Vegetáriánizmus - Egy nemes életmód
Fülöp-szigeteki vega Kare-Kare (hagyományos pörkölt földimogyoró szószban) (tagalog nyelven)      
1 cup vegan ham, cubed
5 long beans
1 eggplant
1 banana heart
5 pechay leaves (Chinese cabbage)
3 tablespoons oil
colored with atchuete (annatto oil)
3 tablespoons cornstarch
2 cups water
2 garlic cloves, minced
1 onion, sliced
2 teaspoons peanut butter
3 teaspoons sugar
Salt for taste
Vegan bagoong

  1. Cut the petchay into two.
  2. Chop the eggplant into long rectangular shape.
  3. Cut the banana heart into fours.
  4. Cut the long beans into three.
  5. Chop the garlic and onions.
  6. Heat the pan and put in the oil colored with atchuete.
  7. Add in the garlic and onions. Saute them but not let them get overcooked.
  8. Add in the veggie ham and then the banana heart.
  9. Add in the long beans. Let them cook.
  10. Meanwhile, prepare the cornstarch and water mixture.
  11. Put in the cornstarch mixture and let it boil.
  12. Add in 2 teaspoons of peanut butter.
  13. Add in the sugar.
  14. Add in the salt to taste. Mix everything.
  15. Add in the eggplant and the petchay.
  16. Mix again. Now the kare-kare is sticky.
  17. Boil until all the veggies are done. Maybe for about 5 minutes.
  18. The Veggie Kare-Kare is done.
  19. Serve it with the vegetarian bagoong in the middle of the plate.

File NO: 916
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