World Premiere of “The King & Co: Part 6" (con't) An Epic Saga Written and Directed by Supreme Master Ching Hai - Ep. 9/9 (In Aulacese)    
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Today’s Enlightening Entertainment will be presented in Aulacese (Vietnamese), with subtitles in Arabic, Chinese, English, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Indonesian, Japanese, Korean, Malay, Persian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, and Thai.

In today’s Enlightening Entertainment, with great honor Supreme Master Television is pleased to present the world premiere of an epic saga abounding with creativity and insight, elaborately produced over a period of time with wholehearted dedication and effort.

Lovingly written and directed via remote control by Supreme Master Ching Hai, a spiritual master, humanitarian, artist and author of #1 international best-selling books, “The King & Co.” is a tale that reflects the challenges of the age, right in this urgent time of our planet. It interweaves ancient and modern settings, with tragic as well as comic plots, combining thrilling adventures, loyalty and tender affection among people, along with profound spiritual reminders.

The story centers around Đại Ngôn royal court with mandarins of all kinds, from virtuous to corrupt to indecisive, each unique; a king who must rule over his kingdom and, in international relations, also has great global responsibility; a handsome prince on his way to re-discover his True Self; an innocent country girl with a pure, loving and courageous heart: their fates are intertwined with one another.

“The King & Co.” also presents fact-based messages about the four most dangerous silent killers of the planet, namely, meat, addictive drugs, tobacco and alcohol, in hopes that worldwide citizens will become more aware about the poisons that are destroying this and future generations. Despite her very busy schedule, Supreme Master Ching Hai personally wrote and directed via remote control “The King & Co.”, showing her deep concern for humanity and all beings on Earth.

From start to finish, every detail, including the characters’ names, selection of songs to accompany the dances, gestures of each character, appropriate make-up styles for actors, and even their stage names, was all under her meticulous guidance. The 6-part series “The King & Co.”, with performances by members of The Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association, will be aired over nine weeks.

This creative work is derived from Supreme Master Ching Hai’s unconditional love, inner source of creativity, and perfect wisdom. We invite you to share this special gift and enjoy “The King & Co.” on today’s program.

During a royal court meeting in the land of Đại Ngôn, the King stated that he had been using addictive drugs to lose weight! The virtuous mandarins quickly advised the King to stop his drug abuse.

A dog suddenly appeared with an SOS flyer about the dire situation caused by global warming and the solution of “Be Veg and Go Green 2 Save the Planet!”

A vegan literary mandarin invited the King and court officials to his residence to enjoy vegetarian food.

While the King and his officials were feasting, a guard rushed in to report urgently that the Prince was about to be executed.

It was because an attendant mistook the King’s cocaine for face powder and put it in the Prince’s suitcase causing His Royal Highness to be detained by the Sinh Gà Bổ airport personnel.

The King was extremely worried and conveyed order to immediately inform the Embassy.

Nevertheless, the ambassador was still on vacation.

After listening to the mandarins propose various plans, the King chose to try peaceful talks with neighboring country Sinh Gà Bổ to save the Prince. At the royal shrine, His Majesty King of Đại Ngôn prayed that if the Prince returned home safely, the King would keep a vegetarian diet, practice meditation, and avoid alcohol, meat and addictive drugs for the rest of his life.

Unfortunately, the flight to Sinh Gà Bổ for a negotiation was delayed: the weather had gone haywire due to global warming. In Sinh Gà Bổ, the Prince was executed along with a number of prisoners, but when soldiers went to pick up the bodies at the execution grounds, they couldn't find his.

Meanwhile, the Prince woke up in a thatched house and reunited with the love of his life, Miss Golden Ring. Green Village fellow practitioners came to visit the Prince, a vegan and practitioner of a meditation method taught by Supreme Master Thiên Hậu. They recounted how the Prince had been protected by Master Thiên Hậu. After the Prince was arrested, his two guards were able to escape.

One returned to report to His Majesty the King, the other remained in Sinh Gà Bổ to find Miss Golden Ring and pass on the news. Upon the guard’s suggestion, Miss Golden Ring gathered her relatives to the execution grounds to rescue the Prince. Fortunately, the Prince was still alive, so everyone agreed to bring him home to cure and care for him.

Continued. We now invite you to enjoy the conclusion of “The King & Co.”

You’ve just enjoyed the conclusion of “The King & Co.”, written and directed via remote control by Supreme Master Ching Hai, with performances by members of The Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association.

After the premiere of “The King & Co,” enthusiastic responses have arrived from diverse parts of the globe via letters, recordings, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, and other means of social networks.

