Miracles on the Path - Rescued by the Light    
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A blind man is restored to sight. The deceased is raised to life. Mortals see Heaven before their very eyes. The holy scriptures are full of miracles experienced and witnessed by those in the presence of great enlightened Masters. Do unexplainable events we call miracles still happen?

Through Supreme Master Ching Hai’s loving guidance in the Quan Yin practice of meditation, members of our Association worldwide have encountered their own extraordinary incidents in their daily lives. Such privileged moments are a true Master’s grace manifested. Supreme Master Ching Hai has often accredited her students’ miracles to their own reawakened greatness, reminding that such wonders are natural outcomes of daily contact with the Divine.

Every time you pray miracles will happen all the time because you are in the direction of benevolence and miracles. We are also the miracles. If we know how to tap into this miraculous power within ourselves, then we are in full power, empowered with all miracles and all the mighty power that we can imagine

We now invite you to this presentation about our Association members’ modern day miracles on the path.

Recently, one of our Aulacese (Vietnamese) Association members got in a potentially fatal car accident. If we saw his car at the time, anyone would be shocked and wonder how he and his wife survived. How exactly did they escape from death’s door? It was no less than a miracle, for sure.

This accident, the inner Master had informed me about four, five months ago. So every time I got in the car, I always recited Buddha’s name during the whole time I was driving, then everything was fine. But the day of the accident, my wife and I went to the market. On the way back, it was around 11 am, I forgot to recite Buddha’s name. I thought that I was the only one driving on the street. The street was clear. There was no other vehicle.

When I heard a loud “bang!” I said, “Oh! I am dead, Master!” Because at that time, the car flipped upside down, with four wheels facing the sky. But I didn’t know anything after that. After the ambulance came, they pulled me out. They feared that my neck had broken. They put a neck brace around my neck tightly. Then I woke up.

The car was all twisted, mangled – in short, totaled. Amazingly, both driver and passenger were all right.

At that time I was wearing this hat, a Supreme Master Television hat. I treasured it very much. Everywhere I went, I always wore it. My head did not hit the car floor. Only my knees were scratched, they felt very stinging. That’s all. Other than that, there was nothing else. Then the ambulance took both us to the hospital. They took my X-ray. They examined it very carefully. Then they said to me, “Your neck is fine. Your spine is also fine. You only had a few fractured ribs.” So I asked, “How many?” They said five.

The recovery of Bình’s injury was remarkably fast. Not at all traumatized, he was, in fact, completely at ease. He was grateful to be alive.

In my body there was no scar whatsoever, even though during the accident my car was all twisted. I didn’t think I could survive. I also didn’t think my wife could survive, because the impact was on her side.

Bình’s wife Mai, also a Quan Yin practitioner, was shielded during the accident as well – and in an astonishing manner. She was seated upright, not upside down. What’s even more inexplicable, Mai was somehow transported to the rear seat. She was perfectly unharmed.

My wife was in the front seat. And she also had her seat belt on. But when the accident happened, I don’t know why she was in the back, even though my car already turned and flipped upside down with four wheels facing the sky. Then I remember Master’s teaching, that all Quan Yin disciples had Guardian Angels protecting them 24/24.

When looking back at what should have been a calamitous tragedy, our Association members express relief and certainty about this miracle of protection on the path.

Both cars hit at the same time. When I read the police report, I was like, “Wow!” But I believed that Heaven would help me, or Master would help me, or the Guardian Angels would help me, because I am Master’s disciple. I confirm that was 100% correct, because I had the accident myself.

I don’t know what to say, other than “Thank you, Master.” But the experience is that we have to practice diligently to offer our gratitude to Master for her teaching. There are no words to express it, or no action can show my gratefulness to Master.

When we return, we’ll find out about another incredible story from our Costa Rican Association member. Please stay tuned to Supreme Master Television.

Welcome back to Enlightening Entertainment, here on Supreme Master Television. We now continue our program of “Miracles on the Path” with an experience from our Costa Rican Association member.

A mother of two healthy and happy vegan children, Sara leads a joyful, fulfilling family life. Seeing her shining face, we may not easily believe that at the start of her motherhood, Sara was going through a difficult time. What brought her out of that challenging period was something unexpected and incredibly uplifting.

