Listen with Your Heart: Formosan (Taiwanese) Telepathic Animal Communicator, Dr. Du Bai - P1/2 (In Chinese)    
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Today’s Animal World: Our Co-Inhabitants will be presented in Chinese, with subtitles in Arabic, Aulacese (Vietnamese), Chinese, English, French, German, Indonesian, Japanese, Korean, Malay, Persian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish and Thai.

Have you ever wondered what your animal companions are thinking about and why they came into your life? Happy viewers, welcome to Animal World: Our Co-inhabitants. Today, we’ll visit Dr. Du Bai of Taipei, Formosa (Taiwan) who is the director of the Central Animal Hospital and has been a veterinarian for over 20 years. He is also a telepathic animal communicator specializing in communicating with pets.

On October 25, 2007, the official launch of the Chinese language edition of Supreme Master Ching Hai’s international #1 best selling book The Dogs in My Life was held at the Taipei Youth Activity Center in Formosa (Taiwan). Dr. Du Bai was at the event and spoke with Supreme Master Ching Hai who participated via videoconference about his experiences of conversing with animals.

I often wonder, “Why are the dogs so intelligent?” It is because they have no language. They communicate with telepathy. Therefore, they are really in direct contact with God, because they don’t need language. Because we often have to speak, think, and make logical judgments, our brain needs to consume a lot of energy to sustain our speech faculty. So, our brains have finally forgotten and have no power to take care of our original sixth sense, the original channel that connects us with God. Therefore, the Buddhists say, “Avoid creating bad karma with your speech.” So to avoid creating bad karma from speech, means to speak less.

Spend more time hugging your dogs. Now I’m becoming increasingly like a dog. So, please forgive me, because I’m now not very good at interacting with people anymore. The occasion today is one that concerns dogs and that’s why I’ve come. I prefer to express my ideas in writing. Actually, I’m not good at social interaction. I’m very sorry! My dog speech shall end here. Thank you very much! Thank you, Supreme Master!

I can understand you very well. It’s the same with me. It’s very difficult to communicate with humans. I’m also like a dog, sir. I’m almost like one.

That Dr. Du, he really understands. Thank you, sir! Thank you. I’m this way too. Sometimes, I’ll say to my attendants and people around me that I get along better with dogs than with humans. This is really true. So, I can understand you. I can understand you. Join the club. Join the club. We two are club members.

Telepathic animal communicators say that connecting inside with our animal friends is an inborn ability we all have, but unfortunately most of us have lost this gift. How can we get it back?

In my understanding, basically, in the Universe, the past, the present and future all exist together. So, why are there so many prophets? It’s because these prophets have a certain receptor, just like a password in a computer, so they can enter a certain time and space and make certain predictions. So, the way I see it, because many things have already happened, they have a record, and that’s why some people can make these predictions.

Animals often have a similar ability. They can feel the information field and receive a lot of information from there. So, some people have evolved to… we can’t say whether it’s an evolution or a regression. Actually everyone has such abilities. For example, why did ancient people worship Heaven, Earth, gods and ghosts? It’s because Heaven, Earth and all things gave them the information in a very direct way. And since these people were very pure minded, it was quite easy for them to receive the information.

But modern people have become too materialistic. We’re occupied by things of the world, and most of these things have polluted us. That’s why we’ve forgotten our original abilities. But actually, all of us have these abilities. It’s just that we don’t know we have them. So, it’s a great pity.

So, can people practice to achieve such communication? Also, how do you think people can return to their true Self to become one with nature, and communicate telepathically with animals?

We can only achieve it through faith because when you believe, when you believe the wonders, your faith offers, when you believe it wholeheartedly, you’d devote yourself totally, you’d accepted it totally, then you will surrender yourself totally. Under these circumstances, you have no worries in your mind. If we have faith, and it’s a righteous path, which is very important, this righteous path will naturally form a kind of affinity.

So even though no one has taught me, and I don’t have a master, throughout my life, I’ve lived by this basic belief system. So, the process of communicating with animals is a process of mutual learning; we learn from them, and they learn from us. It’s a mutual process.

As long as you’re willing, you can do it. I just hope that people can open their mind and deal with animals with a happy heart and go through their lives together. Don’t think too much about the future or the past. Just relax and enjoy the present.

