World Premiere of “The King & Co: Part 3" (con't) An Epic Saga Written and Directed by Supreme Master Ching Hai - Ep. 5/9    
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The King & Co. – Part 5

Today’s Enlightening Entertainment will be presented in Aulacese (Vietnamese), with subtitles in Arabic, Chinese, English, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Indonesian, Japanese, Korean, Malay, Persian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, and Thai.

In today’s Enlightening Entertainment, with great honor Supreme Master Television is pleased to present the world premiere of an epic saga abounding with creativity and insight, elaborately produced over a period of time with wholehearted dedication and effort. Lovingly written and directed via remote control by Supreme Master Ching Hai, a spiritual master, humanitarian, artist and author of #1 international best-selling books, “The King & Co.” is a tale that reflects the challenges of the age, right in this urgent time of our planet.

It interweaves ancient and modern settings, with tragic as well as comic plots, combining thrilling adventures, loyalty and tender affection among people, along with profound spiritual reminders. The story centers around Đại Ngôn royal court with mandarins of all kinds, from virtuous to corrupt to indecisive, each unique; a king who must rule over his kingdom and, in international relations, also has great global responsibility; a handsome prince on his way to re-discover his True Self; an innocent country girl with a pure, loving and courageous heart: their fates are intertwined with one another.

“The King & Co.” also presents fact-based messages about the four most dangerous silent killers of the planet, namely, meat, addictive drugs, tobacco and alcohol, in hopes that worldwide citizens will become more aware about the poisons that are destroying this and future generations.

Despite her very busy schedule, Supreme Master Ching Hai personally wrote and directed via remote control “The King & Co.”, showing her deep concern for humanity and all beings on Earth. From start to finish, every detail, including the characters’ names, selection of songs to accompany the dances, gestures of each character, appropriate make-up styles for actors, and even their stage names, was all under her meticulous guidance.

The 6-part series “The King & Co.”, with performances by members of The Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association, will be aired over nine weeks. This creative work is derived from Supreme Master Ching Hai’s unconditional love, inner source of creativity, and perfect wisdom. We invite you to share this special gift and enjoy “The King & Co.” on today’s program.

During a royal court meeting in the land of Đại Ngôn, the King stated that he had been using addictive drugs to lose weight! The virtuous mandarins quickly advised the King to stop his drug abuse.

While court officials were arguing back and forth, a dog suddenly appeared with an SOS flyer about the dire situation caused by global warming and the solution of “Be Veg and Go Green 2 Save the Planet!” The King supported going green.

The benefits of being veg and a number of constructive activities such as watching Supreme Master Television and practicing the Quan Yin Method of meditation were also suggested.

A vegan literary mandarin invited the King and court officials to his residence to enjoy vegetarian food.

During the banquet, the King was rather surprised to find that vegetarian cuisine was wonderfully delicious. His Majesty especially loved the zero-alcohol vegan wine created by Supreme Master Ching Hai. The host mandarin also requested other officials not to smoke at his place because cigarette smoke would be harmful to everyone present.


We now invite you to enjoy the continuation of “The King & Co.” – Part 3.

You’ve just enjoyed the continuation of part 3 of “The King & Co.”, written and directed via remote control by Supreme Master Ching Hai, with performances by members of The Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association. Please tune in next Thursday for part 4 on Supreme Master Television.

Thank you for joining us on today’s Enlightening Entertainment. Please stay tuned to Supreme Master Television. Words of Wisdom is up next. May God’s blessing be with you and your loved ones always. Farewell for now.

After the premiere of “The King & Co,” enthusiastic responses have arrived from diverse parts of the globe via letters, recordings, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, and other means of social networks.

Hi, everyone! I am Chen Wu-shiung, Executive Director of the Chinese Society of Cinematographers. I’m currently engaged in program production, directing, and teaching professional photography. Today I was very honored to attend this premiere event and watch this exquisitely produced film masterpiece. I’m very touched and impressed by Supreme Master Ching Hai’s concern for the planet throughout the years.

