VEGETARIAN ELITE Marina Devyatova: Beautiful Voice of Russian Music and Compassion - P2/2 (In Russian)    
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Today’s Vegetarian Elite will be presented in Russian with subtitles in Arabic, Aulacese (Vietnamese), Chinese, English, French, German, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Mongolian, Nepali, Persian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Tagalog and Thai.

Welcome, charming viewers. On today’s edition of Vegetarian Elite, we have the pleasure of presenting part two of the two-part series on Marina Devyatova – a musical star in Russia’s multifaceted culture. Gifted with a beautiful voice and profound love for folk music, she is dedicated to bringing the impressive legacy of her culture into a new and flourishing era.

An exceptional singer, Marina Devyatova is doing her part to maintain marvelous aspects of Russian music. As a devout person, Marina knows the paramount value of being in communion with God and to adhere to sacred principles of life, such as love and harmony. With a heart of compassion, she has adopted a plant-based lifestyle. This includes not using fur and leather to avoid inflicting harm and pain upon our animal co-inhabitants.

I am uplifting our Russian art and our Russian songs, our folklore.

As for the spiritual side, I am practicing Bhakti Yoga and, I understand that animals are our little friends and, of course, I look at the food completely different now. If you eat and kill animals, you take upon yourself a certain responsibility. You are killing. It is important to expand our views, expand our thinking, expand our spiritual essence.

Let us now listen to Marina Devyatova singing a lovely song called “Dear River, Little River.”

And above the river Golden clouds Carry the happy
Sun shower You and I are still very young
Above the Russian river we will sing
O cherished humble river of mine
Keep our love and save it
O cherished river of mine, you are as clear
As the skies above Russia
O cherished humble river of mine
Keep our love and save it
O cherished river of mine, you are as clear
As the skies above Russia Cherished river.

Besides her sacred love for her homeland Russia, Marina Devyatova has another kind of tender love that is especially reserved for animals. She explained how she decided to adopt a plant-based diet.

In 1999 I entered the musical college where I met a friend who was a vegetarian. Her whole family was vegetarian. We were friends for about five years and when I was visiting them, I ate what they offered me, of course. I would find the food very tasty. Basically, I understood that life does not depend on animal products.

Eventually, I happened to simply see by myself the killing of cows. It is hard to explain. One should see in order to understand. It is like a switch that turns on in the head and I understood that, indeed, the food I was eating was not goodies, that I was eating organs. This was my realization back then. At the beginning I slowly stopped eating meat, stopped eating fish, sea food, eggs. Basically I became a vegetarian and I feel very good. I use a lot of protein and a lot of nuts, soy, lentils. I drink a lot of fresh juice so I can have the vitamins.

My skin became much clearer, this is number one. It became much easier to work on the stage because it is a long known medical fact that meat requires a lot of digestion and by the time it is in its last stage, there are a lot of microbes and it can be hardly broken down. I don’t know if this related to it or not, but strangely enough I started to feel much lighter, it was much easier to work, my voice started to sound better.

And most importantly, the voice brings more benefit [to the audience]. Therefore I feel very good. I do not kill anything, I do not pay for that, and I would advise everyone to do the same.

Old maple Old maple Old maple is knocking on the window
Inviting us for a walk with friends
How come, how come, how come I feel so bright?
It’s because you are walking down the alley.
How come, how come, how come I feel so bright?
It’s because you are walking down the alley.
Snowfall, snowfall, snowfall has stopped long ago
Like if the spring is back again to visit us
How come, how come, how come I feel so good
It’s because you just smiled at me
It’s because you just smiled at me

In the Orthodox faith, an animal-free diet is recognized as cleansing not only the body, but also the soul. Monks in the Orthodox Church originally did not eat meat. In the contemporary era, there are many occasions throughout the year, especially during important holidays dedicated to great Saints, when people adhere to a plant-based diet to abstain from all violence.

The biggest treat for me is the Orthodox Lent. For 40 days the food should be non-animal based. In any restaurant there is a Lent menu. Some kind of buckwheat, or even mushrooms. Therefore, I am always looking forward to the Orthodox Lent. When I am asked: “Are you observing Lent?” I say: “Yes, I have an eternal Lent!”

So, please, bring it here. And, by the way, a great many delicious dishes can be prepared. At first, my friends were kind of, “Come on, Marina. Why do you need that?” But I was firmly standing by my position. And, by the way, I brought many of my friends to vegetarianism. I guided many of my colleagues on this path.

