Words of Wisdom
features lectures by Supreme Master Ching Hai, a world-renowned humanitarian, respected spiritual teacher and accomplished artist, which will inspire & ennoble your lives.
October 15, 1989 Santa Cruz, California, USA | Date aired: February 9.11, 2011
Unique Views: 38,110
Part 1
Part 2
December 7, 2010 Dubai, United Arab Emirates (In Arabic) | Date aired: February, 2011
Unique Views: 88,567
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
February 19, 1992 Hong Kong (In Cantonese) | Date aired: January 29.30 / February 1, 2011
Unique Views: 60,952
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
June 5, 1994 Hsihu, Formosa (Taiwan) (,in Formosan) | Date aired: January 22.23, 2011
Unique Views: 50,285
Part 1
Part 2
May 3, 2000 Manila, Philippines (In Tagalog) | Date aired: January 14.15, 2011
Unique Views: 40,027
Part 1
Part 2
Jan. 7 & Feb. 4, 1996 Hsihu, Formosa | Date aired: January 8.9.11, 2011
Unique Views: 66,369
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
November 4, 1989 New York, USA | Date aired: January, 2011
Unique Views: 65,209
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Feb. 24, 1992 - Malaysia (In Malay) | Date aired: December 31, 2010 / January 1, 2011
Unique Views: 35,902
Part 1
Part 2
May 14, 1993 Busan, Korea (In Korean) | Date aired: December 29, 2010
Unique Views: 23,192
May 26, 1999 Ljubljana, Slovenia (In Slovenian) | Date aired: December 26.28, 2010
Unique Views: 35,656
Part 1
Part 2
Dec. 2007 | Date aired: December 25, 2010
Unique Views: 27,110
December 6, 1994 Bangkok, Thailand | Date aired: December 11.12.14, 2010
Unique Views: 51,358
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
November 12, 1993 Texas, USA | Date aired: December 10, 2010
Unique Views: 24,530
December 2, 1988 Pingtung, Formosa (In Formosan) | Date aired: December 5.7.8. 2010
Unique Views: 46,757
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
May 7, 2000 Tokyo, Japan (In Japanese) | Date aired: December 3.4, 2010
Unique Views: 33,131
Part 1
Part 2

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