing to walk in a completely awakened state all the time? Do you think that’s possible?

If you do or if you wish to, then you are now taking steps on the spiritual path. The spiritual path is actually the path you have always been on. You may not remember it but it was the path you chose before you were born and will be the path you will be on after you pass from this physical existence.

The spiritual path is when you are willing to look at things which don’t fit into that preconceived notion of what is and you begin to really realize that there is something going on here, which is igniting, burning inside of you, opening up like a flower growing, like a seed that has been planted. And the spiritual master is going to be there constantly nudging you to awaken to that; constantly trying to get you to water that seed.

Professor Fred Alan Wolf, we thank you so much. It has been a pleasure.

Thank you!

Once again our sincere appreciation Dr. Fred Alan Wolf for sharing your sage thinking on the connections between the spiritual world and the realm of quantum physics. Through the work of scientists like you, may we forge a greater understanding of the universe so that humanity quickly progresses toward a higher level of enlightenment.

For more details on Dr. Wolf, please visit Books, CDs, and DVDs by Dr. Wolf are available at the same website

Splendid viewers, thank you for your company on this week’s edition of Science and Spiritualty. Coming up next is Words of Wisdom, after Noteworthy News here on Supreme Master Television. May your life be blessed with peace, happiness and God's loving grace.
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