Why do we need to kill animals? When you go to a store – you have such a variety of foods. I have many friends in Canada, many of my friends live in London, and they say that each respectable store has designated shelves specific for vegetarians. We even have restaurants now. Now we have different kinds of television programs that bring up this topic. I am glad that I have many colleagues, friends, and musicians who are also vegan.

Therefore, I would certainly like for a system to form. Maybe they exist, some kind of vegan centers. Maybe there are centers that advocate the healthy way of living. Yes? For nature, for animals, for global ecology. And here I would really like to wish us, Russians, if any of you see that, we should unite, make parties, actions, anything at all – but be outspoken. If we can all unite, we will be much stronger.

Singer Marina Devyatova is committed to a wholesome lifestyle. Along with a vegetarian diet, she has made other healthy and life-enhancing decisions. She offers some sincere words of advice.

This is my way of life, vegetarianism is my way of life. And when my friends come over, they already know that in my house there is no smoking, no swearing, no gambling games, and no animal-based food. But in return, I feed them with delicious food.

I think that with the help of your channel, many young people will learn something for themselves. I am not using alcohol. I stopped using it when I became vegetarian. I was smoking, but I stopped. Alcohol does not give any relaxation. Tobacco causes only habits and addictions. I realized that I was dependent on a small stick called a cigarette. I don’t like to be dependent, therefore I quit.

Many people have the tendency to say, “You know, it is to relax.” In reality, we don’t need to relax with the help of alcohol. We should relax with the power of the Almighty. And those things are only habits and dependencies. Besides, they only cloud your brain and cause bad consequences I want to give birth to healthy children who can follow my culture. I believe that everyone should reflect upon this and enjoy every minute of your life. If you have the chance to smile – then smile. If you have the chance to say a good word to your loved ones – say it. Don’t be greedy with your emotions and your energy.

Now, please join Ms. Marina Devyatova in a joyful song titled “If Winter Did Not Exist.”

If winter did not exist Everyone would be so sad
Even the best minds would wither
because of the heat Crawling like crabs on the green valley
Praying for the dear snow If only, if only, if only.
Praying for the dear snow If only, if only, if only.
If winter did not exist And there was only summer all the time
We would not have all the excitement Of the New Year’s Eve
And Father Frost wouldn’t hurry to us overcoming snow bancs
The ice wouldn’t set on the river If only, if only, if only.
The ice wouldn’t set on the river If only, if only, if only.

An ever thoughtful artist and citizen, Marina Devyatova shares her insights on how to achieve world peace.

I guess that peace in the world will start when there will be peace in your home. When we will start respecting what is given to us from Above. God created this world but we are trying to spoil it. We are trying to bring our negativity. We are trying to rule the process. In reality, this is what’s missing. We lack peace in our home, in our families. I believe we should start with ourselves so that you have peace because peace is impossible without harmony. To people who are in a marriage or are planning to get married, I wish them to think first of all about the children.

Most importantly, the children should be welcomed. They need to be educated in a morally stable family. And of course, a child who is raised with love and knows what parental love is, already has a small accumulation of happiness that he/she won’t need to search for. He/she will have this happiness and this harmony in the family and, as a result, will educate his/her children in the same way. Then, maybe our world would become purer. The world will become brighter because children are our light. And light is necessary for us.

Before our departure, talented Marina Devyatova conveyed her warm wishes to Supreme Master Television’s viewers.

I would like to wish everyone much happiness. Let it be special for everyone. From the bottom of my heart, I would like to wish you, cherished viewers, to love, to be loved, to be happy, have a healthy spirit, happiness in your soul, harmony in your hearts, and that our planet is as clean as possible. And most importantly, that our Lord God would unite us. Always yours, Marina Devyatova.

Be Veg, Go Green 2 Save the Planet!

The storm is over
The air is fresh and sweet
The breeze is whispering among forests and fields.
The flowers have smiled
The rainbow rose in the sky
Above my Russia Above my Russia.
The flowers have smiled
The rainbow rose in the sky
Above my Russia

The children will grow
Warming with tenderness the mother’s heart
With each day getting Stronger and wiser
They will fly colourful kites in the sky
Above my Russia Above my Russia
They will fly colourful kites in the sky
Above my Russia Above my Russia.

Our salute, Marina Devyatova, for being such an exemplary person and for using your talent to bring joy to many. May God forever bless you and your cherished Russian compatriots with inner peace and profound spiritual contentment.

For more on Marina Devyatova and her music, please visit

Loving viewers, thank you for joining us today on Vegetarian Elite. Coming up next is Between Master and Disciples. May our Earth prosper in happiness and love.
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