Shining World Inventor Award: 3G Solar, Israel - Low-Cost Green Power for All (In Hebrew)    
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Today’s program will be presented in Hebrew and English, with subtitles in Arabic, Aulacese (Vietnamese), Chinese, Hebrew, English, French, German, Hungarian, Indonesian, Japanese, Korean, Malay, Persian, Portuguese, Russian, Thai, and Spanish.

Everywhere in the world, we can observe and be touched by acts of kindness. People from all walks of life, faiths, and cultures extend themselves beyond the call of duty to help others unconditionally. Through their noble deeds, humanity as a whole is elevated.

To commend virtuous actions and encourage more people to be inspired by their examples, Supreme Master Ching Hai has lovingly created a series of awards, including the Shining World Leadership Award, Shining World Compassion Award, Shining World Hero and Heroine Awards, Shining World Honesty Award, Shining World Protection Award, Shining World Intelligence Award, and Shining World Inventor Award, to recognize some of the most exemplary, generous, caring, and courageous people who walk amongst us.

Halo, eco-friendly viewers. As the world is entering the Golden Era, sustainable energy technologies are becoming more advanced, and fortunately, more easily available. In particular, many are looking to solar energy as a main power source of the future.

Thanks to a system invented by one company named 3GSolar in Israel, sunlight can easily be transformed into electricity through a simple organic dye rather than costly materials such as silicon. For actualizing this smart green technology on a practical scale, 3GSolar was honored with the Shining World Inventor Award from Supreme Master Ching Hai. Mr. Barry Breen is the CEO of 3GSolar Company based in Jerusalem.

Mr. Barry, we're seeing over here a laboratorial archetype for the product you produce. Please tell me a bit about it.

This product is based on cutting-edge technology. It’s a different process from silicon that’s currently on the market. The technology is called dye cell. It’s a colored panel. The base is colored like the chlorophyll of a plant. That’s how it works, creating energy like a plant grows because of the chlorophyll, so its possible to create it all over the world. Because it's a print. Its simple equipment and you can print these panels.

Chlorophyll is a green pigment found in most plants and algae. It absorbs light most strongly in the blue section of the light spectrum, thus giving plants their green color. The process by which chlorophyll converts the sunlight into energy is called photosynthesis.

The technology of imitating photosynthesis was originally invented in 1988 by Professor Michael Graetzel at Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne in Switzerland. He discovered that, just as in photosynthesis, a dye naturally generates an electronic charge under sunlight without the need for a semiconductor. He thus invented the dye solar cell, also known as the Graetzel day cell.

The first generation of solar cells were made of silicon; a second generation made use of thin film. Both are extremely expensive. The Graetzel day cell is considered the third generation of solar cells, hence the name 3GSolar. It is also far less expensive. 3GSolar is the first company in the world that found a way to manufacture the dye solar cell (DSC) on a practically usable scale. Dr. Jonathan Goldstein is the founder of 3GSolar.

In the dye solar cell, we have a high-surface area substrate based on titanium dioxide with a dye on it, which transforms the sunlight into electrons, which can form an electric current that can power devices. Basically, at 3GSolar, we have been able to scale up the tiny research cells to a full-scale cell which is capable of producing a large amount of current.

How much of a current is 3GSolar’s solar cells able to produce?

We believe that these individual cells, and here you see in each of these two modules, 32 cells are connected together, these individual cells are the largest cells in the world and give the highest current. We can pull 3 amps from each of these cells, which we believe is a world record.

What’s even more remarkable is that this technology also works perfectly on cloudy days.

You hook up 32 together and then you get tension, also electricity and power which connects to a battery to accumulate the electricity and use it at night. These cells from this printing technology and the color collects light in all kinds of conditions. Also, like this day when it’s cloudy, also in strong sun, also if there is shade. In all conditions, it will collect electricity and it transfers it to the battery. It does it a lot better than other technologies.

Collaborating with leading scientists from Bar Ilan University and Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel as well as with Solaronix SA of Switzerland, 3GSolar also has a highly efficient manufacturing line. This manufacturing line works at one-fourth of the facilities’ size and one fifth of the cost of a conventional silicon or thin film production line. That is due to the fact that dye solar cells (DSCs) use a unique and simpler technique.

Every process of photovoltaic, or PV, the solar panels are made in a vacuum with expensive equipment. We print. We have here printing machines. Like you print a shirt. We have dyes that we developed here at the company. You get layers on glass. It’s a white color because this is before we put on the color. The color we apply through dipping.

And we pass this through ovens, and that is how we manufacture the cells. And the cells we install on the big panels. 32 cells generate the power. And this process we can do it in any place in the world. In our lab we are currently developing the process so that the process will be at a very high standard for mass production.