This time she personally wrote and directed such a film to enlighten people about how to stop global warming and save the planet. The film is presented in such a humorous and lively way, and the exaggerated acting is just hilarious. Everyone has happily and delightedly enjoyed the film. I think this is due to Master’s noble wisdom. In a lighthearted atmosphere she brings up some serious issues for viewers to ponder. In the film she cites a lot of information that speaks for itself. These data clearly present all the facts and their impact.

The film also contains many real-life stories about people’s painful experiences, which help viewers to heed the message and be cautious. The film tells us to avoid the four major killers of the world: tobacco, alcohol, meat, and addictive drugs. It also tells us how seriously these things are harming our Earth. Thus it inspires us to join the ranks of those who are trying to save the planet and it enlightens us about what we can do, such as being veg, going green, and doing organic farming. Only then can we mitigate global warming and leave an unpolluted Earth for our future generations.

I hope everyone will join together and help to promote this idea! Finally, I think that we should find more opportunities to show the film to more people, to let them know that we must work together to accomplish this task. I hope this film will help people to heed the message, understand more about what to do, and lead a happier life. Thank you!

What I really appreciated about ‘The King & Co.” is seeing how simple looking special effects could help convey great messages. And the slight touch of humor could only make it a better experience, and arguments used in it were still just as touching and real. I am thanking the staff and the casts for broadcasting such a program for free. And I am sending my best regards. This is Seydina from Canada.

After I saw the film “The King & Co.” by Supreme Master Ching Hai, I feel the King and his mandarins are like the good and bad within us. Let our good prevail over the bad. And I hope that with this film, I will be veg to join others in saving our planet. I thank Master for writing and directing this film to help us see ourselves better.

I didn’t really know about this whole global thing. But as I watched this movie, I realized this is a really serious issue. So I should be a vegetarian and I should spread out to the world how serious this thing is. It was quite impressive. It was something very unique. I think this movie is really working. I’m gonna try to lessen eating meat.

I'm Monica and I'm from Canada. I'm glad to have watched the movie “The King & Co.” The film opens our eyes to very important topics. The statistics support very well the issues related. For example, I learned that meat consumption led to a lot of pollution, and I never thought of that. I want to say a big thank you to everyone who participated in this project. Everyone can do his part and the first step is to get informed. So I invite you to watch this film.

After watching Master’s film, I feel that being veg is very beneficial to our health and helpful in protecting the environment. It’s a constructive way of life that allows everyone to join in to safeguard the planet. Many accidents have occurred due to alcohol and beer drinking. Many losses in material as well as mental values are due to addictive drug abuse.

Losses of money and human lives have happened everyday in the world due to alcohol, tobacco and drug addictions. The drama that Supreme Master Ching Hai wrote is very meaningful for a healthy lifestyle. It awakes and uplifts human awareness about the benefits of a green planet and the harmful effects of the immoral actions.

I believe this movie brings a true message. Even the smallest animal has its own life. We should not kill or hurt anyone, also not ourselves with drugs or meat. It says so in the Bible. Although the message is serious I enjoyed the fun acting in the movie very much. Mike from Ethiopia

Hi, I’m Hong Seung-Woo, a senior student majoring in Law at Han Dong University, South Korea. I watched “The King & Co.” at a Loving Hut Café. The theme was so interesting and its contents are fresh. I believe this will greatly help people who are not aware of the benefits of the vegan diet and the harmful effects of addictive drugs and alcohol. I hope Supreme Master Television continues to schedule many more good programs in the future. Thank you.

Hi, I’m Clelia Reverón, business consultant, with many years of working in organizations. I’m Venezuelan. The film brings East and West together in a humorous way. It helps us understand that addictive drugs, alcohol, meat, all these things are very, very harmful to us. I loved the movie, and I hope that it reaches many, many people.

A thanks to you, Master, and to the whole team that with so much affection, with so much love and with so much confidence in people, each day sends a message in thousands and thousands of forms so that everyone can react and save our beloved planet.