Hi, my name is Steve Chang and I am a professional stuntman from Hollywood. What I really like about “The King &Co.” was that there are so many elements all mixed together. It’s comedy, it’s drama, it’s documentary, it’s even a public service announcement. I thought the costuming is great, and I like how the dramatic side story is really complemented by the humor of the King and his people. It doesn’t matter how old you are or how young you are or even what language you speak.

The messages in “The King &Co.” are universal. Meat, drugs, tobacco, alcohol,not only are they bad for you, they’re bad for society, they’re bad for the environment. I think people just need to make that connection and one of the best ways to do that is through movies. Everyone loves movies. So I just like to thank and congratulate Supreme Master Ching Hai and all the Association members who helped to bring this project to life.

The story of “The King & Co.” is full of creativity. It encompasses both ancient and modern times in a very free style. Although the Supreme Master is responsible for guiding many disciples around the world in their spiritual practice, she still found the time to write such a story. From this we can know her gracious and meticulous nature.

“The King & Co.” is very instructive for my friends as well for my relatives; they all like it. So thank you very much, Supreme Master Ching Hai, for this educational way to tell us what is good for us through this movie.

Hi, I’m Des from Brisbane, I thought the movie had a good message and was well done!

Hi. My name is Uranbileg. I am a vice director of Tevkhen Company. Today we organized a gathering among our workers to watch the film. The film “The King & Co.” shows the corrosive and destructive result of addictive drug abuse. Nowadays this is one of the most significant problems in Mongolia, so I wanted to help my workers understand. I like it very much.

Halo, my name is Bobsy. I’m sitting here on a Lama Island, in the beautiful South China Sea. “The King & Co.,” is a novel way of introducing some of the most serious killers that are really devastating humanity today. I appreciate Supreme Master’s efforts and talents and skills in doing something like this.

It’s not easy especially when she was doing it by remote access, she not only directed the movie by remote control, but she also wrote the script and conceptualize it. And above all, my respects for your dedication, commitment, and tireless work to creating a better world for all of humanity and all of God’s creations on planet Earth.

Also, I would like to mention a word about the actors and the actresses in the movie. They're all volunteers and all non-professionals, and like the Supreme Master, they are doing it from their hearts as a gift to raise awareness about these four killers, I am amazed and inspired by Supreme Master’s efforts. Be Veg, Go Green 2 Save the Planet!

It shows clearly that meat, tobacco, drugs & alcohol are not good. Thank you, Madame T.H. ~ Gustavo

People think vegetarian means that they can only eat grass. But after watching the film, they can understand that there are a lot of vegetarian foods. I thought it was very funny. Costumes and décor are fantastic. The colors, it’s just wonderful. And I was very touched by the credits at the end where you see that no one has experience and everybody’s tried to do their best.

And I want to congratulate Supreme Master Ching Hai for that movie. I think it’s quite amazing to come up with the idea of filming such an epic movie.

The film was truly fantastic and amazing.

The shrine photo made me laugh out loud! It is very rare for a philosophical and spiritual system to have a sense of humor about itself. In fact, I can think of no other examples... This is really quite refreshing. This episode was very dramatic. Yet, the dangers of eating meat are very real, and the examples, though extreme, were in fact realistic.

I must say those were the most honest and straight-forward doctors I've ever seen! Most physicians are far too cowardly to tell their patients to stop eating animal products; they would rather prescribe ten different heart and liver medications than dare to tell the simple truth. This film switches between being a serious drama and a live-action cartoon.

It is a very unique presentation of entertainment. Its message is supremely important. I hope it helps people awaken to the importance of becoming vegan. It is the ethically correct choice, and the healthiest diet!

I’d always appreciate good news, especially valuable information, and this movie proved that it was valuable information to have. I 'd like to say thank you for sharing and hopefully I can pass along the message to others not just like-minded people, but those who still have the lack of understanding of how to really live healthy and how to truly live righteously. So maybe this movie will inspire me even more now to do my parts!

One impressive moment that I really appreciated was that Supreme Master Ching Hai actually wrote the script, and she directed, the movie, she played the big role with developing the characters down to their dress code and their hair styles, so she really took over and projected not just a great movie but her own thoughts to how she could relay her own message to helping people understand what it means to Be Veg, Go Green 2 Save Our Planet.

Incredible piece of work. It gets better and better with each episode. I laughed, I cried, I was completely immersed in the movie. “The King & Co.” is witty, heartfelt, and evoked indescribable emotions. I especially liked the moral messages that were conveyed. A must-see movie. Thank you for such an amazing production!

I think the drama gave us a lot of realization. It is a gift not only for us but also for our children and next generation future well-being. Supreme Master Ching Hai has written and directed via remote control an epic saga which is easy to understand, for that I am very happy. Being veg, going green is the beneficial way to health and can help brake global warming.