When we return, Dr. Du Bai will tell us more about the inner lives of our animal friends. Please stay tuned to Supreme Master Television.

That’s why I’ve written the book “Living and Dying of the Companion Animal.” Many of my ideas happen to be similar to Supreme Master’s; I think animals are angels sent by God; they’re our fellow practitioners. From the Buddhist point of view, they are our fellow practitioners. And their duty is to unconditionally help us grow and thrive and develop our wisdom.

Welcome back to Animal World: Our Co-Inhabitants. Dr. Du Bai has written the insightful book “Living and Dying of the Companion Animal,” a work that combines Buddhist teachings with New Age thinking. He believes that through the help of our animal companions, we humans can better understand life and death, develop wisdom and have more compassion for all beings.

In my understanding, in the spiritual worlds, there are no genders or different species. All lives come from the same source, and we are all equal, so that means all beings are equal. That origin is the so-called “Buddha Nature.” That’s why Shakyamuni Buddha kept talking about our “Buddha Nature.” Animals also have this Buddha Nature in them, and their understanding is deeper than ours. So, in my understanding, animals are actually more spiritual than us.

I often say that animals are Bodhisattvas in physical form. As said in the Lotus Sutra, when Quan Yin Bodhisattva wanted to save someone, she would transform into a certain physical body. So, if animals felt that a family had the potential, they would enter the life of this family, and then they would use their sickness or death to enlighten the family on the transient nature of life. Cats and dogs are a kind of messenger.

While they were in the other world, they have already made an agreement with their spiritual guides. According to the lessons they had to learn. If they enter a family without religious faith, it’s because they had chosen a harder lesson to learn out of their own free will. But if they enter a family with a very firm religious faith, then they are just here to enjoy their blessed rewards. Then their mission is just to make this family that already has religious faith more complete.

So, it depends on what lessons one decided to learn in another world or another dimension before one was born. It depends on the lessons one had to learn, and then one would have a blueprint. I often say it’s like a blueprint, or a script. This is just a very simple script. It would say who the animal should enlighten, and after that, the animal can return to Heaven. The animals’ life span is very short, only 10, 15 years, and their mission is very simple. In my understanding, their mission is to help us, enlighten us, keep us company and help us grow.

In your book, you mentioned that most people think that it’s they who choose a certain dog to be their friend. But you say it’s the opposite. Instead, it’s the animals who choose their human. Why is there such a theory?

There are many such testimonials. One of my old clients, both his wife and doughter lived in Canada. He lived on the sixth floor of a high-rise apartment. One evening, he heard a scratching noise at his door, and it kept going on and on. When he opened the door, he saw a beautiful black Labrador The dog kept staring at him, and he was smiling at him from ear to ear. Then the dog entered his condo and checked out his rooms, and then he jumped on his sofa and fell soundly asleep.

This man lived on the sixth floor, and there was a security guard downstairs. So he couldn’t understand how the dog had taken the elevator to the sixth floor and found him. He couldn’t figure it out. The dog became very loyal to him as if he had been raised by the man. When the man went out, the dog would follow closely behind him. And when he fed the dog, the dog would only start when the man told him to eat.

A month later, the man’s spiritual master, a Rinpoche, came to visit him from Singapore. When his master saw the dog, he burst out laughing and said, “Ha! You found him!” It turned out that the dog had been the man’s spiritual brother several hundred years earlier. They used to practice spiritually together. My friend was practicing Tibetan Buddhism. His master said that if the dog hadn’t found his spiritual brother, he would have returned to Heaven, and he would be reborn again soon.. The master said that this soul had been looking for his brother for over 200 years. His eyes showed how he adored the man.

We sincerely appreciate Dr. Du Bai sharing his profound knowledge of the animal kingdom with us. Please join us again tomorrow on Animal World: Our Co-Inhabitants for the second and the final part of our interview with Dr. Bai, where he will teach us some techniques for communicating with our animal friends.

Dr. Du Bai’s “Living and Dying of the Companion Animal” is available at and

Vibrant viewers, thank you for watching today’s program. Coming up next is Enlightening Entertainment, after Noteworthy News. May we always respect and cherish all sentient beings.
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