I’m very fortunate to have many friends who introduced me to Supreme Master Television which airs the film “The King & Co.” written and directed by Supreme Master Ching Hai. The film’s content is highly educational, directing people to the vegetarian and compassionate lifestyle. Drug addiction is a detrimental way of life that brings suffering. I hope there are many more films like this for the public to see.

Hi, I'm Sonny from Canada, future student at the Faculty of Social Work. I greatly encourage you to watch the movie “The King & Co.” It’s an original work in itself, thanks to its artistic design and the humane message it conveys. It touched me greatly. It’s important in the era we’re in, subjects such as environment, drug abuse and over-consumption, and this film prompts us to reflect on global issues. I thank the director for her time, her energy and her love invested into this project.

Our sincere appreciation to worldwide viewers who shared thoughtful words and wonderful support for “The King & Co.”

We apologize for many more other viewers' heartfelt comments, which cannot be shared for lack of space and time. If possible, we'll try to air them later. Supreme Master Ching Hai sends her gratitude to all supportive viewers in the name of the whole “The King & Co.” group.

This is really quite refreshing. This film is a very unique presentation of entertainment. Its message is supremely important. I hope it helps people awaken to the importance of becoming vegan. It is the ethically correct choice and the healthiest diet!

I love “The King & Co.” ~ Georgiy

Thanks for the subtitles. ~ Pontanaja

1) The characters and plots in this film are not 100% fictional.

2) The actors and actresses whose faces, legs, arms or body parts appear in this play are all starlets yet to rise to glory or refusing to retire! (The old-ish or middle-age-ish starlets here are in the same boat!)

3) The technical and camera crew had never once touched the equipment for this kind of project, not even a single peek! (but perhaps they had glanced on TV) (There are a few who graduated with a degree in coffee-making or crepes-frying… something like that. Occupations of the remaining ones are undetermined.)

4) About the king’s throne (fake stuff!), palaces, and other dwellings – it is not known where these were bought or rented. As for the costumes and furniture, from afar it is impossible to determine their exact measurements!

5) As for the actors short and tall, big and small, talented or terrible, good-looking or unappealing – it was hard pressed to be choosy. (They all left for Hollywood!) The judges’ selection criterion: “Better than nothing!” (sigh!..)

6) Every day, humans and the dog swing by the studio to eat until full, rehearse half-baked and perform once in a while, then they all go home to sleep, their whereabouts uncertain!

7) The names of the actors and actresses are clearly made-up. (Don’t even think about getting their autographs!)

8) Golden Ring = a metal magic head ring that Master Xuan Zang used to control the “monkey brain” of Sun Wukong the Monkey King. (screenwriter played on words)

9) Director (in Aulacese: Đạo Diễn) Chop Herbs: Has got some “Đạo” (meaning Tao); as for “Diễn” (meaning acting), we haven’t tried him out!

Conclusion: Screenwriter aka top-notch director is washing her hands of all responsibilities, completely free. Watch at your own risk! (Hee…hee…)

The top-notch director wants to let the good-hearted viewers know that during the making of this film, no humans were ever harassed by any animals (or their own kind).

Concerning the white teddy bear, he was hospitalized in an intensive tailor unit. He needed some emergency puff-up and only a few stitches to recover, but he is back to normal now and is on vacation indefinitely, with no forwarding address. (He needs his absolute privacy!) Any adoring letters or emails to him will be given to his secretary. (Don’t know what she will do with all these!)

The walls have been repaired perfectly. The king bus has also been pampered in the back yard garage and is being handled by the best car mechanics on Earth. (That was because after the delicious vegan party, the humans were obviously too heavy for the poor bus.) So he needs a little rest, but he will recuperate well. We wish him good luck and a speedy 100 miles- per-hour recovery.

All the human actors meanwhile also went back to their normal activities, working 8am to 5pm, or something like that. All in “The King & Co.” are still alive and well, including animals, humans, trees and all. None has ever been harmed. And the actors, including animals therein, are totally vegan. So don’t worry, kids! (It was only a movie) As for the condition of the viewers, rumor has it that some have become completely vegan, while some quit smoking, quit drugs, quit drinking, etc… and others maybe soon. In that case, congratulations!
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