Mr. Barry Breen, CEO of 3GSolar, further demonstrated the process of DSC production step by step.

And here we see one of the colors.

This is the color. Because in addition to the line, we also developed the dyes, colors and the process. We developed everything starting from the piece of glass, layer by layer. Also the raw material, also the process, and the panel insulation. So we took upon ourselves 100% of the responsibility. From the beginning till the end of the development and the manufacturing of the product. And this is what we do here at the lab at 3G Solar.

Here you see the printing machine. It’s for mass production. There will be a number of these machines in the production line. There is a machine that delivers the color through a net to the glass and then from this machine it goes for drying in the oven and then back to the machine.

Creative viewers, please stay tuned to Supreme Master Television. We’ll be right back with more about 3GSolar with CEO Mr. Breen, recipient of the Shining World Inventor Award from Supreme Master Ching Hai.

Welcome back to today’s presentation on the Shining World Inventor laureate, 3GSolar, an innovative Israeli firm that has made today’s most powerful and lowest-cost solar energy system available for all.

We are very proud what we were able to do here, to develop a process that is easy to implement, cheap in cost, and efficient in all conditions of light in which other panels don’t work well.

3GSolar provides an economic alternative to silicon and thin film-based systems. It offers an eco-friendly solution especially to rural areas in developing countries.

We planned mostly for places where there is no electricity, to supply lighting, television, and air conditioning where there is no electric grid. In places like India, Africa and Brazil, where people live in villages without electricity. It’s a better solution than what exists. It’s less expensive than what exists.

The 3GSolar system gets even better, as the manufacturing process itself can be set up locally.

Because the process of these cells are simple steps to print, thus we can manufacture everywhere around the world; manufacture in the same country that doesn’t have electricity and supply the areas where people need the electricity.

Thus, clients around the world can easily meet their own local needs, such as widely varying population sizes. The local people also become self-sufficient. This cost-effective, eco-friendly device for generating electricity has already made a difference in communities abroad.

In Senegal, a leading dye solar cell panel installer Amadou Kane has installed 10,000 systems in 15 months. The newfound access to electricity has improved the quality of educational, cultural, and social activities in many rural villages. Lives have been transformed. Yet, Mr. Breen assures that this is only the beginning, with endless improvements to come.

This is a technology this is just the beginning. We can improve on it endlessly. It’s a platform that you can exchange materials, improve them and give panels that are more durable, more productive, less expensive. This is just the beginning.

For their excellent, affordable, and beneficial invention, 3GSolar was honored with the Shining World Inventor Award by Supreme Master Ching Hai. The following is an excerpt from the letter of appreciation from Supreme Master Ching Hai.

“It is with a greatest pleasure and gratitude that we present to 3G Solar the Shining World Inventor Award. This Award is presented in recognition of the Company's outstanding green energy achievements, inspired creative helping to save our planet and enlightened management creating a brighter future for Israel and our planetary home.

For your ingenuity, dedication and resourcefulness, for your eco-friendly advancement in domestic solar heating and for being a noble role model, we hereby applaud and celebrate the innovative design of 3G Solar with special thanks to CEO Mr. Barry Breen. With Great Honor, Love and Blessings, The Supreme Master Ching Hai”

Also presented were gifts, including Supreme Master Ching Hai’s DVDs and the books, “The Realization of Health: Returning to the Natural and Righteous Way of Living,” and her #1 bestsellers, “The Dogs in My Life” and “The Noble Wilds.” Mr. Barry Breen and the 3GSolar staff expressed their gladness and appreciation for Supreme Master Ching Hai’s encouragement and recognition.

I thank you very much. I really appreciate the Master, the entire crew at 3G Solar and I, that you recognized the development of the technology that is here on the market. In all the places that there is no electricity; [you recognized] the capability to supply the lines of production, what we are doing. I really thank you for recognizing these developments. And the entire crew thanks you for this award. Thank you very much.

Mr. Barry Breen, Dr. Jonathan Goldstein and 3GSolar Company, our sincere appreciation for your wonderful work that is bound to make our world a cleaner, greener place. May Heaven bless you and your enterprise, whose benefits we look forward to seeing soon all over the world.

Smart viewers, thank you for your presence on today’s program. Please keep your dial tuned to Supreme Master Television for Words of Wisdom, up next after Noteworthy News. May each day be a new start of your spirit’s adventure.

For more information on 3GSolar, please visit

Smart viewers, thank you for your presence on today’s program. Please keep your dial tuned to Supreme Master Television for Words of Wisdom, up next after Noteworthy News. May each day be a new start of your spirit’s adventure.
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