I was pregnant with my first child, and I was going through some difficulties in pregnancy. I was feeling sick, and also lonely, and to tell you the truth – a bit frightened of becoming a mom, of bringing a baby into the world. I was scared of the whole idea of what that represented. I had a family, a husband who was there to comfort me, but even so I wasn’t feeling ready. I got to the point of being really tired, and on one of those most difficult days I felt truly stressed out after spending the whole day at work.

Sara worked as a teacher for blind students. She spent the day teaching her students how to go about downtown in crowded and noisy streets. Though she did her best, it was a long and stressful day. But that night, everything was about to change for Sara.

So that day I arrived home very late. I sat down on my bed, and started to meditate for a while, since meditation soothed me, and then I lay down and fell asleep. As I was sleeping, something very special happened to me. I felt a very pleasant energy come towards me, awakening me little by little. It was an energy surrounding me physically, wrapping around my body and my soul; it was making me feel so good, so happy in my entire being.

All of a sudden, while I was enjoying the nice energy, I realized this energy was coming from Master. So I woke up completely and noticed a small picture of Master beside my bed, and I saw the energy coming from the picture towards me like a wave of love coming to me from Master’s picture. It was like a stream of light forming a path, being placed all on me. I could clearly see with my very own physical eyes the energy coming right towards me from Master’s picture, and it was as if it caressed me… like a mother would caress her baby with all her love.

It made me feel really comfortable, and I stayed in that state of grace for the rest of the night. And for many more days I enjoyed that blessing. For a lot of days it made me feel really good. At that moment, I realized that Master loved me so much, more than anyone else in this world could ever love me. I also realized that Master was not only blessing me but also my unborn baby.

Supreme Master Ching Hai’s loving energy transformed Sara into another person – overnight. So profound was the experience that everyone around her could recognize that something had happened.

The next day, I went to work feeling very different – very relaxed and happy. I worked with my students again, taking them to the park in order to work out, and we had such a wonderful time. They were really happy too, and my co-workers also noticed my enthusiastic and happy disposition.

After the experience, I acquired a lot more confidence in my life in general, and started to leave behind the fears of being a first-time mom. I felt a lot more self-confident, and a lot of peace in my heart.

With Heaven’s blessings, Sara safely delivered her first child.

Finally, the day my baby came into this world, I had a blessing from God by having my family with me, and a great doctor so loving and compassionate who helped me. I had a wonderful experience, I truly felt no fear, I was happy, and everything went very well thanks to Master’s love. All in all, becoming a mom came to be one of the most wonderful experiences in my life.

A second child came after a few years, and this time I felt no worries but fine all along. I feel really grateful to God, because my children are a blessing in my life. They are compassionate, they are loving, they make me feel happy. They are two angels in my life.

Since that special night resting by Supreme Master Ching Hai’s picture, the joy in her life has continued to expand till today.

This experience was a miracle to me because it was not only a big change in my life but I also got to recognize that the love of a Master, which is above every worldly love, is unique and real. I’m grateful to Master forever. May God fill your life with love, happiness, and peace.

Our respectful gratitude goes to Supreme Master Ching Hai for her constant love and care in so many lives, and in myriad ways both visible and invisible. May the joy in hearts that have been touched bring further hope to our world. We also thank our Association members who have shared their real stories, so that we may be reminded that miracles happen where there is Divine connection and the Master’s grace.

Faithful viewers, thank you for joining us today. Now, please stay tuned to Supreme Master Television for Words of Wisdom, next after Noteworthy News. May God’s ever-present light comfort your soul.

A landmark documentary witnesses climate change in the most impacted countries – through the victims’ own voices. (In African language) African victim (f): Just as long as the drought doesn’t get worse. Life has become really hard in recent years.

Combining them with international expert insights.

Maybe in the developed countries you are just reading the books, and looking at the television, and seeing what will happen. But it is already happened. (In African dialect)

The women and children are famished. We, the adults, are stronger than today’s youngsters. If you grow up hungry, you are never strong.

I could only hope that people who were confronted with the real face behind a fact or a figure, that they would be moved by hearing the story and hopefully change their lifestyle.

Belgian film director Geert De Belder tells about the making of a unique climate film both heartrending and convincing: “Climate Chaos in the South: The Victims’ Story,” Tuesday, July 27 on Enlightening Entertainment.
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