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Leonardo Dicaprio – Academy-award nominated American Actor:
We face a convergence of crisis.

His Royal Highness Prince Charles – Prince of Wales:
Almost every time the scientific community updates it’s projections, the prognosis looks worse!

Heherson Alvarez – Philippines Presidential Advisor on Climate Change:
The oceans will rise by 7 or even 9 meters; the scientists point out to us.

Professor Katherine Richardson - Marine scientist, University of Copenhagen, Denmark:
From my own personal scientific results, the most alarming thing I see is that the ocean is becoming more acidic.

Dr. Ussif Rashid Sumaila - Director of UBC Fisheries Center, Vancouver, Canada:
Scientists have predicted: every second breath of humans depends on the oceans. So the oceans are central to our livelihoods and our survival on the planet.

Professor Katherine Richardson - Marine scientist, University of Copenhagen, Denmark:
There’s a whole different set of rules in the ocean about what governs ecosystems: it’s the danger of being eaten. What is fisheries? Well it’s a whole new predator, it’s going in and making an artifical eater and putting it into the ocean. So fishing can very much change ecosystems in the ocean and it does.

Captain Paul Watson – Founder and President of the Sea Shephard Conservation Society:
Not many people realize that half of the fish taken out of the ocean isn’t even eaten by people. It’s fed to livestock. We have turned the pig into the largest marine predator on the planet.

His Royal Highness Prince Charles – Prince of Wales:
And this is one of the most frustrating aspects of the crisis in which we find ourselves. On the whole we continue with business as usual, happy to clutch at any straw thrown out by those who are in denial about the stark scientific realities.

Howard Lyman – Former Cattle Rancher turned Vegan and Animal Rights Advocate:
If we are going to survive as a species, we have to understand that the proper amount of animal products to have in our diet is zero. We need to be the people that start the change!

His Royal Highness Prince Charles – Prince of Wales:
We should not pin all our hopes on massive and risky technical fixes. So much of what we need to build cleaner and more efficient communities is already with us often in the form of working more in harmony with nature’s genius.

Leonardo Dicaprio – Academy-award nominated American Actor:
Our response depends on the conscious evolution of our species. And this response could very well save this unique blue planet for future generations.

Dr. Kirk R. Smith – Professor of Global Environmental Health, University of California Berkeley:
So the bottom line is: Be Veg. Go Green. And Save the Planet.

관련 링크
사랑스런 삶의 터전, 지구 피터 와드 박사와 과거에서 배우자-대규모 멸종과 지구온난화
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산호초 보호 - 앤드류 로시터 박사와 삼호 전문가 찰스 델빅
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An Interview with Dr. Kirk Smith, Professor of Global Environmental Health at UC Berkeley
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해양의 임계점이 예상보다 빨리지고 있습니다
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