I am a professor at the Department of Soil and Water Conservation at National Chung Hsing University. I am currently both a professor and the Secretary-General for the school. Through a humorously fictional approach, this drama helps viewers to understand all kinds of problems caused by the habits of consuming cigarettes, addictive drugs, alcohol, and meat.

I think humans have to be vegetarian to save the planet from disasters. Global warming leads to abnormal weather patterns and extreme precipitation events. That’s why floods in the past were not as overwhelming, but now they are quite devastating. We humans should be compassionate and treasure our planet Earth. Because the Earth is already ravaged by humans to such a degree, we need to quicken our pace. I appeal to all humans to Be Veg, Go Green 2 Save the Planet!

What I have just watched has touched me so much. Meat eating and so on are not good for our bodies. They harm the whole society. We have to reduce them so that the society and our Earth can be saved.

Everyday, seeing my friends eating meat, drinking alcohol or smoking, I thought that was just normal habits. Yet after watching this film, I realized that those actions have long-term damage. I wish that everyone who watches “The King & Co.” will be awakened.

I very much admire the way Master transmits her messages. Master doesn’t use the way of dry teaching but conveys it through the film in a very lively way, even very humorous, which makes people able to remember the messages. Behind those stories are very meaningful lessons.

Supreme Master Ching Hai is very busy with her works, yet she still took the time to direct this film. For that I would like to express my gratefulness to Master, someone who is full of love not only for humankind but also for this entire planet.

Hi, I just finished watching a 6-part series shown on Supreme Master Television called “The King & Co.” It’s wonderful! Master Ching Hai has written and directed it, and all this drama is wrapped around a message. It’s a very simple message and I want to get it out: Be Veg, Go Green 2 Save our Planet! It’s that simple! So simple. I hope people listen. Thank you, Master Ching Hai, for giving us this wonderful gift!

I hope that through “The King & Co.” people will get to know the environmental impact of tobacco, alcohol, meat and addictive drugs. I sincerely recommend this drama to viewers of all ages. Thank you.

My name is Uygar, I'm from Cyprus. I am working as a director in Cyprus. When I first saw the trailer of “The King & Co.,” although I am quite unfamiliar with that culture, it was quite obvious to see how some movies were satirized, and the depiction of seriously harmful intoxicants in promotional and inducing ways. It was very good.

I am Lin Deng-Juin, Director of the Public Health Bureau of Taichung City. In the film “The King & Co.” there is a lot of evidence that eating meat is harmful and people now are aware of it. Eating meat is damaging to the ecology. The disasters from climate changes are huge, like the flood in Pakistan and the bushfire in the Siberian forest near Moscow this year.

This is of course largely caused by meat-eating. I very much agree with being vegan. Their acting and humorous dialogues are impressive and delightful. I really admire the director who can come up with all these ideas, and I salute her for that. She is really great! Be Veg, Go Green 2 Save the Planet!

A very serious message delivered with very silly humor... an unusual strategy, but it works, being both informative and entertaining! Good job on all your hard work, everyone who produced it! ~ Jason Polland

Truly awesome. I greatly enjoyed the film. I would like to thank Supreme Master Ching Hai.

Hi, my name is Gerhard from Munich, Germany and I work for a Biomedical engineering company. I had the opportunity to watch the film “The King & Co.” The message came across very clearly. A healthy diet not only benefits oneself but also the whole of humanity and ultimately is also essential for the planet.

As soon as possible there ought to be a fast rethinking happening. The film is not only funny, it is also easy to understand for children. I would sincerely like to give thanks to Supreme Master Ching Hai. Also, Be Veg, Go Green 2 Save the Planet!

It was a great drama. I think this drama tells us clearly what we have to do in order to protect the Earth.

I would like to express my deep gratefulness to Supreme Master Ching Hai for giving me clues to many things that I wouldn’t have realized otherwise and for enlightening me on these things.

Our sincere appreciation to worldwide viewers who shared thoughtful words and wonderful support for “The King & Co.”

We apologize for many more other viewers' heartfelt comments, which cannot be shared for lack of space and time. If possible, we'll try to air them later. Supreme Master Ching Hai sends her gratitude to all supportive viewers in the name of the whole “The King & Co.” group.

We would like to thank Supreme Master Ching Hai, the screenwriter and remote director of “The King & Co.”, for her creative and loving gift, especially for the Earth’s inhabitants. May humanity heed the compassionate messages of Supreme Master Ching Hai for this planet to soon become a peaceful and happy realm, a Heaven on Earth according to God’s will.

Thank you for your presence on today’s Enlightening Entertainment. Please stay tuned to Supreme Master Television. Coming up is Words of Wisdom. May your life always be uplifted in love, grace and wisdom. We’ll see you next time for the continuation of the Aulacese chèo traditional opera “The Third Princess” by playwright Trần Trí Trắc. Farewell for now.

Thank you for your presence on today’s Enlightening Entertainment. Please stay tuned to Supreme Master Television. Coming up is Words of Wisdom. May your life always be uplifted in love, grace and wisdom. We’ll see you next time for the continuation of the Aulacese chèo traditional opera “The Third Princess” by playwright Trần Trí Trắc. Farewell for now.

The Majority Report The top-notch director wants to let the good-hearted viewers know that during the making of this film, no humans were ever bullied by any animals (or their own two-legged kind). Concerning the white teddy bear, he was hospitalized in an intensive tailor unit.

He needed some emergency puff-up and only a few stitches to recover, but he is back to normal now and is on vacation indefinitely, with no forwarding address. (He needs his absolute privacy!) Any adoring letters or emails to him will be given to his secretary. (Don’t know what she will do with all these!)

The walls have been repaired perfectly. The king bus has also been pampered in the back yard garage and is being handled by the best car mechanics on Earth. (That was because after the delicious vegan party, the humans were obviously too heavy for the poor bus.) So he needs a little rest, but he will recuperate well. We wish him good luck and a speedy 100 miles- per-hour recovery.

All the human actors/actresses meanwhile also went back to their normal activities, toiling 8am to 5pm, or something like that. All in “The King & Co.” are still alive and well, including animals, humans, trees and all. None has ever been harmed or harassed. And the actors, actresses, including animals therein, are totally vegan. So don’t worry, kids! (It was only a movie.)

As for the condition of the viewers, rumor has it that some have become completely vegan, while some quit smoking, quit drugs, quit drinking, etc… and others maybe soon. In that case, congratulations! Thank you all (really) and farewell eh!... Love love Bà T.H.

Death Penalty Ban Noble Countries that have abolished the death penalty:

Argentina, Latvia, Ireland, Liberia, Albania, Liechtenstein, Andorra, Lithuania, Angola, Romania, The United Kingdom, Luxembourg, Austria, Macedonia, Armenia, Malta, Azerbaijan, Mauritius, Poland, Mexico, Iceland, Micronesia, Bulgaria, Moldova, Bhutan, Monaco, Belgium, Montenegro,
Cote D’Ivoire, Mozambique, Portugal, Norway, Bosnia and Herzegovina, South Africa, Burundi, Namibia, Cambodia, Nepal, Cape Verde, Nicaragua, Colombia, Niue, Dominican Republic, Palau, Slovakia, Panama, Costa Rica, Paraguay, Croatia, Finland, Cyprus, France, Denmark, The Philippines, Cook Islands, Rwanda, Marshall Islands, Samoa,
Solomon Islands, San Marino, Djibouti, Sao Tomé and Principe, East Timor, Senegal, Germany, Serbia, Ecuador, Seychelles, Estonia, Slovenia, Georgia, New Zealand, Canada, Spain, Guinea-Bissau, Turkey, Haiti, Sweden,
The Netherlands, Switzerland, Honduras, Czech Republic, Hongkong, Togo, Hungary, Turkmenistan, Greece, Tuvalu, Kiribati, Australia, Kosovo, Ukraine, Kyrgyzstan, Uruguay, Uzbekistan, Vanuatu, Vatican, Venezuela, and Italy. For more information, please visit

“The King & Co.” is a lavishly mounted series that carries a potent anti-alcohol message. Using humor and comedy it also manages to get across a number of other important social messages for which Supreme Master Ching Hai and the Supreme Master Television service have become renowned. The series is sure to be a hit with many viewers worldwide.

I liked it. I was very impressed. The scope of the material presented was large, was full, was exciting. It was presented with quality and with taste. And the subject matter about drugs and alcohol and tobacco are very important, and they were covered well. Veganism to me is what sets it apart.

And now that more and more people are becoming vegan, it makes me feel so much better. And the way this was handled was fun. There was a little bit of “Keystone Kops,” there was a little bit of seriousness. There’s a little bit of the grittiness of the street in it, and it’s full of imagination and joy. And thank the Supreme Master because it’s a wonderful presentation.

And there is so much joy. Vegans sometimes feel like they’re on a raft with nobody around them. And you’ve put us on a steam ship and with company, and with family, and with good cooks and good chefs.

From a filmmaker’s perspective, the accomplishments of this picture are rather amazing. It was well photographed, some interesting camera angles, lighting was consistently good. It’s amazing. You, folks handled the material in a mature, professional way, and that’s nice to see. Thank you.

The End
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